983 resultados para Complementary Molecular-components


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This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Information Paper, No 26


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Components of high molecular-weight (PI) obtained from Ascaris suum extract down-regulate the Th1/Th2-related immune responses induced by ovalbumin (OVA)-immunization in mice. Furthermore, the PI down-modulates the ability of dendritic cells (DCs) to activate T lymphocytes by an IL-10-mediated mechanism. Here, we evaluated the role of toll like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR2 and 4) in the modulatory effect of PI on OVA-specific immune response and the PI interference on DC full activation. An inhibition of OVA-specific cellular and humoral responses were observed in wild type (WT) or in deficient in TLR2 (TLR2(-/-)) or 4 (TLR4(-/-)) mice immunized with OVA plus PI when compared with OVA-immunized mice. Low expression of class II MHC, CD40, CD80 and CD86 molecules was observed in lymph node (LN) cells from WT, TLR2(-/-) or TLR4(-/-) mice immunized with OVA plus PI compared with OVA-primed cells. We also verified that PI was able to modulate the activation of DCs derived from bone marrow of WT, TLR2(-/-) or TLR4(-/-) mice induced in vitro by agonists of TLRs, as observed by a decreased expression of class II MHC and costimulatory molecules and by low secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Its effect was accompanied by IL-10 synthesis. In this sense, the modulatory effect of PI on specific-immune response and DC activation is independent of TLR2 or TLR4.


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Enhanced production of proinflammatory bradykinin-related peptides, the kinins, has been suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontitis, a common inflammatory disease of human gingival tissues. In this report, we describe a plausible mechanism of activation of the kinin-generating system, also known as the contact system or kininogen-kallikrein-kinin system, by the adsorption of its plasma-derived components such as high-molecular-mass kininogen (HK), prekallikrein (PK), and Hageman factor (FXII) to the cell surface of periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. The adsorption characteristics of mutant strains deficient in selected proteins of the cell envelope suggested that the surface-associated cysteine proteinases, gingipains, bearing hemagglutinin/adhesin domains (RgpA and Kgp) serve as the major platforms for HK and FXII adhesion. These interactions were confirmed by direct binding tests using microplate-immobilized gingipains and biotinylated contact factors. Other bacterial cell surface components such as fimbriae and lipopolysaccharide were also found to contribute to the binding of contact factors, particularly PK. Analysis of kinin release in plasma upon contact with P. gingivalis showed that the bacterial surface-dependent mechanism is complementary to the previously described kinin generation system dependent on HK and PK proteolytic activation by the gingipains. We also found that several P. gingivalis clinical isolates differed in the relative significance of these two mechanisms of kinin production. Taken together, these data show the importance of this specific type of bacterial surface-host homeostatic system interaction in periodontal infections.


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Whether intrinsic molecular properties or extrinsic factors such as environmental conditions control the decomposition of natural organic matter across soil, marine and freshwater systems has been subject to debate. Comprehensive evaluations of the controls that molecular structure exerts on organic matter's persistence in the environment have been precluded by organic matter's extreme complexity. Here we examine dissolved organic matter from 109 Swedish lakes using ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy to investigate the constraints on its persistence in the environment. We find that degradation processes preferentially remove oxidized, aromatic compounds, whereas reduced, aliphatic and N-containing compounds are either resistant to degradation or tightly cycled and thus persist in aquatic systems. The patterns we observe for individual molecules are consistent with our measurements of emergent bulk characteristics of organic matter at wide geographic and temporal scales, as reflected by optical properties. We conclude that intrinsic molecular properties are an important control of overall organic matter reactivity.


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En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la biodiversidad del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Honduras, que es el segundo de los cultivos de granos básicos en importancia. Dicho estudio se ha realizado mediante una caracterización agromorfológica, molecular y ecogeográfica en una selección de 300 accesiones conservadas en el banco de germoplasma ubicado en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano, y que se colectaron en 13 departamentos del país durante el periodo de 1990 a 1994. Estas accesiones fueron colectadas cuatro años antes del acontecimiento del huracán Mitch, el cual a su paso afectó al 96% del área total cultivable en su momento, lo cual nos hace considerar que la biodiversidad de razas locales (landraces) de frijol común existentes in situ fueron severamente afectadas. Los trabajos dirigidos a analizar la biodiversidad de razas locales de frijol común en Honduras son escasos, y este trabajo se constituye como el primero que incluye una amplia muestra a ser estudiada a través de una caracterización en tres aspectos complementarios (agromorfológico, molecular y ecogeográfico). Se evaluaron 32 caracteres agromorfológicos, 12 cuantitativos y 20 cualitativos, en distintas partes de la planta. Se establecieron las correlaciones entre los caracteres agromorfológicos y se elaboró un dendrograma con los mismos, en el que se formaron ocho grupos, en parte relacionados principalmente con los colores y tamaños de la semilla. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se estudiaron los caracteres de más peso en cada uno de los tres primeros componentes. Asimismo, se estudiaron las correlaciones entre caracteres, siendo las más altas la longitud y anchura de la hoja, días a madurez y a cosecha y longitud y peso de semilla. Por otra parte, el mapa de diversidad agromorfológica mostró la existencia de tres zonas con mayor diversidad: en el oeste (en los departamentos de Santa Bárbara, Lempira y Copán), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Francisco Morazán, Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización molecular partimos de 12 marcadores de tipo microsatélite, evaluados en 54 accesiones, que fueron elegidas por constituir grupos que compartían un mismo nombre local. Finalmente, se seleccionaron los cuatro microsatélites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 y PV-AT007) que resultaron ser más polimórficos e informativos para el análisis de las 300 accesiones, con los que se detectaron un total de 119 alelos (21 de ellos únicos o privados de accesión) y 256 patrones alélicos diferentes. Para estudiar la estructura y relaciones genéticas en las 300 accesiones se incluyeron en el análisis tres controles o accesiones de referencia, pertenecientes dos de ellas al acervo genético Andino y una al Mesoamericano. En el dendrograma se obtuvieron 25 grupos de accesiones con idénticas combinaciones de alelos. Al comparar este dendrograma con el de caracteres agromorfológicos se observaron diversos grupos con marcada similitud en ambos. Un total de 118 accesiones resultaron ser homogéneas y homocigóticas, a la vez que representativas del grupo de 300 accesiones, por lo que se analizaron con más detalle. El análisis de la estructura genética definió la formación de dos grupos, supuestamente relacionados con los acervos genéticos Andino (48) y Mesoamericano (61), y un reducido número de accesiones (9) que podrían tener un origen híbrido, debido a la existencia de un cierto grado de introgresión entre ambos acervos. La diferenciación genética entre ambos grupos fue del 13,3%. Asimismo, 66 de los 82 alelos detectados fueron privados de grupo, 30 del supuesto grupo Andino y 36 del Mesoamericano. Con relación al mapa de diversidad molecular, presentó una distribución bastante similar al de la diversidad agromorfológica, detectándose también las zonas de mayor diversidad genética en el oeste (en los departamentos de Lempira y Santa Bárbara), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización ecogeográfica se seleccionaron variables de tipo bioclimático (2), geofísico (2) y edáfico (8), y mediante el método de agrupamiento de partición alrededor de los medoides, la combinación de los grupos con cada uno de los tres tipos de variables definió un total de 32 categorías ecogeográficas en el país, detectándose accesiones en 16 de ellas. La distribución de las accesiones previsiblemente esté relacionada con la existencia de condiciones más favorables al cultivo de frijol. En el mapa de diversidad ecogeográfica, nuevamente, se observaron varias zonas con alta diversidad tanto en el oeste, como en el centro-norte y en el sur del país. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado, se concluyó la existencia de una marcada biodiversidad en el material analizado, desde el punto de vista tanto agromorfológico como molecular. Por lo que resulta de gran importancia plantear la conservación de este patrimonio genético tanto ex situ, en bancos de germoplasma, como on farm, en las propias explotaciones de los agricultores del país, siempre que sea posible. ABSTRACT In the present work we have carried out a study of the biodiversity of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in Honduras, which is the second of the basic grain crops in importance. This study was conducted through agro-morphological, molecular and ecogeographical characterization of a selection of 300 accessions conserved in the genebank located in the ‘Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano’ that were collected in 13 departments of the country during the 1990 to 1994 period. These accessions were collected four years before the occurrence of Mitch hurricane, which affected 96% of the total cultivable area at the time, which makes us to consider that the biodiversity of local landraces of common bean existing in situ were severely affected. The work aimed to analyze the biodiversity of local races of common bean in Honduras are scarce, and this work constitutes the first to include a large sample to be studied through a characterization on three complementary aspects (agromorphological, molecular and ecogeographical). Thirty two agromorphological characters, 12 quantitative and 20 qualitative, in various parts of the plant were evaluated. Correlations between agromorphological characters were established and a dendrogram with them was constructed, in which eight groups were formed, in part mainly related to the colors and sizes of the seeds. By principal component analysis the characters with more weight in each of the first three components were studied. Also, correlations between characters were studied, the highest of them being length and leaf width, days to maturity and harvest, and seed length and weight. Moreover, the map of agromorphological diversity showed the existence of three areas with more diversity: the west (departments of Santa Barbara, Copan and Lempira), the center-north (departments of Francisco Morazán, Yoro and Atlántida) and the south (department of El Paraiso and south of Francisco Morazán). For molecular characterization we started with 12 microsatellite markers, evaluated in 54 accessions, which were chosen because they formed groups that shared the same local name. Finally, four microsatellites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 and PV-AT007) were selected for the analysis of 300 accessions, since they were the most polymorphic and informative. They gave a total of 119 alleles (21 of them unique or private for the accession) and 256 different allelic patterns. To study the structure and genetic relationships in the 300 accessions, three controls or accessions of reference were included in the analysis: two of them belonging to the Andean gene pool and one to the Mesoamerican. In the dendrogram, 25 accession groups with identical allele combinations were obtained. Comparing this dendrogram to the obtained with agromorphological characters, several groups with marked similarity in both were observed. A total of 118 accessions were homozygous and homogeneous, while representing the group of 300 accessions, therefore they were analyzed in more detail. The analysis of the genetic structure defined the formation of two groups, supposedly related to the Andean (48) and the Mesoamerican (61) gene pools, and a small number of accessions (9) which may have a hybrid origin, due to the existence of some degree of introgression between both gene pools. Genetic differentiation between both groups was 13.3%. Also, 66 of the 82 detected alleles were private or unique for the group, 30 of the supposed Andean group and 36 of the Mesoamerican. With relation to the map of molecular diversity, it showed a quite similar distribution to the agromorphological, also detecting the areas of greatest genetic diversity in the west (departments of Lempira and Santa Bárbara), in the center-north (departments Atlántida and Yoro) and in the south (departments of El Paraíso and south of Francisco Morazán). For the ecogeographical characterization, bioclimatic (2), geophysical (2) and edaphic (8) variables were selected, and by the method of clustering partition around the medoids, the combination of the groups to each of the three types of variables defined a total of 32 ecogeographical categories in the country, having accessions in 16 of them. The distribution of accessions is likely related to the existence of more favorable conditions for the cultivation of beans. The map of ecogeographical diversity, again, several areas with high diversity both in the west and in the center-north and in the south of the country were observed. As a result of study, the existence of marked biodiversity in the analyzed material was concluded, both from the agromorphological and from the molecular point of view. Consequently it is very important to propose the conservation of this genetic heritage both ex situ, in genebanks, as on farm, in the holdings of the farmers of the country, whenever possible.


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We report the identification and molecular characterization of a novel type of constitutive nuclear protein that is present in diverse vertebrate species, from Xenopus laevis to human. The cDNA-deduced amino acid sequence of the Xenopus protein defines a polypeptide of a calculated mass of 146.2 kDa and a isoelectric point of 6.8, with a conspicuous domain enriched in the dipeptide TP (threonine-proline) near its amino terminus. Immunolocalization studies in cultured cells and tissues sections of different origin revealed an exclusive nuclear localization of the protein. The protein is diffusely distributed in the nucleoplasm but concentrated in nuclear speckles, which represent a subnuclear compartment enriched in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles and other splicing factors, as confirmed by colocalization with certain splicing factors and Sm proteins. During mitosis, when transcription and splicing are downregulated, the protein is released from the nuclear speckles and transiently dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Biochemical experiments have shown that the protein is recovered in a ∼12S complex, and gel filtration studies confirm that the protein is part of a large particle. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis of chromatographic fractions enriched in human U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles of distinct sizes (12S, 15S, and 17S), reflecting their variable association with splicing factors SF3a and SF3b, strongly suggests that the 146-kDa protein reported here is a constituent of the SF3b complex.


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In animal cell lysates the multiprotein heat-shock protein 90 (hsp90)-based chaperone complexes consist of hsp70, hsp40, and p60. These complexes act to convert steroid hormone receptors to their steroid-binding state by assembling them into heterocomplexes with hsp90, p23, and one of several immunophilins. Wheat germ lysate also contains a hsp90-based chaperone system that can assemble the glucocorticoid receptor into a functional heterocomplex with hsp90. However, only two components of the heterocomplex-assembly system, hsp90 and hsp70, have thus far been identified. Recently, purified mammalian p23 preadsorbed with JJ3 antibody-protein A-Sepharose pellets was used to isolate a mammalian p23-wheat hsp90 heterocomplex from wheat germ lysate (J.K. Owens-Grillo, L.F. Stancato, K. Hoffmann, W.B. Pratt, and P. Krishna [1996] Biochemistry 35: 15249–15255). This heterocomplex was found to contain an immunophilin(s) of the FK506-binding class, as judged by binding of the radiolabeled immunosuppressant drug [3H]FK506 to the immune pellets in a specific manner. In the present study we identified the immunophilin components of this heterocomplex as FKBP73 and FKBP77, the two recently described high-molecular-weight FKBPs of wheat. In addition, we present evidence that the two FKBPs bind hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat domains. Our results demonstrate that binding of immunophilins to hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat domains is a conserved protein interaction in plants. Conservation of this protein-to-protein interaction in both plant and animal cells suggests that it is important for the biological action of the high-molecular-weight immunophilins.


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This Ph.D. thesis describes the synthesis, characterization and study of calix[6]arene derivatives as pivotal components for the construction of molecular machine prototypes. Initially, the ability of a calix[6]arene wheel to supramolecularly assist and increase the rate of a nucleophilic substitution reaction was exploited for the synthesis of two constitutionally isomeric oriented rotaxanes. Then, the synthesis and characterization of several hetero-functionalised calix[6]arene derivatives and the possibility to obtain molecular muscle prototypes was reported. The ability of calix[6]arenes to form oriented pseudorotaxane towards dialkyl viologen axles was then exploited for the synthesis of two calixarene-based [2]catenanes. As last part of this thesis, studies on the electrochemical response of the threading-dethreading process of calix[6]arene-based pseudorotaxanes and rotaxanes supported on glassy carbon electrodes are reported.


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Sol-gel-synthesized bioactive glasses may be formed via a hydrolysis condensation reaction, silica being introduced in the form of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), and calcium is typically added in the form of calcium nitrate. The synthesis reaction proceeds in an aqueous environment; the resultant gel is dried, before stabilization by heat treatment. These materials, being amorphous, are complex at the level of their atomic-scale structure, but their bulk properties may only be properly understood on the basis of that structural insight. Thus, a full understanding of their structure-property relationship may only be achieved through the application of a coherent suite of leading-edge experimental probes, coupled with the cogent use of advanced computer simulation methods. Using as an exemplar a calcia-silica sol-gel glass of the kind developed by Larry Hench, in the memory of whom this paper is dedicated, we illustrate the successful use of high-energy X-ray and neutron scattering (diffraction) methods, magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR, and molecular dynamics simulation as components to a powerful methodology for the study of amorphous materials.


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The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within endothelial cells may have several effects, including alterations in the activity of paracrine factors, gene expression, apoptosis, and cellular injury. Recent studies indicate that a phagocyte-type NAD(P)H oxidase is a major source of endothelial ROS. In contrast to the high-output phagocytic oxidase, the endothelial enzyme has much lower biochemical activity and a different substrate specificity (NADH.NADPH). In the present study, we (1) cloned and characterized the cDNA and predicted amino acid structures of the 2 major subunits of rat coronary microvascular endothelial cell NAD(P)H oxidase, gp91-phox and p22-phox; (2) undertook a detailed comparison with phagocytic NADPH oxidase sequences; and (3) studied the subcellular location of these subunits in endothelial cells. Although these studies revealed an overall high degree of homology (.90%) between the endothelial and phagocytic oxidase subunits, the endothelial gp91-phox sequence has potentially important differences in a putative NADPH-binding domain and in putative glycosylation sites. In addition, the subcellular location of the endothelial gp91-phox and p22-phox subunits is significantly different from that reported for the neutrophil oxidase, in that they are predominantly intracellular and collocated in the vicinity of the endoplasmic reticulum. This first detailed characterization of gp91-phox and p22-phox structure and location in endothelial cells provides new data that may account, in part, for the differences in function between the phagocytic and endothelial NAD(P)H oxidases.


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The introduction of spraying procedures to fabricate layer-by-layer (LbL) films has brought new possibilities for the control of molecular architectures and for making the LbL technique compliant with industrial processes. In this study we show that significantly distinct architectures are produced for dipping and spray-LbL films of the same components, which included DODAB/DPPG vesicles. The films differed notably in their thickness and stratified nature. The electrical response of the two types of films to aqueous solutions containing erythrosin was also different. With multidimensional projections we showed that the impedance for the DODAB/DPPG spray-LbL film is more sensitive to changes in concentration, being therefore more promising as sensing units. Furthermore, with surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) we could ascribe the high sensitivity of the LbL films to adsorption of erythrosin.


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High molecular weight components from Ascaris suum extract suppress ovalbumin-specific immunity in mice. In IFN-γ-deficient mice, ovalbumin-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions are more strongly downregulated by these suppressive components. Here, the cellularity of the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in IFN-γ-deficient mice and the increased downregulation induced by Ascaris suum components were analyzed. IL-12p40-dependent neutrophilic influx was predominant. Suboptimal doses of the suppressive fraction from this nematode completely inhibited the hypersensitivity reaction, thus indicating intensification of the immunosuppression under conditions of intense recruitment of IFN-γ-independent neutrophils.