988 resultados para Computational chemistry


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En la literatura sobre mecànica quàntica és freqüent trobar descriptors basats en la densitat de parells o la densitat electrònica, amb un èxit divers segons les aplicacions que atenyin. Per tal de que tingui sentit químic un descriptor ha de donar la definició d'un àtom en una molècula, o ésser capaç d'identificar regions de l'espai molecular associades amb algun concepte químic (com pot ser un parell solitari o zona d'enllaç, entre d'altres). En aquesta línia, s'han proposat diversos esquemes de partició: la teoria d'àtoms en molècules (AIM), la funció de localització electrònica (ELF), les cel·les de Voroni, els àtoms de Hirshfeld, els àtoms difusos, etc. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és explorar descriptors de la densitat basats en particions de l'espai molecular del tipus AIM, ELF o àtoms difusos, analitzar els descriptors existents amb diferents nivells de teoria, proposar nous descriptors d'aromaticitat, així com estudiar l'habilitat de totes aquestes eines per discernir entre diferents mecanismes de reacció.


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Un pont de dihidrogen (dihydrogen bond,DHB) és un tipus de pont d'hidrogen atípic que s'estableix entre un hidrur metàl·lic i un donador de protons com un grup OH o NH. Els ponts de dihidrogen són claus en les característiques geomètriques i altres propietats de compostos que en presenten tan de molècules petites com el dímer de NH3BH3, com d'estructures superiors més complicades com complexes metàl·lics o sòlids. Poden ser útils aplicats a certes molècules o síntesis moleculars per a obtenir nous materials amb propietats o característiques fetes a mida. El treball d'aquesta tesi està orientat a millorar la comprensió dels ponts de dihidrogen, aprofundint en certs aspectes de la seva naturalesa atòmica/molecular utilitzant mètodes teòrics basats en la química física quàntica.


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Des del descobriment del buckminster ful.lerè el 1985, s'ha despertat un interés enorme per entendre la reactivitat química així com les propietats d'aquests compostos. La funcionalització exoèdrica del ful.lerè més abundant, el C60, està força ben establerta. Tanmateix, la investigació en aquest camp encara continua oberta ja que s'han sintetitzat una gran varietat de derivats molt prometedors donades les seves futures aplicacions. La tesi comprèn quinze capítols que contenen set publicacions relacionades. Els primers dos estudis es basen en la reacció Diels-Alder sobre els anomenats metal.loful.lerens endoèdrics TNT X3N@C78, X= Sc, Y. Aquest projecte de investigació està motivat pel desconeixament existent sobre les possibles conseqüències de l'encapsulació del grup X3N. El tercer estudi descriu minuciosament els canvis detectats en la funcionalització exoèdrica un cop s'ha produït l'encapsulació dels diferents gasos nobles. En aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall l'ús de l'aproximació ONIOM per a estudiar reaccions de cicloaddició en compostos ful.lerènics. Els resultats d'aquest projecte són d'alt interès per a la realització dels estudis posteriors sobre la reacció de Diels-Alder i la 1,3-dipolar en ful.lerens i derivats. Finalment, l'última part d'aquesta tesi es basa en les propietats antioxidants de determinats ful.lerens. A l'últim treball inclòs en aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall el mecanismo de reacció per a la eliminació del ió superòxid en presència de ful.lerens.


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The thermodynamic properties of a selected set of benchmark hydrogen-bonded systems (acetic acid dimer and the complexes of acetic acid with acetamide and methanol) was studied with the goal of obtaining detailed information on solvent effects on the hydrogen-bonded interactions using water, chloroform, and n-heptane as representatives for a wide range in the dielectric constant. Solvent effects were investigated using both explicit and implicit solvation models. For the explicit description of the solvent, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal isobaric (NpT) ensemble combined with the free energy perturbation technique were performed to determine solvation free energies. Within the implicit solvation approach, the polarizable continuum model and the conductor-like screening model were applied. Combination of gas phase results with the results obtained from the different solvation models through an appropriate thermodynamic cycle allows estimation of complexation free energies, enthalpies, and the respective entropic contributions in solution. Owing to the strong solvation effects of water the cyclic acetic acid dimer is not stable in aqueous solution. In less polar solvents the double hydrogen bond structure of the acetic acid dimer remains stable. This finding is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. A similar trend as for the acetic acid dimer is also observed for the acetamide complex. The methanol complex was found to be thermodynamically unstable in gas phase as well as in any of the three solvents. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 2046-2055, 2010


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Adequate initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations consist of arrangements of molecules distributed in space in such a way to approximately represent the system`s overall structure. In order that the simulations are not disrupted by large van der Waals repulsive interactions, atoms from different molecules Must keep safe pairwise distances. Obtaining Such a molecular arrangement can be considered it packing problem: Each type molecule must satisfy spatial constraints related to the geometry of the system, and the distance between atoms of different molecules Must be greater than some specified tolerance. We have developed a code able to pack millions of atoms. grouped in arbitrarily complex molecules, inside a variety of three-dimensional regions. The regions may be intersections of spheres, ellipses, cylinders, planes, or boxes. The user must provide only the structure of one molecule of each type and the geometrical constraints that each type of molecule must satisfy. Building complex mixtures, interfaces, solvating biomolecules in water, other solvents, or mixtures of solvents, is straight forward. In addition. different atoms belonging to the same molecule may also be restricted to different spatial regions, in Such a way that more ordered molecular arrangements call be built, as micelles. lipid double-layers, etc. The packing time for state-of-the-art molecular dynamics systems varies front a few seconds to a few Minutes in a personal Computer. The input files are simple and Currently compatible with PDB, Tinker, Molden, or Moldy coordinate files. The package is distributed as free software and call be downloaded front http://www.ime.unicamp.br/similar to martinez/packmol/. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Inc. J Comput Chem 30: 2157-2164, 2009


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Chagas disease is nowadays the most serious parasitic health problem. This disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. The great number of deaths and the insufficient effectiveness of drugs against this parasite have alarmed the scientific community worldwide. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a model for the design and prediction of new antitrypanosomal agents was obtained. This used a mixed approach, containing simple descriptors based on fragments and topological substructural molecular design descriptors. A data set was made up of 188 compounds, 99 of them characterized an antitrypanosomal activity and 88 compounds that belong to other pharmaceutical categories. The model showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values above 85%. Quantitative fragmental contributions were also calculated. Then, and to confirm the quality of the model, 15 structures of molecules tested as antitrypanosomal compounds (that we did not include in this study) were predicted, taking into account the information on the abovementioned calculated fragmental contributions. The model showed an accuracy of 100% which means that the ""in silico"" methodology developed by our team is promising for the rational design of new antitrypanosomal drugs. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 882-894. 2010


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We investigate parallelization and performance of the discrete gradient method of nonsmooth optimization. This derivative free method is shown to be an effective optimization tool, able to skip many shallow local minima of nonconvex nondifferentiable objective functions. Although this is a sequential iterative method, we were able to parallelize critical steps of the algorithm, and this lead to a significant improvement in performance on multiprocessor computer clusters. We applied this method to a difficult polyatomic clusters problem in computational chemistry, and found this method to outperform other algorithms.


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The widespread adoption of cluster computing as a high performance computing platform has seen the growth of data intensive scientific, engineering and commercial applications such as digital libraries, climate modeling, computational chemistry, computational fluid dynamics and image repositories. However, I/O subsystem performance has not been keeping pace with processor and memory performance, and is fast becoming the dominant factor in overall system performance.  Thus, parallel I/O has become a necessity in the face of performance improvements in other areas of computing systems. This paper addresses the problem of parallel I/O scheduling on cluster computing systems in the presence of data replication.  We propose two new I/O scheduling algorithms and evaluate the relative performance of the proposed policies against two existing approaches.  Simulation results show that the proposed policies perform substantially better than the baseline policies.


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The molecular geometry, the three dimensional arrangement of atoms in space, is a major factor determining the properties and reactivity of molecules, biomolecules and macromolecules. Computation of stable molecular conformations can be done by locating minima on the potential energy surface (PES). This is a very challenging global optimization problem because of extremely large numbers of shallow local minima and complicated landscape of PES. This paper illustrates the mathematical and computational challenges on one important instance of the problem, computation of molecular geometry of oligopeptides, and proposes the use of the Extended Cutting Angle Method (ECAM) to solve this problem.

ECAM is a deterministic global optimization technique, which computes tight lower bounds on the values of the objective function and fathoms those part of the domain where the global minimum cannot reside. As with any domain partitioning scheme, its challenge is an extremely large partition of the domain required for accurate lower bounds. We address this challenge by providing an efficient combinatorial algorithm for calculating the lower bounds, and by combining ECAM with a local optimization method, while preserving the deterministic character of ECAM.


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Point pattern matching in Euclidean Spaces is one of the fundamental problems in Pattern Recognition, having applications ranging from Computer Vision to Computational Chemistry. Whenever two complex patterns are encoded by two sets of points identifying their key features, their comparison can be seen as a point pattern matching problem. This work proposes a single approach to both exact and inexact point set matching in Euclidean Spaces of arbitrary dimension. In the case of exact matching, it is assured to find an optimal solution. For inexact matching (when noise is involved), experimental results confirm the validity of the approach. We start by regarding point pattern matching as a weighted graph matching problem. We then formulate the weighted graph matching problem as one of Bayesian inference in a probabilistic graphical model. By exploiting the existence of fundamental constraints in patterns embedded in Euclidean Spaces, we prove that for exact point set matching a simple graphical model is equivalent to the full model. It is possible to show that exact probabilistic inference in this simple model has polynomial time complexity with respect to the number of elements in the patterns to be matched. This gives rise to a technique that for exact matching provably finds a global optimum in polynomial time for any dimensionality of the underlying Euclidean Space. Computational experiments comparing this technique with well-known probabilistic relaxation labeling show significant performance improvement for inexact matching. The proposed approach is significantly more robust under augmentation of the sizes of the involved patterns. In the absence of noise, the results are always perfect.


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In conformational analysis, the systematic search method completely maps the space but suffers from the combinatorial explosion problem because the number of conformations increases exponentially with the number of free rotation angles. This study introduces a new methodology of conformational analysis that controls the combinatorial explosion. It is based on a dimensional reduction of the system through the use of principal component analysis. The results are exactly the same as those obtained for the complete search but, in this case, the number of conformations increases only quadratically with the number of free rotation angles. The method is applied to a series of three drugs: omeprazole. pantoprazole, lansoprazole-benzimidazoles that suppress gastric-acid secretion by means of H(+), K(+)-ATPase enzyme inhibition. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Inc.


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This article introduces an efficient method to generate structural models for medium-sized silicon clusters. Geometrical information obtained from previous investigations of small clusters is initially sorted and then introduced into our predictor algorithm in order to generate structural models for large clusters. The method predicts geometries whose binding energies are close (95%) to the corresponding value for the ground-state with very low computational cost. These predictions can be used as a very good initial guess for any global optimization algorithm. As a test case, information from clusters up to 14 atoms was used to predict good models for silicon clusters up to 20 atoms. We believe that the new algorithm may enhance the performance of most optimization methods whenever some previous information is available. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Anti-inflammatory drugs are known to be the most widely-marketed drugs in the world, despite their serious side effects, mainly on the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, there are constant efforts to discover new prototypes with improved therapeutic activity and safety for the patient. Since the advent of the computational chemistry, the theoretical study of the physiological behavior of a new compound and hence an understanding of its supposed mechanism of action have been made a lot more accessible. Thus, molecule-receptor mathematical modeling was applied to compound I (1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)indolin-2-one), to predict theoretically its ability to inhibit, selectively, the COX-2 isoform of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS-2), and the best positions to introduce chemical groups and to make molecular modifications.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC