976 resultados para Crenças de professores de inglês


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For some time, researchers in teacher education (ZEICHNER; LISTON, 1996; GIMENEZ, 2005) have been drawing attention to the need to place undergraduates in contexts of practice that help them make sense of the theoretical training they receive in the graduation course. In this article, we discuss the intersection between school and university for initial foreign language teacher education through activities carried out under the Brazilian Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching – Language and Literature of a state university. These activities were aimed, on the one hand, to promote reflection about the concept of culture and intercultural language teaching during initial teacher education and, secondly, to deconstruct stereotypes of high school students about German and English language and culture. Based on the analysis of data on the beliefs of students of the school and the support of theoretical studies such as Kramsch (2006, 2009), Bolognini (1993), among others, workshops were designed to expand the cultural universe of the high school students in the partner state school, the concept of culture and to deconstruct stereotypes. It was found that the activity contributed to the reflective education of the undergraduate students in relation to the treatment of the subject culture in language teaching.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, 2015.


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Este estudo descreve as crenças acerca do evento-aula por parte de três professores de língua estrangeira de escolas da rede pública de ensino de uma cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. O corpo de dados relativo a cada um dos três professores é composto de observação participativa de dez turnos consecutivos de trabalho, registro audiovisual de dois períodos de aula, entrevistas individuais com o professor e pessoal de supervisão educacional e secretaria, e sessão de visionamento dos dados audiovisuais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma abordagem qualitativa, seguindo os princípios da pesquisa interpretativista. O foco analítico recaiu sobre a relação entre o discurso do professor e sua prática de sala de aula. Os resultados indicam que cada professor tem diferentes crenças em relação ao evento-aula, em consonância com o modo de entender a sua tarefa de ensino, o que resulta em andamentos distintos de seus eventos-aula. Um dos professores acredita que ensinar língua é simplesmente transmiti-la aos alunos, outro acredita que ensinar é trabalhar com os alunos de forma disciplinada, mas não necessariamente de forma reflexiva, e o terceiro acredita que ensinar uma língua é, mais do que falar uma língua ou dar instruções para o desenvolvimento das atividades, é promover o desenvolvimento da autonomia e responsabilidade do aluno em relação a sua própria aprendizagem.


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This research has as its theoretical and methodological assumptions (1) the Narrative Inquiry (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 2011), (2) the Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1985, 1994; THOMPSON, 2002; EGGINS, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and (3) the English for Specific Purposes Approach (ESP - HUTCHINSON; WATERS, 1987; CELANI, 2005; RAMOS, 2005), and its overall objective is to survey the meanings construed by the participants who are ESP practitioners and have not received a specific education to teach this approach at their undergraduation. The field texts and therefore the analises were divided into two distinct groups: the first with data generated from a questionnaire applied to nine professors from a federal university in the northeast of Brazil, which contains open and closed questions about their training and their experiences in teaching ESP; the second group, focusing this time on the experiences of three professors from the first group who were still teaching ESP, with data generated from interviews with these participants in addition to the data generated from their autobiographies and from the researcher´s as well. The computational tool WordSmith Tools 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012) was used to select, organize, and quantify data to be analyzed in the first group of texts, identifying the types of Processes and Participants through the Transitivity System (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). The Processes which were more used by the professors in the questionnaire were the Material, followed by the Relational and then the Mental ones, indicating that most professors reported their actions related to the teaching of ESP, rated or evaluated the approach, their training to teach it and their experiences, hence, rarely showing their thoughts and emotions about teaching ESP. Most of the nine professors say they carry out needs analysis, but not all do it according to the authors cited by them or the ones that are considered a reference in this area, such as the ones used in this research as reference. Similarly, their definitions and conceptions of ESP, in most cases, differed from these authors. All the professors claim not having had specific education to teach ESP at the undergraduation. When examining the stories of the four teachers, in the second group of the field texts, based on meaning composition according to Ely, Vinz, Downing and Anzul (2001), it was revealed that the kind of knowledge they report using when they teach ESP is related to their Personal Practical Knowledge and their Professional Knowledge (ELBAZ, 1983; CLANDININ, 1988). In their autobiographies, metaphors were also identified and they represent their concepts of teaching and being a teacher. Through this research, we hope to contribute to the understanding of what teaching ESP might mean for professors in the researched context and also to the continuing education of ESP practitioners, as well as to a review of the curricula in the English language undergraduate courses and of the role of ESP in the training of these professionals


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.


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O objetivo do artigo é discutir a condição do inglês como língua franca (ILF) na contemporaneidade, demonstrando que o seu avanço pelo mundo é um fenômeno sui generis, de caráter transcultural e que transcende a concepção tradicional de língua franca (OSTLER, 2010; MAURANEN, 2018). Em diálogo com os estudos de descolonialidade (QUIJANO, 2007; MIGNOLO, 2010), translinguismo (CANAGARAJAH, 2013; GARCÍA; WEI, 2014) e a partir das implicações político-pedagógicas das pesquisas em ILF (SEIDLHOFER, 2011; COGO, 2015), defende-se aqui um processo de descolonização de crenças, atitudes, premissas e métodos nos mais diversos níveis, visando, entre outros aspectos, à des(re)construção de discursos e práticas daqueles envolvidos diretamente com o ensino do idioma.


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Intercultura nas escolas: o italiano como língua e cultura na rede pública de ensino é um dos projetos de iniciação à docência vinculados ao Licenciar, um programa institucional cujo objetivo é apoiar as Licenciaturas da Universidade Federal do Paraná por meio da oferta de bolsas aos alunos, da orientação aos coordenadores, do acompanhamento pedagógico dos projetos e da organização e promoção de eventos para discussão e socialização dos conhecimentos gerados a partir de projetos. O projeto do italiano, coordenado por mim há oito anos, procura promover uma formação de professores fundamentada desde os primeiros semestres do curso, possibilitando aos graduandos o desenvolvimento da própria competência intercultural e a de crianças da rede municipal de Curitiba, parceira do projeto. No ano de 2017, foram oferecidas Oficinas de sensibilização à língua e à cultura italiana em duas escolas da cidade, cujos planejamento, andamento e resultados são relatados neste trabalho. Apresento também algumas considerações sobre o meu processo de amadurecimento na formação de professores de italiano como língua estrangeira.