982 resultados para Corporal composition


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado, associada ao treinamento moderado em natação, sobre a composição corporal, o consumo e a eficiência alimentar, a glicemia, o perfil lipídico e o glicogênio muscular e hepático de ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (30 dias) foram divididos em: sedentário, sedentário suplementado, treinado e treinado suplementado. Permaneceram em gaiolas individuais com comida e água ad libitum, temperatura de 23ºC (com variação de1ºC) e ciclo claro-escuro de 12 horas, durante 8 semanas. A sessão de natação durou 1 hora e foi realizada três vezes/semana, bem como a suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado a 2%. Após sacrifício, o plasma, os tecidos adiposos brancos e o marrom, o músculo gastrocnêmio e o fígado foram coletados e pesados. RESULTADOS: A suplementação per se não promoveu modificação na ingestão alimentar e na massa corporal dos animais. Houve aumento na glicemia de jejum (p<0,05), nas lipoproteínas de alta densidade (p<0,05), no colesterol total (p<0,05) e redução dos triacilgliceróis. A suplementação associada ao treinamento reduziu a massa corporal (p<0,05) e aumentou o peso relativo do tecido adiposo, do fígado e a glicemia de jejum. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado associada à prática de exercício físico parece ter influência no balanço energético, mas, por outro lado, o aumento no peso do fígado indica que a ingestão deste ácido graxo pode ter efeitos indesejáveis, aumentando as chances de desenvolvimento do fígado gorduroso. Estes achados apontam perspectivas para novos estudos envolvendo análises histológicas do fígado, expressão gênica de enzimas chaves do metabolismo lipídico e de carboidratos, associados ou não a diferentes protocolos de treinamento físico.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a composição química corporal de 63 animais não-castrados das raças Gir, Guzerá, Mocho de Tabapuã e Nelore, em confinamento, com pesos vivos médios iniciais de 376,4; 357,6, 362,0; e 368,6 kg, respectivamente. em cada raça, os animais foram divididos em cinco categorias: abate inicial, alimentação ad libitum com ração contendo 50% de concentrado até atingirem pesos individuais de abate de 405, 450 e 500 kg, respectivamente, e, finalmente, categoria alimentação restrita recebendo a mesma ração, suprindo níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença. Não houve diferenças entre as raças quanto aos conteúdos corporais de proteína, gordura, energia e macroelementos minerais (Ca, P, Mg, K e Na). Os animais abatidos com pesos mais elevados apresentam menores porcentagens de proteína e macroelementos minerais (Ca, P, Mg, K e Na) no corpo, ocorrendo o inverso para a gordura corporal.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar duas formas de hidrólise do bagaço de cana (com [17kgf/cm²]e sem [4kgf/cm²] rápida descompressão pós-hidrólise) e dois níveis de concentrado (25 e 45% MS) no desempenho e na composição corporal de novilhas em crescimento sob regime confinado durante 112 dias. Vinte e quatro novilhas Nelore e 12 Canchim foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados em arranjo fatorial 2x2. Os resultados demonstraram que a omissão da explosão pós-hidrólise e o uso de níveis mais elevados de concentrado aumentaram o ganho de peso e o consumo de alimentos. Os resultados para ganho de peso e consumo de matéria seca, respectivamente, para tratamento sem vs com descompressão e 45 vs 25% de concentrado, foram 0,76 vs 0,67 e 0,76 vs 0,66 kg/d e 6,7 vs 5,8 e 6,8 vs 5,7 kg/dia. Entretanto, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para conversão alimentar. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os tratamentos quanto à composição corporal determinada por meio do espaço de deutério ao final do período de confinamento, embora a taxa estimada de deposição de lipídios tenha sido maior para o tratamento sem explosão (216 vs 175 g/d) e o tratamento com 45% de concentrado (225 vs 166 g/d). Não foram observadas vantagens na descompressão rápida pós-hidrólise em alta pressão na eficiência de conversão de alimentos. Os resultados demonstram que animais alimentados com bagaço hidrolisado em níveis altos de ingestão (2,9% PV) e proporções baixas de concentrado apresentaram eficiência de utilização da dieta semelhante a dietas com níveis mais altos de concentrado.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver equações de predição da composição química corporal de zebuínos, por intermédio da análise química de amostra de seção representativa da carcaça. Utilizaram-se sessenta e três animais não-castrados das raças Gir, Guzerá, Mocho de Tabapuã e Nelore. Os conteúdos corporais de proteína, gordura e macroelementos minerais (cálcio, fósforo, potássio, magnésio e sódio) foram determinados analisando-se amostras de seção da carcaça incluindo a 9ª, 10ª e 11ª costelas (seção HH) e dos demais tecidos corporais. Os teores de proteína, gordura, energia e macroelementos minerais da secção HH, com exceção para o magnésio, mostraram-se altamente correlacionados com a composição química corporal. As equações de predição baseadas na composição química da secção HH mostraram-se confiáveis para estudos comparativos da composição corporal de zebuínos.


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Com o objetivo de verificar alterarações na composição corporal, diferentes níveis protéicos (12 e 18% PB) foram utilizados na dieta de leitoas de reposição, dos 100 aos 221 dias de idade. Durante esse período foram avaliados o peso corporal, espessura de toucinho (ET), manifestação de estro, características do trato reprodutivo e o balanço nitrogenado. Para a determinação do balanço nitrogenado, as leitoas foram submetidas a dois ensaios de digestibilidade (aos 136 e aos 201 dias de idade). em ambos os ensaios, as leitoas alimentadas com 18% PB apresentaram maior ingestão, retenção e excreção de nitrogênio e maiores níveis de uréia plasmática e urinária (P<0,001). A eficiência da utilização de nitrogênio não foi influenciada pelo nível protéico da dieta (P>0,05). Houve redução de 48% na excreção de nitrogênio com a dieta menos protéica. Leitoas alimentadas com 12% PB apresentaram maior ganho de ET (7,4 mm) em comparação às alimentadas com 18% PB (4,5 mm), dos 100 aos 207 dias de idade (P<0,02). O peso corporal, peso do útero, comprimento dos cornos uterinos e número de corpos lúteos não foram afetados pelo nível de proteína na dieta. A taxa de detecção de estro, até 25 dias após a exposição das leitoas ao cachaço, foi semelhante para as fêmeas recebendo 12% (71%) e 18% PB (75%). Os níveis de proteína da dieta afetaram a composição corporal das fêmeas sem que o peso final, o desencadeamento da puberdade e características do trato reprodutivo fossem afetados, indicando que dietas de baixa proteína podem ser utilizadas como estratégia para aumentar a espessura de toucinho de leitoas de reposição.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to establish equations to estimate the empty body chemical composition of Nellore steers using the following indirect techniques: 1) physical composition of the 9-10-11(th) rib cut;) physical composition of the 10(th) rib cut; and 3) chemical composition of the 10(th) rib cut. Thirty-one Nellore steers with weights ranging from 245 to 489 kg and ages from 20 to 29.7 months at slaughter were utilized. The empty body chemical composition was established through samples collected after grinding all animal tissues. The equations using the percentage of dissectable fat in the 9-10-11(th) rib cut shored a high precision for estimating the percentage of water (r(2) = 0.91; Syx = 1.168) and ether extract (r(2) = 0.94; Syx = 1.298) of the empty body; the same was observed when the percentage of dissectable fat in the 10(th) rib cut was used (r(2) = 0.82 and 0.85; Syx = 1.658 and 1.942, respectively, for water and ether extract). The equations using the percentage of ether extract in the 10(th) rib cut showed a high precision for estimating the percentage of water (r(2) = 0.89; Syx = 1.311) and the ether extract (r(2) = 0.89; Syx = 1.730) of the empty body, but there was no advantage over the physical composition of the 9-10-11(th) and 10(th) rib cut. Multiple regressions using carcass weight and the percentage of bones and kilograms of lean, fat, and bones dissectable in the 10(th) rib cut improved the coefficients of determination for water and ether extract to 0.87 and 0.91. The equations to estimate the percentages of protein and ach showed a low precision, indicating that those techniques are not recommended to estimate these components in the empty body of Nellore steers.


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This study was carried out to determine body composition and magnesium, potassium and sodium requirements for weight gain of Santa Ines lambs (hairy coat breed). Eighteen animals were used with average 15 kg initial LW. At the beginning of the experiment, six animals were slaughtered for the determination of the amount of each mineral retained in the body, and serving as reference animals in the comparative slaughter technique. The remaining 12 animals were divided in two groups: six were ad libitum fed and six animals were restricting fed at maintenance plus 20%. The animals from the ad libitum and restrict feeding groups started in the experimental period by pairs and they both were slaughtered when the animals from the ad libitum group reached 25 kg LW. The estimates of magnesium, potassium and sodium body composition were obtained through the prediction equations obtained by the logarithm regression of the amount of each present minerals in the empty body in function of the empty body weight (EBW). The net requirements for weight gain were obtained through the derivation of these prediction equations. The estimates of body composition per kg EBW for the animals from 15 to 25 kg were: 0.591 and 0,578 g for Mg: 2.914 and 2.776 g for K 1.830 and 1.637 g for Na; and the net requirements for kg weight gain were: 0.515 and 0.503 g for Mg: 2.408 and 2.294 g for K; 1.315 and 1.177 g for Na, respectively.


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The research was carried out to determine body composition and calcium and phosphorus requirements of Santa Ines lambs. Eighteen entire male lambs with average initial live weight of 15 kg were used. The animals were allotted to three groups: six animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment, to access the amount of calcium and phosphorus present in the body, as reference animals for the comparative slaughter technique. Six animals were ad libitum fed and six were restrict fed (maintenance level plus 20%). The animals ad libitum and restrict fed started the experimental period by pairs and they were both slaughtered when the first reached 25 kg body weight. The body composition was estimated through the prediction equations obtained by regression of the logarithm of the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the empty body on the logarithm of the empty body weight. Net requirements for calcium and phosphorus for maintenance and the absorption coefficient were obtained through the correlation between the amount of each mineral consumed and retained in the animal body. The net requirements maintenance for live weight gain were obtained by means of derivation of the prediction of body composition equations. The net requirements maintainance of calcium and phosphorus for animals from 15 to 25 kg body weight were: 305 mg Ca/day and 325 mg P/day and net requirements for kg of the body weight gain for animals with 15 and 25 kg LW were 11.41 and 10.33 g Ca and 5.72 and 4.94 g P, respectively. The absorption coefficients were estimated to be .44 and 0.55 for Ca and P, respectively.


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The present paper evaluated, through hepatosomatic/mesenteric fat indexes and body composition, the pacu energy utilization when submitted to alternated food restriction/refeeding cycles during the growout period. Juveniles were distributed in three pounds and submitted to different feeding programs: A (ad libitum daily feeding), B (4-week feeding restriction and 9-week refeeding) and C (6-week feeding restrictions and 7-week refeeding), totaling 13 weeks for each cycle (4 experimental cycles). At the end of the periods, fish were sampled to obtain biometrics and biochemical data. The results showed that, during the first two cycles, C treatment obtained the best compensatory growth. Carcass lipid and water contents were inversely related, with body fat decrease. Fishes under B and C treatment during food restriction utilized liver and mesentery energy stores. These parameters were re-established in the refeeding phase, in all cycles.


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Exercise training is often recommended in prevention and treatment of obesity. The present study was designed to compare the effects of intermittent and continuous exercise on weight loss and carcass composition in obese rats. Obese male Wistar rats (monosodium glutamate [MSG] administration, 4 mg/g of body weight every other day from birth to 14 days old) were used. After drug administration, the rats were separated into three groups: MSG-SED (sedentary), MSG-CONT (continuous, swimming, 45 min/day, 5 days/week, with and overload of 5% body weight for 12 weeks) and MSG-INT (intermittent, 15s swimming intermitted by 15s rest, during 45 min, 5 days/week, with and overload of 15% body weight for 12 weeks). Rats of the same age and strain, administered with saline were used as control (SAL), and subdivided into three groups: SAL-SED, SAL-CONT and SAL-INT. The animals were evaluated at the 10 weeks of training and 8 weeks of its interruption. MSG rats showed higher carcass fat as well as weight and cell size in epididymal adipose tissue than SAL rats, indicting the efficacy of the drug in producing obesity. Intermittent training protocol led to a reduction in blood lactate accumulation during acute exercise and both protocols reduced body weight gain during the experiment in MSG rats. After 8 weeks of training interruption no differences were observed among groups in the examined parameters. Only intermittent exercise training improved aerobic fitness but both protocols were similarly efficient in determining weight loss. However, the effects were transitory, since they disappeared after detraining.


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The aim of this study was to examine the agreement between the results of body fat (BF and BF%), fat-free mass (FFM) and FFM index (FFMI= FFM/height2) as estimated by skinfold anthropometry (ANT), bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in two groups of men (> or = 50 y), one comprising healthy individuals (n=23) and the other, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (n=24). Comparisons between body composition techniques were done by repeated measures ANOVA; the Bland & Altman procedure was used to analyse agreement. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: 1) comparison between healthy and COPD groups showed significant differences between all studied variables; 2) in the healthy group, values for BF, BF%, FFM and FFMI were not significantly different when BIA or ANT was compared to DXA; however, in COPD, values for BF and BF% were significantly higher and for FFM and FFMI significantly lower when BIA was compared to DXA; in contrast, no differences were shown between values for these variables when ANT was compared with DXA; 3) Bland & Altman test, in both groups, showed no agreement between BIA and DXA and between ANT and DXA; it was also shown that body fat was overestimated and fat free mass underestimated by BIA in relation to DXA.


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Study design: cross-sectional study. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the association between body composition, mobility and balance of elderly aged 80 years or older. Methods: The sample consisted of 123 elderly aged 80 and 95 years (83.2 ± 2.7 years) with 78 women (83.2 ± 2.9 years) and 45 men (83.2 ± 2, 4 years) residing in the city of Presidente Prudente - SP. Assessment of body composition was made by absorpiometria dual energy X-ray (DXA). The mobility and balance were assessed by means of tests of speed walking, and static balance lower limb strength. For statistical analysis we carried out the chi-square test, the software used was SPSS (13.0) and the significance level was set at 5%. Results: In males, those with higher performance in the functional tests showed higher percentages of muscle mass (MM) (35.6%) compared to lower performance (15.6%), p = 0.026. In the female group, the elderly with higher performance on tests showed higher bone mineral density (BMD) values (30.8%) compared with those with lower performance (20.5%) p = 0.041. Conclusion: MM for elderly males and BMD for females were the components of body composition that is associated with functional capacity.