990 resultados para Cooperative Behavior
Aortic stenosis mostly occurs among old-old patients. Once symptoms appear, prognosis is guarded, with 2-year mortality as high as 50%. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is a new therapeutic option in patients at very high surgical risk, who are mostly older persons. However, TAVI is associated with some complications, and patient selection remains a challenge. Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) identifies patients with medical and functional problems likely to affect the TAVI post-operative course. Collaboration between cardiologists and geriatricians will likely become a standard approach to enhance the assessment of these frail patients and identify those most likely to benefit from TAVI.
Congrès de la Société Française de Pédiatrie et de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française (APLF)
The aim of our study was to identify and document some key cognitive aptitudes used by ambulance people in emergency situations. Better knowing such aptitudes is necessary for a school of ambulance people in order to improve the selection and education of students. The idea was to better consider real work activity requirements and characteristics, and to develop and implement genuine educational content and selection tools. We followed the work activity of ambulance professionals involved in real emergency situations. Some interventions were filmed and post-analyzed. We completed and validated our analysis by means of interviews with ambulance personnel. We selected some video sequences and used them as a support for the interviews. We identified and documented many different key aptitudes like orientation and spatial sense, the capacity to perform complex cognitive tasks and delicate manipulations in the context of divided attention, as well as diverse aptitudes relevant in collaborative work.
Indirect reciprocity is a form of reciprocity where help is given to individuals based on their reputation. In indirect reciprocity, bad acts (such as not helping) reduce an individual's reputation while good acts (such as helping) increase an individual's reputation. Studies of indirect reciprocity assume that good acts and bad acts are weighted equally when assessing the reputation of an individual. As different information can be processed in different ways, this is not likely to be the case, and it is possible that an individual could bias an actor's reputation by putting more weight to acts of defection (not helping) than acts of co-operation (helping) or vice versa. We term this difference 'judgement bias', and build an individual-based model of image scoring to investigate the conditions under which it may evolve. We find that, if the benefits of co-operation are small, judgement bias is weighted towards acts perceived to be bad; if the benefits are high, the reverse is true. Our result is consistent under both scoring and standing strategies, and we find that allowing judgement bias to evolve increases the level of co-operation in the population.
Integration of biological data of various types and the development of adapted bioinformatics tools represent critical objectives to enable research at the systems level. The European Network of Excellence ENFIN is engaged in developing an adapted infrastructure to connect databases, and platforms to enable both the generation of new bioinformatics tools and the experimental validation of computational predictions. With the aim of bridging the gap existing between standard wet laboratories and bioinformatics, the ENFIN Network runs integrative research projects to bring the latest computational techniques to bear directly on questions dedicated to systems biology in the wet laboratory environment. The Network maintains internally close collaboration between experimental and computational research, enabling a permanent cycling of experimental validation and improvement of computational prediction methods. The computational work includes the development of a database infrastructure (EnCORE), bioinformatics analysis methods and a novel platform for protein function analysis FuncNet.
Elderly patients in palliative situations residing in a nursing home present characteristics and specificities that clearly distinguish them from patients with advanced cancer. Besides the difficulty to define a precise prognosis, their many comorbidities, their communication difficulties because of cognitive disorders, their high sensitivity to primary and secondary effects of drugs render their management a real challenge for physician and caregivers. Accompanying these patients at the end of their life also raises many ethical problems, especially when they are no longer able to express their wishes and have not previously expressed advance directives.
Les problèmes de santé mentale au travail constituent un défi à la fois clinique, professionnel, économique et de santé publique. Les coûts totaux qu'ils génèrent en Suisse équivalent à 3,2 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) suisse et ils aboutissent très souvent à un licenciement. La grande majorité des personnes sont soignées par un médecin de premier recours. L'Institut de Santé au Travail propose une consultation spécialisée dans les questions de souffrance au travail, offrant aux soignants de première ligne un avis ou un soutien pluridisciplinaire, dans une perspective collaborative des soins. Son action, adaptée aux besoins de chaque situation, va d'un avis à une orientation vers des spécialistes pouvant étoffer durablement le réseau (suivi psychiatrique, programme de soutien à l'emploi, avis juridique ou social). Mental health problems at work constitute a challenge in the clinical feld, as well in the professional, the economic and the public health perspective. The total costs they generate in Switzerland are equivalent to 3.2% of the Swiss gross domestic product and they very often lead to dismissal. The vast majority of people are treated by their primary care physician. The Institute for Work and Health features a specialized consultation on the topic of suffering at work, offering the primary care physicians a pluridisciplinary advice or support, in a collaborative care prospect. Its action, adapted to each situation's needs, goes from an advice to a referral to specialists that can strengthen the network on a long-term basis (mental health follow-up, supported employment program, legal or social advice).
La collaboration est une compétence essentielle que les futurs médecins doivent développer. La détermination des niveaux de compétence est cruciale dans la planification de cet apprentissage. Les échelles descriptives suscitent un intérêt croissant, car elles décrivent en termes qualitatifs les performances attendues. Nous inspirant de la méthodologie mixte de Blais, Laurier, & Rousseau (2009), nous avons construit en cinq étapes une échelle de niveau de compétence de collaboration: 1) formulation d’une liste d’indicateurs situés à quatre niveaux de la formation médicale (préclinique, externat, résidence junior et sénior) par les chercheurs (n= 3) et un groupe d’éducateurs (n=7), leaders pédagogiques possédant une expertise pour la compétence de collaboration; 2) sondage en ligne comprenant quatre questionnaires portant sur les niveaux de 118 indicateurs, auprès d’enseignants cliniciens représentant les différentes spécialités (n=277); 3) analyse, avec le modèle partial credit de Rasch, des réponses aux questionnaires appariés par calibration concurrente; 4) détermination des niveaux des indicateurs par les éducateurs et les chercheurs; et 5) rédaction de l’échelle à partir des indicateurs de chaque niveau. L’analyse itérative des réponses montre une adéquation au modèle de Rasch et répartit les indicateurs sur l’échelle linéaire aux quatre niveaux. Les éducateurs déterminent le niveau des 111 indicateurs retenus en tenant compte des résultats du sondage et de la cohérence avec le curriculum. L’échelle comporte un paragraphe descriptif par niveau, selon trois capacités : 1) participer au fonctionnement d’une équipe; 2) prévenir et gérer les conflits; et 3) planifier, coordonner et dispenser les soins en équipe. Cette échelle rend explicites les comportements collaboratifs attendus à la fin de chaque niveau et est utile à la planification de l’apprentissage et de l’évaluation de cette compétence. La discordance entre les niveaux choisis par les éducateurs et ceux issus de l’analyse des réponses des enseignants cliniciens est principalement due au faible choix de réponse du niveau préclinique par les enseignants et aux problèmes d’adéquation pour les indicateurs décrivant la gestion des conflits. Cette recherche marque une avan- cée dans la compréhension de la compétence de collaboration et démontre l’efficacité de la méthodologie de Blais (2009) dans un contexte de compétence transversale, en sciences de la santé. Cette méthodologie pourrait aider à approfondir les trajectoires de développement d’autres compétences.
o comportamento do homem está influenciado por vários fatores, dentre eles as necessidades básicas, a razão, o coração e a consciência. Para modificar o comportamento do homem com vistas a um comportamento mais cooperativo, faz-se necessário agir sobre algum desses fatores. Do ponto de vista ético o fator que deve ser trabalhado é a consciência, que permitiria o surgimento da estrutura organizacional orgânica. A estrutura orgânica permitiria às organizações, ao Estado e à sociedade, ter um relacionamento mais adequado com uma realidade social, universal e cósmica que se revela harmônica em seus princípios. A estrutura orgânica organizacional parte das propriedades da metáfora orgânica, presente em qualquer sistema orgânico (biológico, atômico e cósmico), e surge a partir dos seguintes pressupostos: a realidade pode ser representada como uma estrutura em rede orgânica, e o comportamento das pessoas vem determinado pelo nível de consciência. A estrutura orgânica possui os princípios de Autopoiesis e do Holograma, e tem uma série de propriedades aplicáveis em nível organizacional, tais como adaptação, evolução, flexibilidade e homeostase. A sociedade orgânica viria modelada pelos princípios e propriedades da estrutura orgânica, que induziriam o surgimento de comportamentos cooperativos e solidários dentro das instituições sociais, sobretudo aqueles relacionados com a organização do trabalho e a organização da economia. Adicionalmente, o paradigma orgânico conduziria ao estabelecimento das comunidades orgânicas. O Estado orgânico surgiria como decorrência de uma situação em que, o paradigma burocrático revelando-se inadequado para seu funcionamento, permitiria sua organização sob o paradigma orgânico. A substituição do paradigma organizacional burocrático-mecanicista vigente pelo paradigma orgânico, ocorreria de acordo com uma das seguintes alternativas: a) um processo intencional de mudanças minimalistas intercalado com ações radicais pontuais; ou b) uma situação de crise, em decorrência do impedimento do fluxo de mudanças naturais não implementadas. Propõe-se, assim, o paradigma orgânico como ponto de partida indispensável a mudanças conducentes ao bem estar individual e coletivo.