944 resultados para Comprehensive Assessment


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Climate change is most likely to introduce an additional stress to already stressed water systems in developing countries. Climate change is inherently linked with the hydrological cycle and is expected to cause significant alterations in regional water resources systems necessitating measures for adaptation and mitigation. Increasing temperatures, for example, are likely to change precipitation patterns resulting in alterations of regional water availability, evapotranspirative water demand of crops and vegetation, extremes of floods and droughts, and water quality. A comprehensive assessment of regional hydrological impacts of climate change is thus necessary. Global climate model simulations provide future projections of the climate system taking into consideration changes in external forcings, such as atmospheric carbon-dioxide and aerosols, especially those resulting from anthropogenic emissions. However, such simulations are typically run at a coarse scale, and are not equipped to reproduce regional hydrological processes. This paper summarizes recent research on the assessment of climate change impacts on regional hydrology, addressing the scale and physical processes mismatch issues. Particular attention is given to changes in water availability, irrigation demands and water quality. This paper also includes description of the methodologies developed to address uncertainties in the projections resulting from incomplete knowledge about future evolution of the human-induced emissions and from using multiple climate models. Approaches for investigating possible causes of historically observed changes in regional hydrological variables are also discussed. Illustrations of all the above-mentioned methods are provided for Indian regions with a view to specifically aiding water management in India.


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Harmful Algal Research and Response: A Human Dimensions Strategy (HARR-HD) justifies and guides a coordinated national commitment to human dimensions research critical to prevent and respond to impacts of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Beyond HABs, it serves as a framework for developing hu-man dimensions research as a cross-cutting priority of ecosystem science supporting coastal and ocean management, including hazard research and mitigation planning. Measuring and promoting commu-nity resilience to hazards require human dimensions research outcomes such as effective risk commu-nication strategies; assessment of community vulnerability; identification of susceptible populations; comprehensive assessment of environmental, sociocultural, and economic impacts; development of effective decision support tools; and improved coordination among agencies and stakeholders. HARR-HD charts a course for human dimensions research to achieve these and other priorities through co-ordinated implementation by the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) In-teragency Working Group on HABs, Hypoxia and Human Health (IWG-4H); national HAB funding programs; national research and response programs; and state research and monitoring programs. (PDF contains 72 pages)


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As coastal destinations continue to grow, due to tourism and residential expansion, the demand for public beach access and related amenities will also increase. As a resultagencies that provide beach access and related amenities face challenges when considering both residents and visitors use beaches and likely possess different needs, as well as different preferences for management decisions. Being a resident of a coastal county provides more opportunity to use local beaches, but coastal tourism is an important and growing economic engine in coastal communities (Kriesel, Landry, & Keeler, 2005; Pogue & Lee, 1999). Therefore, providing agencies with a comprehensive assessment of the differences between these two groups will increase the likelihood of effective management programs and policies for the provision of public beach access and related amenities. The purpose of this paper was to use a stated preference choice method (SPCM) to identify the extent of both residents’ and visitors’ preferences for public beach management options. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The introduced grouper species peacock hind (Cephalopholis argus), was the dominant large-body piscivore on the Main Hawaiian Island (MHI) reefs assessed by underwater visual surveys in this study. However, published data on C. argus feeding ecology are scarce, and the role of this species in Hawaiian reef ecosystems is presently not well understood. Here we provide the first comprehensive assessment of the diet composition, prey electivity (dietary importance of prey taxa compared to their availability on reefs), and size selectivity (prey sizes in the diet compared to sizes on reefs) of this important predator in the MHI. Diet consisted 97.7% of fishes and was characterized by a wide taxonomic breadth. Surprisingly, feeding was not opportunistic, as indicated by a strongly divergent electivity for different prey fishes. In addition, whereas some families of large-body species were represented in the diet exclusively by recruit-size individuals (e.g., Aulostomidae), several families of smaller-body species were also represented by juveniles or adults (e.g., Chaetodontidae). Both the strength and mechanisms of the effects of C. argus predation are therefore likely to differ among prey families. This study provides the basis for a quantitative estimate of prey consumption by C. argus, which would further increase understanding of impacts of this species on native fishes in Hawaii.


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The Indo-Pacific lionfishes, Pterois miles and P. volitans, are now established along the Southeast U.S. and Caribbean and are expected to expand into the Gulf of Mexico and Central and South America. Prior to this invasion little was known regarding the biology and ecology of these lionfishes. I provide a synopsis of chronology, taxonomy, local abundance, reproduction, early life history and dispersal, venomology, feeding ecology, parasitology, potential impacts, and possible control and management strategies for the lionfish invasion. This information was collected by review of the literature and by direct field and experimental study. I confirm the existence of an unusual supraocular tentacle phenotype and suggest that the high prevalence of this phenotype in the Atlantic is not the result of selection, but likely ontogenetic change. To describe the trophic impacts of lionfish, I report a comprehensive assessment of diet that describes lionfish as a generalist piscivore that preys on over 40 species of teleost comprising more than 20 families. Next, I use the histology of gonads to describe both oogenesis and reproductive dynamics of lionfish. Lionfish mature relatively early and reproduce several times per month throughout the entire calendar year off North Carolina and the Bahamas. To investigate predation, an important component of natural mortality, I assessed the vulnerability of juvenile lionfish to predation by native serranids. Juvenile lionfish are not readily consumed by serranids, even after extreme periods of starvation. Last, I used a stage-based, matrix population model to estimate the scale of control that would be needed to reduce an invading population of lionfish. Together, this research provides the first comprehensive assessment on lionfish biology and ecology and explains a number of life history and ecological interactions that have facilitated the unprecedented and rapid establishment of this invasive finfish. Future research is needed to understand the scale of impacts that lionfish could cause, especially in coral reef ecosystems, which are already heavily stressed. This research further demonstrates the need for lionfish control strategies and more rigorous prevention and early detection and rapid response programs for marine non-native introductions.


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The study of regional crustal stability of active tectonic region basically includes analysis of recent activity of Earth's crust, single factor assessment, study of complexity, and comprehensive assessment of crust stability. In this thesis, some work are made as follows: · Based on abundant data from gravity field, aeromagnetic survey, magnetism, magnetotelluric deep sounding, remote sensing and geotectonic as well as earthquakes observed in recent years around this region and adjacent zones, we can get a through understanding about the structural features and activity of the earth's crust in Chuan-Dian region. The results from explosion earthquake and telluric electromagnetic sounding are consistent with the structural features of the crust manifested by the geophysical field. The data of deep geologic structures are important for us to work out a vivid three-dimensional model of the earth's crustal structure of the Jinsha River region. According to a synthesis, the author of this thesis proposes some indicators for dividing the faulted blocks. It can also be inferred that the movement of the Chuan-Dian faulted block, which is the relatively active part of southwestern China, is controlled by the boundary faults, and the intensive activity and deformation are concentrated along the boundaries of the block. · Mainly discussing respectively the mechanism and laws of active faults, earthquakes, and geological hazards activity, and their influences on the stability and security of engineering, also trying to probe into the way to assess the risk of single factor in this section. Especially with the method of fractal geometry, the thesis has discussed how to study the complexity of each factor. These geologic hazards which are distributed at the uppermost part of the crust in this region form a typical mountainous set of the active tectonic areas. The results of survey show that some slopes are liable- to -sliding with a weak layer of low shear strength. Occurrences of landslides are to a great extent related to local geological structures, in particular active faults. This is why numerous landslides have occurred simultaneously around the epicenter of a strong earthquake or the center of a strong rainfall, which are related to active faults. · The analysis of the crustal stability is based on a regional grid division, and a fuzzy comprehensive analysis method is used to determine the grade of the quality in each grid. The evaluation factors and their weights are taken from the results of the hierarchical analysis. The evaluation indexes consist of qualitative and quantitative ones. The qualitative ones can be quantified through the experts weighing system, while the quantitative ones can be obtained from statistical analysis. For quality grades, four levels are used: stable, essentially stable, sub-stable, and unstable. The results of the evaluation on Jinshajiang region demonstrate that the crustal stability become distinctly worse in the areas controlled by active deep faults. Therefore, detailed investigations on the active faulting and geologic hazards, include earthquake activity are especially necessary for those areas adjacent to the deep fault belts. On the bases of the data available and the survey results, we have made a preliminary assessment for the construction conditions and adaptability of every planned site in the middle or lower reaches of Jinsha River. Finally, the thesis prospected the vista of the study of crustal stability.


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To extend the understanding of host genetic determinants of HIV-1 control, we performed a genome-wide association study in a cohort of 2,554 infected Caucasian subjects. The study was powered to detect common genetic variants explaining down to 1.3% of the variability in viral load at set point. We provide overwhelming confirmation of three associations previously reported in a genome-wide study and show further independent effects of both common and rare variants in the Major Histocompatibility Complex region (MHC). We also examined the polymorphisms reported in previous candidate gene studies and fail to support a role for any variant outside of the MHC or the chemokine receptor cluster on chromosome 3. In addition, we evaluated functional variants, copy-number polymorphisms, epistatic interactions, and biological pathways. This study thus represents a comprehensive assessment of common human genetic variation in HIV-1 control in Caucasians.


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Objectives: We determined the prevalence and nature of behavioural symptoms at the time of admission to a long-term care home (LTCH) and occurrence of resident-to-resident aggressive behaviour associated with behavioural symptoms within three months following admission. Method: The Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory and Aggressive Behaviour Scale were completed at the time residents were admitted into the LTCH. A chart review, conducted three months after admission into the LTCH, abstracted documented resident-to-resident aggression. Three LTCHs located in Ontario, Canada participated in the study. Results: During a 16-month period, 339 individuals admitted to the LTCHs comprised the study sample. A comparison was made between residents with and without dementia. At admission, residents with dementia had a greater number of behavioural symptoms than those without dementia (mean = 3.79, SD = 3.32 versus mean = 2.56, SD = 2.24, respectively; t(200) = 1.91; p = 0.059). Residents with and without dementia exhibited similar behaviours but differed on the prevalence of these behaviours. The most frequently reported behavioural symptoms for residents in both groups were verbal agitation and non-aggressive physical behaviours. The most frequently recorded aggressive behaviour for all residents was resisting care. In the three months post admission, 79 (23%) residents were involved in a documented incident that involved aggressive behaviour to another resident. Conclusion: A standardized comprehensive assessment for admission to a LTCH is an important strategy that can be used to identify behavioural symptoms and plan appropriate care management. 


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This book presents a comprehensive assessment of regional responses to the crisis in the asylum/refugee system and critically examines how different regions tackle the problem. The chapters consider the fundamental challenges which undermine an effective asylum process as well as regional difficulties with the various circumstances surrounding asylum seekers. With contributions on Africa, Europe, Latin America, South Asia and the Middle East, and the Pacific, the collection strives to appreciate what informs each region’s approach to the asylum process and asks if there are issues common to every region and if regions can learn from one another. The book seeks an understanding of the existing legal regime for the protection of asylum seekers and how regional institutions such as human rights commissions and regional courts enforce and adjudicate the law.


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As comunidades de macrofauna bentónica são ecológica e economicamente relevantes, sendo fonte de diversos bens e serviços. A sua identificação, caracterização e mapeamento são importantes para identificar áreas marinhas protegidas e para uma melhor utilização do ambiente marinho. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo holístico da diversidade e distribuição espacial das comunidades de macrofauna bentónica ao longo da plataforma continental Portuguesa. Cerca de 145 locais posicionados ao longo da plataforma ocidental e setentrional foram amostrados com uma draga Smith-McIntyre de área 0,1 m2, a profundidades que variaram entre os 13 e 195 metros. Os sedimentos foram caracterizados em termos de granulometria, de matéria orgânica e geoquímica. São propostos seis habitats bentónicos principais para a plataforma continental Portuguesa, analisada a relação entre os dados biológicos e ambientais e discutidas questões biogeográficas relacionadas com a distribuição espacial de espécies e das comunidades. A distribuição da granulometria e assinatura geoquímica dos sedimentos da plataforma continental revelou-se bastante complexa, refletindo importantes diferenças nas fontes (naturais e antropogénicas), origem fluvial, geomorfologia da plataforma, hidrodinamismo e atividade biológica. Relativamente à macrofauna, entre os mais de 30 mil indivíduos recolhidos, foram identificados cerca de 737 taxa, dos quais quatro são novas espécies e aproximadamente 40 correspondem a primeiras ocorrências para a costa Portuguesa. As espécies mais frequentes foram a Ampharete finmarchica, Ampelisca sp. e Lumbrineris lusitanica sp. nov. enquanto as mais abundantes foram Mediomastus fragilis, Polygordius appendiculatus e Ampharete finmarchica. A abundância por local de amostragem variou entre 7 e 1.307 espécimens e a diversidade alfa atingiu um máximo de 96 taxa. Os sedimentos mais grosseiros apresentaram maior diversidade e abundância comparativamente com os sedimentos envasados. Foram identificados seis habitats bentónicos na plataforma continental Portuguesa: (a) sedimentos grosseiros com Protodorvillea kefersteini, Pisione remota, Angulus pygmaeus e várias espécies intersticiais; (b) areias finas hidrodinamicamente expostas e próximas da linha de costa com Magelona johnstoni, Urothoe pulchella e Angulus fabula; (c) comunidade de Abra alba em areia envasadas da plataforma profunda do noroeste; (d) Galathowenia oculata, Lumbrinerides amoureuxi e outros poliquetas escavadores e tubícolas em areais envasadas muito profundas na plataforma sudoeste; (e) Euchone rubrocincta, Nematonereis unicornis e várias espécies setentrionais nas areias envasadas da plataforma sul; (f) vasas com Sternaspis scutata, Heteromastus filiformis e Psammogammarus caecus. A granulometria do sedimento (particularmente teor em finos), matéria orgânica, profundidade e hidrodinamismo foram as variáveis ambientais com a maior relação com os padrões de distribuição da macrofauna. As espécies cosmopolitas e de latitudes superiores (clima Boreal ou Temperado Frio) dominaram o setor noroeste, sendo substituídas por espécies mais quentes na área de transição entre os canhões da Nazaré e S. Vicente, que dominaram por conseguinte a plataforma sul. O presente estudo evidenciou a abundância e diversidade da macrofauna bentónica ao longo da área costeira de Portugal, na qual coexistem faunas das províncias biogeográficas do norte da Europa, bem como subtropicais. Integrado com outro estudos, este poderá ser a base para uma melhor gestão da plataforma continental Portuguesa.


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To extend the understanding of host genetic determinants of HIV-1 control, we performed a genome-wide association study in a cohort of 2,554 infected Caucasian subjects. The study was powered to detect common genetic variants explaining down to 1.3% of the variability in viral load at set point. We provide overwhelming confirmation of three associations previously reported in a genome-wide study and show further independent effects of both common and rare variants in the Major Histocompatibility Complex region (MHC). We also examined the polymorphisms reported in previous candidate gene studies and fail to support a role for any variant outside of the MHC or the chemokine receptor cluster on chromosome 3. In addition, we evaluated functional variants, copy-number polymorphisms, epistatic interactions, and biological pathways. This study thus represents a comprehensive assessment of common human genetic variation in HIV-1 control in Caucasians.


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Cette étude introduit un nouvel outil d’évaluation des troubles liés à la perception et la mémoire de la musique pour les enfants âgés entre six et huit ans. La batterie d’évaluation proposée est une adaptation de la batterie de Montréal de l'évaluation de l’amusie (MBEA) afin qu’elle puisse être utilisée chez les enfants, et ce, peu importe leur langue maternelle et leur culture. Dans l'expérience 1, la batterie, qui évalue les composantes musicales suivantes : la tonalité, le contour, l’intervalle, le rythme ainsi que la mémoire incidente, a été administrée auprès de 258 enfants à Montréal et 91 à Pékin. Dans l'expérience 2, une version abrégée de la batterie a été administrée à 86 enfants à Montréal. Les deux versions ont démontré une sensibilité aux différences individuelles et à la formation musicale. Il ne semble pas y avoir une influence de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture sur les performances, mais plutôt un effet de la culture. Effectivement, les enfants qui ont comme langue maternelle le Mandarin (une langue tonale) ont obtenu de meilleurs résultats aux tâches de discrimination liées à la composante mélodique en comparaison à leurs homologues canadiens. Pour les deux groupes d’enfants, ceux qui ont été identifiés comme potentiellement amusiques ont principalement, mais pas exclusivement, des difficultés à percevoir de fines variations de hauteurs. Le caractère prédominant du déficit lié au traitement mélodique est moins distinctif avec la version abrégée. Par ailleurs, les résultats suggèrent différentes trajectoires de développement pour le traitement de la mélodie, du rythme et de la mémoire. De ce fait, la version de la MBEA adaptée à l’enfant, renommée la batterie de Montréal d'évaluation du potentiel musical (MBEMP), est un nouvel outil qui permet d’identifier les troubles liés au traitement musical chez les enfants tout en permettant d'examiner le développement typique et atypique des habiletés musicales et leur relation présumée à d'autres fonctions cognitives.


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Travail d'intégration présenté à la Faculté de médecine en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise professionnelle en physiothérapie


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Drawing on discussions within a CEPS Task Force on the revised EU emissions trading system, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of the various measures put forward by different stakeholders to address the level and stability of the price of carbon in the EU. It argues that the European Commission, the member states, the European Parliament and other stakeholders need to give serious consideration to introducing some kind of ‘dynamic’ adjustment provision to address the relatively inelastic supply. The report also suggests that there is a need to improve communication of market-sensitive information, for example by leaving the management of the ETS to a specialised body.