977 resultados para Compressed air
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el funcionamiento y aplicaciones de las células de combustible de membrana tipo PEM, o de intercambio de protones, alimentadas con hidrógeno puro y oxigeno obtenido de aire comprimido. Una vez evaluado el proceso de dichas células y las variables que intervienen en el mismo, como presión, humedad y temperatura, se presenta una variedad de métodos para la instrumentación de tales variables así como métodos y sistemas para la estabilidad y control de las mismas, en torno a los valores óptimos para una mayor eficacia en el proceso. Tomando como variable principal a controlar la temperatura del proceso, y exponiendo los valores concretos en torno a 80 grados centígrados entre los que debe situarse, es realizado un modelo del proceso de calentamiento y evolución de la temperatura en función de la potencia del calentador resistivo en el dominio de la frecuencia compleja, y a su vez implementado un sistema de medición mediante sensores termopar de tipo K de respuesta casi lineal. La señal medida por los sensores es amplificada de manera diferencial mediante amplificadores de instrumentación INA2126, y es desarrollado un algoritmo de corrección de error de unión fría (error producido por la inclusión de nuevos metales del conector en el efecto termopar). Son incluidos los datos de test referentes al sistema de medición de temperatura , incluyendo las desviaciones o error respecto a los valores ideales de medida. Para la adquisición de datos y implementación de algoritmos de control, es utilizado un PC con el software Labview de National Instruments, que permite una programación intuitiva, versátil y visual, y poder realizar interfaces de usuario gráficas simples. La conexión entre el hardware de instrumentación y control de la célula y el PC se realiza mediante un interface de adquisición de datos USB NI 6800 que cuenta con un amplio número de salidas y entradas analógicas. Una vez digitalizadas las muestras de la señal medida, y corregido el error de unión fría anteriormente apuntado, es implementado en dicho software un controlador de tipo PID ( proporcional-integral-derivativo) , que se presenta como uno de los métodos más adecuados por su simplicidad de programación y su eficacia para el control de este tipo de variables. Para la evaluación del comportamiento del sistema son expuestas simulaciones mediante el software Matlab y Simulink determinando por tanto las mejores estrategias para desarrollar el control PID, así como los posibles resultados del proceso. En cuanto al sistema de calentamiento de los fluidos, es empleado un elemento resistor calentador, cuya potencia es controlada mediante un circuito electrónico compuesto por un detector de cruce por cero de la onda AC de alimentación y un sistema formado por un elemento TRIAC y su circuito de accionamiento. De manera análoga se expone el sistema de instrumentación para la presión de los gases en el circuito, variable que oscila en valores próximos a 3 atmosferas, para ello es empleado un sensor de presión con salida en corriente mediante bucle 4-20 mA, y un convertidor simple corriente a tensión para la entrada al sistema de adquisición de datos. Consecuentemente se presenta el esquema y componentes necesarios para la canalización, calentamiento y humidificación de los gases empleados en el proceso así como la situación de los sensores y actuadores. Por último el trabajo expone la relación de algoritmos desarrollados y un apéndice con información relativa al software Labview. ABTRACT This document presents a study about the operation and applications of PEM fuel cells (Proton exchange membrane fuel cells), fed with pure hydrogen and oxygen obtained from compressed air. Having evaluated the process of these cells and the variables involved on it, such as pressure, humidity and temperature, there is a variety of methods for implementing their control and to set up them around optimal values for greater efficiency in the process. Taking as primary process variable the temperature, and exposing its correct values around 80 degrees centigrade, between which must be placed, is carried out a model of the heating process and the temperature evolution related with the resistive heater power on the complex frequency domain, and is implemented a measuring system with thermocouple sensor type K performing a almost linear response. The differential signal measured by the sensor is amplified through INA2126 instrumentation amplifiers, and is developed a cold junction error correction algorithm (error produced by the inclusion of additional metals of connectors on the thermocouple effect). Data from the test concerning the temperature measurement system are included , including deviations or error regarding the ideal values of measurement. For data acquisition and implementation of control algorithms, is used a PC with LabVIEW software from National Instruments, which makes programming intuitive, versatile, visual, and useful to perform simple user interfaces. The connection between the instrumentation and control hardware of the cell and the PC interface is via a USB data acquisition NI 6800 that has a large number of analog inputs and outputs. Once stored the samples of the measured signal, and correct the error noted above junction, is implemented a software controller PID (proportional-integral-derivative), which is presented as one of the best methods for their programming simplicity and effectiveness for the control of such variables. To evaluate the performance of the system are presented simulations using Matlab and Simulink software thereby determining the best strategies to develop PID control, and possible outcomes of the process. As fluid heating system, is employed a heater resistor element whose power is controlled by an electronic circuit comprising a zero crossing detector of the AC power wave and a system consisting of a Triac and its drive circuit. As made with temperature variable it is developed an instrumentation system for gas pressure in the circuit, variable ranging in values around 3 atmospheres, it is employed a pressure sensor with a current output via 4-20 mA loop, and a single current to voltage converter to adequate the input to the data acquisition system. Consequently is developed the scheme and components needed for circulation, heating and humidification of the gases used in the process as well as the location of sensors and actuators. Finally the document presents the list of algorithms and an appendix with information about Labview software.
Este proyecto ha tenido por objetivo el estudio de la viabilidad de instalar un sistema de almacenamiento subterráneo de aire comprimido enlazado con una central térmica en España. Dentro de las diversas posibilidades para emplazar el sistema CAES se ha seleccionado el domo salino, por ser la estructura geológica más favorable técnica y económicamente. Con el cometido de encontrar la ubicación más favorable se escogió el domo de Salinas de Añana, y por cercanía geográfica con éste se seleccionó la central térmica de Iberdrola C. T. Pasajes. Una vez elegidos el domo y la central se realizó un estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica de la instalación, empleando estudios geológicos, gravimétricos y económicos. Tras dichos estudios se concluyó que la instalación es posible técnicamente en el domo Salinas de Añana y que se recuperará la inversión a partir del octavo año. ABSTRACT This project has aimed to study the feasibility of installing a system of underground storage of compressed air linked to a thermal plant in Spain. Among the different possibilities to place the CAES system is selected salt dome, as the technically and economically most favorable geological structure. The better dome was Salinas de Añana for its location and Iberdrola C.T. Pasajes was the nearest thermal power plant. Before the dome and thermal power plant were chosen, was performed a technical and economic studies using geological, gravimetric and economic studies. These studies concluded that is possible execute a CAES system in Salinas de Añana dome. The initial investment will pay off the eighth year.
Se presenta a continuación un modelo de una planta del almacenamiento de energía mediante aire comprimido siguiendo un proceso adiabático. En esta planta la energía eólica sobrante se usa para comprimir aire mediante un tren de compresión de 25 MW, el aire comprimido será después almacenado en una caverna de sal a 770 metros de profundidad. La compresión se llevará a cabo por la noche, durante 6 horas, debido a los bajos precios de electricidad. Cuando los precios de la electricidad suben durante el día, el aire comprimido es extraído de la caverna de sal y es utilizado para producir energía en un tren de expansión de 70 MW durante 3 horas. La localización elegida para la planta es el norte de Burgos (Castilla y León, España), debido a la coincidencia de la existencia de muchos parques eólicos y una formación con las propiedades necesarias para el almacenamiento. El aspecto más importante de este proyecto es la utilización de un almacenamiento térmico que permitirá aprovechar el calor de la compresión para calentar el aire a la entrada de la expansión, eliminando combustibles fósiles del sistema. Por consiguiente, este proyecto es una atractiva solución en un posible futuro con emisiones de carbono restringidas, cuando la integración de energía renovable en la red eléctrica supone un reto importante. ABSTRACT: A model of an adiabatic compressed air energy storage plant is presented. In this plant surplus wind energy is used to compress air by means of a 25 MW compression train, the compressed air will be later stored in a salt cavern at 770 meters depth. Compression is carried out at night time, during 6 hours, because power prices are lower. When power prices go up during the day, the compressed air is withdrawn from the salt cavern and is used to produce energy in an expansion train of 70 MW during 3 hours. The chosen location for the plant is in the north of Burgos (Castilla y León, Spain), due to both the existence of several wind farms and a suitable storage facility with good properties at the same place. The relevance of this project is that it is provided with a thermal storage, which allows using the generated heat in the compression for re-heating the air before the expansion, eliminating fossil fuels from the system. Hence, this system is an attractive load balancing solution in a possibly carbon-constrained future, where the integration of renewable energy sources into the electric grid is a major challenge.
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Mode of access: Internet.
This thesis records the findings of a retrospective study of decompression illness (DCI) in the UK compressed air tunnelling industry since the mid-1980s. The thesis describes how the study arose, its scope and objectives, along with an overview of tunnelling and shaft-sinking. The development of compressed air working techniques is reviewed along with a description of decompression practice and DCI, and an outline of relevant legislation and guidance. The acquisition and manipulation of data to form a number of databases and spreadsheets on which the analysis was performed is discussed. That analysis examined measures of DCI incidence and quantified that incidence using these measures. Also considered is the variation in tolerance and susceptibility to DCI in the workforce, and the phenomenon of acclimatisation. An examination of the extent to which men worked on multiple contracts and the variation in their susceptibility to DCI on these contracts is included. Options are then considered for reducing the incidence of DCI. The first retained air-only decompression through the application of restrictions on exposure. The second related to the use of oxygen decompression. Finally the adequacy of the existing Regulations and Guidance is considered and recommendations made for possible changes to them, arising from the study. The main conclusions are that a number of measures of DCI incidence were identified, some more appropriate than others and that the incidence of DCI when so measured was high, disproportionately so in shift workers. No reasonably practicable restrictions on exposure were identified which would have allowed the retention of air-only decompression. Oxygen decompression looked promising but had yet to be used sufficiently extensively to generate enough data for analysis. Recommendations included one that an alternative technique for monitoring the effectiveness of decompression should be developed. The thesis ends with recommendations for further research.
Desalination of groundwater is essential in many arid areas that are far from both seawater and fresh water resources. The ideal groundwater desalination system should operate using a sustainable energy source and provide high water output per land area and cost. To avoid discharging voluminous brine, it should also provide high recovery. To achieve these aims, we have designed DesaLink, a novel approach to linking the solar Rankine cycle to reverse osmosis (RO). To achieve high recovery without the need for multiple RO stages, DesaLink adopts a batch mode of operation. It is suited to use with a variety of solar thermal collectors including linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR). For example, using a LFR occupying 1,000m of land and providing steam at 200°C and 15.5 bar, DesaLink is predicted to provide 350m of fresh water per day at a recovery ratio of 0.7, when fed with brackish groundwater containing 5,000ppm of sodium chloride. Here, we report preliminary experiments to assess the feasibility of the concept. We study the effects of longitudinal dispersion, concentration polarisation and describe a pilot experiment to demonstrate the batch process using a materials testing machine. In addition, we demonstrate a prototype of DesaLink running from compressed air to simulate steam.
For remote, semi-arid areas, brackish groundwater (BW) desalination powered by solar energy may serve as the most technically and economically viable means to alleviate the water stresses. For such systems, high recovery ratio is desired because of the technical and economical difficulties of concentrate management. It has been demonstrated that the current, conventional solar reverse osmosis (RO) desalination can be improved by 40–200 times by eliminating unnecessary energy losses. In this work, a batch-RO system that can be powered by a thermal Rankine cycle has been developed. By directly recycling high pressure concentrates and by using a linkage connection to provide increasing feed pressures, the batch-RO has been shown to achieve a 70% saving in energy consumption compared to a continuous single-stage RO system. Theoretical investigations on the mass transfer phenomena, including dispersion and concentration polarization, have been carried out to complement and to guide experimental efforts. The performance evaluation of the batch-RO system, named DesaLink, has been based on extensive experimental tests performed upon it. Operating DesaLink using compressed air as power supply under laboratory conditions, a freshwater production of approximately 300 litres per day was recorded with a concentration of around 350 ppm, whilst the feed water had a concentration range of 2500–4500 ppm; the corresponding linkage efficiency was around 40%. In the computational aspect, simulation models have been developed and validated for each of the subsystems of DesaLink, upon which an integrated model has been realised for the whole system. The models, both the subsystem ones and the integrated one, have been demonstrated to predict accurately the system performance under specific operational conditions. A simulation case study has been performed using the developed model. Simulation results indicate that the system can be expected to achieve a water production of 200 m3 per year by using a widely available evacuated tube solar collector having an area of only 2 m2. This freshwater production would satisfy the drinking water needs of 163 habitants in the Rajasthan region, the area for which the case study was performed.
Crack initiation was studied for asphalt mixtures under external compressive loads. High tensile localized stresses e direction of the external loads. A quantitative crack initiation criterion the edges of compressed air voids lead to the growth of wing cracks in thon was derived using pseudostrain energy balance principle. Bond energy is determined and it increases with aging and loading rate while decreases with temperature. Cohesive and adhesive cracking occur simultaneously and a method was proposed to determine the individual percentage. The crack initiation criterion is simplified and validated through comparing the predicted and measured compressive strength of the asphalt mixtures.
The sudden hydrocarbon influx from the formation into the wellbore poses a serious risk to the safety of the well. This sudden influx is termed a kick, which, if not controlled, may lead to a blowout. Therefore, early detection of the kick is crucial to minimize the possibility of a blowout occurrence. There is a high probability of delay in kick detection, apart from other issues when using a kick detection system that is exclusively based on surface monitoring. Down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to detect a kick at its early stage. Down-hole monitoring could be particularly beneficial when the influx occurs as a result of a lost circulation scenario. In a lost circulation scenario, when the down-hole pressure becomes lower than the formation pore pressure, the formation fluid may starts to enter the wellbore. The lost volume of the drilling fluid is compensated by the formation fluid flowing into the well bore, making it difficult to identify the kick based on pit (mud tank) volume observations at the surface. This experimental study investigates the occurrence of a kick based on relative changes in the mass flow rate, pressure, density, and the conductivity of the fluid in the down-hole. Moreover, the parameters that are most sensitive to formation fluid are identified and a methodology to detect a kick without false alarms is reported. Pressure transmitter, the Coriolis flow and density meter, and the conductivity sensor are employed to observe the deteriorating well conditions in the down-hole. These observations are used to assess the occurrence of a kick and associated blowout risk. Monitoring of multiple down-hole parameters has a potential to improve the accuracy of interpretation related to kick occurrence, reduces the number of false alarms, and provides a broad picture of down-hole conditions. The down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to reduce the kick detection period. A down-hole assembly of the laboratory scale drilling rig model and kick injection setup were designed, measuring instruments were acquired, a frame was fabricated, and the experimental set-up was assembled and tested. This set-up has the necessary features to evaluate kick events while implementing down-hole monitoring techniques. Various kick events are simulated on the drilling rig model. During the first set of experiments compressed air (which represents the formation fluid) is injected with constant pressure margin. In the second set of experiments the compressed air is injected with another pressure margin. The experiments are repeated with another pump (flow) rate as well. This thesis consists of three main parts. The first part gives the general introduction, motivation, outline of the thesis, and a brief description of influx: its causes, various leading and lagging indicators, and description of the several kick detection systems that are in practice in the industry. The second part describes the design and construction of the laboratory scale down-hole assembly of the drilling rig and kick injection setup, which is used to implement the proposed methodology for early kick detection. The third part discusses the experimental work, describes the methodology for early kick detection, and presents experimental results that show how different influx events affect the mass flow rate, pressure, conductivity, and density of the fluid in the down-hole, and the discussion of the results. The last chapter contains summary of the study and future research.
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
A Refinaria de Matosinhos é um dos complexos industriais da Galp Energia. A sua estação de tratamento de águas residuais industriais (ETARI) – designada internamente por Unidade 7000 – é composta por quatro tratamentos: o pré-tratamento, o tratamento físico-químico, o tratamento biológico e o pós-tratamento. Dada a interligação existente, é fundamental a otimização de cada um dos tratamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos a identificação dos problemas e/ou possibilidades de melhoria do pré-tratamento, tratamento físico-químico e pós-tratamento e principalmente a otimização do tratamento biológico da ETARI. No pré-tratamento verificou-se que a separação de óleos e lamas não era eficaz uma vez que se formam emulsões destas duas fases. Como solução, sugeriu-se a adição de agentes desemulsionantes, que se revelou economicamente inviável. Assim, sugeriu-se como alternativa o recurso a técnicas de tratamento da emulsão gerada, tais como a extração com solvente, centrifugação, ultrassons e micro-ondas. No tratamento físico-químico constatou-se que o controlo da unidade de saturação de ar na água era feito com base na análise visual dos operadores, o que pode conduzir a condições de operação afastadas das ótimas para este tratamento. Assim, sugeriu-se a realização de um estudo de otimização desta unidade com vista à determinação da razão ar/sólidos ótima para este efluente. Para além disto, constatou-se, ainda, que os consumos de coagulante aumentaram cerca de -- % no último ano, pelo que foi sugerido o estudo da viabilidade do processo de eletrocoagulação como substituto do sistema de coagulação existente. No pós-tratamento identificou-se o processo de lavagem dos filtros como sendo a etapa com possibilidade de ser otimizada. Através de um estudo preliminar concluiu-se que a lavagem contínua de um filtro por cada turno melhorava o desempenho dos mesmos. Constatou-se, ainda, que a introdução de ar comprimido na água de lavagem promove uma maior remoção de detritos do leito de areia, no entanto esta prática parece influenciar negativamente o desempenho dos filtros. No caso do tratamento biológico, identificaram-se problemas ao nível do tempo de retenção hidráulico do tratamento biológico II, que apresentou elevada variabilidade. Apesar de identificado concluiu-se que este problema era de difícil solução. Verificou-se, também, que o oxigénio dissolvido não era monitorizado, pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de oxigénio dissolvido numa zona de baixa turbulência do tanque de arejamento. Concluiu-se que o oxigénio era distribuído de forma homogénea por todo o tanque de arejamento e tentou-se identificar quais os fatores que influenciariam este parâmetro, no entanto, dada a elevada variabilidade do efluente e das condições de tratamento, tal não foi possível. Constatou-se, também, que o doseamento de fosfato para o tratamento biológico II era pouco eficiente já Otimização dos sistemas biológicos e melhorias nos tratamentos da ETARI da Refinaria de Matosinhos que em -- % dos dias se verificaram níveis baixos de fosfato no licor misto (< - mg/L). Foi, por isso, proposta a alteração do atual sistema de doseamento por gravidade para um sistema de bomba doseadora. Para além disso verificou-se que os consumos deste nutriente aumentaram significativamente no último ano (cerca de --%), situação que se constatou estar relacionada com um aumento da população microbiana para este período. Foi possível relacionar-se o aparecimento frequente de lamas à superfície dos decantadores secundários com incrementos repentinos de condutividade, pelo que se sugeriu o armazenamento do efluente nas bacias de tempestade, nestas situações. Verificou-se que a remoção de azoto era praticamente ineficaz uma vez que a conversão de azoto amoniacal em nitratos foi muito baixa. Assim, sugeriu-se o recurso à técnica de bio-augmentação ou a transformação do sistema de lamas ativadas num sistema bietápico. Por fim, constatou-se que a temperatura do efluente à entrada da ETARI apresenta valores bastante elevados para o tratamento biológico (aproximadamente de --º C) pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de temperatura no tanque de arejamento de modo a controlar de forma mais eficaz a temperatura do licor misto. Ainda no que diz respeito ao tratamento biológico, foi possível desenvolver-se um conjunto de ferramentas que visaram o funcionamento otimizado deste tratamento. Nesse sentido, foram apresentadas várias sugestões de melhoria: a utilização do índice volumétrico de lamas como indicador da qualidade das lamas em alternativa à percentagem de lamas; foi desenvolvido um conjunto de fluxogramas para a orientação dos operadores de exterior na resolução de problemas; foi criada uma “janela de operação” que pretende ser um guia de apoio à operação; foi ainda proposta a monitorização frequente da idade das lamas e da razão alimento/microrganismo.
Biomass is considered the largest renewable energy source that can be used in an environmentally sustainable. From the pyrolysis of biomass is possible to obtain products with higher energy density and better use properties. The liquid resultant of this process is traditionally called bio-oil. The use of infrared burners in industrial applications has many advantages in terms of technical-operational, for example, uniformity in the heat supply in the form of radiation and convection, with a greater control of emissions due to the passage of exhaust gases through a macroporous ceramic bed. This paper presents a commercial infrared burner adapted with an ejector proposed able to burn a hybrid configuration of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and bio-oil diluted. The dilution of bio-oil with absolute ethanol aimed to decrease the viscosity of the fluid, and improving the stability and atomization. It was introduced a temperature controller with thermocouple modulating two stages (low heat / high heat), and solenoid valves for fuels supply. The infrared burner has been tested, being the diluted bio-oil atomized, and evaluated its performance by conducting energy balance. The method of thermodynamic analysis to estimate the load was used an aluminum plate located at the exit of combustion gases and the distribution of temperatures measured by thermocouples. The dilution reduced the viscosity of the bio-oil in 75.4% and increased by 11% the lower heating value (LHV) of the same, providing a stable combustion to the burner through the atomizing with compressed air and burns combined with LPG. Injecting the hybrid fuel there was increase in the heat transfer from the plate to the environment in 21.6% and gain useful benefit of 26.7%, due to the improved in the efficiency of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics of infrared burner