991 resultados para Congestion control


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Long-range dependence has been observed in many recent Internet traffic measurements. In addition, some recent studies have shown that under certain network conditions, TCP itself can produce traffic that exhibits dependence over limited timescales, even in the absence of higher-level variability. In this paper, we use a simple Markovian model to argue that when the loss rate is relatively high, TCP's adaptive congestion control mechanism indeed generates traffic with OFF periods exhibiting power-law shape over several timescales and thus introduces pseudo-long-range dependence into the overall traffic. Moreover, we observe that more variable initial retransmission timeout values for different packets introduces more variable packet inter-arrival times, which increases the burstiness of the overall traffic. We can thus explain why a single TCP connection can produce a time-series that can be misidentified as self-similar using standard tests.


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The current congestion-oriented design of TCP hinders its ability to perform well in hybrid wireless/wired networks. We propose a new improvement on TCP NewReno (NewReno-FF) using a new loss labeling technique to discriminate wireless from congestion losses. The proposed technique is based on the estimation of average and variance of the round trip time using a filter cal led Flip Flop filter that is augmented with history information. We show the comparative performance of TCP NewReno, NewReno-FF, and TCP Westwood through extensive simulations. We study the fundamental gains and limits using TCP NewReno with varying Loss Labeling accuracy (NewReno-LL) as a benchmark. Lastly our investigation opens up important research directions. First, there is a need for a finer grained classification of losses (even within congestion and wireless losses) for TCP in heterogeneous networks. Second, it is essential to develop an appropriate control strategy for recovery after the correct classification of a packet loss.


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The majority of the traffic (bytes) flowing over the Internet today have been attributed to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This strong presence of TCP has recently spurred further investigations into its congestion avoidance mechanism and its effect on the performance of short and long data transfers. At the same time, the rising interest in enhancing Internet services while keeping the implementation cost low has led to several service-differentiation proposals. In such service-differentiation architectures, much of the complexity is placed only in access routers, which classify and mark packets from different flows. Core routers can then allocate enough resources to each class of packets so as to satisfy delivery requirements, such as predictable (consistent) and fair service. In this paper, we investigate the interaction among short and long TCP flows, and how TCP service can be improved by employing a low-cost service-differentiation scheme. Through control-theoretic arguments and extensive simulations, we show the utility of isolating TCP flows into two classes based on their lifetime/size, namely one class of short flows and another of long flows. With such class-based isolation, short and long TCP flows have separate service queues at routers. This protects each class of flows from the other as they possess different characteristics, such as burstiness of arrivals/departures and congestion/sending window dynamics. We show the benefits of isolation, in terms of better predictability and fairness, over traditional shared queueing systems with both tail-drop and Random-Early-Drop (RED) packet dropping policies. The proposed class-based isolation of TCP flows has several advantages: (1) the implementation cost is low since it only requires core routers to maintain per-class (rather than per-flow) state; (2) it promises to be an effective traffic engineering tool for improved predictability and fairness for both short and long TCP flows; and (3) stringent delay requirements of short interactive transfers can be met by increasing the amount of resources allocated to the class of short flows.


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Current Internet transport protocols make end-to-end measurements and maintain per-connection state to regulate the use of shared network resources. When two or more such connections share a common endpoint, there is an opportunity to correlate the end-to-end measurements made by these protocols to better diagnose and control the use of shared resources. We develop packet probing techniques to determine whether a pair of connections experience shared congestion. Correct, efficient diagnoses could enable new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that the conditional (Bayesian) probing approach we employ provides superior accuracy, converges faster, and tolerates a wider range of network conditions than recently proposed memoryless (Markovian) probing approaches for addressing this opportunity.


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Current Internet transport protocols make end-to-end measurements and maintain per-connection state to regulate the use of shared network resources. When a number of such connections share a common endpoint, that endpoint has the opportunity to correlate these end-to-end measurements to better diagnose and control the use of shared resources. A valuable characterization of such shared resources is the "loss topology". From the perspective of a server with concurrent connections to multiple clients, the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We develop an end-to-end unicast packet probing technique and an associated analytical framework to: (1) infer loss topologies, (2) identify loss rates of links in an existing loss topology, and (3) augment a topology to incorporate the arrival of a new connection. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that our approach is robust in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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Traditional approaches to receiver-driven layered multicast have advocated the benefits of cumulative layering, which can enable coarse-grained congestion control that complies with TCP-friendliness equations over large time scales. In this paper, we quantify the costs and benefits of using non-cumulative layering and present a new, scalable multicast congestion control scheme which provides a fine-grained approximation to the behavior of TCP additive increase/multiplicative decrease (AIMD). In contrast to the conventional wisdom, we demonstrate that fine-grained rate adjustment can be achieved with only modest increases in the number of layers and aggregate bandwidth consumption, while using only a small constant number of control messages to perform either additive increase or multiplicative decrease.


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In this work we introduce a new mathematical tool for optimization of routes, topology design, and energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. We introduce a vector field formulation that models communication in the network, and routing is performed in the direction of this vector field at every location of the network. The magnitude of the vector field at every location represents the density of amount of data that is being transited through that location. We define the total communication cost in the network as the integral of a quadratic form of the vector field over the network area. With the above formulation, we introduce a mathematical machinery based on partial differential equations very similar to the Maxwell's equations in electrostatic theory. We show that in order to minimize the cost, the routes should be found based on the solution of these partial differential equations. In our formulation, the sensors are sources of information, and they are similar to the positive charges in electrostatics, the destinations are sinks of information and they are similar to negative charges, and the network is similar to a non-homogeneous dielectric media with variable dielectric constant (or permittivity coefficient). In one of the applications of our mathematical model based on the vector fields, we offer a scheme for energy efficient routing. Our routing scheme is based on changing the permittivity coefficient to a higher value in the places of the network where nodes have high residual energy, and setting it to a low value in the places of the network where the nodes do not have much energy left. Our simulations show that our method gives a significant increase in the network life compared to the shortest path and weighted shortest path schemes. Our initial focus is on the case where there is only one destination in the network, and later we extend our approach to the case where there are multiple destinations in the network. In the case of having multiple destinations, we need to partition the network into several areas known as regions of attraction of the destinations. Each destination is responsible for collecting all messages being generated in its region of attraction. The complexity of the optimization problem in this case is how to define regions of attraction for the destinations and how much communication load to assign to each destination to optimize the performance of the network. We use our vector field model to solve the optimization problem for this case. We define a vector field, which is conservative, and hence it can be written as the gradient of a scalar field (also known as a potential field). Then we show that in the optimal assignment of the communication load of the network to the destinations, the value of that potential field should be equal at the locations of all the destinations. Another application of our vector field model is to find the optimal locations of the destinations in the network. We show that the vector field gives the gradient of the cost function with respect to the locations of the destinations. Based on this fact, we suggest an algorithm to be applied during the design phase of a network to relocate the destinations for reducing the communication cost function. The performance of our proposed schemes is confirmed by several examples and simulation experiments. In another part of this work we focus on the notions of responsiveness and conformance of TCP traffic in communication networks. We introduce the notion of responsiveness for TCP aggregates and define it as the degree to which a TCP aggregate reduces its sending rate to the network as a response to packet drops. We define metrics that describe the responsiveness of TCP aggregates, and suggest two methods for determining the values of these quantities. The first method is based on a test in which we drop a few packets from the aggregate intentionally and measure the resulting rate decrease of that aggregate. This kind of test is not robust to multiple simultaneous tests performed at different routers. We make the test robust to multiple simultaneous tests by using ideas from the CDMA approach to multiple access channels in communication theory. Based on this approach, we introduce tests of responsiveness for aggregates, and call it CDMA based Aggregate Perturbation Method (CAPM). We use CAPM to perform congestion control. A distinguishing feature of our congestion control scheme is that it maintains a degree of fairness among different aggregates. In the next step we modify CAPM to offer methods for estimating the proportion of an aggregate of TCP traffic that does not conform to protocol specifications, and hence may belong to a DDoS attack. Our methods work by intentionally perturbing the aggregate by dropping a very small number of packets from it and observing the response of the aggregate. We offer two methods for conformance testing. In the first method, we apply the perturbation tests to SYN packets being sent at the start of the TCP 3-way handshake, and we use the fact that the rate of ACK packets being exchanged in the handshake should follow the rate of perturbations. In the second method, we apply the perturbation tests to the TCP data packets and use the fact that the rate of retransmitted data packets should follow the rate of perturbations. In both methods, we use signature based perturbations, which means packet drops are performed with a rate given by a function of time. We use analogy of our problem with multiple access communication to find signatures. Specifically, we assign orthogonal CDMA based signatures to different routers in a distributed implementation of our methods. As a result of orthogonality, the performance does not degrade because of cross interference made by simultaneously testing routers. We have shown efficacy of our methods through mathematical analysis and extensive simulation experiments.


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Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a promising network paradigm that separates the control plane and data plane in the network. It has shown great advantages in simplifying network management such that new functions can be easily supported without physical access to the network switches. However, Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM), as a critical hardware storing rules for high-speed packet processing in SDN-enabled devices, can be supplied to each device with very limited quantity because it is expensive and energy-consuming. To efficiently use TCAM resources, we propose a rule multiplexing scheme, in which the same set of rules deployed on each node apply to the whole flow of a session going through but towards different paths. Based on this scheme, we study the rule placement problem with the objective of minimizing rule space occupation for multiple unicast sessions under QoS constraints. We formulate the optimization problem jointly considering routing engineering and rule placement under both existing and our rule multiplexing schemes. Via an extensive review of the state-of-the-art work, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the non-routing-rule placement problem. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted to show that our proposals significantly outperform existing solutions.


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In this paper, we propose a Loss Tolerant Reliable (LTR) data transport mechanism for dynamic Event Sensing (LTRES) in WSNs. In LTRES, a reliable event sensing requirement at the transport layer is dynamically determined by the sink. A distributed source rate adaptation mechanism is designed, incorporating a loss rate based lightweight congestion control mechanism, to regulate the data traffic injected into the network so that the reliability requirement can be satisfied. An equation based fair rate control algorithm is used to improve the fairness among the LTRES flows sharing the congestion path. The performance evaluations show that LTRES can provide LTR data transport service for multiple events with short convergence time, low lost rate and high overall bandwidth utilization.


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Reliable data transfer is one of the most difficult tasks to be accomplished in multihop wireless networks. Traditional transport protocols like TCP face severe performance degradation over multihop networks given the noisy nature of wireless media as well as unstable connectivity conditions in place. The success of TCP in wired networks motivates its extension to wireless networks. A crucial challenge faced by TCP over these networks is how to operate smoothly with the 802.11 wireless MAC protocol which also implements a retransmission mechanism at link level in addition to short RTS/CTS control frames for avoiding collisions. These features render TCP acknowledgments (ACK) transmission quite costly. Data and ACK packets cause similar medium access overheads despite the much smaller size of the ACKs. In this paper, we further evaluate our dynamic adaptive strategy for reducing ACK-induced overhead and consequent collisions. Our approach resembles the sender side's congestion control. The receiver is self-adaptive by delaying more ACKs under nonconstrained channels and less otherwise. This improves not only throughput but also power consumption. Simulation evaluations exhibit significant improvement in several scenarios


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The paper presents a link layer stack for wireless sensor networks, which consists of the Burst-aware Energy-efficient Adaptive Medium access control (BEAM) and the Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol. BEAM can operate with short beacons to announce data transmissions or include data within the beacons. Duty cycles can be adapted by a traffic prediction mechanism indicating pending packets destined for a node and by estimating its wake-up times. H2HR takes advantage of information provided by BEAM such as neighbour information and transmission information to perform per-hop congestion control. We justify the design decisions by measurements in a real-world wireless sensor network testbed and compare the performance with other link layer protocols.


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Esta tesis se desarrolla dentro del marco de las comunicaciones satelitales en el innovador campo de los pequeños satélites también llamados nanosatélites o cubesats, llamados así por su forma cubica. Estos nanosatélites se caracterizan por su bajo costo debido a que usan componentes comerciales llamados COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) y su pequeño tamaño como los Cubesats 1U (10cm*10 cm*10 cm) con masa aproximada a 1 kg. Este trabajo de tesis tiene como base una iniciativa propuesta por el autor de la tesis para poner en órbita el primer satélite peruano en mi país llamado chasqui I, actualmente puesto en órbita desde la Estación Espacial Internacional. La experiencia de este trabajo de investigación me llevo a proponer una constelación de pequeños satélites llamada Waposat para dar servicio de monitoreo de sensores de calidad de agua a nivel global, escenario que es usado en esta tesis. Es ente entorno y dadas las características limitadas de los pequeños satélites, tanto en potencia como en velocidad de datos, es que propongo investigar una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones que permita resolver en forma óptima la problemática planteada por los nanosatélites en órbita LEO debido a su carácter disruptivo en sus comunicaciones poniendo énfasis en las capas de enlace y aplicación. Esta tesis presenta y evalúa una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones para proveer servicio a una red de sensores terrestres usando una solución basada en DTN (Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking) para comunicaciones espaciales. Adicionalmente, propongo un nuevo protocolo de acceso múltiple que usa una extensión del protocolo ALOHA no ranurado, el cual toma en cuenta la prioridad del trafico del Gateway (ALOHAGP) con un mecanismo de contienda adaptativo. Utiliza la realimentación del satélite para implementar el control de la congestión y adapta dinámicamente el rendimiento efectivo del canal de una manera óptima. Asumimos un modelo de población de sensores finito y una condición de tráfico saturado en el que cada sensor tiene siempre tramas que transmitir. El desempeño de la red se evaluó en términos de rendimiento efectivo, retardo y la equidad del sistema. Además, se ha definido una capa de convergencia DTN (ALOHAGP-CL) como un subconjunto del estándar TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergency Layer). Esta tesis muestra que ALOHAGP/CL soporta adecuadamente el escenario DTN propuesto, sobre todo cuando se utiliza la fragmentación reactiva. Finalmente, esta tesis investiga una transferencia óptima de mensajes DTN (Bundles) utilizando estrategias de fragmentación proactivas para dar servicio a una red de sensores terrestres utilizando un enlace de comunicaciones satelitales que utiliza el mecanismo de acceso múltiple con prioridad en el tráfico de enlace descendente (ALOHAGP). El rendimiento efectivo ha sido optimizado mediante la adaptación de los parámetros del protocolo como una función del número actual de los sensores activos recibidos desde el satélite. También, actualmente no existe un método para advertir o negociar el tamaño máximo de un “bundle” que puede ser aceptado por un agente DTN “bundle” en las comunicaciones por satélite tanto para el almacenamiento y la entrega, por lo que los “bundles” que son demasiado grandes son eliminados o demasiado pequeños son ineficientes. He caracterizado este tipo de escenario obteniendo una distribución de probabilidad de la llegada de tramas al nanosatélite así como una distribución de probabilidad del tiempo de visibilidad del nanosatélite, los cuales proveen una fragmentación proactiva óptima de los DTN “bundles”. He encontrado que el rendimiento efectivo (goodput) de la fragmentación proactiva alcanza un valor ligeramente inferior al de la fragmentación reactiva. Esta contribución permite utilizar la fragmentación activa de forma óptima con todas sus ventajas tales como permitir implantar el modelo de seguridad de DTN y la simplicidad al implementarlo en equipos con muchas limitaciones de CPU y memoria. La implementación de estas contribuciones se han contemplado inicialmente como parte de la carga útil del nanosatélite QBito, que forma parte de la constelación de 50 nanosatélites que se está llevando a cabo dentro del proyecto QB50. ABSTRACT This thesis is developed within the framework of satellite communications in the innovative field of small satellites also known as nanosatellites (<10 kg) or CubeSats, so called from their cubic form. These nanosatellites are characterized by their low cost because they use commercial components called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf), and their small size and mass, such as 1U Cubesats (10cm * 10cm * 10cm) with approximately 1 kg mass. This thesis is based on a proposal made by the author of the thesis to put into orbit the first Peruvian satellite in his country called Chasqui I, which was successfully launched into orbit from the International Space Station in 2014. The experience of this research work led me to propose a constellation of small satellites named Waposat to provide water quality monitoring sensors worldwide, scenario that is used in this thesis. In this scenario and given the limited features of nanosatellites, both power and data rate, I propose to investigate a new communications architecture that allows solving in an optimal manner the problems of nanosatellites in orbit LEO due to the disruptive nature of their communications by putting emphasis on the link and application layers. This thesis presents and evaluates a new communications architecture to provide services to terrestrial sensor networks using a space Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) based solution. In addition, I propose a new multiple access mechanism protocol based on extended unslotted ALOHA that takes into account the priority of gateway traffic, which we call ALOHA multiple access with gateway priority (ALOHAGP) with an adaptive contention mechanism. It uses satellite feedback to implement the congestion control, and to dynamically adapt the channel effective throughput in an optimal way. We assume a finite sensor population model and a saturated traffic condition where every sensor always has frames to transmit. The performance was evaluated in terms of effective throughput, delay and system fairness. In addition, a DTN convergence layer (ALOHAGP-CL) has been defined as a subset of the standard TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergence Layer). This thesis reveals that ALOHAGP/CL adequately supports the proposed DTN scenario, mainly when reactive fragmentation is used. Finally, this thesis investigates an optimal DTN message (bundles) transfer using proactive fragmentation strategies to give service to a ground sensor network using a nanosatellite communications link which uses a multi-access mechanism with priority in downlink traffic (ALOHAGP). The effective throughput has been optimized by adapting the protocol parameters as a function of the current number of active sensors received from satellite. Also, there is currently no method for advertising or negotiating the maximum size of a bundle which can be accepted by a bundle agent in satellite communications for storage and delivery, so that bundles which are too large can be dropped or which are too small are inefficient. We have characterized this kind of scenario obtaining a probability distribution for frame arrivals to nanosatellite and visibility time distribution that provide an optimal proactive fragmentation of DTN bundles. We have found that the proactive effective throughput (goodput) reaches a value slightly lower than reactive fragmentation approach. This contribution allows to use the proactive fragmentation optimally with all its advantages such as the incorporation of the security model of DTN and simplicity in protocol implementation for computers with many CPU and memory limitations. The implementation of these contributions was initially contemplated as part of the payload of the nanosatellite QBito, which is part of the constellation of 50 nanosatellites envisaged under the QB50 project.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of 802.11e MAC to resolve the transmission control protocol (TCP) unfairness. Design/methodology/approach: The paper shows how a TCP sender may adapt its transmission rate using the number of hops and the standard deviation of recently measured round-trip times to address the TCP unfairness. Findings: Simulation results show that the proposed techniques provide even throughput by providing TCP fairness as the number of hops increases over a wireless mesh network (WMN). Research limitations/implications: Future work will examine the performance of TCP over routing protocols, which use different routing metrics. Other future work is scalability over WMNs. Since scalability is a problem with communication in multi-hop, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) will be compared with time division multiple access (TDMA) and a hybrid of TDMA and code division multiple access (CDMA) will be designed that works with TCP and other traffic. Finally, to further improve network performance and also increase network capacity of TCP for WMNs, the usage of multiple channels instead of only a single fixed channel will be exploited. Practical implications: By allowing the tuning of the 802.11e MAC parameters that have previously been constant in 802.11 MAC, the paper proposes the usage of 802.11e MAC on a per class basis by collecting the TCP ACK into a single class and a novel congestion control method for TCP over a WMN. The key feature of the proposed TCP algorithm is the detection of congestion by measuring the fluctuation of RTT of the TCP ACK samples via the standard deviation, plus the combined the 802.11e AIFS and CWmin allowing the TCP ACK to be prioritised which allows the TCP ACKs will match the volume of the TCP data packets. While 802.11e MAC provides flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanism, the challenge is to take advantage of these features in 802.11e MAC. Originality/value: With 802.11 MAC not having flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanisms implemented with TCP, these contribute to TCP unfairness with competing flows. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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To exploit the popularity of TCP as still the dominant sender and protocol of choice for transporting data reliably across the heterogeneous Internet, this thesis explores end-to-end performance issues and behaviours of TCP senders when transferring data to wireless end-users. The theme throughout is on end-users located specifically within 802.11 WLANs at the edges of the Internet, a largely untapped area of work. To exploit the interests of researchers wanting to study the performance of TCP accurately over heterogeneous conditions, this thesis proposes a flexible wired-to-wireless experimental testbed that better reflects conditions in the real-world. To exploit the transparent functionalities between TCP in the wired domain and the IEEE 802.11 WLAN protocols, this thesis proposes a more accurate methodology for gauging the transmission and error characteristics of real-world 802.11 WLANs. It also aims to correlate any findings with the functionality of fixed TCP senders. To exploit the popularity of Linux as a popular operating system for many of the Internet’s data servers, this thesis studies and evaluates various sender-side TCP congestion control implementations within the recent Linux v2.6. A selection of the implementations are put under systematic testing using real-world wired-to-wireless conditions in order to screen and present a viable candidate/s for further development and usage in the modern-day heterogeneous Internet. Overall, this thesis comprises a set of systematic evaluations of TCP senders over 802.11 WLANs, incorporating measurements in the form of simulations, emulations, and through the use of a real-world-like experimental testbed. The goal of the work is to ensure that all aspects concerned are comprehensively investigated in order to establish rules that can help to decide under which circumstances the deployment of TCP is optimal i.e. a set of paradigms for advancing the state-of-the-art in data transport across the Internet.