980 resultados para Cost index
In the context of the European COST Action ‘Cities Regrowing Smaller’ (CIRES) a training was held in Dortmund, Germany from November 14th to 18th in 2011. The training school ‘Mapping Urban Shrinkage’ aimed to get young researchers and scholars from different European countries together to deal with questions of how to measure and illustrate shrinkage
Untapered multifiber unions are reported to show a spectral behavior similar to the tapered ones. Their oscillatory behavior does not depend on the biconical regions. This suggests a novel way to make low-cost all-fiber devices with applications as passive components such as optical filters and wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers. Two types of multimode fibers have been studied and information about the index profile influence has been obtained. Polarization insensitivity and temperature stability have been observed.
ABSTRACT: The comparison of the different bids in the tender for a project, with the traditional contract system based on unit rates open to and re-measurement, requires analysis tools that are able to discriminate proposals having a similar overall economic impact, but that might show a very different behaviour during the execution of the works. RESUMEN: La estimación rápida de costes en fases iniciales del proyecto por métodos paramétricos y referencias estadísticas es un tema bien estudiado, divulgado y aplicado en el sector de la construcción. Sin embargo, existe poca literatura técnica sobre sistemas de predimensionado de tiempos, que permitan realizar rápidamente una planificación con un grado de aproximación razonable. Este texto reúne dos aspectos ya conocidos, pero hasta ahora independientes, y una aportación propia: -La estimación del plazo final por referencias estadísticas (BCIS, 2000) - La estimación del reparto del coste total a lo largo de la ejecución mediante curvas "S" (diversos autores) La estimación de la duración de la ejecución de las actividades en función de su coste. El conjunto de estas tres técnicas, aplicadas a un proyecto, permite obtener una planificación con el suficiente grado de detalle y fiabilidad para tomar decisiones en fases iniciales del proyecto.
Dynamic measurements will become a standard for bridge monitoring in the near future. This fact will produce an important cost reduction for maintenance. US Administration has a long term intensive research program in order to diminish the estimated current maintenance cost of US$7 billion per year over 20 years. An optimal intervention maintenance program demands a historical dynamical record, as well as an updated mathematical model of the structure to be monitored. In case that a model of the structure is not actually available it is possible to produce it, however this possibility does not exist for missing measurement records from the past. Current acquisition systems to monitor structures can be made more efficient by introducing the following improvements, under development in the Spanish research Project “Low cost bridge health monitoring by ambient vibration tests using wireless sensors”: (a) a complete wireless system to acquire sensor data, (b) a wireless system that permits the localization and the hardware identification of the whole sensor system. The applied localization system has been object of a recent patent, and (c) automatization of the modal identification process, aimed to diminish human intervention. This system is assembled with cheap components and allows the simultaneous use of a large number of sensors at a low placement cost. The engineer’s intervention is limited to the selection of sensor positions, probably based on a preliminary FE analysis. In case of multiple setups, also the position of a number of fixed reference sensors has to be decided. The wireless localization system will obtain the exact coordinates of all these sensors positions. When the selection of optimal positions is difficult, for example because of the lack of a proper FE model, this can be compensated by using a higher number of measuring (also reference) points. The described low cost acquisition system allows the responsible bridge administration to obtain historical dynamic identification records at reasonable costs that will be used in future maintenance programs. Therefore, due to the importance of the baseline monitoring record of a new bridge, a monitoring test just after its construction should be highly recommended, if not compulsory.
The study of service quality and its implication for transport contracts has several approaches in research and practical applications, where the main emphasis is the consideration of quality from the user's point of view, thus obtaining a customer satisfaction index as a measurement of the overall quality with no further implications for service providers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the real economic impact of improving quality attributes for a bus operator. An application of the activity-based costing methodology is developed for a bus contract in Madrid, using quality data from surveys together with economic and performance information, and focusing on headway as a quality variable. Results show the consistency and practicality of this methodology, overcoming simplifications from traditional procedures. This method is a powerful tool in quality-based contracting as well as for effective investment in transport quality under poverty funding constraints
"June 1990."
Description based on: 1965 y 1966.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"Prepared under the supervision of William A. Radford, editor-in-chief ... Alfred Sidney Johnson ... editor in charge."
"Prepared by Miss M. Ada Beney ... with the assistance of Miss Edith Turner and Miss Bertha Jacobson."--Foreword.
Mode of access: Internet.