68 resultados para Coturnix coturnix coturnix


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The prevalence of antirotavirus antibodies in chickens and turkeys in the Gonzales, Texas and Llano, Texas areas was studied. Caged layer chicken flocks were found to have a prevalence of 64% when samples were taken randomly. This compares to 45% in chicken broiler breeder flocks and 92% in turkey breeding flocks. The natural occurrence of turkey rotavirus infection in two separate field studies showed an increase in mortality varying from 9% to 45% above expected death losses. Clinically, pasted vents, lacitude, and general malaise were noted in affected poults. Lesions noted on post mortem examination were; slight ballooning of the small intestine, excessively large ceca, and mild hyperemia of the small and large intestines.^ The use of maternal antibody from simian rotavirus immunized chickens' eggs for preventing murine rotavirus infection in infant mice was investigated. There was a reduction from 91% to 15% incidence when infant mice were treated twice daily with egg yolk immunoglobulin.^ The need for a convenient, easily grown and rapidly reproducing model for avian and mammalian rotaviruses led to the use of coturnix chicks. The turkey rotavirus was adapted to the quail chicks be serial passage. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as micropathological methods were used in the study of the pathogenesis of rotavirus infection in quail and infant mice. ^


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With the aim of elucidating in greater detail the genealogical origin of the present domestic fowls of the world, we have determined mtDNA sequences of the D-loop regions for a total of 21 birds, of which 12 samples belong to red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) comprising three subspecies (six Gallus gallus gallus, three Gallus gallus spadiceus, and three Gallus gallus bankiva) and nine represent diverse domestic breeds (Gallus gallus domesticus). We also sequenced four green junglefowl (Gallus varius), two Lafayette's junglefowl (Gallus lafayettei), and one grey junglefowl (Gallus sonneratii). We then constructed a phylogenetic tree for these birds by the use of nucleotide sequences, choosing the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) as an outgroup. We found that a continental population of G. g. gallus was the real matriarchic origin of all the domestic poultries examined in this study. It is also of particular interest that there were no discernible differences among G. gallus subspecies; G. g. bankiva was a notable exception. This was because G. g. spadiceus and a continental population of G. g. gallus formed a single cluster in the phylogenetic tree. G. g. bankiva, on the other hand, was a distinct entity, thus deserving its subspecies status. It implies that a continental population of G. g. gallus sufficed as the monophyletic ancestor of all domestic breeds. We also discussed a possible significance of the initial dispersal pattern of the present domestic fowls, using the phylogenetic tree.


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We have analyzed differential gene expression in normal versus jun-transformed avian fibroblasts by using subtracted nucleic acid probes and differential nucleic acid hybridization techniques for the isolation of cDNA clones. One clone corresponded to a gene that was strongly expressed in a previously established quail (Coturnix japonica) embryo fibroblast line (VCD) transformed by a chimeric jun oncogene but whose expression was undetectable in normal quail embryo fibroblasts. Furthermore, the gene was expressed in quail or chicken fibroblast cultures that were freshly transformed by retroviral constructs carrying various viral or cellular jun alleles and in chicken fibroblasts transformed by the avian retrovirus ASV17 carrying the original viral v-jun allele. However, its expression was undetectable in a variety of established avian cell lines or freshly prepared avian fibroblast cultures transformed by other oncogenes or a chemical carcinogen. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the cDNA clone were not identical to any sequence entries in the data bases but revealed significant similarities to avian beta-keratin genes; the highest degree of amino acid sequence identity was 63%. The gene, which we termed bkj, may represent a direct or indirect target for jun function.


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Further comparison of mitochondrial control-region DNA base sequences of 16 avian species belonging to the subfamily Phasianinae revealed the following: (i) Generalized perdicine birds (quails and partridges) are of ancient lineages. Even the closest pair, the common quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and the Chinese bamboo partridge (Bambusicola thoracica), maintained only 85.71% identity. (ii) The 12 species of phasianine birds previously and presently studied belonged to three distinct branches. The first branch was made exclusively of members of the genus Gallus, while the second branch was made of pheasants of the genera Phasianus, Chrysolophus, and Syrmaticus. Gallopheasants of the genus Lophura were distant cousins to these pheasants. The great argus (Argusianus argus) and peafowls of the genus Pavo constituted the third branch. The position of peacock-pheasants of the genus Polyplectron in the third branch was similar to that of the genus Lophura in the second branch. Members of the fourth phasianine branch, such as tragopans and monals, were not included in the present study. (iii) The one perdicine species, Bambusicola thoracica, was more closely related to phasianine genera Gallus and Pavo than to members of other perdicine genera. The above might indicate that Bambusicola belong to one-stem perdicine lineage that later splits into two sublineages that yielded phasianine birds, one evolving to Gallus, and the other differentiating toward Pavo and its allies.


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Bird feeding on residential property is a popular activity throughout Western countries. Advocates insist the practice is beneficial, while opponents maintain that it can result in a wide range of negative outcomes including malnutrition. The biological effects of 'backyard feeding' were studied in Australian magpies Gymnorhina tibicen during the non-breeding season in 1999 in the Greater Brisbane and the Lockyer Valley regions, south-east Queensland, Australia. Six magpie populations were selected and 70 birds were individually tagged for identification. The birds were provided with processed foods, 20-40 g per bird daily. To monitor the effects of the food, blood chemistry and body mass (BM) were used as indices. Significant effects were observed in BM and plasma cholesterol (PC), showing strong sensitivity to food provisioning. Significant effects on PC and uric acid were found only when birds were fed dog sausage. Results suggest that blood PC levels in magpies are readily influenced by, probably, the lipids present in food, and that the type of food can affect blood PC levels. These effects may occur widely among fed magpies if the influence that we demonstrated at plasma level can be generalized. Following the free-ranging study, six magpies were captured and subjected to a 6-day captive experiment to determine whether the selected foods had the potential to alter the birds' blood chemistry. It was found that all of the foods, when provided ad libitum, influence at least two of the three blood parameters (PC and non-esterified fatty acids). Due to its popularity, wildlife feeding will continue. To make wildlife-feeding activities truly sustainable, there is a need for further studies. This study clearly demonstrated that the physiology of wild magpies can be affected by 'backyard feeding'.


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In order to evaluate the effect of levels of dehydrated cane juice sugar (DCJS) (0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5%) in the diet of European quail (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) on performance on performance, carcass characteristics and economical at 22 days of age indices, 192 quails cutting, were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates of eight birds each There was no significant difference to the performance of quail in any of the periods. Quadratic effects of levels of DCJS on carcass weight (y = 173.71 + 4.2767x – 1.2644x², R² = 0.99), thigh-thigh more about (y = 36,055 + 1,1263x – 0,2256x², R² = 0.91) and abdominal fat (y = 3,3295 - + 0.8903x 0,19x2, R ² = 0,97) where the optimum levels were estimated 1,69; 2.50 and 2.34%, respectively. There was a linear effect descending of DCJS levels on weight breast with skin (y = 66.267 – 0.5653x, R² = 0.83) and without skin (y = 60.286 – 0.7193x, R² = 0.58). In economic analysis, one can observe higher profit to the producer with the use of conventional feed. However, between the levels of inclusion of sugar cane juice is observed that the level of 1.5% DCJS obtained the best results in economic analysis, obtaining only a difference of relative gross margin of 0.47% compared to conventional. It is recommended 1.69 and 2.50% DCJS for higher carcass, thigh + drumstick weight and lower percentage of abdominal fat quails, respectively.


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La codorniz común ( Coturnix coturnix ) , es un ave migratoria de Asia, África y Europa. Las espec ies más importantes son la codorniz europea o Coturnix coturnix coturnix y la codorniz asiática o japonesa Coturnix coturnix japónica , u na subespecie que comúnmente emigraba entre Europa y Asia , eventualmente domesticada en China. Durante muchos años , est as aves fueron consideras únicamente de carácter ornamental , aprecia das también por el canto característico del macho. La codorniz doméstica fue llevada alrededor del siglo XI desde China a Japón , a través de Corea , y fue domesticada en el lejano oriente y no en oriente m edio co mo argumenta n algunos autores ( T imy , 2009). Si bien la codorniz europea emigraba al sur a través del mar Mediterráneo, al encontrarse exhausta por el vuelo, probablemente haya sido fácilmente cazada o capturada. Un indicio de esto e s que los escritos bíblicos y egipcios que mencionan estas aves no indican que fueran criadas en cautiverio. Los primeros registros escritos sobre la domesticación de la codorniz en Japón , datan del siglo XII. Estas aves fueron inicialmente criadas por su canto, hecho que cambió después de la noticia de que el e mperador de Japón se había curado de tuberculosis gracias a una dieta a base de carne de codorniz. Esto inició la producción masiva de carne y huevos de codorniz en la última parte del siglo XIX. P or el año 1910, en Japón, la codorniz era utilizada no sólo por su carne y huevos , sino también por su canto . 4 Entre los años de 1910 y 1940 , la población de codorni z japónica se incrementó rápidamente en Japón, especialmente en las localidades de Tokio , M ishima, Nagoya, Gifu y Toyohashi. Este período es coincidente con el de la expansión imperial de Japón, por lo que la codorniz japonesa fue establecida en otros países como Corea, China y Taiwán, para hacerlo más tarde en todo el s udeste asiático. La sube specie domesticada, Coturnix coturnix jap ó nica , es llamada codorniz japonesa , pero también se la conoce por otros nombres: codorniz común, codorniz oriental, codorniz asiática, codorniz faraona, codorniz pecho rojo, codorniz real y codorniz real japonesa ( T imy , 2009 ) . Por otro lado, e xisten tres grandes rutas migratorias de las codornices desde el continente af ricano hasta las zonas europeas: La primera ruta abarca desde las costas occidentales de Á frica, M arruecos , Australia y Argelia hacia la península ibérica , y desde esta pasa a Francia e Inglaterra, países escandinavos y parte de Europa central. Una segunda ruta parte de zonas de Argelia oriental, L ibia y Túnez , dirigiéndose a través de Italia a Europa central a las zonas del Danubio y Rusia. La terce ra ruta va desde Egipto hacia Grecia y Europa oriental (Quintana , 2008 ). La llegada a Europa de las codornices tiene lugar durante el final de la primavera y regresan a África , durante el otoño


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La codorniz “coturnix coturnix japónica”, es una especie que ha venido tomando auge en nuestro medio por ser un ave con esas características. La presente investigación fue analizar el efecto de diferentes niveles de harina de maíz amarillo mezclado con alimento concentrado comercial, en la nutrición de codorniz, en la etapa de desarrollo e inicio de postura, para ello se evaluaron 4 tratamientos: Tratamiento 1 = 100% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo de la marca Aliansa, Tratamiento 2 = 75% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo de marca Aliansa y 25% de harina de maíz amarillo, Tratamiento 3 = 50% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo marca Aliansa y 50% de harina de maíz amarillo, Tratamiento 4 = 25% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo marca Aliansa y 75% de harina de maíz amarillo.