992 resultados para Cre-recombinase
The mouth, throat, and face contain numerous muscles that participate in a large variety of orofacial behaviors. The jaw and tongue can move independently, and thus require a high degree of coordination among the muscles that move them to prevent self-injury. However, different orofacial behaviors require distinct patterns of coordination between these muscles. The method through which motor control circuitry might coordinate this activity has yet to be determined. Electrophysiological, immunohistochemical, and retrograde tracing studies have attempted to identify populations of premotor neurons which directly send information to orofacial motoneurons in an effort to identify sources of coordination. Yet these studies have not provided a complete picture of the population of neurons which monosynaptically connect to jaw and tongue motoneurons. Additionally, while many of these studies have suggested that premotor neurons projecting to multiple motor pools may play a role in coordination of orofacial muscles, no clear functional roles for these neurons in the coordination of natural orofacial movements has been identified.
In this dissertation, I took advantage of the recently developed monosynaptic rabies virus to trace the premotor circuits for the jaw-closing masseter muscle and tongue-protruding genioglossus muscle in the neonatal mouse, uncovering novel premotor inputs in the brainstem. Furthermore, these studies identified a set of neurons which form boutons onto motor neurons in multiple motor pools, providing a premotor substrate for orofacial coordination. I then combined a retrogradely traveling lentivirus with a split-intein mediated split-Cre recombinase system to isolate and manipulate a population of neurons which project to both left and right jaw-closing motor nuclei. I found that these bilaterally projecting neurons also innervate multiple other orofacial motor nuclei, premotor regions, and midbrain regions implicated in motor control. I anatomically and physiologically characterized these neurons and used optogenetic and chemicogenetic approaches to assess their role in natural jaw-closing behavior, specifically with reference to bilateral masseter muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity. These studies identified a population of bilaterally projecting neurons in the supratrigeminal nucleus as essential for maintenance of an appropriate level of masseter activation during natural chewing behavior in the freely moving mouse. Moreover, these studies uncovered two distinct roles of supratrigeminal bilaterally projecting neurons in bilaterally synchronized activation of masseter muscles, and active balancing of bilateral masseter muscle tone against an excitatory input. Together, these studies identify neurons which project to multiple motor nuclei as a mechanism by which the brain coordinates orofacial muscles during natural behavior.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Les translocations chromosomiques du gène MLL sont connues pour mener au développement de leucémies aiguës. La translocation avec un de ses partenaires de fusion les plus communs, ENL, peut engendrer des leucémies aiguës de plusieurs types différents pour cette même translocation. Une fois la leucémogenèse initiée par la fusion MLL-ENL, son rôle quant au maintien du phénotype leucémique n’est pas encore bien connu à ce jour. Pour mieux comprendre l’importance de MLL-ENL après la leucémogenèse, des cellules souches/progénitrices de sang de cordon ombilical humain purifiées ont ainsi été transduites par un virus exprimant le gène de fusion MLL-ENL bordé par des sites LoxP ainsi que le marqueur eGFP. Ces cellules infectées ont ensuite été injectées dans notre modèle de souris immunodéficientes irradiées et placées sous observation pendant 24 semaines pour voir le développement de leucémies aiguës. Elles ont alors été sacrifiées et les cellules la moelle osseuse et de la rate ont ensuite été analysées par cytométrie en flux pour déterminer si la xénogreffe a engendré une leucémie dans notre modèle ainsi que le phénotype de celle-ci. Les souris injectées par les cellules infectées par le MLL-ENL ont généré uniquement des leucémies lymphoïdes aiguës de type B. Les cellules de ces leucémies primaires isolées ont été par la suite infectées par un lentivirus exprimant la cre-recombinase et le marqueur BFP afin d’exciser le gène MLL-ENL des cellules leucémiques grâce aux sites LoxP. Les cellules ont ensuite été triées pour le marqueur BFP et injectées dans des souris secondaires pour de voir si les cellules leucémiques souches pouvaient toujours régénérer la leucémie. Les conséquences de l’absence de MLL-ENL dans le maintien du phénotype leucémique n’ont cependant pas pu être vérifiées à cause d’une erreur dans la séquence de la cre-recombinase, mais nous avons observé la régénération des leucémies secondaires.
Notre étude présente une réflexion à propos de espaces musicaux composables. Cette réflexion inclue l’usage intentionnel des qualités sonores perçues dans la construction de sons et donc dans la composition musicale. Nos recherches se trouvent à l’intersection entre le son, comme phénomène physique qui se propage dans un espace, les sensations spatiales qui peuvent être engendrées par la perception auditive de ses certaines caractéristiques, et la pratique de la composition musicale d’espaces de sons dans les œuvres. Nous développons l’idée d’une entité sonore composable dès sa microstructure. Nous la concevons par analogie avec les objets du monde visible et palpable. Nous utilisons les idées de volume, forme et matière ainsi que celles de position et de mouvement des objets matériels, comme métaphore pour concevoir des entités sonores complexes et des espaces musicaux composés dans lesquels elles seront intégrées. Cette entité sonore constituée d’un ensemble d’éléments disparates, permet le développement de réseaux opératoires manipulables dans, la pratique, par les compositeurs.
Biological processes can be elucidated by investigating complex networks of relevant factors and genes. However, this is not possible in species for which dominant selectable markers for genetic studies are unavailable. To overcome the limitation in selectable markers for the dermatophyte Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (anamorph: Trichophyton mentagrophytes), we adapted the flippase (FLP) recombinase-recombination target (FRT) site-specific recombination system from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a selectable marker recycling system for this fungus. Taking into account practical applicability, we designed FLP/FRT modules carrying two FRT sequences as well as the flp gene adapted to the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans (caflp) or a synthetic codon-optimized flp (avflp) gene with neomycin resistance (nptII) cassette for one-step marker excision. Both flp genes were under control of the Trichophyton rubrum copper-repressible promoter (PCTR4). Molecular analyses of resultant transformants showed that only the avflp-harbouring module was functional in A. vanbreuseghemii. Applying this system, we successfully produced the Ku80 recessive mutant strain devoid of any selectable markers. This strain was subsequently used as the recipient for sequential multiple disruptions of secreted metalloprotease (fungalysin) (MEP) or serine protease (SUB) genes, producing mutant strains with double MEP or triple SUB gene deletions. These results confirmed the feasibility of this system for broad-scale genetic manipulation of dermatophytes, advancing our understanding of functions and networks of individual genes in these fungi.
During T cell development in the thymus, T cell receptor (TCR) alpha, beta, gamma, and delta genes are rearranged and expressed. TCR rearrangement strictly depends upon the coordinate activity of two recombinase activating genes, Rag-1 and Rag-2. In this study we have followed the expression of these genes at different stages of intrathymic development. The results indicate that there are two periods of high Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression. The first wave peaks early at the CD25+CD4-CD8-CD3- stage of development and coincides with the initial appearance of transcripts derived from fully rearranged TCR beta, gamma, and delta genes, whereas the second wave occurs later at the CD4+CD8+ stage coincident with full-length TCR alpha mRNA expression. Active downregulation of Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression appears to occur in vivo between the two peaks of recombinase activity. This phenomenon can be mimicked in vitro in response to artificial stimuli such as phorbol myristate acetate and calcium ionophore. Collectively our data suggest that recombinase expression is actively regulated during early thymus development independently of cell surface expression of a mature heterodimeric TCR protein complex.
The Tax protein of the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has been implicated in human T-cell immortalization. The primary function of Tax is to transcriptionally activate the HTLV-1 promoter, but Tax is also known to stimulate expression of cellular genes. It has been reported to associate with several transcription factors, as well as proteins not involved in transcription. To better characterize potential cellular targets of Tax present in infected cells, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid screening was performed with a cDNA library constructed from the HTLV-1-infected MT2 cell line. From this study, we found 158 positive clones representing seven different cDNAs. We focused our attention on the cDNA encoding the transcription factor CREB-2. CREB-2 is an unconventional member of the ATF/CREB family in that it lacks a protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site and has been reported to negatively regulate transcription from the cyclic AMP response element of the human enkephalin promoter. In this study, we demonstrate that CREB-2 cooperates with Tax to enhance viral transcription and that its basic-leucine zipper C-terminal domain is required for both in vitro and in vivo interactions with Tax. Our results confirm that the activation of the HTLV-1 promoter through Tax and factors of the ATF/CREB family is PKA independent.
We have previously shown that a 28-amino acid peptide derived from the BRC4 motif of BRCA2 tumor suppressor inhibits selectively human RAD51 recombinase (HsRad51). With the aim of designing better inhibitors for cancer treatment, we combined an in silico docking approach with in vitro biochemical testing to construct a highly efficient chimera peptide from eight existing human BRC motifs. We built a molecular model of all BRC motifs complexed with HsRad51 based on the crystal structure of the BRC4 motif-HsRad51 complex, computed the interaction energy of each residue in each BRC motif, and selected the best amino acid residue at each binding position. This analysis enabled us to propose four amino acid substitutions in the BRC4 motif. Three of these increased the inhibitory effect in vitro, and this effect was found to be additive. We thus obtained a peptide that is about 10 times more efficient in inhibiting HsRad51-ssDNA complex formation than the original peptide.
Eukaryotic cells encode two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, which are required for meiotic recombination. Rad51, like E.coli RecA, forms helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation. Electron microscopy reveals that the human meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 forms ring structures that bind single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The protein binds preferentially to ssDNA tails and gaps in duplex DNA. hDmc1-ssDNA complexes exhibit an irregular, often compacted structure, and promote strand-transfer reactions with homologous duplex DNA. hDmc1 binds duplex DNA with reduced affinity to form nucleoprotein complexes. In contrast to helical RecA/Rad51 filaments, however, Dmc1 filaments are composed of a linear array of stacked protein rings. Consistent with the requirement for two recombinases in meiotic recombination, hDmc1 interacts directly with hRad51.
Rad51 and its meiotic homolog Dmc1 are key proteins of homologous recombination in eukaryotes. These proteins form nucleoprotein complexes on single-stranded DNA that promote a search for homology and that perform DNA strand exchange, the two essential steps of genetic recombination. Previously, we demonstrated that Ca2+ greatly stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of human (h) Rad51 protein (Bugreev, D. V., and Mazin, A. V. (2004) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 101, 9988-9993). Here, we show that the DNA strand exchange activity of hDmc1 protein is also stimulated by Ca2+. However, the mechanism of stimulation of hDmc1 protein appears to be different from that of hRad51 protein. In the case of hRad51 protein, Ca2+ acts primarily by inhibiting its ATPase activity, thereby preventing self-conversion into an inactive ADP-bound complex. In contrast, we demonstrate that hDmc1 protein does not self-convert into a stable ADP-bound complex. The results indicate that activation of hDmc1 is mediated through conformational changes induced by free Ca2+ ion binding to a protein site that is distinct from the Mg2+.ATP-binding center. These conformational changes are manifested by formation of more stable filamentous hDmc1.single-stranded DNA complexes. Our results demonstrate a universal role of Ca2+ in stimulation of mammalian DNA strand exchange proteins and reveal diversity in the mechanisms of this stimulation.
We characterized the role of potential cAMP-responsive elements (CRE) in basal and in induced angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene promoter activity in order to shed light on the regulation of somatic ACE expression. We identified stimulators and repressors of basal expression between 122 and 288 bp and between 415 and 1303 bp upstream from the transcription start site, respectively, using a rabbit endothelial cell (REC) line. These regions also contained elements associated with the response to 8BrcAMP. When screening for CRE motifs we found pCRE, a proximal sequence between 209 and 222 bp. dCRE, a distal tandem of two CRE-like sequences conserved between rats, mice and humans, was detected between 834 and 846 bp. Gel retardation analysis of nuclear extracts of REC indicated that pCRE and dCRE bind to the same protein complexes as bound by a canonical CRE. Mutation of pCRE and dCRE in REC established the former as a positive element and the latter as a negative element. In 293 cells, a renal cell line, pCRE and dCRE are negative regulators. Co-transfection of ATF-2 or ATF-2 plus c-Jun repressed ACE promoter activity, suggesting that the ACE gene is controlled by cellular stress. Although mapping of cAMP responsiveness was consistent with roles for pCRE and dCRE, mutation analysis indicated that they were not required for cAMP responsiveness. We conclude that the basal activity of the somatic ACE promoter is controlled by proximal and distal CREs that can act as enhancers or repressors depending on the cell context.