997 resultados para Coral (Música)


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As atmospheric levels of CO2 increase, reef-building corals are under greater stress from both increased sea surface temperatures and declining sea water pH. To date, most studies have focused on either coral bleaching due to warming oceans or declining calcification due to decreasing oceanic carbonate ion concentrations. Here, through the use of physiology measurements and cDNA microarrays, we show that changes in pH and ocean chemistry consistent with two scenarios put forward by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) drive major changes in gene expression, respiration, photosynthesis and symbiosis of the coral, Acropora millepora, before affects on biomineralisation are apparent at the phenotype level. Under high CO2 conditions corals at the phenotype level lost over half their Symbiodinium populations, and had a decrease in both photosynthesis and respiration. Changes in gene expression were consistent with metabolic suppression, an increase in oxidative stress, apoptosis and symbiont loss. Other expression patterns demonstrate upregulation of membrane transporters, as well as the regulation of genes involved in membrane cytoskeletal interactions and cytoskeletal remodeling. These widespread changes in gene expression emphasize the need to expand future studies of ocean acidification to include a wider spectrum of cellular processes, many of which may occur before impacts on calcification.


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We tested the effect of near-future CO2 levels (a parts per thousand 490, 570, 700, and 960 mu atm CO2) on the olfactory responses and activity levels of juvenile coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, a piscivorous reef fish that is also one of the most important fisheries species on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Juvenile coral trout reared for 4 weeks at 570 mu atm CO2 exhibited similar sensory responses and behaviors to juveniles reared at 490 mu atm CO2 (control). In contrast, juveniles reared at 700 and 960 mu atm CO2 exhibited dramatically altered sensory function and behaviors. At these higher CO2 concentrations, juveniles became attracted to the odor of potential predators, as has been observed in other reef fishes. They were more active, spent less time in shelter, ventured further from shelter, and were bolder than fish reared at 490 or 570 mu atm CO2. These results demonstrate that behavioral impairment of coral trout is unlikely if pCO(2) remains below 600 mu atm; however, at higher levels, there are significant impacts on juvenile performance that are likely to affect survival and energy budgets, with consequences for predator-prey interactions and commercial fisheries.


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An economic survey of the commercial operators currently active in the Queensland Coral Reef Fin-Fish Fishery has been carried out, as part of a research project aimed at evaluating alternative management options for this fishery. This paper presents the background analysis used as a basis to develop the sampling design for this survey. The background analysis focuses on activity patterns of the fleet based on effort and catch information, as well as patterns of quota ownership. Based on this information, a fishing business profile describing the micro-economic structure of fishing operations is developed. This profile, in conjunction with the qualitative information gained in undertaking the economic surveys, allows preliminary understanding of the key drivers of profitability in the CRFFF, and possible impacts of external factors on fishing operations.


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Common coral trout Plectropomus leopardus is an iconic fish of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and is the most important fish for the commercial fishery there. Most of the catch is exported live to Asia. This stock assessment was undertaken in response to falls in catch sizes and catch rates in recent years, in order to gauge the status of the stock. It is the first stock assessment ever conducted of coral trout on the GBR, and brings together a multitude of different data sources for the first time. The GBR is very large and was divided into a regional structure based on the Bioregions defined by expert committees appointed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) as part of the 2004 rezoning of the GBR. The regional structure consists of six Regions, from the Far Northern Region in the north to the Swains and Capricorn–Bunker Regions in the south. Regions also closely follow the boundaries between Bioregions. Two of the northern Regions are split into Subregions on the basis of potential changes in fishing intensity between the Subregions; there are nine Subregions altogether, which include four Regions that are not split. Bioregions are split into Subbioregions along the Subregion boundaries. Finally, each Subbioregion is split into a “blue” population which is open to fishing and a “green” population which is closed to fishing. The fishery is unusual in that catch rates as an indicator of abundance of coral trout are heavily influenced by tropical cyclones. After a major cyclone, catch rates fall for two to three years, and rebound after that. This effect is well correlated with the times of occurrence of cyclones, and usually occurs in the same month that the cyclone strikes. However, statistical analyses correlating catch rates with cyclone wind energy did not provide significantly different catch rate trends. Alternative indicators of cyclone strength may explain more of the catch rate decline, and future work should investigate this. Another feature of catch rates is the phenomenon of social learning in coral trout populations, whereby when a population of coral trout is fished, individuals quickly learn not to take bait. Then the catch rate falls sharply even when the population size is still high. The social learning may take place by fish directly observing their fellows being hooked, or perhaps heeding a chemo-sensory cue emitted by fish that are hooked. As part of the assessment, analysis of data from replenishment closures of Boult Reef in the Capricorn–Bunker Region (closed 1983–86) and Bramble Reef in the Townsville Subregion (closed 1992–95) estimated a strong social learning effect. A major data source for the stock assessment was the large collection of underwater visual survey (UVS) data collected by divers who counted the coral trout that they sighted. This allowed estimation of the density of coral trout in the different Bioregions (expressed as a number of fish per hectare). Combined with mapping data of all the 3000 or so reefs making up the GBR, the UVS results provided direct estimates of the population size in each Subbioregion. A regional population dynamic model was developed to account for the intricacies of coral trout population dynamics and catch rates. Because the statistical analysis of catch rates did not attribute much of the decline to tropical cyclones, (and thereby implied “real” declines in biomass), and because in contrast the UVS data indicate relatively stable population sizes, model outputs were unduly influenced by the unlikely hypothesis that falling catch rates are real. The alternative hypothesis that UVS data are closer to the mark and declining catch rates are an artefact of spurious (e.g., cyclone impact) effects is much more probable. Judging by the population size estimates provided by the UVS data, there is no biological problem with the status of coral trout stocks. The estimate of the total number of Plectropomus leopardus on blue zones on the GBR in the mid-1980s (the time of the major UVS series) was 5.34 million legal-sized fish, or about 8400 t exploitable biomass, with an 2 additional 3350 t in green zones (using the current zoning which was introduced on 1 July 2004). For the offshore regions favoured by commercial fishers, the figure was about 4.90 million legal-sized fish in blue zones, or about 7700 t exploitable biomass. There is, however, an economic problem, as indicated by relatively low catch rates and anecdotal information provided by commercial fishers. The costs of fishing the GBR by hook and line (the only method compatible with the GBR’s high conservation status) are high, and commercial fishers are unable to operate profitably when catch rates are depressed (e.g., from a tropical cyclone). The economic problem is compounded by the effect of social learning in coral trout, whereby catch rates fall rapidly if fishers keep returning to the same fishing locations. In response, commercial fishers tend to spread out over the GBR, including the Far Northern and Swains Regions which are far from port and incur higher travel costs. The economic problem provides some logic to a reduction in the TACC. Such a reduction during good times, such as when the fishery is rebounding after a major tropical cyclone, could provide a net benefit to the fishery, as it would provide a margin of stock safety and make the fishery more economically robust by providing higher catch rates during subsequent periods of depressed catches. During hard times when catch rates are low (e.g., shortly after a major tropical cyclone), a change to the TACC would have little effect as even a reduced TACC would not come close to being filled. Quota adjustments based on catch rates should take account of long-term trends in order to mitigate variability and cyclone effects in data.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace of bubble chambers containing branches of live coral in filtered reef seawater were analysed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). When the coral released mucus it was a source of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and isoprene; however, these VOCs were not emitted to the chamber headspace from mucus-free coral. This finding, which suggests that coral is an intermittent source of DMS and isoprene, was supported by the observation of occasional large pulses of atmospheric DMS (DMSa) over Heron Island reef on the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, in the austral winter. The highest DMSa pulse (320 ppt) was three orders of magnitude less than the DMS mixing ratio (460 ppb) measured in the headspace of a dynamically purged bubble chamber containing a mucus-coated branch of Acropora aspera indicating that coral reefs can be strong point sources of DMSa. Static headspace GC-MS analysis of coral fragments identified mainly DMS and seven other minor reduced sulfur compounds including dimethyl disulfide, methyl mercaptan, and carbon disulfide, while coral reef seawater was an indicated source of methylene chloride, acetone, and methyl ethyl ketone. The VOCs emitted by coral and reef seawater are capable of producing new atmospheric particles < 15 nm diameter as observed at Heron Island reef. DMS and isoprene are known to play a role in low-level cloud formation, so aerosol precursors such as these could influence regional climate through a sea surface temperature regulation mechanism hypothesized to operate over the GBR.


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The work is the most extensive encyclopedic compilation on Mexican music published to the date, in the form of a dictionary. It includes composer's bios, list of works, musical institutions, instruments, performers, theatres, and many other categories about the music of Mexico. Most of entries include bibliography.


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In Aztec mythology and religion, Xipe Totec ("our lord the flayed one") was a life-death-rebirth deity, god of agriculture, vegetation, the east, disease, spring, goldsmiths, silversmiths and the seasons. The music used for his worship has been described by a diversity of documents (carved stones, depicted codices, and chronicles made by the first European friars arrived to Mexico). This article explores the symbolic content of these descriptions, especially in association with Xochipilli Macuilxochitl, master of music and poetry.


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new cembranoid diterpene was isolated from the soft coral Ckdiella h p f ifrom Minicoy Island (India), and its structure was established by X-ray crystallography to be sclerophytin F methyl ether (21 with the R absolute configuration at all six epimeric centers,assuming a configuration similar to that of sclerophytin C. Compound 2 may be an artifact of the isolation process.


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The present study reports coral mortality, driven primarily by coral diseases, around Shingle Island, Gulf of Mannar (GOM), Indian Ocean. In total, 2910 colonies were permanently monitored to assess the incidence of coral diseases and consequent mortality for 2 yr. Four types of lesions consistent with white band disease (WBD), black disease (BD), white plaque disease (WPD), and pink spot disease (PSD) were recorded from 4 coral genera: Montipora, Pocillopora, Acropora, and Porites. Porites were affected by 2 disease types, while the other 3 genera were affected by only 1 disease type. Overall disease prevalence increased from 8% (n = 233 colonies) to 41.9% (n = 1219) over the 2 yr study period. BD caused an unprecedented 100% mortality in Pocillopora, followed by 20.4 and 13.1% mortality from WBD in Montipora and Acropora, respectively. Mean disease progression rates of 0.8 +/- 1.0 and 0.6 +/- 0.5 cm mo(-1) over live coral colonies were observed for BD and WBD. Significant correlations between temperature and disease progression were observed for BD (r = 0.86, R-2 = 0.75, p < 0.001) and WBD (R-2 = 0.76, p < 0.001). This study revealed the increasing trend of disease prevalence and progression of disease over live coral in a relatively limited study area; further study should investigate the status of the entire coral reef in the GOM and the role of diseases in reef dynamics.


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Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Municipio de “El Coral”, localizado al sureste de la ciudad de Managua. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) Elaborar el Protocolo de Buenas Prácticas Pecuarias; b) Determinar el grado de cumplimento de BPP en fincas ganaderas del municipio de “El Coral”; y c) Elaborar una estrategia para la implementación del programa de rastreabilidad de carne bovina. La metodología utilizada para el primer objetivo consistió en una revisión de fuentes secundarias y una encuesta a personal clave en tres aspectos de los ítems del Manual de BPP y se abordó tres aspectos: si están de acuerdo con cada ítem, si es exigible y si tienen otro ítem que agregar al protocolo; en el caso del segundo objetivo consistió en un diagnóstico modificado de PROGANIC, con preguntas cerradas aplicado a 70 fincas y su procesamiento en un programa de cómputo Excel; y en el caso del tercer objetivo se aplico una matriz de estrategia para la determinación del rol y proceso de implementación. Se obtuvo como resultado de 29 personas claves que fueron encuestadas, 55 (98%) de los 56 (100%) ítems en total del protocolo propuesto obtuvieron un consenso positivo de parte de los encuestados, para que estos ítem fueran aplicados en el diagnóstico de finca y se resulto un “Protocolo de BPP” de 50 ítem en total, de un total de 72 ítem que tenia el “Manual de BPP de la producción primaria” de la resolución 117-2004 de la Asamblea Nacional. El diagnóstico practicado a 70 fincas ganaderas que representan el 21% del municipio, mostró que el 100% de las fincas ganaderas no cumplen con las BPP definidas en el protocolo de BPP, siendo 9 ítems sobre manejo los que más afectan el no cumplimiento de las BPP. El resultado de la matriz de estrategia muestra que se debe organizar, definir el rol y establecer un mecanismo para la implementación del sistema de rastreabilidad de carne bovina en “El Coral”. Se concluye: a) El “Protocolo de Buenas Prácticas Pecuarias” aplicado en este estudio es apropiado y valido para fincas ganaderas; b) Ninguna de las fincas ganaderas cumple con las BPP para fincas ganaderas; d) Las principales causas de la no aplicación de las BPP son: el desconocimiento de las mismas; la falta de asistencia técnica directa y el bajo incentivo de la producción y e) la principal estrategia para la implementación del programa de rastreabilidad en el municipio, es la sensibilización a todos los actores locales que participaran en el programa.


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Para el estudio se utilizaron 68 novillos producto del cruce de la raza Pardo Suizo x Brahman con un peso inicial de 230 ± 33 kg, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de tres tratamientos anabólicos sobre la ganancia de peso total en pastoreo libre durante un periodo de 100 días, siendo los tratamientos los siguientes: T 1 (Zeranol implante: Zeranol Over®), T2 (Zeranol Over® formulación tixotrópico), T3. (Overmax® LA Premium: Zeranol + ivermectina 3.15%), comparado con el T4 Testigo o Control (Sin implante). A los animales pesados y organizados en tres grupos con características semejantes, se les aplicó los tratamientos y cada grupo estuvo conformado por 17 novillos; de igual manera, fueron desparasitados con Vermectina La Premium 3. 15 %, a razón de 1ml por cada 50 kg de peso vivo (kg p.v), antes de aplicar los agentes anabólicos. Se determinó el incremento en peso a partir del peso final e inicial, y se calculó la Ganancia Media Diaria (GMD) en cada uno de los tratamientos. Para el diseño de dos vías se utilizó el test de Fisher (Análisis de Varianza) y el Test de Friedman, y categorización estadística mediante la Mínima Diferencia Significativa (DMS, P=O.OS). El análisis estadístico determinó efecto altamente significativo (P=O.OOl) en la GMD, en donde la GMD fue de 739, 624, 590 y de 536 gramos para los tratamientos T3 (Overeas® LA Premium: Zeranol + ívermectina), TI (Zeranol implante: Zeranol Over®), T2 (Zeranol Over'l formulación tixotrópica) y el Control, respectivamente. El implante Overmax® LA Premium (Zeranol+ivermectina3.15%) superó en más de 27 % al tratamiento sin implante, siendo este el tratamiento de mayor rentabilidad, con 83.43 dólares en ganancia de peso por animal, y una relación Beneficio/Costo de 1.27 por cada unidad monetaria invertida.


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