986 resultados para Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis - Teses


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SEight unidentified Gram-positive, rod-shaped organisms were recovered from the tracheas of apparently healthy black storks (Ciconia nigra) and subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Based on cellular morphology and biochemical criteria the isolates were tentatively assigned to the genus Corynebacterium, although three of the organisms did not appear to correspond to any recognized species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies demonstrated that all of the isolates were phylogenetically members of the genus Corynebacterium. Five strains were genotypically identified as representing Corynebacterium falsenii, whereas the remaining three strains represented a hitherto unknown subline, associated with a small subcluster of species that includes Corynebacterium mastitidis and its close relatives. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from black storks represent a novel species within the genus Corynebacterium, for which the Corynebacterium ciconiae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CECT 5779(T) (= BS13(T) =CCILIG 47525(T)).


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Biochemical, molecular chemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on seven unidentified Gram-positive, rod-shaped organisms recovered from eagles. The strains were provisionally identified as Corynebacterium jeikeium with the commercial API Coryne system, but they were able to grow under anaerobic conditions and were non-lipophilic. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies demonstrated that the isolates belonged phylogenetically to the genus Corynebacterium. Three strains were identified genotypically as Corynebacterium falsenii; the remaining four strains corresponded to a hitherto unknown lineage within the genus Corynebacterium, associated with a small subcluster of species that included Corynebacterium diphtheriae and its close relatives. The unknown bacterial strains were readily distinguished from these and other species of the genus by biochemical tests. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterial strains from eagles should be classified as Corynebacterium aquilae sp. nov. (type strain is S-613(T)=CECT 5993(T)=CCUG 46511(T)).


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A previously unknown Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, non-lipophilic, catalase-positive, irregular rod-shaped bacterium (M/106/00/5(T)) was isolated, in mixed culture, from the penis of a Caspian seal (Phoca caspica). The strain was a facultative anaerobe that was able to grow at 22 and 42 degreesC. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the organism formed a hitherto unknown subline within the genus Corynebacterium. Sequence divergence values of more than 5 % from other described Corynebacterium species, together with phenotypic differences, showed that the unidentified bacterium represents a previously unrecognized member of this genus. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium isolated from a Caspian seal (strain M/106/00/5(T) = CCUG 44566(T)=CIP 107965(T)) be classified as the type strain of a novel species of the genus Corynebacterium, Corynebacterium caspium sp. nov.


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Six strains of a previously undescribed catalase-positive coryneform bacterium isolated from clinical specimens from dogs were characterized by phenotypic and molecular genetic methods. Biochemical and chemotaxonomic studies revealed that the unknown bacterium belonged to the genus Corynebacterium sensu stricto. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the six strains were genealogically highly related and constitute a new subline within the genus Corynebacterium; this subline is close to but distinct from C. falsenii, C. jeikeium, and C. urealyticum. The unknown bacterium from dogs was distinguished from all currently validated Corynebacterium species by phenotypic tests including electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell proteins. On the basis of phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium be classified as a new species, Corynebacterium auriscanis. The type strain of C. auriscanis is CCUG 39938T.


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Two unknown gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria isolated from a tortoise and a Scottish wild cat were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of straight-chain and monounsaturated fatty acids and short-chain mycolic acids in the two isolates consistent with the genus Corynebacterium. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed that the unknown isolates were members of the genus Corynebacterium, with the two organisms displaying greater than 3% sequence divergence from each other and from established species of the genus. The unknown Corynebacterium isolates were readily distinguished from each other and from all recognized species of the genus by biochemical tests. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown organisms from a tortoise and a cat be classified in the genus Corynebacterium as Corynebacterium testudinoris sp. nov. and Corynebacterium felinum sp. nov., respectively. The respective type strains of C. testudinoris and C. felinum are CCUG 41823T and CCUG 39943T.


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An unknown Gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from skin scrapings from the infected head of a sheep and subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of straight-chain and monounsaturated fatty acids and short-chain (C32-C36) mycolic acids consistent with the genus Corynebacterium. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed that the unknown rod was a member of the genus Corynebacterium, with the organism forming a distinct sub-line and displaying greater than 3% sequence divergence with established species. The unknown Corynebacterium isolate was readily distinguished from recognized species of the genus by biochemical tests and electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell proteins. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from a sheep be classified in the genus Corynebacterium, as Corynebacterium capitovis sp. nov. The type strain of Corynebacterium capitovis is CCUG 39779T (= CIP 106739T).


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Three strains of a Gram-positive, catalase-positive, fermentative, non-lipophilic, previously unknown bacterium were isolated from urogenital samples taken from mares in Scotland (M401624/00/1) and Sweden (VM 2074 and VM 2298T). All were deposited with the CCUG with tentative identifications as Corynebacterium spp. The strains were characterized using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Biochemically, the strains were very similar to each other, but phylogenetically distinct from Corynebacterium species with validly published names (≤95% sequence similarity). rpoB gene sequence data confirmed the strains belonged to the same species (>99% sequence similarity) and were distinct from species with validly published names (>13% sequence divergence). On the basis of phenotypic and sequence data, the strains represent a novel species within the genus Corynebacterium, for which the name Corynebacterium uterequi is proposed. The type strain is VM 2298T (=CCUG 61235T = DSM 45634T), isolated from equine uterus.


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Este trabalho trata de aspectos lingüísticos e gramaticais de teses de doutorado e de dissertações de mestrado produzidas em uma escola superior de administração da cidade de São Paulo, no período compreendido entre 1989 e 1993. O trabalho divide-se em três partes. Na primeira, estudam-se as orientações de autores especializados na análise e na redação de textos. Com base em uma amostra de teses e dissertações, examina-se como são - ou não - aplicadas nas frases essas orientações. São comentados os problemas de elaboração de texto encontrados e são feitas recomendações. Na segunda parte, estudam-se as orientações de conceituados autores especializados em gramática normativa da língua portuguesa. Com base na amostra das teses e dissertações, examina-se como são aplicadas nos vocábulos e nas frases essas orientações. São comentadas as dificuldades gramaticais encontradas e são feitas recomendações. São comentadas também dificuldades gramaticais da fala dos administradores. Na terceira parte, estão as conclusões suscitadas pelo exame da teoria e pelo exame da pesquisa realizada


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VITULLO, Nadia Aurora Vanti. Avaliação do banco de dissertações e teses da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia: uma análise cienciométrica. 2001. 143 f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado) - Curso de Mestrado em Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Campinas, 2001.


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OLIVEIRA, Raimundo Muniz de. Biblioteca digital de teses e dissertaçoes: uma referencia fundamental. In: CINFORM ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISA DA INFORMAÇAO,HUMANISMO E DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICO,7.,2007,Salvador. Anais...Salvador:UFBA, 2007.Disponivel em:www.cinform.ufba.br>. Acesso em: 27 set. 2007. Acesso em: 27 set. 2010.


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CUNHA, Jacqueline de Araújo. Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações: uma estratégia de preservação da memória científica. 2009. 141f. Dissertação (Mestrado)- Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação. Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, 2009.


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A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanças relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informações. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilização do conhecimento científico produzido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, através da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da população do corpus da pesquisa. Em razão da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Pós-Graduação como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de usuários, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, “estudos orientados aos usuários”, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informação. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionário semi-estruturado com 25 questões, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperação da informação, bem como a satisfação na utilização dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vários resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) só teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduação. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado também, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduação. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, propõe-se uma divulgação mais eficaz na graduação através de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgação mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduação; segundo: deverá ser feita a divulgação na mídia eletrônica, através da inserção de ícones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possível aperfeiçoar o uso dessa fonte de informação científica.