898 resultados para Communication channels (information theory)


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Social media is a rather new phenomenon which has revolutionised the world of online communication. However, academic research on how companies can benefit from social media is lacking. The research objective of this thesis was to examine the use of social media in international brand communication of small Finnish design-intensive companies. Therefore, this research contributes also to the research gap in SME branding. The focus was on communication targeted at consumers. The research was carried out as a mixed methods research employing the questionnaire and multiple case study methods. The questionnaire was used to gather preliminary information on Finnish design-intensive companies and to provide an eligible list of companies for deeper examination. Then, four case companies were studied in more depth. The empirical evidence of the case companies was mainly gathered through theme interviews. The results of the questionnaire shed light on the internationalisation of small Finnish designintensive companies. On average, the companies had internationalised rather quickly after they had been founded. However, the share of exports was rather low in most of the companies. The results revealed also that social media was already used widely in the exporting companies and the use can be expected to grow in future. The findings of the multiple case study suggest that branding activities in small Finnish designintensive companies are constrained by limited resources and skills. In addition, the branding activities are strongly guided by the vision and values of the entrepreneur(s) rather than extensive marketing research. The brand structure was simple in all case companies and they aimed at having a standardised brand image across markets. However, all case companies had faced a need for some adaptation of their international brand communication. Internationally important brand communication channels were international fairs, the internet, word-of-mouth and social media. Social media offered a cost-effective brand communication channel for the case companies. It was used for various purposes, such as creating brand awareness and affecting how the brand is perceived. The entrepreneurs found the use of social media to be rather easy and the case companies had not faced any major challenges. However, the companies had recognised that communication in social media requires consistency and planning. The planning was rather informal and stayed on a general level. Overall, the utilisation of social media in the case companies was limited by a lack of resources. It seemed to affect especially the follow-up of brand communication in social media which stayed rather superficial.


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La présente recherche vise à mieux comprendre, dans le contexte universitaire béninois, s’il peut exister un lien qualitatif entre TIC et rendement académique afin de pouvoir mettre les TIC à contribution pour améliorer significativement les mauvais résultats des apprenants, notamment au premier cycle universitaire. Cette étude est tout particulièrement importante dans notre contexte où les TIC font de plus en plus leur apparition en pédagogie universitaire et où les étudiants recourent aux TIC dans leur pratique plus que les formateurs dans la leur. Le cadre de référence retenu pour la recherche est structuré autour des concepts de l’apprentissage assisté par les TIC, de motivation en éducation et de rendement académique. Pour atteindre notre objectif de recherche, nous avons opté pour une démarche mixte : quantitative et qualitative. Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive/explicative. Nous avons mené une enquête par questionnaires auprès de 156 étudiants et 15 enseignants et fait des entrevues avec 11 étudiants et 6 enseignants. Les principaux résultats sont présentés sous forme d’articles respectivement en ce qui a trait à l’impact des TIC sur la motivation et la réussite, aux usages des TIC les plus fréquemment rencontrés chez les apprenants, et à la place des TIC dans la pratique pédagogique des enseignants de la faculté de droit de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi. Plus précisément, il ressort des résultats que la majorité des participants ont une perception en général positive du potentiel motivationnel des TIC pour l’apprentissage. Cependant, sur une cote maximale de 7 (correspond très fortement), la perception des répondants relativement à l’impact positif de l’utilisation des TIC sur le rendement académique tourne autour d’une cote moyenne de 4 (correspond assez). D’où, une perception en général mitigée du lien entre l’apprentissage assisté par les TIC et la réussite. Le croisement des résultats des données quantitatives avec ceux de l’analyse qualitative induit, sur ce point, une perception positive prononcée des rapports entre TIC et rendement. Les résultats montrent également que les usages des TIC les plus fréquents chez ces apprenants sont le courriel (en tête), suivi de la recherche et du traitement de texte, avec une fréquence moyenne d’ « une fois par semaine ». Tous ces constats n’accréditent pas véritablement un usage académique des TIC. Chez les enseignants, les résultats ont montré aussi qu’il n’y a pas encore de réelles applications des TIC en situation d’enseignement : ils font plutôt un usage personnel des TIC et pas encore véritablement pédagogique. La conséquence logique de ces résultats est qu’il n’existe pas encore un lien qualitatif direct entre TIC et rendement académique en contexte universitaire béninois.


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Inadequate links between researchers and farmers has resulted in low uptake of research advances recommended to improve food security in the central highlands of Kenya. Access to timely and accurate information by extension agents and farmers is paramount in dissemination of soil fertility management practices. Hence, the study sought to investigate the effect of education levels on communication channels used to disseminate soil fertility technologies in the Central highlands of Kenya. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from 105 extension agents and 240 farmers. About 50.5% of the extension officers were certificate holders while 29.5% were diploma holders from agricultural institutes. Majority of the farmers had attained primary education (59.6%) while 25.8% and 9.2% had attained secondary and post secondary education, respectively. Research institutions were the most accessible sources of information on soil fertility management practices by extension agents while internet and scientific conferences were the least scored as accessible sources of soil fertility management information by extension agents. Education levels significantly influenced preference of individual approach methods by farmers. There was a significant positive relationship between education and accessibility of internet as a source of information on green manure. The implication of the study was that education levels influenced the mode of communication used in the transfer of soil fertility research outputs to the end users. Consequently, it is extremely important to consider education levels in selection of dissemination pathways used in agriculture.


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Eye tracking has become a preponderant technique in the evaluation of user interaction and behaviour with study objects in defined contexts. Common eye tracking related data representation techniques offer valuable input regarding user interaction and eye gaze behaviour, namely through fixations and saccades measurement. However, these and other techniques may be insufficient for the representation of acquired data in specific studies, namely because of the complexity of the study object being analysed. This paper intends to contribute with a summary of data representation and information visualization techniques used in data analysis within different contexts (advertising, websites, television news and video games). Additionally, several methodological approaches are presented in this paper, which resulted from several studies developed and under development at CETAC.MEDIA - Communication Sciences and Technologies Research Centre. In the studies described, traditional data representation techniques were insufficient. As a result, new approaches were necessary and therefore, new forms of representing data, based on common techniques were developed with the objective of improving communication and information strategies. In each of these studies, a brief summary of the contribution to their respective area will be presented, as well as the data representation techniques used and some of the acquired results.


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In this paper we consider a cooperative communication system where some a priori information of wireless channels is available at the transmitter. Several opportunistic relaying strategies are developed to fully utilize the available channel information. Then an explicit expression of the outage probability is developed for each proposed cooperative scheme as well as the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff by using order statistics. Our analytical results show that the more channel information available at the transmitter, the better performance a cooperative system can achieve. When the exact values of the source-relay channels are available, the performance loss at low SNR can be effectively suppressed. When the source node has the access to the source-relay and relay-destination channels, the full diversity can be achieved by costing only one extra channel used for relaying transmission, and an optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff can be achieved d(r) = (N + 1)(1 - 2r), where N is the number of all possible relaying nodes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work clarifies the relationship between network circuit (topology) and behavior (information transmission and synchronization) in active networks, e. g. neural networks. As an application, we show how to determine a network topology that is optimal for information transmission. By optimal, we mean that the network is able to transmit a large amount of information, it possesses a large number of communication channels, and it is robust under large variations of the network coupling configuration. This theoretical approach is general and does not depend on the particular dynamic of the elements forming the network, since the network topology can be determined by finding a Laplacian matrix (the matrix that describes the connections and the coupling strengths among the elements) whose eigenvalues satisfy some special conditions. To illustrate our ideas and theoretical approaches, we use neural networks of electrically connected chaotic Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.


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Recent progress in microelectronic and wireless communications have enabled the development of low cost, low power, multifunctional sensors, which has allowed the birth of new type of networks named wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The main features of such networks are: the nodes can be positioned randomly over a given field with a high density; each node operates both like sensor (for collection of environmental data) as well as transceiver (for transmission of information to the data retrieval); the nodes have limited energy resources. The use of wireless communications and the small size of nodes, make this type of networks suitable for a large number of applications. For example, sensor nodes can be used to monitor a high risk region, as near a volcano; in a hospital they could be used to monitor physical conditions of patients. For each of these possible application scenarios, it is necessary to guarantee a trade-off between energy consumptions and communication reliability. The thesis investigates the use of WSNs in two possible scenarios and for each of them suggests a solution that permits to solve relating problems considering the trade-off introduced. The first scenario considers a network with a high number of nodes deployed in a given geographical area without detailed planning that have to transmit data toward a coordinator node, named sink, that we assume to be located onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This is a practical example of reachback communication, characterized by the high density of nodes that have to transmit data reliably and efficiently towards a far receiver. It is considered that each node transmits a common shared message directly to the receiver onboard the UAV whenever it receives a broadcast message (triggered for example by the vehicle). We assume that the communication channels between the local nodes and the receiver are subject to fading and noise. The receiver onboard the UAV must be able to fuse the weak and noisy signals in a coherent way to receive the data reliably. It is proposed a cooperative diversity concept as an effective solution to the reachback problem. In particular, it is considered a spread spectrum (SS) transmission scheme in conjunction with a fusion center that can exploit cooperative diversity, without requiring stringent synchronization between nodes. The idea consists of simultaneous transmission of the common message among the nodes and a Rake reception at the fusion center. The proposed solution is mainly motivated by two goals: the necessity to have simple nodes (to this aim we move the computational complexity to the receiver onboard the UAV), and the importance to guarantee high levels of energy efficiency of the network, thus increasing the network lifetime. The proposed scheme is analyzed in order to better understand the effectiveness of the approach presented. The performance metrics considered are both the theoretical limit on the maximum amount of data that can be collected by the receiver, as well as the error probability with a given modulation scheme. Since we deal with a WSN, both of these performance are evaluated taking into consideration the energy efficiency of the network. The second scenario considers the use of a chain network for the detection of fires by using nodes that have a double function of sensors and routers. The first one is relative to the monitoring of a temperature parameter that allows to take a local binary decision of target (fire) absent/present. The second one considers that each node receives a decision made by the previous node of the chain, compares this with that deriving by the observation of the phenomenon, and transmits the final result to the next node. The chain ends at the sink node that transmits the received decision to the user. In this network the goals are to limit throughput in each sensor-to-sensor link and minimize probability of error at the last stage of the chain. This is a typical scenario of distributed detection. To obtain good performance it is necessary to define some fusion rules for each node to summarize local observations and decisions of the previous nodes, to get a final decision that it is transmitted to the next node. WSNs have been studied also under a practical point of view, describing both the main characteristics of IEEE802:15:4 standard and two commercial WSN platforms. By using a commercial WSN platform it is realized an agricultural application that has been tested in a six months on-field experimentation.


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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A dissertação tem como base a importância do entendimento a respeito dos relacionamentos organizacionais para uma abordagem segmentada dos públicos na comunicação empresarial. A partir de uma reflexão teórica sobre o assunto e da observação de práticas atuais de mercado, foram estabelecidos parâmetros que contribuem para uma conceituação mais precisa dos interlocutores das corporações, no sentido de prover suas demandas informacionais. Tanto na análise das obras consultadas quanto na avaliação dos resultados da pesquisa com empresas de tradição na área de comunicação, demonstrou-se que há lacunas importantes a serem preenchidas. Entes elas, a inexistência de mecanismos que possam aferir com maior precisão as expectativas dos vários segmentos de público em relação à comunicação das empresas, em uma via de mão-dupla, bem como a falta de canais de comunicação regulares com determinados grupos, notadamente no âmbito externo. As análises apontam para a adoção de um sistema de gestão do conhecimento focado nos públicos como elemento fundamental para a eficácia dos processos comunicacionais.(AU)


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A dissertação tem como base a importância do entendimento a respeito dos relacionamentos organizacionais para uma abordagem segmentada dos públicos na comunicação empresarial. A partir de uma reflexão teórica sobre o assunto e da observação de práticas atuais de mercado, foram estabelecidos parâmetros que contribuem para uma conceituação mais precisa dos interlocutores das corporações, no sentido de prover suas demandas informacionais. Tanto na análise das obras consultadas quanto na avaliação dos resultados da pesquisa com empresas de tradição na área de comunicação, demonstrou-se que há lacunas importantes a serem preenchidas. Entes elas, a inexistência de mecanismos que possam aferir com maior precisão as expectativas dos vários segmentos de público em relação à comunicação das empresas, em uma via de mão-dupla, bem como a falta de canais de comunicação regulares com determinados grupos, notadamente no âmbito externo. As análises apontam para a adoção de um sistema de gestão do conhecimento focado nos públicos como elemento fundamental para a eficácia dos processos comunicacionais.(AU)


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The problem of distributed compression for correlated quantum sources is considered. The classical version of this problem was solved by Slepian and Wolf, who showed that distributed compression could take full advantage of redundancy in the local sources created by the presence of correlations. Here it is shown that, in general, this is not the case for quantum sources, by proving a lower bound on the rate sum for irreducible sources of product states which is stronger than the one given by a naive application of Slepian-Wolf. Nonetheless, strategies taking advantage of correlation do exist for some special classes of quantum sources. For example, Devetak and Winter demonstrated the existence of such a strategy when one of the sources is classical. Optimal nontrivial strategies for a different extreme, sources of Bell states, are presented here. In addition, it is explained how distributed compression is connected to other problems in quantum information theory, including information-disturbance questions, entanglement distillation and quantum error correction.