955 resultados para Community Identification
Background: There is growing interest in the potential utility of molecular diagnostics in improving the detection of life-threatening infection (sepsis). LightCycler® SeptiFast is a multipathogen probebased real-time PCR system targeting DNA sequences of bacteria and fungi present in blood samples within a few hours. We report here the protocol of the first systematic review of published clinical diagnostic accuracy studies of this technology when compared with blood culture in the setting of suspected sepsis. Methods/design: Data sources: the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), the Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHSEED), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, BIOSIS Previews, MEDION and the Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility Database (ARIF). Study selection: diagnostic accuracy studies that compare the real-time PCR technology with standard culture results performed on a patient's blood sample during the management of sepsis. Data extraction: three reviewers, working independently, will determine the level of evidence, methodological quality and a standard data set relating to demographics and diagnostic accuracy metrics for each study. Statistical analysis/data synthesis: heterogeneity of studies will be investigated using a coupled forest plot of sensitivity and specificity and a scatter plot in Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) space. Bivariate model method will be used to estimate summary sensitivity and specificity. The authors will investigate reporting biases using funnel plots based on effective sample size and regression tests of asymmetry. Subgroup analyses are planned for adults, children and infection setting (hospital vs community) if sufficient data are uncovered. Dissemination: Recommendations will be made to the Department of Health (as part of an open-access HTA report) as to whether the real-time PCR technology has sufficient clinical diagnostic accuracy potential to move forward to efficacy testing during the provision of routine clinical care.
Poverty research has increasingly focused on persistent income poverty, both as a crucial social indicator and as a target for policy intervention. Such an approach can lead to an identification of a sub-set of poor individuals facing particularly adverse circumstances and/or distinctive problems in escaping from poverty. Here we seek to establish whether, in comparison with cross-sectional measures, persistent poverty measures also provide a better measure of exclusion from a minimally acceptable way of life and relate with other important variables in a logical fashion. Our analysis draws upon the first three waves of the ECHP and shows that a persistent poverty measure does constitute a significant improvement over its cross-sectional counterpart in the explanation of levels of deprivation. Persistent poverty is related to life-style deprivation in a manner that comes close to being uniform across countries. The measure of persistence also conforms to our expectations of how a poverty measure should behave in that, unlike relative income poverty lines, defining the threshold level more stringently enables us to identify progressively groups of increasingly deprived respondents. Overall the persistent poverty measure constitutes a significant advance on cross-sectional income measures. However, there is clearly a great deal relating to the process of accumulation and of erosion of resources, which is not fully captured in the persistent poverty measure. In the absence of such information, there is a great deal to be said for making use of both types of indictors in formulating and evaluating policies while we continue to improve our understanding of longer-term processes.
The purpose of this article is to determine whether middle-aged and older adults would identify community support services (CSSs) as a source of assistance for difficulties with the instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Furthermore, we determine factors related to the identification of home health and CSSs. Telephone interviews were conducted with 768 adults aged 50 and older. Respondents were presented with a vignette describing a situation where loss of independence is threatened. They were asked what they would do in that situation. Although less than 20% mentioned CSSs, nearly 50% mentioned either a home health or CSS. Findings suggest those less likely to mention a home health or CSS include men, older adults, and the foreign born. In addition, those with less education, functional health limitations, no social support, and a lack of knowledge of where to find information about CSSs mentioned home health or CSSs less often. © The Author(s) 2010.
The article examines where older adults seek help in caring for a parent with dementia and the factors associated with their identification of community health and support services as sources of assistance. The authors conducted telephone interviews, using random digit dialing, of 1,152 adults aged 50 and over in the city of Hamilton. Respondents received a vignette that raised issues related to parental dementia. In identifying support sources, over 37 per cent of respondents identified their physician, 33 per cent identified informal support such as family and neighbors, and 31 per cent identified home health services. Only 18 per cent identified community support services. Female participants having higher levels of education were more likely to identify their physician as a source of support. Knowing where to find information about community support services was associated with an increased likelihood of mentioning physicians and home health services as sources of assistance. © 2009 Copyright Canadian Association on Gerontology.
Accurately identifying individuals at a young age who are most likely to excel in a given sport remains a pursuit for coaches, parents and national governing bodies worldwide. In a sport such as tennis, the financial investment needed to support a player’s development is substantial, although this is offset by the vast sums of money that are on offer for those few elite players who reach the very top of the game. As such, tennis can be considered to represent a high risk, high reward venture, where the value of being able to better identify those who are likely to ‘make it’ takes on extra emphasis. The debate surrounding the timeless ‘nature versus nurture’ conundrum rumbles on and shows no sign of abating. The relative contribution that deliberate practice (Starkes & Ericsson, 2003) as opposed to genetics (Tucker & Collins, 2011) play in the development of champions remains a contentious issue. Popular texts such as ‘Bounce’ (Syed, 2010) and communications intended specifically for tennis coaches (Roetert, Kovacs & Crespo, 2009) have served to engage a wider community in the debate. It is the intention of this short article to summarize the key points emerging from this body of work and to offer some guidance to coaches moving forward.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
Affiliation: Jacqueline Rousseau : École de réadaptation, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
La leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est responsable d’environ 25% de l’ensemble des cancers pédiatriques. Chez 85% des enfants diagnostiqués, la LLA entraîne une prolifération massive et incontrôlée de lymphocytes immatures de type précurseurs B dans la moelle osseuse (LLA pré-B). Des avancées intéressantes ont été faites au cours des trente dernières années et ont mené à une augmentation de l’efficacité des traitements thérapeutiques. Plus de 80% des enfants atteints de LLA seront guéris de cette maladie. Malheureusement, ces traitements manquent de spécificité à cause du manque de connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués durant l’initiation et le développement de la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. En d’autres termes, nous connaissons peu de chose sur l’étiologie de cette maladie. Plus de 25% des enfants atteints de la LLA pré-B présentent la translocation chromosomique t(12;21)(p13;q22) qui implique les gènes ETV6 et AML1. Celle-ci est formée in utero et mène à l’expression de la protéine chimère transcriptionnelle ETV6-AML1, dont la présence seule ne suffit pas au développement de la LLA pré-B. Ainsi, d’autres événements génétiques sont nécessaires au développement de cette leucémie. La délétion de l’allèle résiduel de ETV6 est un événement génétique fréquemment rencontré au moment du diagnostic de la LLA pré-B t(12;21)+. Cette délétion entraîne l’inactivation complète de ETV6 dans les lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques. ETV6 est un répresseur transcriptionnel de la famille Ets. Mon hypothèse de recherche est que ETV6 agit comme gène suppresseur de tumeur dans la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. L’inactivation de ETV6 causerait une dérégulation de l’expression de ses cibles transcriptionnelles et, par le fait même, favoriserait l’initiation et le déroulement de la leucémogenèse pédiatrique. Dans le cadre de mon projet, comme peu de cibles transcriptionnelles de ETV6 sont connues, j’ai effectué des expériences d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine et des essais luciférases qui ont permis d’identifier six nouvelles cibles transcriptionnelles: TP53 (p53 et Δ133p53), SPHK1, IL-18, PTGER4 et LUM. J’ai démontré que la régulation transcriptionnelle médiée par ETV6 requiert la présence de ses deux domaines fonctionnels: PNT (interactions protéiques) et ETS (liaison à l’ADN). Ces domaines favorisent la reconnaissance d’un site EBS consensus dans une région située près du promoteur de base. Ce mécanisme peut dépendre du promoteur régulé par ETV6, mais également du contexte cellulaire. Des études fonctionnelles réalisées sur des lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques ont permis de mesurer l’impact de la dérégulation de l’expression des cibles transcriptionnelles de ETV6 sur trois voies biologiques: la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose induite par un stress génotoxique et la migration cellulaire dirigée par la voie de signalisation CXCL12/CXCR4. Ceci a permis de démontrer l’implication des gènes SPHK1, IL-18 et PTGER4 durant la leucémogenèse pédiatrique. Cette étude est une des premières à suggérer le rôle de ETV6 comme gène suppresseur de tumeur dans la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. Suite à l’inactivation du répresseur transcriptionnel ETV6, l’augmentation de l’expression de ses cibles transcriptionnelles favoriserait la prolifération et la survie des lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques dans la moelle osseuse. L’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans le développement de la LLA pré-B pédiatrique ouvre la porte au développement de nouveaux traitements thérapeutiques qui pourront présenter une meilleure spécificité envers l’étiologie de la maladie.
Introduction Health promotion (HP) aims to enhance good health while preventing ill-health at three levels of activity; primary (preventative), secondary (diagnostic) and tertiary (management).1 It can range from simple provision of health education to ongoing support, but the effectiveness of HP is ultimately dependent on its ability to influence change. HP as part of the Community Pharmacy Contract (CPC) aims to increase public knowledge and target ‘hard-to-reach’ individuals by focusing mainly on primary and tertiary HP. The CPC does not include screening programmes (secondary HP) as a service. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the UK. While there is evidence to support the effectiveness of some community pharmacy HP strategies in CHD, there is paucity of research in relation to screening services.2 Against this background, Alliance Pharmacy introduced a free CHD risk screening programme to provide tailored HP advice as part of a participant–pharmacist consultation. The aim of this study is to report on the CHD risk levels of participants and to provide a qualitative indication of consultation outcomes. Methods Case records for 12 733 people who accessed a free CHD risk screening service between August 2004 and April 2006 offered at 217 community pharmacies were obtained. The service involved initial self-completion of the Healthy Heart Assessment (HHA) form and measurement of height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol and highdensity lipoprotein levels by pharmacists to calculate CHD risk.3 Action taken by pharmacists (lifestyle advice, statin recommendation or general practitioner (GP) referral) and qualitative statements of advice were recorded, and a copy provided to the participants. The service did not include follow-up of participants. All participants consented to taking part in evaluations of the service. Ethical committee scrutiny was not required for this service development evaluation. Results Case records for 10 035 participants (3658 male) were evaluable; 5730 (57%) were at low CHD risk (<15%); 3636 (36%) at moderate-to-high CHD risk (≥15%); and 669 (7%) had existing heart disease. A significantly higher proportion of male (48% versus 30% female) participants were at moderate- to-high risk of CHD (chi-square test; P < 0.005). A range of outcomes resulted from consultations. Lifestyle advice was provided irrespective of participants’ CHD risk or existing disease. In the moderate-to-high-risk group, of which 52% received prescribed medication, lifestyle advice was recorded for 62%, 16% were referred and 34% were advised to have a re-assessment. Statin recommendations were made in 1% of all cases. There was evidence of supportive and motivational statements in the advice recorded. Discussion Pharmacists were able to identify individuals’ level of CHD risk and provide them with bespoke advice. Identification of at-risk participants did not automatically result in referrals or statin recommendation. One-third of those accessing the screening service had moderate-to-high risk of CHD, a significantly higher proportion of whom were men. It is not known whether these individuals had been previously exposed to HP but presumably by accessing this service they may have contemplated change. As effectiveness of HP advice will depend among other factors on ability to influence change, future consultations may need to explore patients’ attitude towards change in relation to the Trans Theoretical Model4 to better tailor HP advice. The high uptake of the service by those at moderate-to-high CHD risk indicates a need for this type of screening programme in community pharmacy, perhaps specifically to reach men who access medical services less.
Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS) [1,2] and frequency comb spectrometry [3] based on dual Ti:saphire resonators operated in a master/slave mode have the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient and IR sperctrometry. The multimode Brownian oscillator time-domain response function described by state-space models is a mathematically robust framework that can be used to describe the dispersive phenomena governed by Lorentzian, Debye and Drude responses. In addition, the optical properties of an arbitrary medium can be expressed as a linear combination of simple multimode Brownian oscillator functions. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing the recorded THz transients in the time or frequency domain will be outlined [4,5]. Since a femtosecond duration pulse is capable of persistent excitation of the medium within which it propagates, such approach is perfectly justifiable. Several de-noising routines based on system identification will be shown. Furthermore, specifically developed apodization structures will be discussed. These are necessary because due to dispersion issues, the time-domain background and sample interferograms are non-symmetrical [6-8]. These procedures can lead to a more precise estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The algorithms are applicable to femtosecond spectroscopies across the EM spectrum. Finally, a methodology for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms aiming to map and control molecular relaxation processes will be mentioned.
The identification of criminal networks is not a routine exploratory process within the current practice of the law enforcement authorities; rather it is triggered by specific evidence of criminal activity being investigated. A network is identified when a criminal comes to notice and any associates who could also be potentially implicated would need to be identified if only to be eliminated from the enquiries as suspects or witnesses as well as to prevent and/or detect crime. However, an identified network may not be the one causing most harm in a given area.. This paper identifies a methodology to identify all of the criminal networks that are present within a Law Enforcement Area, and, prioritises those that are causing most harm to the community. Each crime is allocated a score based on its crime type and how recently the crime was committed; the network score, which can be used as decision support to help prioritise it for law enforcement purposes, is the sum of the individual crime scores.
Apodisation, denoising and system identification techniques for THz transients in the wavelet domain
This work describes the use of a quadratic programming optimization procedure for designing asymmetric apodization windows to de-noise THz transient interferograms and compares these results to those obtained when wavelet signal processing algorithms are adopted. A systems identification technique in the wavelet domain is also proposed for the estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The proposed techniques can enhance the frequency dependent dynamic range of an experiment and should be of particular interest to the THz imaging and tomography community. Future advances in THz sources and detectors are likely to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded THz transients and high quality apodization techniques will become more important, and may set the limit on the achievable accuracy of the deduced spectrum.
Internal bacterial communities of synanthropic mites Acarus siro, Dermatophagoides farinae, Lepidoglyphus destructor, and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acari: Astigmata) were analyzed by culturing and culture-independent approaches from specimens obtained from laboratory colonies. Homogenates of surface-sterilized mites were used for cultivation on non-selective agar and DNA extraction. Isolated bacteria were identified by sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes were analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP) and cloning sequencing. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using universal bacterial probes was used for direct bacterial localization. T-RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA gene revealed distinct species-specific bacterial communities. The results were further confirmed by cloning and sequencing (284 clones). L. destructor and D. farinae showed more diverse communities then A. siro and T. putrescentiae. In the cultivated part of the community, the mean CFUs from four mite species ranged from 5.2 × 102 to 1.4 × 103 per mite. D. farinae had significantly higher CFUs than the other species. Bacteria were located in the digestive and reproductive tract, parenchymatical tissue, and in bacteriocytes. Among the clones, Bartonella-like bacteria occurring in A. siro and T. putresecentiae represented a distinct group related to Bartonellaceae and to Bartonella-like symbionts of ants. The clones of high similarity to Xenorhabdus cabanillasii were found in L. destructor and D. farinae, and one clone related to Photorhabdus temperata in A. siro. Members of Sphingobacteriales cloned from D. farinae and A. siro clustered with the sequences of “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii” and as a separate novel cluster.
The variability of results from different automated methods of detection and tracking of extratropical cyclones is assessed in order to identify uncertainties related to the choice of method. Fifteen international teams applied their own algorithms to the same dataset—the period 1989–2009 of interim European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERAInterim) data. This experiment is part of the community project Intercomparison of Mid Latitude Storm Diagnostics (IMILAST; see www.proclim.ch/imilast/index.html). The spread of results for cyclone frequency, intensity, life cycle, and track location is presented to illustrate the impact of using different methods. Globally, methods agree well for geographical distribution in large oceanic regions, interannual variability of cyclone numbers, geographical patterns of strong trends, and distribution shape for many life cycle characteristics. In contrast, the largest disparities exist for the total numbers of cyclones, the detection of weak cyclones, and distribution in some densely populated regions. Consistency between methods is better for strong cyclones than for shallow ones. Two case studies of relatively large, intense cyclones reveal that the identification of the most intense part of the life cycle of these events is robust between methods, but considerable differences exist during the development and the dissolution phases.
Approaches to natural resource management emphasise the importance of involving local people and institutions in order to build capacity, limit costs, and achieve environmental sustainability. Governments worldwide, often encouraged by international donors, have formulated devolution policies and legal instruments that provide an enabling environment for devolved natural resource management. However, implementation of these policies reveals serious challenges. This article explores the effects of limited involvement of local people and institutions in policy development and implementation. An in-depth study of the Forest Policy of Malawi and Village Forest Areas in the Lilongwe district provides an example of externally driven policy development which seeks to promote local management of natural resources. The article argues that policy which has weak ownership by national government and does not adequately consider the complexity of local institutions, together with the effects of previous initiatives on them, can create a cumulative legacy through which destructive resource use practices and social conflict may be reinforced. In short, poorly developed and implemented community based natural resource management policies can do considerably more harm than good. Approaches are needed that enable the policy development process to embed an in-depth understanding of local institutions whilst incorporating flexibility to account for their location-specific nature. This demands further research on policy design to enable rigorous identification of positive and negative institutions and ex-ante exploration of the likely effects of different policy interventions.