960 resultados para Corpus Christi-València-S.XVIII


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F. 13-142v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones excerpti e collectione sermonum festivalium per anni circulum]; cf. Schneyer, Repert. lat. Serm., III, 246-268. [In Nativitate]; cf. ibid., n° 319, incomplet du début, et n° 324 (13-18v); — « In circumcissione [sic] Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 346 et 347 (18v-24); — « In Epiphania Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 351 et 354 (24-28v); — « In Purificatione sancte Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 374 et 376 (28v-34); — « In Adnunciatione beate Marie.; cf. ibid., n° 396 (34-36v) et n° 397, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (38-39); — « De s. Johanne Baptista »; cf. ibid., n° 465 et 467 (39-44); — « De apostolis Petro et Paulo »; cf. ibid., n° 471 et 473 (44-49v); — « De b. Paulo apostolo »; cf. ibid., n° 474 (49v-53); — « De s. Maria Magdalena »; cf. ibid., n° 479 et 480 (53-59v); — « De b. Laurentio martyre »; cf. ibid., n° 497 et 499 (59v-65); — « In Assumpcione b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 504 et 509 (65-72v); — « De s. Augustino »; cf. ibid., n° 521 et 523 (72v-79v); — « In Nativitate b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 528 et 530, incomplet de la fin, en réclame « virginis » (79v-84v); — [De s. Michaele]; cf. ibid., n° 544, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle, et n° 550 (86-90v); — « In festo omnium sanctorum »; cf. ibid., n° 568 et 570 (90v-96v); — « De mortuis »; cf. ibid., n° 574-577 (96v-107v); — « De s. Martino »; cf. ibid., n° 582, incomplet de la fin (107v-109v) et n° 583 incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (111-113v); — « De b. Katerina »; cf. ibid., n° 591 et 592 (113v-119v); — « De dedicacione ecclesie »; cf. ibid., n° 594 et 595 (119v-127); — « De consecracione altaris »; cf. ibid., n° 597 (127-130); — « De vestibus sacris sacerdotis quid significant »; cf. ibid., n° 598 (130-134); — « De exposicione misse »; cf. ibid., n° 599 et 600 (134-142v). F. 142v-146 « Sermo ad religiosos. Quia existis indesertum... (Mt. XI, 7). Istam questionem quam fecit Dominus... ». F. 146-150v [Guillelmus de Malliaco, Sermo excerptus e collectione sermonum de Tempore dicta « Abjiciamus »]; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489. « De visitacione et officio visitacionis »; cf. ibid., n° 72. F. 150v-158 Sermones. « In concilio magnatum. Quoniam ecce reges terre... (Ps. XLVII, 5). Hic duo tanguntur scilicet magnorum conveniencia temporalis... » (150v-151v); — « In synodo clericorum. Pro patribus tui nati sunt tibi filii... (Ps. XLIV, 17). Adtendant ecclesiarum prelati tria... » (151v-155); — « Sermo ad religiosos. Deus qui habit are facit unanimes in domo secundum hebraicam veritatem et secundum Johannem. Deus qui habitare racit monachos... » (155-158). F. 158-160v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermo de s. Mathia] « Sermo in electione », incomplet par lacune matérielle, en réclame « vir perfectus »; cr. Schneyer, loc. cit., n° 382, moins développé. F. 161-169v [Ogerius Locediensis] « Planctus b. Bernardi de dolore Marie virginis propter filium » (en titre-courant). « Quis dabit capiti meo aquam et oculis meis imbrem sicut presens dies demostrat [sic] cunctis aperte. Inclita regina celica rosa flos sine spina// ...memento mei »; extrait du De Laudibus b. Virginis, rédaction B; cf. H. Barré, dans Revue d'ascétique et de mystique, XXVIII (1952), 243-266, mss. et éditions. Le texte est incomplet par lacune matérielle, un f. ayant été coupé entre les fr. 163 et 164. F. 169v-184 Sermones. « Sermo in Assumptione b. Marie. Surrexit rex in occursum... (III Reg. II, 19). Quam multiplici figura Salomon ille... », incomplet de la fin (169v-171v); — sermon incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (174); — « Sermo in capite jejunii. Convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum... (Joel II, 13). Agreditur hodie Spiritus sanctus multitudinem peccatorum... » (174-175v); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Cum egressus fuero de urbe... (Ex. lX, 29). Verba ista sunt Moysi qui gerit typum Salvatoris... » (175v-180v); — « Alius sermo in Paraceve. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam... (Thren. I, 12). Consideranti michi piam et superpiam materiam... » (180v-183v); — « Domine, bonum est nos hic esse... (Lc. lX, 33). Ubi? Petro. Isti enim tria tanguntur in mentis sublimitate... » (183v-184). F. 184v Table des ff. 1 à 193. — Addition fin XIVe s. F. 185-193 Sermones. « Sermo in Nativitate. Sicut lux aurore oriente sole... (II Reg. XXIII, 4, 2). Verba sunt David cui Dominus... » (185-186); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Deducant oculi nostri lacrimas... (Jer. lX, 18). ...ut gloriosa Virgo septies flevisse.. » (186-191); — « Quod Corpus Christi vere sit in altari. Cenantibus autem eis, accepit Jesus panem... Item Joh. (VI, 51): Ego sum panis vivus... Credebant enim quod manducaretur sicut alie carnes. ..) (191-193). F. 193v Table des ff. 194 à 285. — Addition fin XIVe s. La suite de la table a été coupée. F. 194-335v Sermones de Tempore, excerpti praesertim e collectione « Abjiciamus » Guillelmi de Malliaco et e collectionibus De Tempore et De Sanctis et festis Jacobi de Voragine; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489 et III, 221-233 et 246-268. F. 194-208. [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, II, loc. cit., n° 1 et 2 (194-203); Dom. 2a »; cf. ibid., n° 3 (203-208). F. 208-213 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 2a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, III, loc. cit., n° 5. F. 213-218 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 6. F. 218-222 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 8. F. 222v-228 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 4a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 7. F. 228-232 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 11. F. 232-236. « Feria 4a in capite jejunii. Cum jejunatis nolite fieri... (Mt. VI, 16). Hodie incipit tempus penitentie... ». F. 236-240 « De eadem feria. Convertimini ad me in toto corde... (Joel II, 12). Homo per peccatum tria mala incurrit... ». F. 240-246 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in quadragesima »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 25. F. 246-319 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, 111, n° 41 (246-251v); — « Dom. 2a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid. n° 44 et 45 (251v-259v); — « Dom. 3a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 47 et 48 (259v-270); — « Dom. 4a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 50 et 51 (270-279v); — « Dom. de passione »; cf. ibid., n° 53 et 54 (279v-290); — « Dom. de Ramis »; cf. ibid., n° 56 et 57 (290-302); — « In Cena Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 401 et 402 (302-307v); — « In Parasceve »; cf. ibid., n° 405 et 411 (307v-312); — « In die Pasce »; cf. ibid., n° 414 et 415 (312-316v); — « Feria 2a post Pasca »; cf. ibid., n° 419 (316v-319). F. 319-325v « De eadem feria. Duo ex discipulis Jhesu ibant... (Lc. XXIV, 13). Introduxit nos Dominus in terram fluentem lac... » F. 326-334 [Jacobus de Voragine] « In adscensione Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 446 et 445 (326-329v); — [In Pentecoste]; cf. ibid., n° 452 et 457 (329v-334). F. 334-335v « De eodem. Ad Deum [sic pro: eum] veniemus et mansionem... (Job. XIV, 23). Super illo verbo dicit b. Eusebius... ». F. 335v-337v Extraits patristiques. « Incipiunt quedam problemata. Lingua mea calamus ego sum. » Sont cités s. Grégoire, s. Paul, s. Augustin, s. Isidore, Boèce, Bède, Josèphe, s. Hilaire, etc.


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Disponible el video en beta


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El vídeo engloba tres capítulos en cada uno de los cuales se trabaja el drama religioso medieval catalán. En el primero se trabaja 'El canto de la Sibila' que suscita el análisis de la Navidad en la cual se agrupan las representaciones relacionadas con la Navidad de Jesús. En el segundo se trabaja el Corpus Christi como fiesta aglutinadora de todas las manifestaciones dramáticas que existen con 'El misterio de Adán y Eva'. Y finalmente, en 'La danza de la muerte' examina los factores que hicieron posible el sufrimiento del espíritu macabro durante el s. XIV, en contraposición con la concepción Cristiana de la muerte.


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Analizar los elementos materiales, personales y funcionales, así como los aspectos pedagógicos más importantes de las fundaciones colegiales circundantes a la Universidad de Valencia en el siglo XVI y XVII. Colegios de estudio en Valencia. Situación de la Universidad de Valencia en el momento. Historia y legislación de los centros de estudio. Vertiente pedagógica procedente del análisis de las constituciones colegiales. Bibliografía. Constituciones de los colegios Corpus Christi, Rodríguez, de los Santos Reyes, de San Jorge de Montesa, de Na Monforta y de Santa María del Templo. Otros documentos: bulas, cartas. Análisis comparativo. Investigación histórica. Análisis descriptivo. De los seis colegios de estudios existentes en Valencia entre 1550-1643, cinco nacen como consecuencia directa del Concilio de Trento, y uno debido a la Orden montesa. Tanto los estudios y grados requeridos a los colegiados, como las pruebas rigurosas de acceso al centro, la organización interna de los mismos y sus relaciones con la Universidad de Valencia, hace que puedan ser considerados como colegios mayores. Un denominador común es la prohibición de recibir enseñanzas distintas a las que se imparten en la universidad. Las características esenciales son: formación fundamentalmente teológica y literaria-científica, un sentido de élite, y la gratuidad a todos aquellos que sin posibles, puedan asimilar una formación y un destino eclesiástico. Los colegios de Estudios Valencianos promocionan una clase sacerdotal a partir de individuos selectos en cuanto a su capacidad, virtud, limpieza de sangre, origen y propósito. Fecha finalización tomada del código del documento.


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Although the ‘chronicle of chronicles’ compiled at Worcester c1095-c1140 is now firmly attributed to John of Worcester, rather than Florence, major questions remain. A central issue is that the semi-autograph manuscript of the chronicle (now Oxford, Corpus Christi College, Ms 157) underwent several alterations to its structure and contents, as codicological evidence demonstrates. These included the incorporation of important illuminations, which have been surprisingly little considered in their overall manuscript context. This article focuses on these illuminations, and will argue that their presence in this version of the chronicle makes it something even more distinctive than the learned, revisionist chronological work of Marianus Scotus upon which it was based. John of Worcester’s chosen images are linked not only to his political narrative but also to theological works and to cutting-edge science, newly translated from Arabic. The presence of such miniatures in a twelfth-century chronicle is unique, and they are central to the final form given to the Worcester chronicle by John of Worcester himself in this key manuscript. Their analysis thus brings into focus the impressive assembly of materials which the chronicle offered to readers, to shape their understanding of ongoing events.


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Em meio ao feriado de Corpus Christi, o governador Tarso Genro participou de uma reunião no Rio de Janeiro para tratar do impacto das ações de governo em todos os setores da economia gaúcha e nas áreas sociais. "O fato do Rio Grande do Sul ter criado um sistema de participação que permite que a população interfira diretamente na elaboração do orçamento garante uma grande efetividade na execução das obras e programas", afirmou o presidente da FGV, Carlos Ivan Simonsen.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore ethnic differences in do-not-resuscitate orders after intracerebral hemorrhage. DESIGN: Population-based surveillance. SETTING: Corpus Christi, Texas. PATIENTS: All cases of intracerebral hemorrhage in the community of Corpus Christi, TX were ascertained as part of the Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi (BASIC) project. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Medical records were reviewed for do-not-resuscitate orders. Unadjusted and multivariable logistic regression were used to test for associations between ethnicity and do-not-resuscitate orders, both overall ("any do-not-resuscitate") and within 24 hrs of presentation ("early do-not-resuscitate"), adjusted for age, gender, Glasgow Coma Scale, intracerebral hemorrhage volume, intraventricular hemorrhage, infratentorial hemorrhage, modified Charlson Index, and admission from a nursing home. A total of 270 cases of intracerebral hemorrhage from 2000-2003 were analyzed. Mexican-Americans were younger and had a higher Glasgow Coma Scale than non-Hispanic whites. Mexican-Americans were half as likely as non-Hispanic whites to have early do-not-resuscitate orders in unadjusted analysis (odds ratio 0.45, 95% confidence interval 0.27, 0.75), although this association was not significant when adjusted for age (odds ratio 0.61, 95% confidence interval 0.35, 1.06) and in the fully adjusted model (odds ratio 0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.39, 1.46). Mexican-Americans were less likely than non-Hispanic whites to have do-not-resuscitate orders written at any time point (odds ratio 0.37, 95% confidence interval 0.23, 0.61). Adjustment for age alone attenuated this relationship although it retained significance (odds ratio 0.49, 95% confidence interval 0.29, 0.82). In the fully adjusted model, Mexican-Americans were less likely than non-Hispanic whites to use do-not-resuscitate orders at any time point, although the 95% confidence interval included one (odds ratio 0.52, 95% confidence interval 0.27, 1.00). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican-Americans were less likely than non-Hispanic whites to have do-not-resuscitate orders after intracerebral hemorrhage although the association was attenuated after adjustment for age and other confounders. The persistent trend toward less frequent use of do-not-resuscitate orders in Mexican-Americans suggests that further study is warranted.


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Analysis of recurrent events has been widely discussed in medical, health services, insurance, and engineering areas in recent years. This research proposes to use a nonhomogeneous Yule process with the proportional intensity assumption to model the hazard function on recurrent events data and the associated risk factors. This method assumes that repeated events occur for each individual, with given covariates, according to a nonhomogeneous Yule process with intensity function λx(t) = λ 0(t) · exp( x′β). One of the advantages of using a non-homogeneous Yule process for recurrent events is that it assumes that the recurrent rate is proportional to the number of events that occur up to time t. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to provide estimates of the parameters in the model, and a generalized scoring iterative procedure is applied in numerical computation. ^ Model comparisons between the proposed method and other existing recurrent models are addressed by simulation. One example concerning recurrent myocardial infarction events compared between two distinct populations, Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic Whites in the Corpus Christi Heart Project is examined. ^


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Education in Geographic information science (GIS/LIS) happens in the United States both within surveying-related academic programs and in other academic programs that use spatially oriented data and information. This article presents an overview of two such programs. The first is a four-year Bachelor of Science degree program in Geographic Information Science at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The second is a concentration with a four-year Bachelor of Science degree program in Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut (UConn). Geographic information science is the primary focus of the Texas A&M program, whereas GIS/LIS is an emphasis of the UConn program. Both approaches are presented for comparison.


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The relationship between change in myocardial infarction (MI) mortality rate (ICD codes 410, 411) and change in use of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), adjusted for change in hospitalization rates for MI, and for change in use of aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS) from 1985 through 1990 at private hospitals was examined in the biethnic community of Nueces County, Texas, site of the Corpus Christi Heart Project, a major coronary heart disease (CHD) surveillance program. Age-adjusted rates (per 100,000 persons) were calculated for each of these CHD events for the population aged 25 through 74 years and for each of the four major sex-ethnic groups: Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White women and men. Over this six year period, there were 541 MI deaths, 2358 MI hospitalizations, 816 PTCA hospitalizations, and 920 ACBS hospitalizations among Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White Nueces County residents. Acute MI mortality decreased from 24.7 in the first quarter of 1985 to 12.1 in the fourth quarter of 1990, a 51.2% decrease. All three hospitalization rates increased: The MI hospitalization rates increased from 44.1 to 61.3, a 38.9% increase, PTCA use increased from 7.1 to 23.2, a 228.0% increase, and ACBS use increased from 18.8 to 29.5, a 56.6% increase. In linear regression analyses, the change in MI mortality rate was negatively associated with the change in PTCA use (beta = $-$.266 $\pm$.103, p = 0.017) but was not associated with the changes in MI hospitalization rate and in ACBS use. The results of this ecologic research support the idea that the increasing use of PTCA, but not ACBS, has been associated with decreases in MI mortality. The contrast in associations between these two revascularization procedures and MI mortality highlights the need for research aimed at clarifying the proper roles of these procedures in the treatment of patients with CHD. The association between change in PTCA use and change in MI mortality supports the idea that some changes in medical treatment may be partially responsible for trends in CHD mortality. Differences in the use of therapies such as PTCA may be related to differences between geographical sites in CHD rates and trends. ^


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High levels of poverty and unemployment, and low levels of health insurance coverage may pose barriers to obtaining cardiac care by Mexican Americans. We undertook this study to investigate differences in the use of invasive myocardial revascularization procedures received within the 4-month period following hospitalization for a myocardial infarction (MI) between Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in the Corpus Christi Heart Project (CCHP). The CCHP is a population-based surveillance program for hospitalized MI, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), and aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS). Medical record data were available for 1706 patients identified over a three-year period. Mexican Americans had significantly lower rates of receiving a PTCA following MI than non-Hispanic Whites (RR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.44-0.70). No meaningful ethnic difference was seen in the rates of ACBS use. History of PTCA use appeared to interact with ethnicity. Among patients without a history of PTCA use, Mexican Americans were less likely to receive a PTCA than non-Hispanic whites (RR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.46-0.76). Among patients with a history of PTCA use, however, Mexican Americans were more likely to receive a PTCA than non-Hispanic whites (RR: 1.47; 95% CI: 0.75-2.87).^ Differences in the effectiveness of a first-time PTCA and first-time ACBS between Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in the CCHP were also investigated. Mexican Americans were more likely to receive a 2nd PTCA (RR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.11-2.17) and suffer a subsequent MI (RR: 1.42, 95% CI: 1.03-1.96) following a first-time PTCA than non-Hispanic whites. No meaningful ethnic differences were found in the rates of death and rates of ACBS following a first-time PTCA. Also, no significant ethnic differences were found in the rates of any of the events following a first-time ACBS. After adjusting for potential demographic, socioeconomic, clinical and angiographic confounders using Cox regression analysis, Mexican Americans were still more likely to receive a 2nd PTCA (HR: 1.38; 95% CI: 0.99-1.93) following a first-time PTCA than non-Hispanic whites. A significant difference in the rates of a subsequent MI following a first-time PTCA persisted (HR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.01-1.93). (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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