956 resultados para Critical value


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We investigate the dynamics of a sinusoidally driven ferromagnetic martensitic ribbon by adopting a recently introduced model that involves strain and magnetization as order parameters. Retaining only the dominant mode of excitation we reduce the coupled set of partial differential equations for strain and magnetization to a set of coupled ordinary nonlinear equations for the strain and magnetization amplitudes. The equation for the strain amplitude takes the form of parametrically driven oscillator. Finite strain amplitude can only be induced beyond a critical value of the strength of the magnetic field. Chaotic response is seen for a range of values of all the physically interesting parameters. The nature of the bifurcations depends on the choice of temperature relative to the ordering of the Curie and the martensite transformation temperatures. We have studied the nature of response as a function of the strength and frequency of the magnetic field, and magneto-elastic coupling. In general, the bifurcation diagrams with respect to these parameters do not follow any standard route. The rich dynamics exhibited by the model is further illustrated by the presence of mixed mode oscillations seen for low frequencies. The geometric structure of the mixed mode oscillations in the phase space has an unusual deep crater structure with an outer and inner cone on which the orbits circulate. We suggest that these features should be seen in experiments on driven magneto-martensitic ribbons. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The spin dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) is studied on a triangular lattice using numerical diagonalization technique and Monte-Carlo simulation algorithm. Magnetic properties have been explored for different values of parameters: on-site Coulomb correlation U, exchange interaction J and filling of electrons. We have found that the ground state configurations exhibit long range Neel order, ferromagnetism or a mixture of both as J is varied. The magnetic moments of itinerant (d) and localized U) electrons are also studied. For the one-fourth filling case we found no magnetic moment from d- and f-electrons for U less than a critical value. `.2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study reports the constitutive response and energy absorption capabilities of fluid-impregnated carbon nanotube (CNT) foams under compressive loading as a function of fluid viscosity and loading rates. At all strain rates tested, we observe two characteristic regimes: below a critical value, increasing fluid viscosity increases the load bearing and energy absorption capacities; after a critical value of the fluid's viscosity, we observe a rapid decrease in the systems' mechanical performance. For a given fluid viscosity, the load bearing capacity of the structure slightly decreases with strain rate. A phenomenological model, accounting for fluid-CNT interaction, is developed to explain the observed mechanical behavior. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Current interferon alpha-based treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection fails to cure a sizeable fraction of patients treated. The cause of this treatment failure remains unknown. Here using mathematical modelling, we predict treatment failure to be a consequence of the emergent properties of the interferon-signalling network. HCV induces bistability in the network, creating a new steady state where it can persist. Cells that admit the new steady state alone are refractory to interferon. Using a model of viral kinetics, we show that when the fraction of cells refractory to interferon in a patient exceeds a critical value, treatment fails. Direct-acting antivirals that suppress HCV replication can eliminate the new steady state, restoring interferon sensitivity and improving treatment response. Our study thus presents a new conceptual basis of HCV persistence and treatment response, elucidates the origin of the synergy between interferon and direct-acting antivirals, and facilitates rational treatment optimization.


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The uplift resistance of pipelines buried in sands, in the presence of inclined groundwater flow, considering both upward and downward flow directions, has been determined by using the lower bound finite elements limit analysis in conjunction with nonlinear optimization. A correction factor (f (gamma) ), which needs to be multiplied with the uplift factor (F (gamma) ), has been computed to account for groundwater seepage. The variation of f (gamma) has been obtained as a function of i(gamma (w) /gamma (sub) ) for different horizontal inclinations (theta) of groundwater flow; where i = absolute magnitude of hydraulic gradient along the direction of flow, gamma (w) is the unit weight of water and gamma (sub) is the submerged unit weight of soil mass. For a given magnitude of i, there exists a certain critical value of theta for which the magnitude of f (gamma) becomes the minimum. An example has also been presented to illustrate the application of the results obtained for designing pipelines in presence of groundwater seepage.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic fluid past a flexible solid medium is carried out to investigate the role of polymer addition in the stability behavior. The system consists of a viscoelastic fluid layer of thickness R, density rho, viscosity eta, relaxation time lambda, and retardation time beta lambda flowing past a linear elastic solid medium of thickness HR, density rho, and shear modulus G. The emphasis is on the high-Reynolds-number wall-mode instability, which has recently been shown in experiments to destabilize the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in soft-walled tubes and channels at a significantly lower Reynolds number than that for flows in rigid conduits. For Newtonian fluids, the linear stability studies have shown that the wall modes become unstable when flow Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value Re c which scales as Sigma(3/4), where Reynolds number Re = rho VR/eta, V is the top-plate velocity, and dimensionless parameter Sigma = rho GR(2)/eta(2) characterizes the fluid-solid system. For high-Reynolds-number flow, the addition of polymer tends to decrease the critical Reynolds number in comparison to that for the Newtonian fluid, indicating a destabilizing role for fluid viscoelasticity. Numerical calculations show that the critical Reynolds number could be decreased by up to a factor of 10 by the addition of small amount of polymer. The critical Reynolds number follows the same scaling Re-c similar to Sigma(3/4) as the wall modes for a Newtonian fluid for very high Reynolds number. However, for moderate Reynolds number, there exists a narrow region in beta-H parametric space, corresponding to very dilute polymer solution (0.9 less than or similar to beta < 1) and thin solids (H less than or similar to 1.1), in which the addition of polymer tends to increase the critical Reynolds number in comparison to the Newtonian fluid. Thus, Reynolds number and polymer properties can be tailored to either increase or decrease the critical Reynolds number for unstable modes, thus providing an additional degree of control over the laminar-turbulent transition.


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The present experimental work is concerned with the study of amplitude dependent acoustic response of an isothermal coaxial swirling jet. The excitation amplitude is increased in five distinct steps at the burner's Helmholtz resonator mode (i.e., 100 Hz). Two flow states are compared, namely, sub-critical and super-critical vortex breakdown (VB) that occur before and after the critical conical sheet breakdown, respectively. The geometric swirl number is varied in the range 2.14-4.03. Under the influence of external pulsing, global response characteristics are studied based on the topological changes observed in time-averaged 2D flow field. These are obtained from high resolution 2D PIV (particle image velocimetry) in the longitudinal-mid plane. PIV results also illustrate the changes in the normalized vortex core coordinates (r(vcc)/(r(vcc))(0) (Hz), y(vcc)/(y(vcc))(0) (Hz)) of internal recirculation zone (IRZ). A strong forced response is observed at 100 Hz (excitation frequency) in the convectively unstable region which get amplified based on the magnitude of external forcing. The radial extent of this forced response region at a given excitation amplitude is represented by the acoustic response region (b). The topological placement of the responsive convectively unstable region is a function of both the intensity of imparted swirl (characterized by swirl number) and forcing amplitude. It is observed that for sub-critical VB mode, an increase in the excitation amplitude till a critical value shifts the vortex core centre (particularly, the vortex core moves downstream and radially outwards) leading to drastic fanning-out/widening of the IRZ. This is accompanied by similar to 30% reduction in the recirculation velocity of the IRZ. It is also observed that b < R (R: radial distance from central axis to outer shear layer-OSL). At super-critical amplitudes, the sub-critical IRZ topology transits back (the vortex core retracts upstream and radially inwards) and finally undergoes a transverse shrinkage ((r(vcc))/(r(vcc))(0 Hz) decreases by similar to 20%) when b >= R. In contrast, the vortex core of super-critical breakdown mode consistently spreads radially outwards and is displaced further downstream. Finally, the IRZ fans-out at the threshold excitation amplitude. However, the acoustic response region b is still less than R. This is explained based on the characteristic geometric swirl number (S-G) of the flow regimes. The super-critical flow mode with higher S-G (hence, higher radial pressure drop due to rotational effect which scales as Delta P similar to rho u theta(2) and acts inwards towards the center line) compared to sub-critical state imposes a greater resistance to the radial outward spread of b. As a result, the acoustic energy supplied to the super-critical flow mode increases the degree of acoustic response at the pulsing frequency and energizes its harmonics (evident from power spectra). As a disturbance amplifier, the stronger convective instability mode within the flow structure of super-critical VB causes the topology to widen/fan-out severely at threshold excitation amplitude. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The room-temperature synthesis of mono-dispersed gold nanoparticles, by the reduction of chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) with tannic acid as the reducing and stabilizing agent, is carried out in a microchannel. The microchannel is fabricated with one soft wall, so that there is a spontaneous transition to turbulence, and thereby enhanced mixing, when the flow Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The objective of the study is to examine whether the nanoparticle size and polydispersity can be modified by enhancing the mixing in the microchannel device. The flow rates are varied in order to study nanoparticle formation both in laminar flow and in the chaotic flow after transition, and the molar ratio of the chlorauric acid to tannic acid is also varied to study the effect of molar ratio on nanoparticle size. The formation of gold nanoparticles is examined by UV-visual spectroscopy and the size distribution is determined using scanning electron microscopy. The synthesized nanoparticles size decreases from a parts per thousand yen6 nm to a parts per thousand currency sign4 nm when the molar ratio of chlorauric acid to tannic acid is increased from 1 to 20. It is found that there is no systematic variation of nanoparticle size with flow velocity, and the nanoparticle size is not altered when the flow changes from laminar to turbulent. However, the standard deviation of the size distribution decreases by about 30% after transition, indicating that the enhanced mixing results in uniformity of particle size.


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Phase change heat transfer in porous media finds applications in various geological flows and modern heat pipes. We present a study to show the effect of phase change on heat transfer in a porous channel. We show that the ratio of Jakob numbers based on wall superheat and inlet fluid subcooling governs the liquid-vapor interface location in the porous channel and below a critical value of the ratio, the liquid penetrates all the way to the extent of the channel in the flow direction. In such cases, the Nusselt number is higher due to the proximity of the liquid-vapor interface to the heat loads. For higher heat loads or lower subcooling of the liquid, the liquid-vapor interface is pushed toward the inlet, and heat transfer occurs through a wider vapor region thus resulting in a lower Nusselt number. This study is relevant in the designing of efficient two-phase heat exchangers such as capillary suction based heat pipes where a prior estimation of the interface location for the maximum heat load is required to ensure that the liquid-vapor interface is always inside the porous block for its operation.


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Self-assembly has been recognized as an efficient tool for generating a wide range of functional, chemically, or physically textured surfaces for applications in small scale devices. In this work, we investigate the stability of thin films of polymer solutions. For low concentrations of polymer in the solution, long length scale dewetting patterns are obtained with wavelength approximately few microns. Whereas, for concentrations above a critical value, bimodal dispersion curves are obtained with the dominant wavelength being up to two orders smaller than the usual dewetting length scale. We further show that the short wavelength corresponds to the phase separation in the film resulting in uniformly distributed high and low concentration regions. Interestingly, due to the solvent entropy, at very high concentration values of polymer, a re-entrant behaviour is observed with the dominant length scale now again corresponding to the dewetting wavelength. Thus, we show that the binary films of polymer solutions provide additional control parameters that can be utilized for generating functional textured surfaces for various applications. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A nano-scale instability in the beta phase resulting in the formation of the disordered orthorhombic O' phase has been discovered in a fairly dilute binary Ti-Mo alloy, using selected area electron diffraction and high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy. The O' phase informed in the alloy when the Mo content exceeds a critical value. The instability occurs in beta-solutionized samples that have been quenched to room temperature and is found to co-exist with athermal omega to phase. Interestingly, this nano-scale instability, involving the {110}<1<(1)over bar>0> soft-phonon shuffle, occurs in the beta phase without deliberate additions of either interstitial or substitutional solutes. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We perform global linear stability analysis and idealized numerical simulations in global thermal balance to understand the condensation of cold gas from hot/virial atmospheres (coronae), in particular the intracluster medium (ICM). We pay particular attention to geometry (e.g. spherical versus plane-parallel) and the nature of the gravitational potential. Global linear analysis gives a similar value for the fastest growing thermal instability modes in spherical and Cartesian geometries. Simulations and observations suggest that cooling in haloes critically depends on the ratio of the cooling time to the free-fall time (t(cool)/t(ff)). Extended cold gas condenses out of the ICM only if this ratio is smaller than a threshold value close to 10. Previous works highlighted the difference between the nature of cold gas condensation in spherical and plane-parallel atmospheres; namely, cold gas condensation appeared easier in spherical atmospheres. This apparent difference due to geometry arises because the previous plane-parallel simulations focused on in situ condensation of multiphase gas but spherical simulations studied condensation anywhere in the box. Unlike previous claims, our non-linear simulations show that there are only minor differences in cold gas condensation, either in situ or anywhere, for different geometries. The amount of cold gas depends on the shape of tcool/tff; gas has more time to condense if gravitational acceleration decreases towards the centre. In our idealized plane-parallel simulations with heating balancing cooling in each layer, there can be significant mass/energy/momentum transfer across layers that can trigger condensation and drive tcool/tff far beyond the critical value close to 10.


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For the flame spread over thermally thin combustibles in an atmosphere, if the atmosphere cannot emit and absorb the thermal radiation (e.g. for atmosphere Of O-2-N-2), the conductive heat transfer from the flame to the fuel surface dominates the flame spread at lower ambient atmosphere. As the ambient pressure increases, the flame spread rate increases, and the radiant heat transfer from the flame to the fuel surface gradually becomes the dominant driving force for the flame spread. In contrast, if the atmosphere is able to emit and absorb the thermal radiation (e.g. for atmosphere Of O-2-CO2), at lower pressure, the heat transfer from flame to the fuel surface is enhanced by the radiation reabsorption of the atmosphere at the leading edge of the flame, and both conduction and thermal radiation play important roles in the mechanism of flame spread. With the increase in ambient pressure, the oxygen diffuses more quickly from ambient atmosphere into the flame, the chemical reaction in the flame is enhanced, and the flame spread rate increases. When the ambient pressure is greater than a critical value, the thermal radiation from the flame to the solid surface is hampered by the radiation reabsorption of ambient atmosphere with the further increase in ambient pressure. As a result, with the increase in ambient pressure, the flame spread rate decreases and the heat conduction gradually dominates the flame spread over the fuel surface.


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In this paper, we study nonlinear Kramers problem by investigating overdamped systems ruled by the one-dimensional nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. We obtain an analytic expression for the Kramers escape rate under quasistationary conditions by employing


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Suction bucket foundations are widely used in the offshore platform for the exploitation of the offshore petroleum and natural gas resources. During winter seasons, ice sheets formed in Bohai Bay will impose strong impact and result in strong vibration on the platform. This paper describes a dynamic loading device developed on the geotechnical centrifuge and its application in modeling suction bucket foundation under the equivalent ice-induced vibration loadings. Some experimental results are presented. It is shown that when the loading amplitude is over a critical value, the sand at the upper part around the bucket softens or even liquefies. The excess pore pressure decreases from the upper part to the lower part of the sand foundation in vertical direction while decreases from near to far away from the bucket's side wall in the horizontal direction. Large settlements of the bucket and the sand around the bucket occur under the horizontal dynamic loading. The dynamic responses of the bucket with smaller size are heavier.