955 resultados para Common sense concept


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Cette thèse a fait l'objet d'une publication: Le nouveau sujet du droit criminel : effets secondaires de la psychiatrie sur la responsabilité pénale / Christian Saint-Germain. — Montréal : Liber, [2014]. — 358 pages ; 23 cm. ISBN 9782895784654.


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Lean is common sense and good business sense. As organizations grow and become more successful, they begin to lose insight into the basic truths of what made them successful. Organizations have to deal with more and more issues that may not have anything to do with directly providing products or services to their customers. Lean is a holistic management approach that brings the focus of the organization back to providing value to the customer. In August 2002, Mrs. Darleen Druyun, the Principal Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and government co-chairperson of the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI), decided it was time for Air Force acquisitions to embrace the concepts of lean. At her request, the LAI Executive Board developed a concept and methodology to employ lean into the Air Force’s acquisition culture and processes. This was the birth of the “Lean Now” initiative. An enterprise-wide approach was used, involving Air Force System Program Offices (SPOs), aerospace industry, and several Department of Defense agencies. The aim of Lean Now was to focus on the process interfaces between these “enterprise” stakeholders to eliminate barriers that impede progress. Any best practices developed would be institutionalized throughout the Air Force and the Department of Defense (DoD). The industry members of LAI agreed to help accelerate the government-industry transformation by donating lean Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to mentor, train, and facilitate the lean events of each enterprise. Currently, the industry SMEs and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working together to help the Air Force develop its own lean infrastructure of training courses and Air Force lean SMEs. The first Lean Now programs were the F/A-22, Global Hawk, and F-16. Each program focused on specific acquisition processes. The F/A-22 focused on the Test and Evaluation process; the Global Hawk focused on Evolutionary Acquisitions; and the F-16 focused on improving the Contract Closeout process. Through lean, each enterprise made many significant improvements. The F/A-22 was able to reduce its Operational Flight Plan (OFP) Preparation and Load process time of 2 to 3 months down to 7 hours. The Global Hawk developed a new production plan that increases the annual production of its Integrated Sensor Suite from 3 per year to 6 per year. The F-16 enterprise generated and is working 12 initiatives that could result in a contract closeout cycle time reduction of 3 to 7 years. Each enterprise continues to generate more lean initiatives that focus on other areas and processes within their respective enterprises.


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En este artículo* se repiensa el concepto de “ciudad” mediante una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo con el propósito de identificar aquellos aspectos provenientes de las teorías urbanas que permitan responder crítica y creativamente a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo repensar con rigor teórico-metodológico la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo? y ¿cómo producir, justificar y usar conocimiento para repensar el sentido y el contenido de la relación entre los conceptos de campus universitario y de lo social?En respuesta a la primera pregunta se abordan, en primer lugar, los conceptos de ciudad moderna y de metrópoli contemporánea señalando elementos generales de la relación universidad-ciudad en los orígenes de la ciudad moderna y elementos específicos de esa misma relación en las transformaciones de la metrópoli contemporánea. En segundo lugar, se destacan las connotaciones del concepto de ciudad moderna, entendido como la operación de reunir agrupaciones de operaciones diferenciadas, y las connotaciones del concepto de metrópoli contemporánea, entendido como territorialidad de la aberración del sentido común de la modernidad en su actual fase escotósica de globalización informatizada. En tercer lugar, se presenta el concepto de campus universitario desagregado en los modelos de ciudad universitaria y de universidad ciudadana, destacando las lógicas de las territorialidades de la ciudad moderna y de la metrópoli contemporánea para mostrar la falsa dualidad existente entre tales modelos y entre tales lógicas.Como respuesta a la segunda pregunta se presenta el método de la tematización metafórica, mediante cuya aplicación se propone: i) repensar el concepto de “ciudad”, re-entendiéndolo como probabilidad emergente de un organismo vivo; ii) repensar el concepto de “lo social”, re-concibiéndolo como campo relacional entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser en proceso de totalización inacabado y iii) repensar el concepto de “región”, re-entendiéndolo como categoría de análisis espacio-temporal, territorial, jurisdiccional y funcional del campo relacional de lo social.Finalmente, se plantea un nuevo interrogante en torno a si, acaso, desde el sentido de trascendencia del intercambio orgánico de energía entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser, sea posible proponer un enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo desde teorías de complejidad como un paso siguiente a esta aproximación epistemológica de la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo.* Artículo basado en el ensayo titulado ¿“CIUDAD”?: REGIÓN. Una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad como problema filosófico contemporáneo, elaborado en el curso sobre Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea ofrecido por el profesor Francisco Sierra Gutiérrez en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana durante el semestre II de 2004. Este artículo hace parte del Programa Docente Individualizado del autor con miras a la propuesta de un “Enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo ERPAD: una aproximación epistemológica desde las teorías de complejidad”, en el marco del Programa de Doctorado en Urbanismo ofrecido por la Universidad Central de Venezuela en convenio con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.-----This article reviews the concept of “city” through an epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship, with the purpose of identifying those elements of urban theories that can help to provide a critical and creative answer to the following questions: How can the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship be reviewed with scientific rigor, that is, by using theories and methods thoroughly? How to produce, justify and use knowledge to review the meaning and content of the relationship between the concepts of university campus and social sphere?In order to answer the first question, the concepts of ‘modern city’ and ‘contemporary metropolis’ are initially discussed; general elements of the relationship university-city can be found in the origins of modern cities, whereas more specific ones can be identified in the transformations of contemporary metropolis. Secondly, the author highlights the connotations of the concept of ‘modern city’ –the act of gathering groups which perform different operations—, as well as those of the concept of ‘contemporary metropolis’ –a territory where common sense becomes aberrant in the current stage of computerized globalization. Thirdly, the concept of ‘university campus’ is disintegrated into the models of a city for university students and a university for citizens; the logic behind territoriality in modern cities and contemporary metropolis is pointed out in order to show the false duality between such models and such logic.To answer the second question, the metaphoric thematization method is introduced with the purpose of: i) reviewing the concept of ‘city’, so that it is understood as a new possibility for living organisms; ii) reviewing the concept of ‘social sphere’, so as to conceive it as the arena where man’s conscious manifestations relate to each other in an unfinished process of totalization; and iii) reviewing the concept of ‘region’, so that it can be seen as a type of spatial, time, territorial, jurisdictional and functional analysis of the arena where social matters relate.Finally, a new question is raised as to whether, in fact, from the transcendence of the organic exchange of energy between man’s conscious manifestations, it is possible to put forward a regional approach from the complexity of theories as an alternative for development, as the next step to be taken after this epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship.


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At the beginning of 2003 the four year long research project REBUS on education, research, development and demonstration of competitive solar combisystems was launched. Research groups in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Latvia are working together with partners from industry on innovative solutions for solar heating in the Nordic countries. Existing system concepts have been analyzed and based on the results new system designs have been developed. The proposed solutions have to fulfill country specific technical, sociological and cost requirements. Due to the similar demands on the systems in Denmark and Sweden it has been decided to develop a common system concept for both countries, which increases the market potential for the manufacturer. The focus of the development is on systems for the large number of rather well insulated existing single family houses. In close collaboration with the industrial partners a system concept has been developed that is characterized by its high compactness and flexibility. It allows the use of different types of boilers, heating distribution systems and a variable store and collector size. Two prototypes have been built, one for the Danish market with a gas boiler, and one for the Swedish market with a pellet boiler as auxiliary heater. After intensive testing and eventual further improvements at least two systems will be installed and monitored in demonstration houses. The systems have been modeled in TRNSYS and the simulation results will be used to further improve the system and evaluate the system performance.


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Notions of Class and Gender in the Employment Service Job Descriptions This article examines whether job descriptions emphasize different characteristics and competences depending on the occupations’ social class and gender relations. The study is partly a replication of a similar analysis conducted by Gesser in the 1970s. The purpose is to examine the prevalence of stereotypes in occupational descriptions provided by the Swedish state, and if the descriptions contribute to class and gender labeling of occupations and, by extension, its practitioners. Previous research has shown that career guiding materials are characterized by notions of the appropriate practitioner’s class and gender. In this study we depart from the concept of doxa and argue that stereotypical images of occupations are based on common sense that remains unquestioned. The study draws on a quantitative content analysis of 420 job descriptions analyzed by various statistical methods. The overall results show that there are systematic differences. In general, social class seems to have greater impact than gender on what kind of competences that are emphasized in the descriptions. Social skills are emphasized in female dominated occupations, while physical abilities are highlighted in male-dominated occupations. To some extent, these results are uncontroversial, as it also portraits abilities necessary to do the work in different kind of occupations


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In his Prison Notebooks, Gramsci worked with the notion of subaltern classes and groups, a concept that has been incorporated by the Social Sciences and current Historiography. Correlatedly, problems of common sense, folklore and religion are presented. It is important to raise the question of the theoretical and political implications of Gramsci's elaborations, contextualizing them within the entirety of his theoretical and political production, even if only to contest the common uses of the concept and their real relationship to Gramsci, or to examine to what extent this author can be considered relevant for interpretations of the conditions of social struggle in contemporary capitalism. © 2008 Revista de Sociologia e Política.


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Accessing vaginal pH is fundamental during gynaecological visit for the detection of abnormal vaginal flora (AVF), but use of pH strips may be time-consuming and difficult to interpret. The aim of this study was to evaluate the VS-SENSE test (Common Sense Ltd, Caesarea, Israel) as a tool for the diagnosis of AVF and its correlation with abnormal pH and bacterial vaginosis (BV). The study population consisted of 45 women with vaginal pH ≥ 4.5 and 45 women with normal pH. Vaginal samples were evaluated by VS-SENSE test, microscopy and microbiologic cultures. Comparing with pH strips results, VS-SENSE test specificity was 97.8% and sensitivity of 91%. All severe cases of BV and aerobic vaginitis (AV) were detected by the test. Only one case with normal pH had an unclear result. Concluding, VS-SENSE test is easy to perform, and it correlates with increased pH, AVF, and the severe cases of BV and AV. Copyright © 2010 Gilbert G. G. Donders et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Este estudo constituiu-se numa análise das Representações de Professores de Artes Visuais acerca de suas práticas pedagógicas no contexto do Ensino Médio. Tendo como objetivo geral analisar as Representações de Professores de Artes Visuais do Ensino Médio sobre a Prática Pedagógica. A análise fora produzida a partir do conceito de Representações na perspectiva de Roger Chartier (1990; 1991;1994): sobre prática pedagógica com Veiga (2011; 2010): sobre formação de professores: Pimenta (2009) e Coelho (2009; 2010): em Arte com Barbosa (2009; 2010) e Fusari & Ferraz (2001; 2009). Utilizamos como caminho metodológico a Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2010). O estudo é uma pesquisa do tipo analítico- descritiva. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados: documentos oficiais e questionário, do qual participaram 15 professores de Arte efetivos da Rede Pública Estadual do Ensino Médio. Os resultados do estudo revelaram, que acerca da prática pedagógica, os professores, em sua maioria, apesar de terem um bom tempo de serviço, demonstraram a representação de uma triangulação apresentada em três vértices: leitura, baseada no senso comum, sem fundamentação Teórica/Ideal; o fazer, a prática no improviso, predominando o lado Prático/Real, e a contextualização superficial por falta de fundamentação, de unidade teórica/prática. Ressaltamos como aproximações conclusivas a vulnerabilidade na formação de professores de Arte. Essa formação é deficiente no que tange à capacidade de desenvolver a prática pedagógica com qualidade nas escolas públicas estaduais. Inferimos que urge a necessidade de (re) avaliar a formação de professores de Artes Visuais inicial e continuada, forjando um profissional com compromisso reflexivo-crítico com a sua prática social na educação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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In contemporary societies there are different ways to perceive the relation between identity and alterity and to describe the difference between “us” and “them”, residents and foreigners. Anthropologist Sandra Wallman sustains that in multi-cultural urban spaces the frontiers of diversity are not only burdensome markers of identity, but rather they could also represent new chances to define “identity” and “alterity”. These frontiers, in fact, can work like interfaces through which to build time after time, in a creative way, a relationship with the other. From this point of view, the concept of boundary can offer many opportunities to creatively define the relation with the other and to sign new options for cognitive and physical movement. On the other side, in many cases we have a plenty of mechanisms of exclusion that transforms a purely empirical distinction between “us” and “them” in an ontological contrast, as in the case when the immigrant undergoes hostilities through discriminatory language. Even though these forms of racism are undoubtedly objectionable from a theoretical point of view, they are anyway socially “real”, in the sense that they are perpetually reaffirmed and strengthened in public opinion. They are in fact implicit “truths”, realities that are considered objective, common opinions that are part of day-to-day existence. That is the reason why an anthropological prospective including the study of “common sense” should be adopted in our present day studies on migration, as pointed out by American anthropologist Michael Herzfeld. My primary goal is to analyze with such a critical approach same pre-conditions of racism and exclusion in contemporary multi-cultural urban spaces. On the other hand, this essay would also investigate positive strategies of comparing, interchanging, and negotiating alterity in social work. I suggest that this approach can offer positive solutions in coping with “diversity” and in working out policies for recognizing a common identity which, at the same time, do not throw away the relevance of political and economic power.


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En este trabajo se muestra la cocina de una investigación, es decir cómo se construyen los momentos que la componen y cómo se relacionan entre sí. Esta experiencia tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de construcción de políticas públicas en las organizaciones hospitalarias de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, haciendo foco en las acciones informales desarrolladas en su interior. Luego de una introducción para ubicar al lector en la temática, se explica la selección del marco teórico y la discusión acerca de los elementos conceptuales que aporta cada disciplina para repensar la informalidad. Luego se presentan los objetivos y la hipótesis de trabajo inicial, mostrando por qué la metodología cualitativa resultó el mejor abordaje para dar cuenta del fenómeno de estudio, dado que desde el sentido común, la informalidad en la administración pública tiende a ser confundida con prácticas discrecionales para satisfacer intereses propios. Se da cuenta de la estrategia analítica y cómo los lineamientos de la teoría fundamentada permitieron construir categorías que contribuyeran a redefinir algunos conceptos teóricos que explican el modo en que opera el aspecto informal de la organización. Como conclusión, se muestra la línea narrativa que integra y explica la articulación de los distintos componentes de dicho proceso, los cuales permitieron dar especificidad al concepto de informalidad a nivel teórico y empírico


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El trabajo analiza cómo la exposición presentada en el Museo Nacional de la Inmigración fue aprehendida e interpretada por su público visitante. Dependiente de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, el Museo funcionó entre los años 2001 y 2009 en el edificio del antiguo Hotel de Inmigrantes (en Retiro). Para este estudio utilizamos más de 700 mensajes registrados en el Libro de Visitas del Museo, que fueron clasificados en nueve categorías, de acuerdo a los aspectos comunes que expresaban. A lo largo del análisis, el concepto de memoria se volvió fundamental para comprender los sentimientos y deseos expresados por el público que visitó la institución. Dentro de los temas que aparecieron en los mensajes, pudimos verificar la importancia que le atribuían los visitantes al Estado argentino por la construcción del Hotel, la recepción de los inmigrantes y, actualmente, por la preservación de su memoria y patrimonio; también se evidenció un agradecimiento a los inmigrantes, cuya "fuerza" y "esperanza" contribuyeron al desarrollo del país