765 resultados para Competencies assessment tool
Off-site effects of soil erosion are becoming increasingly important, particularly the pollution of surface waters. In order to develop environmentally efficient and cost effective mitigation options it is essential to identify areas that bear both a high erosion risk and high connectivity to surface waters. This paper introduces a simple risk assessment tool that allows the delineation of potential critical source areas (CSA) of sediment input into surface waters concerning the agricultural areas of Switzerland. The basis are the erosion risk map with a 2 m resolution (ERM2) and the drainage network, which is extended by drained roads, farm tracks, and slope depressions. The probability of hydrological and sedimentological connectivity is assessed by combining soil erosion risk and extended drainage network with flow distance calculation. A GIS-environment with multiple-flow accumulation algorithms is used for routing runoff generation and flow pathways. The result is a high resolution connectivity map of the agricultural area of Switzerland (888,050 ha). Fifty-five percent of the computed agricultural area is potentially connected with surface waters, 45% is not connected. Surprisingly, the larger part of 34% (62% of the connected area) is indirectly connected with surface waters through drained roads, and only 21% are directly connected. The reason is the topographic complexity and patchiness of the landscape due to a dense road and drainage network. A total of 24% of the connected area and 13% of the computed agricultural area, respectively, are rated with a high connectivity probability. On these CSA an adapted land use is recommended, supported by vegetated buffer strips preventing sediment load. Even areas that are far away from open water bodies can be indirectly connected and need to be included in planning of mitigation measures. Thus, the connectivity map presented is an important decision-making tool for policy-makers and extension services. The map is published on the web and thus available for application.
Aims- The goal of this study is to obtain a subjective point of view of the use, benefits, and shortcomings of the Via Christi breastfeeding Assessment Tool in a clinical setting. Methods- This case study is based on a single yet detailed interview with a lactation consultant who has utilized the Via Christi Breastfeeding Tool in a clinical setting. Findings- Advantages of the Via Christi Breastfeeding Assessment Tool include that the tool is practical and concrete, encompassing both a subjective dimension and the basic elements of breastfeeding. Shortcomings of the tool include its non-specificity in focus on the feeding technique only and excluding other factors involved with the birth and mother- baby couplet. Conclusion- The Via Christi Breastfeeding Tool serves as a good initial screening of breastfeeding, which in result leads to the recommendation of further and more extensive study of a specific mother-baby couplet breastfeeding measures if needed.
Background: Nigeria was one of the 13 countries where avian influenza outbreak in poultry farms was reported during the 2006 avian influenza pandemic threat and was also the first country in Africa to report the presence of H5N1influenza among its poultry population. There are multiple hypotheses on how the avian influenza outbreak of 2006 was introduced to Nigeria, but the consensus is that once introduced, poultry farms and their workers were responsible for 70% of the spread of avian influenza virus to other poultry farms and the population. ^ The spread of avian influenza has been attributed to lack of compliance by poultry farms and their workers with poultry farm biosecurity measures. When poultry farms fail to adhere to biosecurity measures and there is an outbreak of infectious diseases like in 2006, epidemiological investigations usually assess poultry farm biosecurity—often with the aid of a questionnaire. Despite the importance of questionnaires in determining farm compliance with biosecurity measures, there have been few efforts to determine the validity of questionnaires designed to assess poultry farms risk factors. Hence, this study developed and validated a tool (questionnaire) that can be used for poultry farm risk stratification in Imo State, Nigeria. ^ Methods: Risk domains were generated using literature and recommendations from agricultural organizations and the Nigeria government for poultry farms. The risk domains were then used to develop a questionnaire. Both the risk domain and questionnaire were verified and modified by a group of five experts with a research interest in Nigeria's poultry industry and/or avian influenza prevention. Once a consensus was reached by the experts, the questionnaire was distributed to 30 selected poultry farms in Imo State, Nigeria that participated in this study. Survey responses were received for all the 30 poultry farms that were selected. The same poultry farms were visited one week after they completed the questionnaires for on-site observation. Agreement among survey and observation results were analyzed using a kappa test and rated as poor, fair, moderate, substantial, or nearly perfect; and internal consistency of the survey was also computed. ^ Result: Out of the 43 items on the questionnaire, 32 items were validated by this study. The agreement between the survey result and onsite observation was analyzed using kappa test and ranged from poor to nearly perfect. Most poultry farms had their best agreements in the contact section of the survey. The least agreement was noted in the farm management section of the survey. Thirty-two questions on the survey had a coefficient alpha > 0.70, which is a robust internal consistency for the survey. ^ Conclusion: This study developed 14 risk domains for poultry farms in Nigeria and validated 32 items from the original questionnaire that contained 43 items. The validated items can be used to determine the risk of introduction and spread of avian influenza virus in poultry farms in Imo State, Nigeria. After further validations in other states, regions and poultry farm sectors in Nigeria; this risk assessment tool can then be used to determine the risk profile of poultry farms across Nigeria.^
Background and Objective: Estimates of dietary folate intake are currently of considerable interest, but no rapid tools are available to assess dietary intake of folate that are well suited to everyday health promotion activities, We developed and tested the reliability and validity of two prototypes of a rapid dietary assessment tool (a folate intake tool, FIT) to determine dietary intake of folate. Study Design and Setting: Five hundred and sixty eight men and women aged 33-93 years from Perth, Western Australia. Completed one of the two prototypes of the tool and gave a fasting blood sample for measurement of serum folate. A subset (n - 277) of participants completed the same tool on a second occasion 3-6 weeks later. Results: The Pearson correlations (r) between folate score from the tool and serum folate were moderately high for both prototypes (FIT-A r = 0.54-, FIT-B r = 0.49). The folate scores for the two prototypes were similar on repeat testing and correlated strongly (FIT-A r = 0.75; FIT-B r = 0.68). Conclusions: The rapid dietary assessment tool described here, FIT, provides a valid and reliable measurement of dietary intake of folate for both men and women. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The recall of personal experiences relevant to a claim of food allergy or food intolerance is assessed by a psychologically validated tool for evidence that the suspected food could have caused the adverse symptom suffered. The tool looks at recall from memory of a particular episode or episodes when food was followed by symptoms resulting in self-diagnosis of food allergy or intolerance compared to merely theoretical knowledge that such symptoms could arise after eating the food. If there is detailed recall of events that point to the food as a potential cause of the symptom and the symptom is sufficiently serious, the tool user is recommended to seek testing at an allergy clinic or by the appropriate specialist for a non-allergic sensitivity. If what is recalled does not support the logical possibility of a causal connection between eating that food and occurrence of the symptom, then the user of the tool is pointed to other potential sources of the problem. The user is also recommended to investigate remedies other than avoidance of the food that had been blamed.
Objetivo: Traduzir e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do Mobility Assessment Tool Physical Activity (MAT-PA) em idosos comunitários brasileiros. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo tradução, adaptação cultural, e acurácia do instrumento MAT-PA, no qual foram avaliados 329 idosos, com idade mínima de 60 anos, residentes na comunidade. Os indivíduos submeteram-se a um formulário de avaliação composto por: questionário sócio-demográfico e de saúde percebida; avaliação física; Prova Cognitiva de Leganés (PCL); Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D); International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ); Mobility Assessment Tool Physical Activity (MAT-PA). Dessa amostra total, 42 idosos utilizaram o acelerômetro durante 8 dias. Para verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do MAT-PA, reaplicou-se esse instrumento em 34 idosos 8 dias após a primeira avaliação. A análise estatística utilizada foi a correlação de Spearman, o Coeficiente de Correlação Intra-classe, o coeficiente α de Cronbach, o Bland-Altman e o teste T pareado. Resultados: As correlações dos dados IPAQ e acelerômetro versus o escore total do MAT-PA foram significativas e apresentaram um coeficiente de correlação de Spearman de 0,13 e 0,41, respectivamente. Analisou-se também a confiabilidade que apresentou as seguintes medidas: consistência interna, pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (α= 0,70); Concordância teste-reteste, pelo coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (CCI=0,53; p<0,001). Conclusão: A versão brasileira do Mobility Assessment Tool Physical Activity (MAT-PA) como um instrumento de avaliação da atividade física de idosos, mostrou ser um método válido e confiável.
In this paper, we describe how the pathfinder algorithm converts relatedness ratings of concept pairs to concept maps; we also present how this algorithm has been used to develop the Concept Maps for Learning website (www.conceptmapsforlearning.com) based on the principles of effective formative assessment. The pathfinder networks, one of the network representation tools, claim to help more students memorize and recall the relations between concepts than spatial representation tools (such as Multi- Dimensional Scaling). Therefore, the pathfinder networks have been used in various studies on knowledge structures, including identifying students’ misconceptions. To accomplish this, each student’s knowledge map and the expert knowledge map are compared via the pathfinder software, and the differences between these maps are highlighted. After misconceptions are identified, the pathfinder software fails to provide any feedback on these misconceptions. To overcome this weakness, we have been developing a mobile-based concept mapping tool providing visual, textual and remedial feedback (ex. videos, website links and applets) on the concept relations. This information is then placed on the expert concept map, but not on the student’s concept map. Additionally, students are asked to note what they understand from given feedback, and given the opportunity to revise their knowledge maps after receiving various types of feedback.
The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is the compilation of national safety research that provides quantitative methods for analyzing highway safety. The HSM presents crash modification functions related to freeway work zone characteristics such as work zone duration and length. These crash modification functions were based on freeway work zones with high traffic volumes in California. When the HSM-referenced model was calibrated for Missouri, the value was 3.78, which is not ideal since it is significantly larger than 1. Therefore, new models were developed in this study using Missouri data to capture geographical, driver behavior, and other factors in the Midwest. Also, new models for expressway and rural two-lane work zones that barely were studied in the literature were developed. A large sample of 20,837 freeway, 8,993 expressway, and 64,476 rural two-lane work zones in Missouri was analyzed to derive 15 work zone crash prediction models. The most appropriate samples of 1,546 freeway, 1,189 expressway, and 6,095 rural two-lane work zones longer than 0.1 mile and with a duration of greater than 10 days were used to make eight, four, and three models, respectively. A challenging question for practitioners is always how to use crash prediction models to make the best estimation of work zone crash count. To solve this problem, a user-friendly software tool was developed in a spreadsheet format to predict work zone crashes based on work zone characteristics. This software selects the best model, estimates the work zone crashes by severity, and converts them to monetary values using standard crash estimates. This study also included a survey of departments of transportation (DOTs), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) representatives, and contractors to assess the current state of the practice regarding work zone safety. The survey results indicate that many agencies look at work zone safety informally using engineering judgment. Respondents indicated that they would like a tool that could help them to balance work zone safety across projects by looking at crashes and user costs.
Objective: To present the Instrumento de Avaliação da Promoção da Saúde na Universidade – IAPSU (Assessment Tool for Health Promotion at the University) and its reproducibility assessment process. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted between May and July 2014 with 50 students from a university of Fortaleza, Ceará, which developed the IAPSU through the analysis of government documents and a systematic review of the literature on a potentially healthy university. The tool has 41 questions divided into five domains: physical activity, diet, environmental factors, psychosocial factors and alcohol and drug use, integrative and complementary practices. To assess the inter-examiner reproducibility, the students answered the IAPSU twice, applied by two different examiners; to assess the intraexaminer reproducibility, another application of the instrument was performed after seven days. Results: The study comprised 40 Nursing students and 10 Physical Therapy students, with a mean age of 25 ± 5.4 years; 88% were women and white individuals were predominant. In the reproducibility assessment, strong intraclass, intra- and inter-examiner correlation coefficients - above 0.8 - were observed in all the domains. Conclusion: The IAPSU is a reproducible and reliable instrument for assessing health promotion at the university.