180 resultados para Crassostrea rivularis


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Depuis 2008, des mortalités massives d’huîtres creuses âgées de moins d’un an sont relevées sur le littoral français dès que la température de l’eau de mer atteint le seuil de 16°C. Ces mortalités de naissains sont associées à la détection du virus OsHV-1 μVar. Depuis 2010, des travaux de qualification zoo-sanitaire ont montré qu’environ un lot de naissains de captage sur deux était infecté par le virus avant l’apparition des mortalités dans le milieu naturel. En 2014, dans le cadre de la première action QUALIF, les résultats de la qualification zoo-sanitaire des naissains du captage de l’année 2013 à l’échelle nationale ont mis en évidence le caractère infectieux des maladies développées par ces naissains porteurs latents d’OsHV-1 μVar. L’objectif 2015 du second volet QUALIF consistait à reproduire le travail de qualification zoo-sanitaire OsHV-1 μVar pour les naissains du captage de l’année 2014. Les résultats (2014 et 2015) permettront d’aborder la variation interannuelle du statut zoo-sanitaire des naissains pour chacun des sites étudiés. La méthodologie de l’épreuve de qualification zoo-sanitaire consiste en une période de 1 mois d’isolement des naissains en conditions contrôlées de laboratoire. Lors de cette épreuve, la température de l’eau de mer est maintenue constante à 21°C et la mortalité est relevée tous les 10 jours. La survie finale et les analyses qPCR permettent de qualifier le statut sanitaire en terme de portage OsHV-1 μVar de l’échantillon (infecté ou non infecté). De début janvier à fin mars 2015, 39 échantillons de naissains âgés de 5 à 7 mois ont été prélevés dans 6 sites du littoral français (étang de Thau, bassin d’Arcachon, bassin de Marennes Oléron, baie de Bourgneuf, embouchure de La Vilaine et rade de Brest) pour être testés en épreuve thermique de laboratoire (ETL) dans l’outil expérimental Ifremer à Argenton. Les résultats montrent que 25 des 39 (soit 64 %) lots de naissains de captage testés ont développé des maladies en ETL associés à des mortalités cumulées variant de 6 à 72 %. Cette valeur de 64 % de lots détectés est plus élevée que celle précédemment observée en 2014 (55 %). Les résultats de cette seconde campagne de qualification zoo-sanitaire sont favorables pour les naissains de l’étang de Thau (absence de mortalité), moins favorables pour ceux d’Arcachon, Marennes Oléron, et ceux de la baie de Bourgneuf (réponses contrastées en terme de mortalité intra-site) et très défavorables pour les naissains de La Vilaine et de la rade de Brest (mortalités observées sur tous les échantillons testés). La principale conclusion de cette seconde étude de qualification zoo-sanitaire est identique à celle de 2014, à savoir qu’il est existe dans le milieu naturel en période hivernale des lots de naissains de captage infectés par OsHV-1 μVar sans développement apparent des maladies. Ces lots de naissains porteurs latents d’OsHV-1 μVar sont détectables en ETL et la présence d’OsHV-1 μVar peut alors être confirmée par qPCR. Dans le contexte actuel d’épizooties chroniques, nos résultats confirment à nouveau qu’il est possible d’identifier précocement les lots de naissains infectés ou non par OsHV-1 μVar. Ces animaux infectés sont un réservoir du virus en période hivernale. Dès que la température de l’eau de mer franchit le seuil de 16°C, ils participeront à la réémergence des maladies en milieu naturel. Par ailleurs, cette seconde étude de qualification zoo-sanitaire confirme la possibilité d’apprécier le risque sanitaire pour chaque zone de captage en fonction de la détection précoce des lots de naissains infectés par OsHV-1 μVar.


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The temporal variability of delta(13)C in suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and oyster Crassostrea gigas along a salinity gradient was investigated from May 1992 to September 1993 within the estuarine bay of Marennes-Oleron (France). During this period the mean daily discharge of the Charente River exhibited large seasonal variation, with a high discharge from November 1992 to January 1993. Contrary to that at the river mouth and the marine littoral, delta(13)C in POM and in oysters at mid-estuary was affected by the high flood period. The delta(13)C values of POM decreased in mid-estuary and remained at low levels during the high discharge period, indicating an increasing contribution of terrestrial inputs to the estuarine POM pool. At the same site, a remarkable decrease of delta(13)C in oysters occurred between December 1992 and March 1993 (after a time lag compared to the ambient POM), indicating incorporation of terrestrial organic matter in oyster tissues during the high flood discharge. The lag between the delta(13)C decrease in POM and oysters is attributed to the time needed for oyster tissues to incorporate enough newly terrestrial light carbon to be recognized by the delta(13)C measure (about 1 to 2 mo). This time interval depends on tissue turnover time. The delta(13)C POM decrease (i.e. 1.3 parts per thousand) cannot explain entirely the decrease observed in oysters (i.e. 2.3 parts per thousand). In fact, the pattern exhibited by mid-estuarine oysters can be explained by the increasing contribution of terrestrial organic matter to their feeding, and the inability to preferentially utilize specific components of the estuarine POM that are C-13-enriched.


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The linked concepts of 'microbial loop' and 'protozoan trophic link' have been very well documented in filter-feeding microzooplankton such as copepods, but have not been applied to energy transfer to benthic suspension-feeding macrofauna, with the exception of the recent demonstration of heterotrophic flagellate assimilation by mussels. The oyster Crassostrea gigas obtains energy resources by filtering microalgae (similar to 5 to 100 mu m). However, in turbid estuaries, light-limited phytoplanktonic production cannot entirely account for oyster energy requirements. Conversely, picoplankters (<2 mu m), which are main effecters of coastal energy flow and matter cycling, are not efficiently retained by oyster filtration. Ciliate protozoal as both micro-sized cells (similar to 5 to 100 run) and bacteria grazers, may represent a major intermediary in trophic transfer between picoplankton and metazoa. The ciliate Uronema was intensely cultured and labelled, using the cyanobacteria Synechococcus as an auto-fluorescent biomarker. The labelled ciliates were offered as potential prey to oysters. We report here the first experimental evidence of a significant retention and ingestion of ciliates by oysters, supporting the role of protozoa as a realistic trophic link between picoplankters and filter-feeding bivalves and thus enhancing their potential importance in estuarine microbial food webs.


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Oysters play an important role in estuarine and coastal marine habitats, where the majority of humans live. In these ecosystems, environmental degradation is substantial, and oysters must cope with highly dynamic and stressful environmental constraints during their lives in the intertidal zone. The availability of the genome sequence of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas represents a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the signal transduction pathways that the species has developed to deal with this unique habitat. We performed an in silico analysis to identify, annotate and classify protein kinases in C. gigas, according to their kinase domain taxonomy classification, and compared with kinome already described in other animal species. The C. gigas kinome consists of 371 protein kinases, making it closely related to the sea urchin kinome, which has 353 protein kinases. The absence of gene redundancy in some groups of the C. gigas kinome may simplify functional studies of protein kinases. Through data mining of transcriptomes in C. gigas, we identified part of the kinome which may be central during development and may play a role in response to various environmental factors. Overall, this work contributes to a better understanding of key sensing pathways that may be central for adaptation to a highly dynamic marine environment.


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Afin de vérifier sur un site régional la présence d'une qualité d'eau de mer permettant la réalisation d'élevages larvaires d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas (et/ou d'huîtres plates Ostrea edulis) sur une base régulière tout au long de l'année, une série d'élevages comparatifs a été réalisée à la Station IFREMER de Palavas, de mars 1995 à septembre 1995. Le matériel biologique nécessaire à cette comparaison est constitué de larves d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas et en algues unicellulaires provenant de l'éc1oserie commerciale de la SATMAR. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la capacité de l'eau de mer du site étudié sur Leucate à supporter la production de larves d'huîtres creuses compétentes à se métamorphoser et à se fixer. Cette étude s'inscrit dans la démarche de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon et du CEPRALMAR visant à favoriser l'implantation d'une écloserie de production de Mollusques Bivalves sur le littoral méditerranéen.


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Since 2008, massive mortality events of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) have been reported worldwide and these disease events are often associated with Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1). Epidemiological field studies have also reported oyster age and other pathogens of the Vibrio genus are contributing factors to this syndrome. We undertook a controlled laboratory experiment to simultaneously investigate survival and immunological response of juvenile and adult C. gigas at different time-points post-infection with OsHV-1, Vibrio tasmaniensis LGP32 and V. aestuarianus. Our data corroborates epidemiological studies that juveniles are more susceptible to OsHV-1, whereas adults are more susceptible to Vibrio. We measured the expression of 102 immune-genes by high-throughput RT-qPCR, which revealed oysters have different transcriptional responses to OsHV-1 and Vibrio. The transcriptional response in the early stages of OsHV-1 infection involved genes related to apoptosis and the interferon-pathway. Transcriptional response to Vibrio infection involved antimicrobial peptides, heat shock proteins and galectins. Interestingly, oysters in the later stages of OsHV-1 infection had a transcriptional response that resembled an antibacterial response, which is suggestive of the oyster's microbiome causing secondary infections (dysbiosis-driven pathology). This study provides molecular evidence that oysters can mount distinct immune response to viral and bacterial pathogens and these responses differ depending on the age of the host.


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Mortality of young Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas associated with the ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) is occurring worldwide. Here, we examined for the first time the effect of salinity on OsHV-1 transmission and disease-related mortality of C. gigas, as well as salinity-related effects on the pathogen itself. To obtain donors for OsHV-1 transmission, we transferred laboratory-raised oysters to an estuary during a disease outbreak and then back to the laboratory. Oysters that tested OsHV-1 positive were placed in seawater tanks (35‰, 21°C). Water from these tanks was used to infect naïve oysters in 2 experimental setups: (1) oysters acclimated or non-acclimated to a salinity of 10, 15, 25 and 35‰ and (2) oysters acclimated to a salinity of 25‰; the latter were exposed to OsHV-1 water diluted to a salinity of 10 or 25‰. The survival of oysters exposed to OsHV-1 water and acclimated to a salinity of 10‰ was >95%, compared to only 43 to 73% survival in oysters acclimated to higher salinities (Expt 1), reflecting differences in the levels of OsHV-1 DNA and viral gene expression (Expts 1 and 2). However, the survival of their non-acclimated counterparts was only 23% (Expt 2), and the levels of OsHV-1 DNA and the expression of 4 viral genes were low (Expt 1). Thus, OsHV-1 may not have been the ultimate cause of mortality in non-acclimated oysters weakened by a salinity shock. It appears that reducing disease risk by means of low salinity is unlikely in the field.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Especialização em Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Com o objetivo de contribuir com conhecimentos sobre a reprodução em laboratório de ostras nativas do gênero Crassostrea e estudar as possíveis interações entre as espécies cultivadas no Brasil, o presente trabalho avaliou: 1) um método de anestesia e amostragem de tecido gonádico sem sacrifício de animais para a análise do estado de desenvolvimento sexual; 2) a hibridação entre a espécie de ostra do Pacífico, Crassostrea gigas, e as espécies nativas, C. rhizophorae e C. gasar; e 3) o uso de marcadores de DNA mitocondrial e nuclear para a identificação de híbridos. Como resultados, o uso de Cloreto de Magnésio (50 g.L-1), aplicado à água do mar, promoveu o relaxamento muscular e a abertura das valvas nas três espécies de ostras estudadas, permitindo biópsias de tecido gonádico com seringas e agulhas e a determinação do sexo dos animais. Os procedimentos de anestesia e amostragem de tecido não causaram mortalidade nestes indivíduos que apresentaram 100% de sobrevivência após 10 dias. Após o uso do anestésico, também não foram observadas alterações na atividade reprodutiva e na geração de larvas-D de C. gigas. A partir dos cruzamentos recíprocos entre C. gigas, C. rhizophorae e C. gasar, houve sucesso assimétrico na fecundação de oócitos de C. rhizophorae (R) com espermatozoides de C. gigas (G), oócitos de C. gasar (B) com espermatozoides de C. gigas (G) e oócitos de C. rhizophorae (R) com espermatozoides de C. gasar (B). A compatibilidade unidirecional de gametas entre as três espécies resultou na formação de larvas híbridas que apresentaram crescimento similar à espécie materna até sete dias de idade. Após este período, as larvas pararam de crescer e morreram. As análises de marcadores moleculares confirmaram que as progênies RG eram híbridos verdadeiros e continham o DNA de ambas as espécies parentais em seu genoma. A inviabilidade no desenvolvimento de larvas híbridas interespecíficas em laboratório sugere que a incompatibilidade genômica é suficiente para evitar o risco de hibridação natural entre C. gigas e as espécies nativas C. rhizophorae e C. gasar.


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Com o objetivo de contribuir para o desenvolvimento do cultivo da ostra nativa, Crassostrea gasar , o presente estudo avaliou: na larvicultura, a influência da salinidade para o desenvolvimento embrionário e larval em laboratório; no ciclo reprodutivo, os estágios de desenvolvimento de indivíduos cultivados em clima tropical da Região Nordeste e em clima temperado na Região Sul; no desempenho zootécnico, o crescimento (peso e altura) e a sobrevivência de exemplares cultivados nos estados do Maranhão e de Santa Catarina. Na larvicultura, os melhores resultados na fertilização, desenvolvimento embrionário e desenvolvimento larval, foram obtidos na salinidade 28. O ciclo reprodutivo da espécie apresentou padrões distintos no clima tropical do Nordeste e no clima temperado do Sul, atribuído aos padrões distintos de temperatura. Os indivíduos cultivados no Nordeste apresentaram ciclo reprodutivo intermitente, com desovas ao longo do ano e com raros indivíduos em estágio de repouso. Nos indivíduos cultivados no Sul, o período de desova foi associado ao aumento da temperatura da água e ocorreu ao final da primavera e durante o verão. No Sul, o estágio de repouso foi bem evidente nos meses mais frios, quando mais de 75% dos exemplares amostrados encontrava-se neste estágio. Em relação ao desempenho zootécnico, o crescimento dos indivíduos cultivados em Santa Catarina foi superior ao observado no Maranhão e foi atribuído às condições ambientais e as estruturas de cultivo. A sobrevivência observada nos dois estados foi adequada para o cultivo de moluscos bivalves e o tempo de cultivo considerado ideal foi de 8 meses, quando ocorreu a maior porcentagem de animais em tamanho comercial mínimo nos pontos considerados adequados para o cultivo.


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The occurrence of OsHV-1, a herpes virus causing mass mortality in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas was investigated with the aim to select individuals with different susceptibility to the infection. Naïve spat transferred to infected areas and juveniles currently being grown at those sites were analyzed using molecular and histology approaches. The survey period distinguishes itself by very warm temperatures reaching up to 3.5°C above the average. The virus was not detected in the virus free area although a spread of the disease could be expected due to high temperatures. Overall mortality, prevalence of infection and viral load was higher in spat confirming the higher susceptibility in early life stages. OsHV-1 and oyster mortality were detected in naïve spat after 15 days of cohabitation with infected animals. Although, infection was associated with mortality in spat, the high seawater temperatures could also be the direct cause of mortality at the warmest site. One stock of juveniles suffered an event of abnormal mortality that was significantly associated with OsHV-1 infection. Those animals were infected with a previously undescribed microvariant whereas the other stocks were infected with OsHV-1 μVar. Cell lesions due to the infection were observed by histology and true infections were corroborated by in situ hybridization. Survivors from the natural outbreak were exposed to OsHV-1 μVar by intramuscular injection and were compared to naïve animals. The survival rate in previously exposed animals was significantly higher than in naïve oysters. Results derived from this study allowed the selection of animals that might possess interesting characteristics for future analysis on OsHV-1 resistance.


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The role of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) in nitrogen and energy budgets was investigated for the giant clam, Tridacna maxima, growing under field conditions at One Tree Island, at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Giant clams (121.5-143.7 mm in shell length) took up neutral, acidic and basic amino acids. The rates of net uptake of DFAA did not differ between light and dark, nor for clams growing under normal or slightly enriched ammonium concentrations. Calculations based on the net uptake concentrations typical of the maximum concentrations of DFAA found in coral reef waters (similar to 0.1 mu M)revealed that DFAA could only contribute 0.1% and 1% of the energy and nitrogen demands of giant clams, respectively. These results suggest that DFAA does not supply significant amounts of energy or nitrogen for giant clams or their symbionts.


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The surfaces of non-geniculate coralline algae (NCA) are known to induce the settlement and metamorphosis of disparate marine taxa. In this study we investigate the responsiveness of larvae of Herdmania curvata (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) to three species of NCA (Neo-goniolithon brassica-florida, Hydrolithon onkodes, and Lithothamnium prolifer) that cohabit the slope and crest of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. H. curvata larvae were first exposed to these NCA at or within 2 h of hatching, which is 1 to 2 h prior to attaining competence, and then cultured continuously with the NCA for 12 to 14 h. Rates of settlement and metamorphosis of H, curvata cultured in laboratory chambers in the presence of the different NCA were significantly lower than spontaneous rates in seawater. The limited settlement in treatments containing NCA were confined entirely to the chamber periphery, and settlement never occurred on the surface of the NCA. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent and was stronger in H. brassica-florida and H. onkodes than in L. prolifer. Larvae that did not settle in treatments with NCA had rounded anterior trunks and, in extreme cases, kinked tails with rounded and dissociated tail muscle cells. In some individuals, we observed the anterior chemosensory papillae being sloughed off the larval body. Morphological analysis of trunk ectodermal and mesenchymal nuclei of larvae cultured in the presence of the NCA revealed that general necrotic cell death was occurring. Importantly, H. curvata larvae that were exposed to NCA could not subsequently be induced to metamorphose in KCl-elevated seawater, whereas larvae not exposed to NCA metamorphosed at high rates in KCl-elevated seawater.


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The aim of this study was to determine if Toxoplasma gondii are present in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and mussels (Mytella guyanensis) under natural conditions using a bioassay in mice and molecular detection methods. We first compared two standard protocols for DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform (PC) and guanidine-thiocyanate (GT), for both molluscs. A total of 300 oysters and 300 mussels were then acquired from the fish market in Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, between March and August of 2008 and divided into 60 groups of 5 oysters and 20 groups of 15 mussels. To isolate the parasite, five mice were orally inoculated with sieved tissue homogenates from each group of oysters or mussels. For molecular detection of T. gondii, DNA from mussels was extracted using the PC method and DNA from oysters was extracted using the GT method. A nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) based on the amplification of a 155 bp fragment from the B1 gene of T. gondii was then performed. Eleven PCR-RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, CS3 and Apico, were used to genotype positive samples. There was no isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice. T. gondii was not detected in any of the groups of mussels by nested-PCR. DNA of T. gondii was apparently detected by nested-PCR in 2 groups of oysters (3.3%). Genotyping of these two positive samples was not successful. The results suggest that oysters of the species C. rhizophorae, the most common species from the coast of Sao Paulo, can filter and retain T. gondii oocysts from the marine environment. Ingestion of raw oysters as a potential transmission source of T. gondii to humans and marine mammals should be further investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sperm ultrastructure in three representative species of the marine bivalve family Spondylidae (spiny or thorny oysters) is examined and compared with available data on other bivalves, especially other families of the subclass Pteriomorphia. Spondylid spermatozoa are of the externally fertilizing aquasperm. type (ect-aquasperm). The acrosomal vesicle is conical with a deep basal invagination extending almost the full length of the vesicle. Vesicle contents are divisible into an inner, highly electron-dense anterior layer and a less dense posterior layer. The anterior layer is folded back on itself posteriorly and exhibits radiating plates (best developed peripherally). The vesicle rests on, and is partially embedded in, an extensive granular deposit of subacrosomal. material at the nuclear apex. This deposit extends partly into acrosomal vesicle invagination and also fills a broad depression in the anterior of the nucleus. No pre-formed axial rod (perforatorium) is present. The nucleus is round-pyriform and its contents coarsely fibrogranular. At the base of the nucleus, four broad depressions partially accommodate the midpiece mitochondria. The midpiece consists the four spherical mitochondria and the proximal and distal centrioles. The centrioles are arranged at approximately 90degrees to each other, and each consists of nine, angularly-oriented, microtubular triplets embedded in a granular matrix. A short, periodically banded rootlet connects the proximal centriole to the nuclear fossa, whereas the distal centriole, which forms the basal body to the flagellar axoneme, is anchored to the plasma membrane by nine terminally forked satellite fibres. Extensive deposits of putative glycogen rosettes surround the centrioles and mitochondria. The flagellum consists of a 9+2 axoneme sheathed by the plasma membrane. Spondylid spermatozoa strongly resemble those of the Pectinidae, further confirming the traditional view (based on comparative anatomy and shell morphology) of a close relationship between the Spondylidae and the Pectinidae. Differences in acrosomal shape and dimensions were noted between the three species examined, indicating potential taxonomic utility for comparative sperm ultrastructure within the Spondylidae.