990 resultados para Croce, Marcela


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O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o quanto o chamado idealismo italiano de Croce e Gentile é, em verdade, dependente da concepção religiosa italiana. Para tanto, nos deteremos, na primeira parte do nosso trabalho, principalmente numa análise das teses de Maurizio Viroli. Já no segundo parte do nosso artigo nos deteremos na análise dessa temática dentro do conceito de religião da liberdade em Croce. Assim, após tal inventário, teceremos nossas conclusões. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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The primary goal in hard tissue engineering is to combine high-performance scaffold materials with living cells to develop biologically active substitutes that can restore tissue functions. This requires relevant knowledge in multidisciplinary fields encompassing chemical engineering, material science, chemistry, biology and nanotechnology. Here we present an overview on the recent progress of how two representative carbon nanostructures, namely, carbon nanotubes and graphene, aid and advance the research in hard tissue engineering. The article focuses on the advantages and challenges of integrating these carbon nanostructures into functional scaffolds for repairing and regenerative purposes. It includes, but is not limited to, the critical physico-chemical properties of carbon nanomaterials for enhanced cell interactions such as adhesion, morphogenesis, proliferation and differentiation; the novel designs of two- and three-dimensional nanostructured scaffolds; multifunctional hybrid materials; and the biocompatible aspects of carbon nanotubes and graphene. Perspectives on the future research directions are also given, in an attempt to shed light on the innovative and rational design of more effective biomedical devices in hard tissue engineering.


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Ascorbate (vitamin C) is an essential antioxidant and enzyme cofactor in both plants and animals. Ascorbate concentration is tightly regulated in plants, partly to respond to stress. Here, we demonstrate that ascorbate concentrations are determined via the posttranscriptional repression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase (GGP), a major control enzyme in the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway. This regulation requires a cis-acting upstream open reading frame (uORF) that represses the translation of the downstream GGP open reading frame under high ascorbate concentration. Disruption of this uORF stops the ascorbate feedback regulation of translation and results in increased ascorbate concentrations in leaves. The uORF is predicted to initiate at a noncanonical codon (ACG rather than AUG) and encode a 60- to 65-residue peptide. Analysis of ribosome protection data from Arabidopsis thaliana showed colocation of high levels of ribosomes with both the uORF and the main coding sequence of GGP. Together, our data indicate that the noncanonical uORF is translated and encodes a peptide that functions in the ascorbate inhibition of translation. This posttranslational regulation of ascorbate is likely an ancient mechanism of control as the uORF is conserved in GGP genes from mosses to angiosperms.


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Organ-specific immunity is a feature of many infectious diseases, including visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani. Experimental visceral leishmaniasis in genetically susceptible mice is characterized by an acute, resolving infection in the liver and chronic infection in the spleen. CD4+ T cell responses are critical for the establishment and maintenance of hepatic immunity in this disease model, but their role in chronically infected spleens remains unclear. In this study, we show that dendritic cells are critical for CD4+ T cell activation and expansion in all tissue sites examined. We found that FTY720-mediated blockade of T cell trafficking early in infection prevented Ag-specific CD4+ T cells from appearing in lymph nodes, but not the spleen and liver, suggesting that early CD4+ T cell priming does not occur in liver-draining lymph nodes. Extended treatment with FTY720 over the first month of infection increased parasite burdens, although this associated with blockade of lymphocyte egress from secondary lymphoid tissue, as well as with more generalized splenic lymphopenia. Importantly, we demonstrate that CD4+ T cells are required for the establishment and maintenance of antiparasitic immunity in the liver, as well as for immune surveillance and suppression of parasite outgrowth in chronically infected spleens. Finally, although early CD4+ T cell priming appeared to occur most effectively in the spleen, we unexpectedly revealed that protective CD4+ T cell-mediated hepatic immunity could be generated in the complete absence of all secondary lymphoid tissues.


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Tutkimuksen aihepiirinä on viimeaikaisen (1997-2004) Yhdysvaltain presidentti-instituution uskonnollinen retoriikka William J. Clintonin ja George W. Bushin virkakausina. Tutkimuksen tehtävä on selvittää, miten presidentti-instituutio hyödyntää uskonnollista retoriikkaa legimitaationa virallisissa poliittisissa linjanvetopuheissaan, kuten virkaanastujais- ja liittovaltion tila -puheissaan. Tutkimustehtävä jakautuu seuraaviin alakysymyksiin: 1) Millaisilla kansalaisuskonnollisilla käsityksillä ja keinoilla legimitaatiota yritetään tuottaa? 2) Ovatko kansalaisuskonnon keinot viimeaikaisten presidenttien keskeisintä työvälineistöä identifioinnissa ja erottautumisissa? 3) Ovatko kansalaisuskonnolliset teemat naturalisoituneet, luonnollistuneet? Tiivistetysti on tarkoitus tutkia viimeaikaisten presidenttien virallisista puheiden kautta, kuinka uskonto ja valtio liittyvät toisiinsa. Perusolettamukseni on, että presidentit hyödyntävät keskeisesti kansalaisuskonnollista retoriikkaa vakuuttaakseen yleisönsä ja politiikkansa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu koostuu kahden Yhdysvaltain presidentin William J. Clintonin (1993-2001) ja George W. Bushin (2001-) presidenttien virallisista puheista, jotka on pidetty vuosina 1997-2004. Viralliset puheet ovat virkaanastujais- (Inaugural Address) ja vuosittaiset liittovaltion tila -puheet (Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union). Puheita on kymmenen ja niiden pituus on keskimäärin viisi sivua. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys tukeutuu kanadalaisen uskontososiologin Marcela Cristin uudenlaiselle käsitykselle (2001) kansalaisuskonnosta poliittisena uskontona. Tämä hyödyntää kansalaisuskonnon durkheimilaista taustaa yhdistäen Jean-Jacques Rousseuaun religion civile-teesiä. Cristin mukaan kansalaisuskonto manifestoituu kahdella tavalla: sekä durkheimilaisena kulttuurisena kansalaismuotona (civil) ja rousseualaisena ideologiana (political). Nämä eivät hänen mukaansa ole toisilleen vastakohtia, vaan yhden jatkumon osia. Tutkielman metodologinen lähestymistapa on uusretorinen analyysi ja teoreettis-medologisena viitekehyksenä on sosiaalinen konstruktivismi. Analyysin perusolettamus on, että presidentti-instituution luomassa merkityksen rakennetaan sosiaalisesta todellisuutta. Instituution retoriikka suuntautuu tiettyyn sosiaaliseen yhteisöön yrittäen legimitoida mahdollisimman laajaa joukkoa politiikkansa taakse. Analyysin tuloksena huomattiin, että presidentti-instituutio hyödyntää aktiivisesti kansalaisuskonnollisia teemoja. Molempien presidentti-instituutioiden uskonnollisessa nationalismissa hyödynnetään kansalaisuskonnollisuuden sekä protestanttis-puritaanista että valistuksellista taustaa. Kyse on oikeastaan siitä,kuinka nämä puolet saavat painotuksensa. Selvää on, että molemmat presidentit hyödyntävät kaikkia kansalaisuskonnollisuuden kolmea ulottuvuutta. Molemmilta löytyy retorinen tukeutuminen transsendenssiin, moraalistinen yhteisöllisyyden vaatimus. Clintonin uskonnollinen retoriikkaa jakaantuu kahteen ulkoisesti ristiriitaiseen käsitteelliseen linssiin: lupauksellisuus ja perustajallisuus. Ne yhdistyvät hänen nimittämisissään millenniaaliseksi yhteisöksi. Bushin uskonnollinen retoriikka tukeutuu transsendenttiseen ulottuvuuteen. Hänen käsitteelisiä linssejä ovat aktiivisen Jumalan monet roolit ja ajan siunauksellisuus. (Ks. luku 8. johtopäätökset ja jatkotutkimus.) Avainsanat: Yhdysvallat, presidentti-instituutio, kansalaisuskonto, uskonnollinen retoriikka, William J. Clinton, George W.Bush


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Protein-energy malnutrition and mineral deficiencies are two of the three forms of nutritional deficiencies that affect most developing countries due to inadequate access to food and diets based on a sole crop. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the staple crop of Nicaragua and it has the potential to improve the nutritional status of the poorest group of the nation. Its high content of both protein and nonhaem iron provides many nutrients, but inhibitors also may prevent absorption of iron and zinc by the human consumer. A proper production chain must be followed to ensure the best grain quality for the consumer. To achieve food security, both production and high nutritional content must be maintained. Four nationally important accessions of common bean, with different harvesting dates, were selected to be submitted to two treatments: to evaluate the impact of storage conditions on the end quality of the grain. The duration of the study was six months with sampling every six weeks, and the two treatments were controlled one stored at 40°C and 75 RH %, and the other was stored in in-situ conditions. Proximate and mineral composition was evaluated as well as tannin, phytate and bioavailability. Significant differences among different accessions were found, being the most significant in protein, Fe and Zn content, tannins and phytate. Protein values ranged from 21-23%. Iron content was 61-81 mg/kg but only 3-4% was bioavailable. Zinc content was 21-25 mg/kg and 10-12% was bioavailable. The concentration of phytate ranged from 8.6-9.6 mg/g while tannin values ranged within 37.7-43.8 mg/g. Storage at high temperatures was demonstrated to have an impact on certain nutritional compounds and proved detrimental to final grain quality. Soluble sugar content and tannin content decreased after six months in both storage conditions, IDF decreased in the in-situ and SDF in the stress. The iron content and bioavailability in INTA Biofortificado were not as outstanding as expected, so experiments should be conducted to compare its iron uptake and delivery with other cultivars.


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Chronic periodontitis results from a complex aetiology, including the formation of a subgingival biofilm and the elicitation of the host s immune and inflammatory response. The hallmark of chronic periodontitis is alveolar bone loss and soft periodontal tissue destruction. Evidence supports that periodontitis progresses in dynamic states of exacerbation and remission or quiescence. The major clinical approach to identify disease progression is the tolerance method, based on sequential probing. Collagen degradation is one of the key events in periodontal destructive lesions. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and MMP-13 are the primary collagenolytic MMPs that are associated with the severity of periodontal inflammation and disease, either by a direct breakdown of the collagenised matrix or by the processing of non-matrix bioactive substrates. Despite the numerous host mediators that have been proposed as potential biomarkers for chronic periodontitis, they reflect inflammation rather than the loss of periodontal attachment. The aim of the present study was to determine the key molecular MMP-8 and -13 interactions in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and gingival tissue from progressive periodontitis lesions and MMP-8 null allele mouse model. In study (I), GCF and gingival biopsies from active and inactive sites of chronic periodontitis patients, which were determined clinically by the tolerance method, and healthy GCF were analysed for MMP-13 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1. Chronic periodontitis was characterised by increased MMP-13 levels and the active sites showed a tendency of decreased TIMP-1 levels associated with increments of MMP-13 and total protein concentration compared to inactive sites. In study (II), we investigated whether MMP-13 activity was associated with TIMP-1, bone collagen breakdown through ICTP levels, as well as the activation rate of MMP-9 in destructive lesions. The active sites demonstrated increased GCF ICTP levels as well as lowered TIMP-1 detection along with elevated MMP-13 activity. MMP-9 activation rate was enhanced by MMP-13 in diseased gingival tissue. In study (III), we analysed the potential association between the levels, molecular forms, isoenzyme distribution and degree of activation of MMP-8, MMP-14, MPO and the inhibitor TIMP-1 in GCF from periodontitis progressive patients at baseline and after periodontal therapy. A positive correlation was found for MPO/MMP-8 and their levels associated with progression episodes and treatment response. Because MMP-8 is activated by hypochlorous acid in vitro, our results suggested an interaction between the MPO oxidative pathway and MMP-8 activation in GCF. Finally, in study (IV), on the basis of the previous finding that MMP-8-deficient mice showed impaired neutrophil responses and severe alveolar bone loss, we aimed to characterise the detection patterns of LIX/CXCL5, SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL in P. gingivalis-induced experimental periodontitis and in the MMP-8-/- murine model. The detection of neutrophil-chemoattractant LIX/CXCL5 was restricted to the oral-periodontal interface and its levels were reduced in infected MMP-8 null mice vs. wild type mice, whereas the detection of SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL in periodontal tissues increased in experimentally-induced periodontitis, irrespectively from the genotype. Accordingly, MMP-8 might regulate LIX/CXCL5 levels by undetermined mechanisms, and SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL might promote the development and/or progression of periodontitis.


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Emerging evidence indicates that precise regulation of iron (Fe) metabolism and maintenance of Fe homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) are essential for its survival and proliferation in the host. IdeR is a central transcriptional regulator of Mtb genes involved in Fe metabolism. While it is well understood how IdeR functions as a repressor, how it induces transcription of a subset of its targets is still unclear. We investigated the molecular mechanism of IdeR-mediated positive regulation of bfrB, the gene encoding the major Fe-storage protein of Mtb. We found that bfrB induction by Fe required direct interaction of IdeR with a DNA sequence containing four tandem IdeR-binding boxes located upstream of the bfrB promoter. Results of in vivo and in vitro transcription assays identified a direct repressor of bfrB, the histone-like protein Lsr2. IdeR counteracted Lsr2-mediated repression in vitro, suggesting that IdeR induces bfrB transcription by antagonizing the repressor activity of Lsr2. Together, these results elucidate the main mechanism of bfrB positive regulation by IdeR and identify Lsr2 as a new factor contributing to Fe homeostasis in mycobacteria.


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En este estudio se realizó un diagnóstico sobre la implementación de las buenas prácticas avícolas (BPA) en pequeños y medianos productores de huevos de consumo, en los departamentos de Masaya, Managua y Chinandega, en el periodo comprendido de febrero del 2011 a Febrero del 2012. Se seleccionó la muestra de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios: Ubicación de las granjas avícolas, anuencia de la gerencia para participar en el estudio, avicultores líderes en su zona, productores con diez años de ser productores de huevos de consumo. Se encuestaron 20 granjas que corresponden al 33.89% del total de granjas en los tres departamentos. El tipo de preguntas en la encuesta fue de tipo cerrada con 7 componentes de BPA (personal; instalaciones; bioseguridad; suministro de agua y alimento; control de plagas; registros; medio ambiente). Los datos se procesaron y analizaron en Excel ® 2007. El nivel de cumplimiento se expresó a través de gráficos de barras verticales comparativos porcentualmente, con la finalidad de determinar las BPA de mayor y menor aplicación en los departamentos bajo estudio. Respecto a las BPA de mayor y menor aplicación en los tres departamentos, los componentes de mayor aplicación fueron: instalaciones; bioseguridad; registros; suministro de agua y alimentos. Los registros obtuvieron el mayor valor de cumplimiento con 93.75%. En cuanto al Porcentaje de aplicación de BPA por departamento, Chinandega presentó las más altas aplicaciones en los componentes: Personal (87.50%), Instalaciones (100%), Bioseguridad (100%), Control de plagas (64.29%), Medio Ambiente (75%) y Suministro de agua y alimento (94.44%), por su parte de manera global, Masaya mostró la mayor aplicación en el componente Registros con 96.15%.


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Con el objetivo de verificar la presencia del hongo causante de la enfermedad de las cerezas verdes también conocida como coffea berry disease (CBD), se recolectaron nuestras en siete fincas de Coffea arabica L en la IV y VI Región de Nicaragua, ubicadas a diferentes pisos altitudinales y manejo agronómico. El estudio de las cepas obtenidas se realizó en el laboratorio de Fitopatología de la Escuela de Sanidad Vegetal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) durante el período comprendido de Agosto de 1991-Agosto 1992. Se encontraron cuatro grupos asociadas al sistema: Colletotrichum coffeanum Noack y Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes Penz con tres formas conocidas como cca. ccm v Vermeulen. Colletotrichum coffeanum variedad virulans Noack causante del coffee berry disease (CBD) o enfermedad de las cerezas verdes en África no fue reconocido en las zonas de estudio. Cada grupo, presentó diferentes características ecológicas, patogénicas y monoculturales que son cualitativamente similares a los grupos de Kenia (África), referidas por Gibbs (1969), Hindorf (1970; 1972) y Muthappa (1976), pero no idénticos. El hongo fue encontrado parasitando las cerezas verdes y maduras del cafeto, y aunque sus características in vitro no fueron similares a las del hongo causante del CBD, sus cepas desarrollaron patogenicidad en ridículas, y plántulas de café con dos hojas cotiledonales (variedad Catuaí amarillo). Se desconocen los factores que están induciendo a la selectividad del patógeno, y pensamos que deben realizarse más estudios de manera integral, acerca de todos los elementos que influyen en el sistema, como la fertilización del cultivo, la conservación de suelos, el uso de fungicidas, etc. Para evitar a tiempo cualquier explosión epidémica de la antracnosis en que los costos de producción se elevarían, y las pérdidas serían cuantiosas debido a que el área sembrado sería reducido.


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El presente trabajo se realizó con la finalidad de determinar el efecto de diferentes arreglos de siembra (0.3 metro entre surco por 7 plantas por metro lineal; 0.6 metro entre surco por 15 plantas por metro lineal: 0.6 metro entre surco por 18 plantas por metro lineal; O.7 metro entre surco por 25 plantas por metro lineal; 0.8 metro entre surco por 30 plantas por metro lineal y 0.9 metro entre surco por 36 plantas por metro lineal) sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de la soya (Glycine max L) variedad CEA-CH-86, bajo las condiciones ecológicas de la finca La Concepción, Nagarote León. El ensayo se estableció en la siembra de postrera de 1999, utilizándose un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Se encontró que los componentes de crecimiento (altura, diámetro y hojas por planta) presentaron diferencias a los 50 y 70 días después de la siembra y para las variables evaluadas para el rendimiento y sus principales componentes solamente se encontraron diferencias no significativas para el número de semillas por vainas y peso de mil granos. Los resultados del análisis de varianza indican que el arreglo de siembra 0.6 metro entre surco por 18 plantas por metro lineal obtuvo el mayor rendimiento (2,925.72 kg/ha) y la más alta tasa de retomo marginal {867. 16 por ciento).


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El tema a desarrollar a lo largo de este trabajo se refiere a la flexibilización de la legítima hereditaria. Propondré una modificación legislativa que disminuya las restricciones actuales tan severas, para testar con mayor libertad. Sin perjuicio de ello, considero que la familia, base fundamental de la sociedad, debe ser protegida por el Estado mediante la legislación respectiva, sin aspirar a sustituirla.


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Resumen: La leyenda franca del descubrimiento de los restos de Santiago plantea una serie de problemas que trascienden la historia del Camino en sí mismo. Desde hace más de quince años he trabajado sobre los vínculos culturales entre Hispania y Galia. Coincidí con la tesis de Rucquoi, sobre las rutas del saber y retrotraje su hipótesis de trabajo hasta el siglo VIII. En este artículo intento exponer mi hipótesis sobre la posible relación entre las reliquias compostelanas y la Sacralización del Imperio Alemán durante el reinado de Federico I Barbarroja.


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Contenido: Formas de la caridad en la España visigoda / Raquel Homet – Los desplazamientos de la corte castellana. Notas para su estudio / María Estela González de Fauve ; Norah B. Ramos ; Patricia de Forteza – Carácter socioeconómico de los juegos y entretenimientos en Castilla. Siglos XIII al XV / María Marcela Mantel – La corrupción en la función pública. Castilla siglo XV / María del Carmen Carlé – Huertas en el siglo XVI. Estructura, características, producción / María Cristina Longinotti – La escuela primaria: vanguardia del pensamiento de Lorenzo Luzuriaga / Teresa María Dabusti – La Gaceta de Madrid. Fuente para el estudio de la reforma agraria / Cayetano Espejo Marín – Documento: Prisión por herir una figura de Cristo (año 1463) – Traducción: Réplicas de los embajadores franceses a las respuestas dadas a sus peticiones por el rey de Castilla (1450), por el “Equipo de traducción y comentario de textos latinos medievales” – Reseñas bibliográficas