821 resultados para Controversial issues (Course Content)
Resumen: El tema del diálogo interdisciplinar constituye el alma misma de la bioética y su método propio. Este artículo pretende ser un aporte a ese diálogo. Con ese fin, asume los temas controversiales del pasado (la relación ciencia y ética), al mismo tiempo que señala la oportunidad actual de búsqueda y encuentro entre ambas ramas del saber. El autor propone como ámbito de ese diálogo el campo de la vida humana. La bioética con su actualidad, su complejidad y su metodología transdisciplinar surge como posibilidad de un diálogo respetuoso y ordenado, llamado a dar muchos frutos
Para responder à indagação do que pretende o Estado com a criminalização das infrações tributárias a doutrina que se dedicou à análise desta espécie de crimes sustentou ser o fim da norma a proteção de um bem jurídico. Partindo-se dessa premissa foram tecidas inúmeras definições para o objeto de tutela daqueles delitos. Reconhecendo o problema decorrente desta indefinição, este estudo propõe avaliar a importância do bem jurídico na dogmática penal, seus contornos atuais e a sua aplicabilidade. Diante deste cenário, se torna possível vislumbrar o porquê da busca de um objeto de tutela e os critérios adequados à sua identificação. A partir destas ferramentas, passa-se ao levantamento crítico dos fundamentos e definições já sugeridos pela doutrina nacional e internacional, culminando em uma proposta alternativa que se entende coerente com as inafastáveis exigências constitucionais. Por fim, com o fito de reforçar a posição assumida e salientar suas vantagens, são abordados determinados pontos controversos no direito penal tributário a partir da perspectiva do bem jurídico proposto, as primeiras contribuições que um novo fundamento pode oferecer na releitura do atual sistema punitivo brasileiro em matéria fiscal.
O presente trabalho consiste em analisar as características mais marcantes da tribo urbana Emo, cuja origem se encontra no estilo musical emocore. Trata-se de um estudo que pontua basicamente a música, sexualidade, moda e sentimentalidades no imaginário emo, apresentadas como elementos que se configuram em élans comunitários da tribo. Dentro da perspectiva da Pós-modernidade, a pesquisa não objetiva encontrar razões ou justificativas para o comportamento dos jovens da tribo, apenas ponderar algumas temáticas sob a ótica do imaginário, tribalismo urbano e conceitos de corpo dentro do viés já explorado em pesquisas de Comunicação Social. Tendo a rede social Facebook como principal terreno para realização da netnografia, foram analisadas publicações em perfis e fan pages desmistificando a tribo e mostrando as diversas facetas destes jovens. Ao abordar temas polêmicos como bissexualidade, androginia, suicídio e automutilação, o estudo mostra como os emos se colocam socialmente dentre suas lógicas subversivas e contraditórias elucidando outras formas de ver o mundo. Os conceitos de tribalismo urbano de Maffesoli (1987) guiaram os passos deste estudo que se valeu da ótica deste e de outros autores que tratam questões da Pós-modernidade
Busca-se uma reflexão sobre o uso da extradição para a recuperação do delinquente econômico. Inicialmente, expõe-se brevemente os elementos estruturais do Direito Penal Econômico, com ênfase suas características diferenciadoras do modelo tradicional e em suas questões mais controvertidas que dificultam a persecução penal de seus agentes. Em segundo momento, analisam-se as principais formas de cooperação jurídica em matéria penal, entre as mais clássicas, como a homologação da sentença estrangeira, e as mais modernas, como o auxílio direto. Destaca-se ainda o uso da extradição como uma das mais importantes formas em que ainda precisa se respaldar a comunidade internacional, fazendo-se necessário expor suas características e principais questões. Em seguida, cuida-se das limitações quando o crime imputado for de Direito Penal Econômico, vislumbrando questões insurgentes dessa conjugação, bem como o tratamento conferido pela jurisprudência. Constata-se a evolução que essas limitações sofrem para impedir a impunidade decorrente de problemas de formalidades, um grande risco dada as características especiais aos crimes econômicos e, sobretudo, os tributários, de que se ocupa a derradeira parte deste trabalho. Para estes já se observa em tratados a mitigação do requisito da dupla tipicidade e indaga-se quanto à possibilidade de esta fundamentar uma extradição sem crime.
Vocational courses in fisheries are offered in 4 states in India. The technologies in fisheries developed offer good scope for vocational training for self employment. There is an urgent need to have radical revision of the course content to make the students vocationally competent.
Qubit measurement by mesoscopic charge detectors has received great interest in the community of mesoscopic transport and solid-state quantum computation, and some controversial issues still remain unresolved. In this work, we revisit the continuous weak measurement of a solid-state qubit by single electron transistors (SETs) in nonlinear-response regime. For two SET models typically used in the literature, we find that the signal-to-noise ratio can violate the universal upper bound "4," which is imposed quantum mechanically on linear-response detectors. This different result can be understood by means of the cross correlation of the detector currents by viewing the two junctions of the single SET as two detectors. Possible limitation of the potential-scattering approach to this result is also discussed.
This thesis conducts a formal study of the poetry of Gloria Anzaldúa and Lorna Dee Cervantes, placing their work in dialogue with genre and style. These two Chicana poets are exemplary of politicised experimentation with poetics, underpinned by a keen awareness of the rich history of form, genre and style. In the work of each poet, two poetic modes are examined: one traditional, and one experimental. Anzaldúa’s uses of the dramatic monologue as a border genre, and her construction of [auto]poetics, stemming from her multi-genre, autobiographical approach to writing, are considered. Cervantes’s complex approach to the construction of docupoetics that achieves a depth of field in terms of merging a multidimensional approach to aesthetics with highly politicised transnational content, as well as her engagement with the longstanding poetic of elegy via various formal points of entry, is investigated. These poetic modes are primarily explored via close readings, supported by a multidisciplinary framework that includes Anzaldúa’s feminist theories of identity and writing, abjection theory, postcolonialism, and transnationalism. Overall, these four key areas demonstrate the ways in which aesthetics is a crucial consideration in the exploration of the broader issues of content and context in Chicana poetry.
PURPOSE: The readiness assurance process (RAP) of team-based learning (TBL) is an important element that ensures that students come prepared to learn. However, the RAP can use a significant amount of class time which could otherwise be used for application exercises. The authors administered the TBL-associated RAP in class or individual readiness assurance tests (iRATs) at home to compare medical student performance and learning preference for physiology content. METHODS: Using cross-over study design, the first year medical student TBL teams were divided into two groups. One group was administered iRATs and group readiness assurance tests (gRATs) consisting of physiology questions during scheduled class time. The other group was administered the same iRAT questions at home, and did not complete a gRAT. To compare effectiveness of the two administration methods, both groups completed the same 12-question physiology assessment during dedicated class time. Four weeks later, the entire process was repeated, with each group administered the RAP using the opposite method. RESULTS: The performance on the physiology assessment after at-home administration of the iRAT was equivalent to performance after traditional in-class administration of the RAP. In addition, a majority of students preferred the at-home method of administration and reported that the at-home method was more effective in helping them learn course content. CONCLUSION: The at-home administration of the iRAT proved effective. The at-home administration method is a promising alternative to conventional iRATs and gRATs with the goal of preserving valuable in-class time for TBL application exercises.
This paper addresses some controversial issues relating to two main questions. Firstly, we discuss 'man-in-the loop' issues in SAACS. Some people advocate this must always be so that man's decisions can override autonomic components. In this case, the system has two subsystems - man and machine. Can we, however, have a fully autonomic machine - with no man in sight; even for short periods of time? What kinds of systems require man to always be in the loop? What is the optimum balance in self-to-human control? How do we determine the optimum? How far can we go in describing self-behaviour? How does a SAACS system handle unexpected behaviour? Secondly, what are the challenges/obstacles in testing SAACS in the context of self/human dilemma? Are there any lesson to be learned from other programmes e.g. Star-wars, aviation and space explorations? What role human factors and behavioural models play whilst in interacting with SAACS?.
The Guardian newspaper (21st October 2005) informed its readers that: "Stanford University in California is to make its course content available on iTunes...The service, Stanford on iTunes, will provide…downloads of faculty lectures, campus events, performances, book readings, music recorded by Stanford students and even podcasts of Stanford football games". The emergence of Podcasting as means of sending audio data to users has clearly excited educational technologists around the world. This paper will explore the technologies behind Podcasting and how this could be used to develop and deliver new E-Learning material. The paper refers to the work done to create Podcasts of lectures for University of Greenwich students.
This presentation reports on the formal evaluation, through questionnaires, of a new Level 1 undergraduate course, for 130 student teachers, that uses blended learning. The course design seeks to radicalise the department’s approach to teaching, learning and assessment and use students as change agents. Its structure and content, model social constructivist approaches to learning. Building on the student’s experiences of and, reflections on, previous learning, promotes further learning through the support of “able others” (Vygotsky 1978), facilitating and nurturing a secure community of practice for students new to higher education. The course’s design incorporates individual, paired, small and large group activities and exploits online video, audio and text materials. Course units begin and end with face-to-face tutor-led activities. Online elements, including discussions and formative submissions, are tutor-mediated. Students work together face-to-face and online to read articles, write reflections, develop presentations, research and share experiences and resources. Summative joint assignments and peer assessments emphasise the value of collaboration and teamwork for academic, personal and professional development. Initial informal findings are positive, indicating that students have engaged readily with course content and structure, with few reporting difficulties accessing or using technology. Students have welcomed the opportunity to work together to tackle readings in a new genre, pilot presentation skills and receive and give constructive feedback to peers. Course tutors have indicated that depth and quality of study are evident, with regular online formative submissions enabling tutors to identify and engage directly with student’s needs, provide feedback and develop appropriately designed distance and face-to-face teaching materials. Pastoral tutors have indicated that students have reported non-engagement of peers, leading to the rapid application of academic or personal support. Outcomes of the formal evaluation will inform the development of Level 2 and 3 courses and influence the department’s use of blended learning.
Formative assessment was introduced in Rehabilitation Therapy students’ information literacy programs in Fall Term 2006 in the course OT/PT 892: Evidence-Based Practice. It was subsequently employed in the Winter Term 2008 and again in the Spring Term 2008. Formative assessment during student/librarian face-to-face consultations was one of a variety of teaching techniques used in the program. Other techniques included: a required reading; an interactive hands-on searching session; and a summative assessment of the final revised search strategy assignment (these techniques varied somewhat over the 3 classes). With the 2008 entrance class, this course content moved to OT/PT 898: Critical Enquiry, largely in Module 3: Reviewing the Literature. One of the Critical Enquiry’s learning objectives is: “recognize and reflect on the complexity of gathering evidence to inform decision-making.”
With China's new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (‘EBL 2006’) having come into effect on 1 June 2007, a critical issue arises as to the extent to which Article 5, as a cross-border provision, will strengthen creditors' rights across jurisdictions. In this paper attention will be paid in particular to how the Chinese People's Court is likely to exercise its discretion to grant recognition to a foreign court ruling, and vice versa. The paper will start with a brief introduction to the circumstances under which Article 5 came into being. The evolution of China's cross-border insolvency practices will be examined through an analysis of an inbound case of B&T (2002) as well as an outbound one of GITIC (2005). In spite of the fact that China has not adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law, essential factors deemed necessary to be considered by China's court and its counterparts in US and UK are to be highlighted throughout the paper. Although the effect of Article 5 remains to be seen, it will be critically analysed focusing on some controversial issues.
This paper aimed to investigate in what ways teachers’ developing understandings of citizenship education in a divided society reflect discourses around national citizenship and controversial issues. Based on thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 13 post-primary teachers in Northern Ireland undertaking an in-service programme in citizenship, findings indicate that the controversial nature of past conflict maintains its sensitivity in the educational context though other categories of potential exclusion, such as race and sexuality, compete for space in educational discourse and teaching. Few teachers used controversial issues identified as challenging hegemonic beliefs as an opportunity for role modelling citizenship. However, teachers rarely explored the complex interlinkages between traditional and alternative categories of exclusion. It is argued that this may render teachers’ understandings of citizenship and societal conflict disconnected, which in turn may hinder the potential for citizenship education to address societal divisions and to promote active peace in the long-term.
Global citizenship education has been suggested as a means of overcoming the limitations of national citizenship in an increasingly globalised world. In divided societies, global citizenship education is especially relevant and problematic as it offers the opportunity to explore identities and conflict in a wider context. This paper therefore explores young people's understandings of global citizenship in Northern Ireland, a divided society emerging from conflict. Results from focus groups with primary and post-primary pupils reflect some theoretical conceptualisations of global citizenship, including an awareness of global issues, understandings of environmental interdependence and global responsibility, though other elements appear to be less well understood. We argue that global citizenship education will fail to overcome engrained cultural divisions locally and may perpetuate cultural stereotypes globally, unless local and global controversial issues are acknowledged and issues of identity and interdependence critically examined at both levels.