985 resultados para Communications network


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This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Communications Network, goals and mission.


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Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Communications Network


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Report on the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Rapport de recherche


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Az elektronikus hírközlő hálózat rohamszerű fejlesztésének igénye az elektronikus szolgáltatások széles körű elterjedésével az állami döntéshozókat is fejlesztéspolitikai koncepciók kidolgozására és azok végrehajtására ösztönzi. Az (információs) társadalom fejlődése és az ennek alapjául szolgáló infokommunikációs szolgáltatások használata alapvetően függ a szélessávú infrastruktúra fejlesztésétől, az elektronikus hírközlő hálózat elérésének lehetőségétől. Az állami szerepvállalási hajlandóság 2011-től kezdődően jelentősen megnőtt az elektronikus hírközlési területen. Az MVM NET Zrt. megalapítása, a NISZ Zrt. átszervezése, a GOP 3.1.2-es pályázat és a 4. mobilszolgáltató létrehozásának terve mind mutatják a kormányzat erőteljes szándékát a terület fejlesztésére. A tanulmányban bemutatásra kerül, hogy az állam milyen beavatkozási eszközökkel rendelkezik az elektronikus hírközlő hálózat fejlesztésének ösztönzésére. A szerző ezt követően a négy, jelentős állami beavatkozás elemzését végzi el annak vizsgálatára, hogy megfelelő alapozottsággal született-e döntés az állami szerepvállalásról. _____ With the widespread use of the Internet, the need for the rapid development of the digital communication networks has prompted government policy makers also to conceptualize and implement development policy. The advancement of the (information) society and the use of information communication technology as a prerequisite of it are fundamentally determined by the development of broadband infrastructure and whether broadband access to the digital telecommunication network is available. The propensity of the government to play a bigger role in the field of electronical communication has increased significantly from 2011. The setup of MVM NET Zrt. / Hungarian Electricity NET Ltd./, the realignment of NISZ Zrt. / National Info communication Services Company Limited by Shares - NISZ Ltd./, the GOP 3.1.2. tender and the plan to enable a new, i.e. the fourth mobile network operator to enter the market all indicate the robust intention of the government to develop this field. The study shows the tools of government intervention for the incentive of the development of the electronical communication network. Then the author analyses the four main government interventions to examine whether the decision on the role of the state was adequately well-founded.


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Report on the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) for the year ended June 30, 2015


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The current optical communications network consists of point-to-point optical transmission paths interconnected with relatively low-speed electronic switching and routing devices. As the demand for capacity increases, then higher speed electronic devices will become necessary. It is however hard to realise electronic chip-sets above 10 Gbit/s, and therefore to increase the achievable performance of the network, electro-optic and all-optic switching and routing architectures are being investigated. This thesis aims to provide a detailed experimental analysis of high-speed optical processing within an optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) network node. This includes the functions of demultiplexing, 'drop and insert' multiplexing, data regeneration, and clock recovery. It examines the possibilities of combining these tasks using a single device. Two optical switching technologies are explored. The first is an all-optical device known as 'semiconductor optical amplifier-based nonlinear optical loop mirror' (SOA-NOLM). Switching is achieved by using an intense 'control' pulse to induce a phase shift in a low-intensity signal propagating through an interferometer. Simultaneous demultiplexing, data regeneration and clock recovery are demonstrated for the first time using a single SOA-NOLM. The second device is an electroabsorption (EA) modulator, which until this thesis had been used in a uni-directional configuration to achieve picosecond pulse generation, data encoding, demultiplexing, and 'drop and insert' multiplexing. This thesis presents results on the use of an EA modulator in a novel bi-directional configuration. Two independent channels are demultiplexed from a high-speed OTDM data stream using a single device. Simultaneous demultiplexing with stable, ultra-low jitter clock recovery is demonstrated, and then used in a self-contained 40 Gbit/s 'drop and insert' node. Finally, a 10 GHz source is analysed that exploits the EA modulator bi-directionality to increase the pulse extinction ratio to a level where it could be used in an 80 Gbit/s OTDM network.


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En l'actualitat les xarxes de comunicacions són bàsicament digitals; el camí que s'ha avançat en els darrers quaranta anys ha estat molt llarg, amb un desenvolupament tan ràpid que ha fet que qualsevol previsió quedés molt endarrerida abans d'hora (o que de vegades se sobreestimés aquest desenvolupament, com va passar amb el


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Aquest projecte forma part de l'àrea de seguretat informàtica. Fa una implementació d'un esquema criptogràfic per gestionar de forma segura els historials mèdics dels pacients a través d'una xarxa de comunicacions.


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Telephone directory for the State of Iowa employees on the Capital Complex and state agenices around Iowa.


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This Technology Governance Board Annual Report provides information on the FY05 – FY09 Information Technology Personnel Spending; FY05 – FY09 Technology Equipment and Services Spending; and FY05 – FY09 Internal IT Expenditures with the Iowa Communications Network and Department of Administrative Services - Information Technology Enterprise. The report also contains a projection of technology cost savings. This report was produced in compliance with Iowa Code §8A.204(3a) and was submitted to the Governor, the Department of Management, and the General Assembly on January 2, 2008.


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This is the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2007 (July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007) for the Iowa Communications Network.


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L’existència d’una xarxa mundial de comunicacions ubiqua i barata que cada vegada més permet obtenir documents de manera fàcil i gratuïta requerirà una transformació de les pràctiques de la formació de col·leccions a les biblioteques universitàries. Això estarà impulsat per una sèrie d’avenços específics, que inclouen la digitalització de continguts; el desenvolupament de repositoris d’impresos; el desenvolupament de lectors de llibres electrònics i de l’edició mitjançant la impressió sota demanda; el creixement de l’accés obert; els reptes per establir estructures d’edició acadèmica; i el creixement de noves formes d’activitats acadèmiques basades en l’obertura i la productivitat social. Si les biblioteques universitàries volen tenir èxit, hauran de desmuntar les col·leccions impreses patrimonials; passar de la selecció de llibres ítem a ítem a la compra sota demanda i a les subscripcions; gestionar la transició cap a revistes d’accés obert; centrar-se en conservar ítems únics; i desenvolupar nous mecanismes per finançar una infraestructura nacional.


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Information technology is a strong and important sector of the Iowa economy employing 30,000 Iowans at more than 2,000 companies, according to a new analysis from Battelle Institute consultants. The strength of Iowa’s IT industry is based in the service-segment. Internet and data services, communications network services, and software and computer services constitute 81 percent of all IT employment. Slightly ahead of U.S. trends, these service sectors compose the backbone of Iowa’s IT industry,