998 resultados para Construtivismo, Positivismo, Práticas em saúde


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Faz-se uma revisão teórica das reformas curriculares nos cursos de saúde. Considerando a ênfase das políticas públicas na integração dos diversos níveis de atenção em saúde, a formação do profissional passa a ter fundamental importância nesse processo. Mas as reformas curriculares podem apresentar dificuldades devido a algumas crenças negativas sobre o novo modelo de formação ou práticas dos profissionais de saúde. Por isto, ressalta-se a importância de avaliar crenças compartilhadas, que têm o papel de fortalecer e manter determinadas práticas e ideologias em saúde. Dessa forma, o estudo das crenças e ações voltadas para metodologias de ensino inovadoras, baseadas na motivação de mudanças para práticas em saúde, bem como estratégias de reforma nos cursos de graduação que ultrapassem a esfera formal são apontados como formas efetivas de mudança do comportamento dos professores, alunos e profissionais de saúde.


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Nos últimos anos, vem se desenvolvendo uma grande área de reflexão e pensamento, denominada "humanidades médicas", que incorpora a realidade social e a experiência individual à interface entre médico e paciente. O grupo Humanidades, Saberes e Práticas em Saúde nasce em 2004, como núcleo de desenvolvimento de pesquisas, composto por estudantes de Medicina, com o objetivo de explorar como a prática médica lida com as experiências de pacientes e de médicos e o processo saúde-doença. As linhas de ação envolvem pesquisa com médicos oncologistas e sua visão da relação médico-paciente na consulta oncológica e ensino no terceiro e quarto semestres do curso de Medicina, utilizando casos clínicos, modelo teórico e role play. Nessa perspectiva, busca-se aproximar a temática da relação médico-paciente do cotidiano dos estudantes de Medicina, contribuindo para desenvolver uma atitude humanizada frente ao ser humano portador de enfermidade.


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A importância da saúde mental nas práticas em saúde fez surgir nas escolas médicas a demanda por uma capacitação aprimorada dos graduandos nessa área. Este artigo tem como principal objetivo descrever a experiência da Liga Acadêmica de Saúde Mental (LISM) da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp como atividade de ensino extracurricular. Relatam-se sua formação, objetivos, dificuldades iniciais, composição, modo de funcionamento e principais atividades desenvolvidas desde 2004. Acredita-se que a LISM tem tido êxito em complementar a formação médica nessa área, pois atua na prevenção e promoção da saúde, incluindo atividades voltadas à saúde mental dos estudantes. Discute-se também criticamente a atuação das Ligas de Saúde Mental nas escolas médicas, incluindo alguns riscos, como o de favorecer a especialização precoce em Psiquiatria, de aumentar a falsa dicotomia entre saúde física e mental ou simplesmente reproduzir atividades acadêmicas oficiais. Tais atividades extracurriculares não devem desmobilizar a comunidade acadêmica na luta pela valorização, integração e inserção sistemática e longitudinal de temas de saúde mental no currículo oficial dos cursos de graduação, indispensáveis à adequada formação dos médicos generalistas.


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As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) estão presentes nas mais diversas áreas e atividades cotidianas, mas, em que pesem as ações de governos e instituições privadas, a informatização da saúde ainda é um desafio em aberto no Brasil. A situação atual leva a um questionamento sobre as dificuldades associadas à informatização das práticas em saúde, assim como, quais efeitos tais dificuldades têm causado à sociedade Brasileira. Com objetivo de discutir as questões acima citadas, esta tese apresenta quatro artigos sobre processo de informação da saúde no Brasil. O primeiro artigo revisa a literatura sobre TIC em saúde e baseado em duas perspectivas teóricas – estudos Europeus acerca dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (SIS) nos Países em Desenvolvimento e estudos sobre Informação e Informática em Saúde, no âmbito do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária –, formula um modelo integrado que combina dimensões de análise e fatores contextuais para a compreensão dos SIS no Brasil. Já o segundo artigo apresenta os conceitos e teóricos e metodológicos da Teoria Ator-Rede (ANT), uma abordagem para o estudo de controvérsias associadas às descobertas científicas e inovações tecnológicas, por meio das redes de atores envolvidos em tais ações. Tal abordagem tem embasado estudos de SI desde 1990 e inspirou as análises dois artigos empíricos desta tese. Os dois últimos artigos foram redigidos a partir da análise da implantação de um SIS em um hospital público no Brasil ocorrida entre os anos de 2010 e 2012. Para a análise do caso, seguiram-se os atores envolvidos nas controvérsias que surgiram durante a implantação do SIS. O terceiro artigo se debruçou sobre as atividades dos analistas de sistema e usuários envolvidos na implantação do SIS. As mudanças observadas durante a implantação do sistema revelam que o sucesso do SIS não foi alcançado pela estrita e técnica execução das atividades incialmente planejadas. Pelo contrário, o sucesso foi construído coletivamente, por meio da negociação entre os atores e de dispositivos de interessamento introduzidos durante o projeto. O quarto artigo, baseado no conceito das Infraestruturas de Informação, discutiu como o sistema CATMAT foi incorporado ao E-Hosp. A análise revelou como a base instalada do CATMAT foi uma condição relevante para a sua escolha durante a implantação do E-Hosp. Além disso, descrevem-se negociações e operações heterogêneas que aconteceram durante a incorporação do CATMAT no sistema E-Hosp. Assim, esta tese argumenta que a implantação de um SIS é um empreendimento de construção coletiva, envolvendo analistas de sistema, profissionais de saúde, políticos e artefatos técnicos. Ademais, evidenciou-se como os SIS inscrevem definições e acordos, influenciando as preferências dos atores na área de saúde.


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CAVALCANTE,Cleonice Andréa Alves, NÓBREGA, Jussara Azevedo Bezerra da, ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, MEDERIROS, Soraya Maria de. Promoção da saúde e trabalho: um ensaio analítico. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem. v.10,n.1 p.241-248.2008. Disponível em :.


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Study, a descriptive-like one, is guided by ethnographic principles which have analyzed the elderly within the familiar context in his/her process of health and aging, in the neighborhood called Felipe Camarão, located in the western administrative region of Natal, RN, a Northeastern city of Brazil. The participants are elders aging 61 to 84 years old, living in this referring neighborhood, whose majority is constituted of migrants from the rural region of the state of the RN, retired, including widows, widowers and married couples, with low school-educational degree. For the information gathering it was utilized a semi-structured interview, the participant observation and the field diary, being put into effect, in majority, in the houses and in the Family Health Unit, in a period between March and October of 2006. For the results discussion it was utilized an analysis of thematic content and the program ALCESTE (In Portuguese, Análise Léxica por Contexto de um Conjunto de Segmentos de Texto or Lexical Analysis by Context of a Set of Text Segments), which through have emerged two corpus: the corpus I, Family and the elderly, and corpus II, The elderly and the aging within society. The analysis of the results has permitted to conclude that the family, also used by the public policies as a strategy of their practices in health, it is a necessary base support for the elderly citizen in his/her process of aging and of health. The elders familiar contexts have allowed this study to identify the existence of minimal social conditions of life, of new rearrangements of the current families by means of the plurigenerational acquaintanceship and the active presence of the elderly woman as a maintainer of this family; also by means of conflicted relationships among one another but in a bearable level of acquaintanceship. Different conceptions about the aging and the elderly generate disagreement and divergency however the family support and help for the solving of these problems and the attention to health are proceeding from the family components. However, it is noticed that loneliness is something present in these elder s everyday lives. About the attention to health, in a basic level of it, it was noticed that there are still a lot of gaps, mainly concerning promotional and preventing actions, deserving a higher sensitization and effort by the local health institutions


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This research aims to analyze, in the view of students, the pedagogic project of undergraduate nursing course, of UFRN, and its articulation with the SUS, in an attempt to understand the issues that permeate the teaching and learning of nursing. This is a qualitative study that used the focus group technique as a tool to collect empirical data. There were three meetings, where we had the collaboration of 23 graduating students from the eighth period of the semester 2009.1. For the analysis of information, we use a theoretical framework based on curriculum guidelines and basic principles of the SUS, making the analogy of the results with the metaphor of Greek mythology, Ariadne's thread, in dialogue with authors who discuss education as a transformative practice. Thus, the texture of the yarn was built of five thematic fields: joint the pedagogic project with the SUS; the teaching/service and theory/practice relation; interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity; didactic/methodological and relational approaches; and co-participation of students in the pedagogic project. According to the discussions, we find many difficulties in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate nursing in UFRN to strengthen the SUS, including: dislocation of educational institutions with services, professionals, managers and community; dichotomy between theory and practice; reality of services as a learning field and working process in health; posture adopted by professionals, teachers and other subjects included in the process of health education; decontextualization and fragmentation of teaching with the practice in health and nursing; excessive use of very illustrative methodologies, but little problem-solving; difficult and precarious situation in the relations between teachers and between teachers/students, regarding the acceptance of differences; absence of participation of students in the evaluation process and conduct of the educational project in progress. In this sense, we understand the need an auto-reflexive act of teaching and conducting collective pedagogical course with a view to achieving the SUS. Thus, it is necessary to support practices motivated by the polyphonic dialogue and the exercise of symbiosis and autopoiesis of subjects/actors jointly responsible for the ongoing process of learning for life.


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Nowadays, the basic attention in health works according to the Health Family Program (HFP), which is responsible for the organization of the health services with view to provide an appropriate attendance to the needs of the population. Its expansion is expressive in whole country and, the oral health, included in this process, has been seen as a possibility of change the health practices centered in the disease. In face of this perspective, the proposal of study is to discover possible changes in the health care model of oral health in a district, made possible through the perception, evaluation and degree of satisfaction of the user s health service. To reach such objectives, the district of Macaíba in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, was chosen for operational subjects, such as time of implantation of HFP and great covering of this program. The current research used interviews structured with objectives and subjectives questions and questionnaires of socioeconomic characterization addressed to two hundred and seventy (270) individuals (ninety users of an Urban PSF, ninety of a Rural PSF and ninety of an unit non PSF). The analysis of the data was accomplished through the software SPSS/99, that made possible a statistical and analytic appreciation. The HFP units and non HFP units has shown to sort the common odontology problems of the community, and this didn't establish a direct relationship with the general satisfaction. On the other hands, the programmed consultation is related with lager satisfaction of the users. The access form to the odontology treatment of the Units, the satisfaction with the attendance rendered by the dentist and the equip, enough dentists for the community and the social class of the user were decisive for the general satisfaction with the service of oral health. On the other hand, variables as age and education, resolution of the problem and physical conditions of the unit didn't influence the general satisfaction. In spite of the progresses in the implantation of the oral health in ESF, preventive activities, visits at home, access and social participation still reproduce the traditional model of attendance, showing a primary change process


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This study aims to map the working process in the health area starting from the meeting between the family and health teams and mental trouble carriers./MTC. The area of research was the Family Health Unit of Ozeas Sampaio, which is located in the county of Teresina-PI. As regard to the methodology procedure, we used a semi-structured interview timetable, aimed to detail the care practices, admittance and diagnostics that those teams realize with their users. Three teams of eleven workers each were interviewed. There was a doctor, a nurse and two health community agents in each team. The other tools we used were a camp logbook, in which we wrote down some informal dialogs, daily observations and feelings of the unit, and also the accompaniment of the staffs in house calls as well as the weekly meetings in the unit. Those meetings allowed us the construction of two analytic axes: 1) description of the establishment (Family Health Unit) of the organization, (municipal foundation of health and the service network), and the institutions and practice of health. 2) Analysis of the meetings between the worker and the user of Mental Trouble Carriers. In the first axis, we verified the repetition of the working logic focused on jobs in the hospital with the maintenance of the hierarchical relations between worker and the work processes which dissociate management and watchfulness in health care. We identified the lack of physical structure, the lack of self-confidence of the worker in the attention of the mental health care. At the second axis, we assess that the meetings, at the Family Health Unit (FHU) or at the dwelling of the users cause nuisance, discomfort and anxiety to the workers because they deal with issues that go beyond what is named as being the health order such as life stories, family conflicts, unemployment, hunger, sexual and psychological violence. As a matter of fact, they involve difficulties for having new relationships, reception and responsibility for this request


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The practice of medicine related to the gestational processes tend to be organized according to the context and the place of work, being thus dependent of the conditions both social and economical, and of the physical structure and the functionality of the services. The high mortality rate in this process has diminished, since 1986, the study made by the World Health Organization (WHO) as to the technical aspects and the social inequalities that influence this situation in different geographical contexts. This culminated recommendations that proposed the reorientation of the dynamical practice of medicine, with a focus on the safety of maternities. Brazil adopted, in the year 2000, the suggestions of the OMS, emphasizing the humanization as the main reason for these actions. However, this discussion tends to not consider the problems caused by the social inequalities and the epidemiological and social conditionings that define the actions of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). In this area, this research seeks to analyze the practices, cares taken, and the universal symbol that promotes and rewards the assistance to the birth of children by the SUS. Besides the analysis of the public documents that deal with this subject, an ethnographic study was developed in a maternity in Natal/RN, considered a model of humanization after receiving the Galba de Araújo prize in 2002. In this stage, the methodological strategies were observed, and the focus of the individual interviews with workers and users of this service. In the analysis of the data, it became evident that the different professional workers and women who gave birth, tend to show concern of the standards the delimit production and reproduction of the practice of medicine, as they favor the absence of a critical posture of the actions destined to the population. Besides this, if became evident that the institutional difficulties associated to the economical, cultural, and political problems also difficult the involvement and the reflection of the workers in favor of assisting changes of the process. There is also a utilization of a perspective prescriptive of humanization in the everyday life of the social workers, without reflection of its meaning. Some workers present, in their statements, a preoccupation with the social and economical aspects that affect the practice of medicine, and with the limitations of the humanization discourse that disarticulates the necessities of those involved in the process of formation, and soon tend to return to the discussion of humanization while a kind practice characterized by the minimization of the interventionist actions. Now the users of the system show themselves before the dynamic of the services, submitting themselves to what is offered while assistance, without questioning and/or reflecting about their usual shortages. Therefore, to think of changes in the know and do of the practice of medicine destined to the birth of children implies reflection on the quotidian production of these practices and of the social contexts that influence the process of assistance in the practice of medicine. Herein it would be possible to predict the appropriation, by different workers concerning their exasperations and necessities, making them active in the pursuit of their rights as citizens


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Popular Health Education in its emancipatory dimension refers to individuals and groups to exchange knowledge and experiences, allowing them to associate health to the outcomes of their living conditions. Under this view, health workers and health users are subjects of the educative process. Thus, this study aims to identify the key clinical and socio sanitary attributes and promote educational activities with patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in a Family Health Care Unit of the Western Sanitary District, in the city of Natal / RN. It is an action research which uses the references of the Theory of Liberating Education, which is based on a problem-solving pedagogy and that values dialogue in the process of understanding oneself and the world. Thirty-six diabetics, who are residents of the area covered by the health care unit, and thirty health workers participated in the survey. Each group had an average of twelve participants, and the meetings took place at the Unit´s hall, using conversation wheels, group dynamics, life narratives, experiences telling, movie exhibition and discussions, music, knowledge telling, desires, limitations, beliefs and values socially constructed. Data collection took place during the second half of two thousand and thirteen through Free Word Association Technique (FWAT), recordings of conversation wheels, participative observation, group dynamics, testimonies, questionnaires, life narratives and photographs. The empirical material was organized and subjected to three analyzes: thematic content (Bardin), textual statistics analysis by software IRAMUTEQ (Ratinaud), and photographic analysis (Edmund Feldman). The data analyses originated words, expressions, categories, themes and creative situations showing that popular health education is in process of construction, but still very incipient in primary care. The National Policy on Popular Health Education shows us the necessary ways for the transformation of health practices and the build of a more shared and solidary society. The meetings could be place to reverse that normative logic that has been happening over the years in primary care, but that by itself is not enough. It is possible to conclude that the use of active practices, increasing of listening and training on Popular Health Education will enable changes in the scenario where users and health workers deal with diabetes mellitus. Thus we see the popular health education is being timidly incorporated to the educational process of the subjects involved in this study, and far away from the principles of participation, organization of political work, increase opportunities for dialogue, respect, solidarity and tolerance among different actors involved in addressing the health problems that are fundamental to the improvement in building healthy practices of primary care


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This research assumes that for changes in health practices directed to an integral care, is crucial humanization, participation and autonomy of service users. In this sense, the research had investigated the issue of humanization involving users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in city of Mossoró, having as objectives: to analyze the perceptions of users on humanization in the production of health care in daily of Family Health Strategy, from these perceptions, identify elements featuring humanized and non-humanized in everyday practices related to production of health care; relate perceptions of users about humanization with the notions of extended clinic and social participation present in the National Humanization Policy (NHP); identify difficulties and potentialities in the production of health care from the perspective of humanization. It was a qualitative approach to data collection and it was used the methodology of Network Analysis of Everyday Life (NAEL), which allowed the questioning of health practices through an interactive discussion involving participants subjected. The analysis of data through the technique of content thematic analysis was performed and the results were interpreted related the Extended Clinic references and the users participation, related with the Gift Theory discussed by Marcel Mauss. The results indicated senses humanization linked to affection, reciprocity and honesty, highlighting as essential to humanized practices the trust, bonding, listening, dialogue and accountability. Were also mentioned other elements related to the organization of health services such as access and good functioning of the health services. The difficulties and potentialities show structural deficiencies of the health system and changes in the labor process. The participation of users deconstructing and reconstructing concepts remainder humanization in the production of health care is a key factor for the sedimentation of what is proposed in the HNP. Using the privileged space of the FHE to create more active people and understanding their needs and demands, is possible path to build a participative management


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Investigam-se imagens e significados sobre experiências vivenciadas por pacientes no processo de atendimento/tratamento em uma enfermaria, visando problematizar questões éticas no cotidiano das práticas de saúde, que possam contribuir para refletir, no espaço da formação profissional, sobre situações que, muitas vezes, se naturalizam pela urgência da rotina. O trabalho consistiu em entregar câmaras fotográficas a cinco pacientes acamados, internados em uma Enfermaria de Ortopedia de um hospital universitário, no segundo semestre do ano de 2001, para que registrassem, pela fotografia, experiências que vivenciavam na condição de pacientes, procurando responder às perguntas: o que significa estar na cama sem poder sair dela? O que é bom e o que é ruim em sua rotina na Enfermaria? Buscando compreender o material pela ótica dos pacientes, apresenta-se aqui parte da experiência registrada e relatada. Os resultados obtidos apontam que entre as maiores dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pacientes entrevistados estão a dependência, gerando constrangimento e desconforto, e a falta de informação, gerando insegurança e ampliando a dependência.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi apreender as representações sociais de puérperas sobre o cuidado em saúde no período pré-natal, no parto e no puerpério, em um contexto regional de serviços públicos de saúde do interior paulista. Seguindo a abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, os dados foram colhidos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas em 2004, e organizados segundo o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, tendo o Programa de Humanização do Pré-natal e Nascimento (PHPN) como referencial teórico para discussão dos resultados. A perspectiva das puérperas sobre o cuidado em saúde no ciclo gravídico-puerperal evidenciou a importância das relações interpessoais, a essencialidade da qualidade técnica do atendimento e a propriedade da percepção de que o sujeito da atenção é a mulher e, como tal, dela deve participar efetivamente. Conclui-se que as diretrizes do PHPN devem ser incorporadas de forma mais ampla nas práticas de saúde voltadas à mulher, recomendando-se a adoção de indicadores específicos para avaliação das dimensões do cuidado evidenciadas por este estudo.


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O presente estudo apresenta uma análise reflexiva dos métodos de avaliação em saúde em uma perspectiva do cuidado pensado e praticado segundo as necessidades dos usuários. Várias são as formas e abordagens dos processos avaliativos na busca de uma melhor apreensão do objeto de avaliação; neste contexto, a satisfação do usuário surge como um indicador de qualidade dos serviços de saúde, ligada à maior adequação e promoção de reais mudanças nas práticas de saúde. Diante da inovadora proposta do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), baseado nos princípios de integralidade, cuidado à saúde e humanização, a participação e a satisfação do usuário surgem como elementos-chave na formulação de suas ações, possibilitando mudanças no modelo assistencial hegemônico, a saber, positivista, assistencialista e curativista. A presença do usuário no processo avaliativo irá permitir uma peculiar atuação, remodelando as práticas de saúde - quiçá tornando-as mais humanas, acolhedoras e, conseqüentemente, mais resolutivas..