878 resultados para Corpus Callosum
Here we report on 10 male patients with frontonasal dysplasia, cleft lip/palate, mental retardation, lack of language acquisition, and severe central nervous system involvement. Imaging studies disclosed absence of the corpus callosum, midline cysts, and an abnormally modeled cerebellum. Neuronal heterotopias were present in five patients and parieto-occipital encephalocele in three patients. We suggest that this pattern found exclusively in males, most likely represents a newly recognized syndrome distilled from the group of disorders subsumed under frontonasal dysplasia. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) may or may not be associated with an abnormal phenotype, depending on the presence of euchromatin, on their chromosomal origin and whether they are inherited. Over 80% of sSMCs are derived from acrocentric chromosomes and half of them include the short arm of chromosome 15. Generally, they appear as bisatellited isodicentric marker chromosomes, most of them are symmetric. These chromosomes are normally originated de novo and are associated with mild to severe intellectual disability but not with physical abnormalities. We report on a patient with an SMC studied using classical and molecular cytogenetic procedures (G and C banding, NOR staining, painting and centromeric fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), BAC-FISH, and SKY). The MLPA technique and DNA polymorphic markers were used in order to identify its parental origin. The marker chromosome, monosatellited and monocentric, was found to be derived from a maternal chromosome 15 and was defined as 15pter-q21.2. This is the report of the largest de novo monosatellited 15q marker chromosome ever published presenting detailed cytogenetic and clinical data. It was associated with a phenotype including cardiac defect, absence of septum pellucidum, and dysplasia of the corpus callosum. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thinning of corpus callosum (ARHSP-TCC) is a complex form of HSP initially described in Japan but subsequently reported to have a worldwide distribution with a particular high frequency in multiple families from the Mediterranean basin. We recently showed that ARHSP-TCC is commonly associated with mutations in SPG11/KIAA1840 on chromosome 15q. We have now screened a collection of new patients mainly originating from Italy and Brazil, in order to further ascertain the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, enlarge the ethnic origin of SPG11 patients, determine the relative frequency at the level of single Countries (i.e., Italy), and establish whether there is one or more common mutation. In 25 index cases we identified 32 mutations; 22 are novel, including 9 nonsense, 3 small deletions, 4 insertions, 1 in/del, 1 small duplication, 1 missense, 2 splice-site, and for the first time a large genomic rearrangement. This brings the total number of SPG11 mutated patients in the SPATAX collection to 111 cases in 44 families and in 17 isolated cases, from 16 Countries, all assessed using homogeneous clinical criteria. While expanding the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, this larger series also corroborated the notion that even within apparently homogeneous population a molecular diagnosis cannot be achieved without full gene sequencing. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Apert Syndrome, also called acrocephalosyndactylia type 1, is characterized by craniostenosis with early fusion of sutures of the vault and/ or cranial base, associated to mid-face hypoplasia, symmetric syndactylia of the hands and feet and other systemic malformations. CNS malformations and intracranial hypertension are frequently observed in these patients. Early surgical treatment aims to minimize the deleterious effects of intracranial hypertension. Fronto-orbital advancement, the usual surgical technique, increases the intracranial volume and improves the disposition of encephalic structures previously deformed by a short skull. This study analyzes CNS alterations revealed by magnetic resonance in 18 patients presenting Apert Syndrome, and the conformational alterations in the encephalic structures after surgical treatment. The patients' age in February 2001 ranged from 14 to 322 months (m=107). Image study included brain magnetic resonance showing ventricular enlargement in five cases (27.8%), corpus callosum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), septum pellucidum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), cavum vergae in two cases (11.1%) and, arachnoid cyst in the posterior fossa in two cases (11.1%). Absence of CNS alterations was noted in 44.4% of cases. A corpus callosum morphologic index was established by dividing its height by its length, which revealed values that ranged from 0.4409 to 1.0237. The values of this index were correlated to the occurrence or absence of surgical treatment (p=0.012; t=2.83). Data analysis allowed the conclusion that the corpus callosum morphologic measure quantified the conformational alterations of the cerebral structures determined by the surgical treatment.
Purpose: To describe alterations observed in patients with congenital clinical anophthalmia and the occurrence of association with other ocular and extra ocular abnormalities. Methods: An observational retrospective study was conducted evaluating 12 patients with congenital clinical anophthalmia at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP, between 1992 and 2005. In those patients it was observed the ocular abnormalities, severity, laterality, follow-up and to systemic abnormalities associated. The congenital clinical anophthalmia have been associated to major severity abnormalities extra-oculars, mainly when the anophthalmia was bilateral, such agenesis of corpus callosum, others craniofacial anomalies and cardiac defects. In the cases unilateral, the alteration associated more frequently was the facial asymmetry, showing the direct correlation between anophthalmos and development of orbit and face. Conclusion: There was relation between congenital clinical anophthalmia and ocular abnormally and extra-ocular abnormally. Patients with bilateral anophthalmos disease have more severe alterations. anophthalmia congenital attends a course with abnormalities of development of the face.
In this article, the authors aim to present a critical review of recent MRI studies addressing white matter (WM) abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), by searching PubMed and reviewing MRI studies evaluating subjects with AD or MCI using WM volumetric methods, diffusion tensor imaging and assessment of WM hyperintensities. Studies have found that, compared with healthy controls, AD and MCI samples display WM volumetric reductions and diffusion tensor imaging findings suggestive of reduced WM integrity. These changes affect complex networks relevant to episodic memory and other cognitive processes, including fiber connections that directly link medial temporal structures and the corpus callosum. Abnormalities in cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical WM interconnections are associated with an increased risk of progression from MCI to dementia. It can be concluded that WM abnormalities are detectable in early stages of AD and MCI. Degeneration of WM networks causes disconnection among neural cells and the degree of such changes is related to cognitive decline. © 2013 2013 Expert Reviews Ltd.
O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar o padrão degenerativo de diversos tratos de substância branca após lesão isquêmica estriatal, correlacionando o processo degenerativo com os padrões de ativação microglial e expressão de Nogo-A. Para isso, foi induzida isquemia focal com injeção estereotáxica de endotelina no estriado de ratos adultos, e nos animais controle apenas injetou-se solução salina estéril. Os animais foram perfundidos 3, 7, 14 e 30 dias após isquemia. O cérebro removido, pós-fixado, crioprotegido, cortado em criostato e os cortes obtidos submetidos à investigação imunoistoquímica com os seguintes anticorpos: Anti-GFAP (1:2000,Dako), Anti-Tau-1 (1:500,Chemicon), Anti-MBP (1:100,Chemicon International), Anti-Nogo A (1:100,Invitrogen), Anti-Iba1 (1:1000, WAKO), Anti-ED1 (1:500, Serotec) e Anti-MHC-II (1:100 Abcam), além da visualização do padrão lesivo com violeta de cresila. As lâminas marcadas pelos diferentes métodos foram avaliadas qualitativamente e algumas também quantitativamente (Anti-Nogo A, Anti-ED1, Anti-MHC-II e Anti-Tau-1), com contagens realizadas no estriado e no corpo caloso. Os dados foram tabulados, submetidos à análise estatística pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05) e capturadas micrografias dos achados mais representativos. As lâminas coradas com violeta de cresila revelaram um aumento da densidade celular pela infiltração de células inflamatórias à área isquêmica, com aumento expressivo ao 7º dia. Nas lâminas imunomarcadas para GFAP foi encontrado aumento progressivo da população de astrócitos, assim como um aumento do volume celular em 7 e 14 dias. Oligondendrócitos patológicos marcados com Tau-1 tiveram pico de marcação ao 3º dia no estriado e ao 7º dia no corpo caloso, e a perda de compactação de mielina identificada pelo MBP foi melhor observada ao 14º dia, nos diferentes tratos. A ativação microglial identificada pelas diferentes imunomarcações apresentou seu pico ao 7º dia, tanto em estriado como em corpo caloso, porém no corpo caloso com um número muito menor quando comparado com o estriado. A morfologia microglial sofreu variações, sendo encontrado o fenótipo ramificado nos animais controles, assim como nos tempos precoces e tardios pós isquemia e o padrão amebóide/fagocítico ao 7º dia, coincidente com o maior número de células ativadas. A contagem de células Nogo-A + teve seu pico observado ao 3º dia no estriado, não sendo observadas no corpo caloso diferenças de expressão de Nogo-A entre 3 a 14 dias, apenas uma diminuição quando comparado a 30 dias. Sendo assim, microinjeções de ET-1 no estriado induziram conspícua perda tecidual, concomitante com ativação microglial progressiva, astrocitose, perda da imunoreatividade para proteína básica de mielina e lesão de oligodendrócitos em diversos tempos de sobrevida após isquemia focal. Estes eventos acometem alguns tratos de SB, como o corpo caloso. O estabelecimento da evolução temporal destes eventos neuropatológico é a base para estudos futuros, nos quais se deverá manipular a resposta inflamatória com intuito de minimizar estas alterações teciduais.
Uniform conduction slowing has been considered a characteristic of inherited demyelinating neuropathies. We present an 18-year-old girl, born from first cousins, that presented a late motor and psychological development, cerebellar ataxia, facial diplegia, abnormal eye movement, scoliosis, and corpus callosum agenesis, whose compound muscle action potentials were slowed and dispersed. A mutation was found on KCC3 gene, confirming Andermann syndrome, a disease that must be included in the differential diagnosis of inherited neuropathies with non-uniform conduction slowing.
Background Congenital deletions affecting 3q11q23 have rarely been reported and only five cases have been molecularly characterised. Genotype. phenotype correlation has been hampered by the variable sizes and breakpoints of the deletions. In this study, 14 novel patients with deletions in 3q11q23 were investigated and compared with 13 previously reported patients. Methods Clinical data were collected from 14 novel patients that had been investigated by high resolution microarray techniques. Molecular investigation and updated clinical information of one cytogenetically previously reported patient were also included. Results The molecular investigation identified deletions in the region 3q12.3q21.3 with different boundaries and variable sizes. The smallest studied deletion was 580 kb, located in 3q13.31. Genotype. phenotype comparison in 24 patients sharing this shortest region of overlapping deletion revealed several common major characteristics including significant developmental delay, muscular hypotonia, a high arched palate, and recognisable facial features including a short philtrum and protruding lips. Abnormal genitalia were found in the majority of males, several having micropenis. Finally, a postnatal growth pattern above the mean was apparent. The 580 kb deleted region includes five RefSeq genes and two of them are strong candidate genes for the developmental delay: DRD3 and ZBTB20. Conclusion A newly recognised 3q13.31 microdeletion syndrome is delineated which is of diagnostic and prognostic value. Furthermore, two genes are suggested to be responsible for the main phenotype.
OBJECTIVE: One major problem in counselling couples with a prenatal diagnosis of a correctable fetal anomaly is the ability to exclude associated malformations that may modify the prognosis. Our aim was to assess the precision of fetal sonography in identifying isolated malformations. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the prenatal and postnatal records of our center for cases with a prenatal diagnosis of an isolated fetal anomaly in the period 2002-2007. RESULTS: The antenatal diagnosis of an isolated malformation was made in 284 cases. In one of this cases the anomaly disappeared in utero. Of the remaining cases, the prenatal diagnosis was confirmed after birth in 251 (88.7%). In 8 fetuses (7 with a suspected coarctation of the aorta, 1 with ventricular septal defect) the prenatal diagnosis was not confirmed. In 24 fetuses (8.5%) additional malformations were detected at postnatal or post-mortem. In 16 of these cases the anomalies were mild or would not have changed the prognosis. In 8 cases (2.8%) severe anomalies were present (1 hypoplasia of the corpus callosum with ventriculomegaly, 1 tracheal agenesis, 3 cases with multiple anomalies, 1 Opitz Syndrome, 1 with CHARGE Syndrome, 1 COFS Syndrome). Two of these infants died. CONCLUSIONS: the prenatal diagnosis of an isolated fetal anomaly is highly reliable. However, the probability that additional malformations will go undetected albeit small remains tangible. In our experience, it was 2.8%.
Neurale Stammzellen sind im adulten Säugerhirn in der Subventrikulären Zone (SVZ) der Lateralventrikel und dem Hippokampus lokalisiert. In der SVZ entstandene neurale Zellen migrieren entlang eines von Astrozyten umgebenen Pfades, dem Rostralmigratorischen Strom (RMS), zum Olfaktorischen Bulbus (OB), wo sie zu olfaktorischen Interneuronen differenzieren. Vaskuläre Wachstumsfaktoren, wie VEGF-A beeinflussen die adulte Neurogenese. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erstmalig detailliert die spezifische Expression des VEGF-Rezeptor-1 (VEGFR-1) in den Regionen olfaktorischer und hippokampaler Neurogenese des adulten ZNS. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass VEGFR-1 im adulten Hirn hauptsächlich in GFAP-positiven Zellen in der SVZ, dem RMS, dem OB, dem Corpus callosum und dem Hippokampus exprimiert ist. In vivo-Analysen transgener Mäuse (Flt-1TK-/-), denen die Signaltransduktionsdomäne des VEGFR-1 fehlt, demonstrieren hier erstmals eine Rolle des VEGFR-1 in adulter Neurogenese. Flt-1TK-/- weisen eine erhöhte Proliferation neuronaler Vorläuferzellen der SVZ auf. Im RMS ist jedoch 6 Tage nach BrdU-Administration die Anzahl markierter Zellen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp (wt) um 47,97% reduziert, ohne dass es zu einer Akkumulation in der SVZ kommt. Zusammen mit der in Kulturversuchen stark erhöhten Migrationsgeschwindigkeit von Neuroblasten der Flt-1TK-/- und einer verminderten Abwanderung von Zellen aus dem RMS ins Corpus callosum der Flt-1Tk-/-, weist dies auf eine gesteigerte Migration zum OB hin. Tatsächlich war der OB der Flt-1TK-/-, vor allem die Plexiform- und Periglomerulärzellschicht (PGL), signifikant vergrößert. Im OB der transgenen Tiere migrieren zudem signifikant mehr BrdU-markierte Zellen in die PGL. Dort differenzieren signifikant mehr Neurone als im wt. Subtypisierungen zeigen, zudem eine erhöhte Differenzierung in dopaminerge Interneurone in der PGL der Flt-1TK-/-. Im Gehirn Flt-1TK-/- war die Konzentration von VEGF-A erhöht. Intrazerebroventrikuläre Infusion von VEGF-A in wt-Tiere erbrachte den eindeutigen Nachweis, dass die Erhöhung der VEGF-A-Konzentration im Gehirn der Flt-1TK-/- ursächlich für die in diesen Tieren beobachtete Reduktion der BrdU-positiven Zellen im RMS ist. Dies ist gleichzeitig der erste Nachweis einer Wirkung von VEGF-A auf Neuroblasten im RMS in vivo unter physiologischen Bedingungen. Die erhöhte VEGF-A-Konzentration könnte auch den anderen hier dargelegten Effekten zugrunde liegen. VEGFR-1 ist somit ein regulatorischer Faktor für die adulte olfaktorische Neurogenese und spielt eine potentielle Rolle in der Differenzierung dopaminerger Interneurone.
Variations of white matter integrity have been associated with interindividual differences in brain function. Still, little is known about the impact of white matter integrity on quantitative motor behaviour. Diffusion tensor imaging and continuous wrist actigraphy were measured on the same day in 12 individuals. Fractional anisotropy as measure of white matter integrity was correlated with the motor activity level. Positive correlations of fractional anisotropy and activity level were detected in the cingulum and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus underneath the precentral gyrus. Negative correlations were found in the left corticobulbar tract, in the right posterior corpus callosum and in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus. Volitional motor activity was associated with white matter integrity in motor relevant fiber tracts.
Fast quantitative MRI has become an important tool for biochemical characterization of tissue beyond conventional T1, T2, and T2*-weighted imaging. As a result, steady-state free precession (SSFP) techniques have attracted increased interest, and several methods have been developed for rapid quantification of relaxation times using steady-state free precession. In this work, a new and fast approach for T2 mapping is introduced based on partial RF spoiling of nonbalanced steady-state free precession. The new T2 mapping technique is evaluated and optimized from simulations, and in vivo results are presented for human brain at 1.5 T and for human articular cartilage at 3.0 T. The range of T2 for gray and white matter was from 60 msec (for the corpus callosum) to 100 msec (for cortical gray matter). For cartilage, spatial variation in T2 was observed between deep (34 msec) and superficial (48 msec) layers, as well as between tibial (33 msec), femoral, (54 msec) and patellar (43 msec) cartilage. Excellent correspondence between T2 values derived from partially spoiled SSFP scans and the ones found with a reference multicontrast spin-echo technique is observed, corroborating the accuracy of the new method for proper T2 mapping. Finally, the feasibility of a fast high-resolution quantitative partially spoiled SSFP T2 scan is demonstrated at 7.0 T for human patellar cartilage.
In binocular rivalry, presentation of different images to the separate eyes leads to conscious perception alternating between the two possible interpretations every few seconds. During perceptual transitions, a stimulus emerging into dominance can spread in a wave-like manner across the visual field. These traveling waves of rivalry dominance have been successfully related to the cortical magnification properties and functional activity of early visual areas, including the primary visual cortex (V1). Curiously however, these traveling waves undergo a delay when passing from one hemifield to another. In the current study, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate whether the strength of interhemispheric connections between the left and right visual cortex might be related to the delay of traveling waves across hemifields. We measured the delay in traveling wave times (ΔTWT) in 19 participants and repeated this test 6 weeks later to evaluate the reliability of our behavioral measures. We found large interindividual variability but also good test-retest reliability for individual measures of ΔTWT. Using DTI in connection with fiber tractography, we identified parts of the corpus callosum connecting functionally defined visual areas V1-V3. We found that individual differences in ΔTWT was reliably predicted by the diffusion properties of transcallosal fibers connecting left and right V1, but observed no such effect for neighboring transcallosal visual fibers connecting V2 and V3. Our results demonstrate that the anatomical characteristics of topographically specific transcallosal connections predict the individual delay of interhemispheric traveling waves, providing further evidence that V1 is an important site for neural processes underlying binocular rivalry.
The right and left visual hemifields are represented in different cerebral hemispheres and are bound together by connections through the corpus callosum. Much has been learned on the functions of these connections from split-brain patients [1-4], but little is known about their contribution to conscious visual perception in healthy humans. We used diffusion tensor imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate which callosal connections contribute to the subjective experience of a visual motion stimulus that requires interhemispheric integration. The "motion quartet" is an ambiguous version of apparent motion that leads to perceptions of either horizontal or vertical motion [5]. Interestingly, observers are more likely to perceive vertical than horizontal motion when the stimulus is presented centrally in the visual field [6]. This asymmetry has been attributed to the fact that, with central fixation, perception of horizontal motion requires integration across hemispheres whereas perception of vertical motion requires only intrahemispheric processing [7]. We are able to show that the microstructure of individually tracked callosal segments connecting motion-sensitive areas of the human MT/V5 complex (hMT/V5+; [8]) can predict the conscious perception of observers. Neither connections between primary visual cortex (V1) nor other surrounding callosal regions exhibit a similar relationship.