961 resultados para Coloured Petri Nets (CPN)


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Business Process Management describes a holistic management approach for the systematic design, modeling, execution, validation, monitoring and improvement of organizational business processes. Traditionally, most attention within this community has been given to control-flow aspects, i.e., the ordering and sequencing of business activities, oftentimes in isolation with regards to the context in which these activities occur. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows executable process models to be integrated with Geographic Information Systems. This approach enables process models to take geospatial and other geographic aspects into account in an explicit manner both during the modeling phase and the execution phase. We contribute a structured modeling methodology, based on the well-known Business Process Model and Notation standard, which is formalized by means of a mapping to executable Colored Petri nets. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach by means of a sustainability-focused case example of a process with important ecological concerns.


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Understanding how and why the capability of one set of business resources, its structural arrangements and mechanisms compared to another works can provide competitive advantage in terms of new business processes and product and service development. However, most business models of capability are descriptive and lack formal modelling language to qualitatively and quantifiably compare capabilities, Gibson’s theory of affordance, the potential for action, provides a formal basis for a more robust and quantitative model, but most formal affordance models are complex and abstract and lack support for real-world applications. We aim to understand the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of business capability, by developing a quantitative and qualitative model that underpins earlier work on Capability-Affordance Modelling – CAM. This paper integrates an affordance based capability model and the formalism of Coloured Petri Nets to develop a simulation model. Using the model, we show how capability depends on the space time path of interacting resources, the mechanism of transition and specific critical affordance factors relating to the values of the variables for resources, people and physical objects. We show how the model can identify the capabilities of resources to enable the capability to inject a drug and anaesthetise a patient.


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There is ongoing work on conceptual modelling of such busi- ness notions as Affordance and Capability. We have found that such business notions as Affordance and Capability are constructively defned using elements and properties of exe- cutable behaviour models. In this paper, we clarify the def- initions of Affordance and Capability using Coloured Petri Nets and Protocol models.The illustrating case is the process of drug injection. We show that different behaviour modelling techniques provide different precision for definition of Affordance and Capability and clarify the conceptual models of these notions. We generalise that the behaviour models can be used to improve the precision of conceptualization.


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A systematic goal-driven top-down modelling methodology is proposed that is capable of developing a multiscale model of a process system for given diagnostic purposes. The diagnostic goal-set and the symptoms are extracted from HAZOP analysis results, where the possible actions to be performed in a fault situation are also described. The multiscale dynamic model is realized in the form of a hierarchical coloured Petri net by using a novel substitution place-transition pair. Multiscale simulation that focuses automatically on the fault areas is used to predict the effect of the proposed preventive actions. The notions and procedures are illustrated on some simple case studies including a heat exchanger network and a more complex wet granulation process.


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A new class of nets, called S-nets, is introduced for the performance analysis of scheduling algorithms used in real-time systems Deterministic timed Petri nets do not adequately model the scheduling of resources encountered in real-time systems, and need to be augmented with resource places and signal places, and a scheduler block, to facilitate the modeling of scheduling algorithms. The tokens are colored, and the transition firing rules are suitably modified. Further, the concept of transition folding is used, to get intuitively simple models of multiframe real-time systems. Two generic performance measures, called �load index� and �balance index,� which characterize the resource utilization and the uniformity of workload distribution, respectively, are defined. The utility of S-nets for evaluating heuristic-based scheduling schemes is illustrated by considering three heuristics for real-time scheduling. S-nets are useful in tuning the hardware configuration and the underlying scheduling policy, so that the system utilization is maximized, and the workload distribution among the computing resources is balanced.


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La seguridad y fiabilidad de los procesos industriales son la principal preocupación de los ingenieros encargados de las plantas industriales. Por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista económico, el objetivo principal es reducir el costo del mantenimiento, el tiempo de inactividad y las pérdidas causadas por los fallos. Por otra parte, la seguridad de los operadores, que afecta a los aspectos sociales y económicos, es el factor más relevante a considerar en cualquier sistema Debido a esto, el diagnóstico de fallos se ha convertido en un foco importante de interés para los investigadores de todo el mundo e ingenieros en la industria. Los principales trabajos enfocados en detección de fallos se basan en modelos de los procesos. Existen diferentes técnicas para el modelado de procesos industriales tales como máquinas de estado, árboles de decisión y Redes de Petri (RdP). Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en el modelado de procesos utilizando redes de petri interpretadas. Redes de Petri es una herramienta usada en el modelado gráfico y matemático con la habilidad para describir información de los sistemas de una manera concurrente, paralela, asincrona, distribuida y no determinística o estocástica. RdP son también una herramienta de comunicación visual gráfica útil como lo son las cartas de flujo o diagramas de bloques. Adicionalmente, las marcas de las RdP simulan la dinámica y concurrencia de los sistemas. Finalmente, ellas tienen la capacidad de definir ecuaciones de estado específicas, ecuaciones algebraicas y otros modelos que representan el comportamiento común de los sistemas. Entre los diferentes tipos de redes de petri (Interpretadas, Coloreadas, etc.), este trabajo de investigación trata con redes de petri interpretadas principalmente debido a características tales como sincronización, lugares temporizados, aparte de su capacidad para procesamiento de datos. Esta investigación comienza con el proceso para diseñar y construir el modelo y diagnosticador para detectar fallos definitivos, posteriormente, la dinámica temporal fue adicionada para detectar fallos intermitentes. Dos procesos industriales, concretamente un HVAC (Calefacción, Ventilación y Aire Acondicionado) y un Proceso de Envasado de Líquidos fueron usados como banco de pruebas para implementar la herramienta de diagnóstico de fallos (FD) creada. Finalmente, su capacidad de diagnóstico fue ampliada en orden a detectar fallos en sistemas híbridos. Finalmente, un pequeño helicóptero no tripulado fue elegido como ejemplo de sistema donde la seguridad es un desafío, y las técnicas de detección de fallos desarrolladas en esta tesis llevan a ser una herramienta valorada, desde que los accidentes de las aeronaves no tripuladas (UAVs) envuelven un alto costo económico y son la principal razón para introducir restricciones de volar sobre áreas pobladas. Así, este trabajo introduce un proceso sistemático para construir un Diagnosticador de Fallos del sistema mencionado basado en RdR Esta novedosa herramienta es capaz de detectar fallos definitivos e intermitentes. El trabajo realizado es discutido desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico. El procedimiento comienza con la división del sistema en subsistemas para seguido integrar en una RdP diagnosticadora global que es capaz de monitorear el sistema completo y mostrar las variables críticas al operador en orden a determinar la salud del UAV, para de esta manera prevenir accidentes. Un Sistema de Adquisición de Datos (DAQ) ha sido también diseñado para recoger datos durante los vuelos y alimentar la RdP diagnosticadora. Vuelos reales realizados bajo condiciones normales y de fallo han sido requeridos para llevar a cabo la configuración del diagnosticador y verificar su comportamiento. Vale la pena señalar que un alto riesgo fue asumido en la generación de fallos durante los vuelos, a pesar de eso esto permitió recoger datos básicos para desarrollar el diagnóstico de fallos, técnicas de aislamiento, protocolos de mantenimiento, modelos de comportamiento, etc. Finalmente, un resumen de la validación de resultados obtenidos durante las pruebas de vuelo es también incluido. Un extensivo uso de esta herramienta mejorará los protocolos de mantenimiento para UAVs (especialmente helicópteros) y permite establecer recomendaciones en regulaciones. El uso del diagnosticador usando redes de petri es considerado un novedoso enfoque. ABSTRACT Safety and reliability of industrial processes are the main concern of the engineers in charge of industrial plants. Thus, from an economic point of view, the main goal is to reduce the maintenance downtime cost and the losses caused by failures. Moreover, the safety of the operators, which affects to social and economic aspects, is the most relevant factor to consider in any system. Due to this, fault diagnosis has become a relevant focus of interest for worldwide researchers and engineers in the industry. The main works focused on failure detection are based on models of the processes. There are different techniques for modelling industrial processes such as state machines, decision trees and Petri Nets (PN). Thus, this Thesis is focused on modelling processes by using Interpreted Petri Nets. Petri Nets is a tool used in the graphic and mathematical modelling with ability to describe information of the systems in a concurrent, parallel, asynchronous, distributed and not deterministic or stochastic manner. PNs are also useful graphical visual communication tools as flow chart or block diagram. Additionally, the marks of the PN simulate the dynamics and concurrence of the systems. Finally, they are able to define specific state equations, algebraic equations and other models that represent the common behaviour of systems. Among the different types of PN (Interpreted, Coloured, etc.), this research work deals with the interpreted Petri Nets mainly due to features such as synchronization capabilities, timed places, apart from their capability for processing data. This Research begins with the process for designing and building the model and diagnoser to detect permanent faults, subsequently, the temporal dynamic was added for detecting intermittent faults. Two industrial processes, namely HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) and Liquids Packaging Process were used as testbed for implementing the Fault Diagnosis (FD) tool created. Finally, its diagnostic capability was enhanced in order to detect faults in hybrid systems. Finally, a small unmanned helicopter was chosen as example of system where safety is a challenge and fault detection techniques developed in this Thesis turn out to be a valuable tool since UAVs accidents involve high economic cost and are the main reason for setting restrictions to fly over populated areas. Thus, this work introduces a systematic process for building a Fault Diagnoser of the mentioned system based on Petri Nets. This novel tool is able to detect both intermittent and permanent faults. The work carried out is discussed from theoretical and practical point of view. The procedure begins with a division of the system into subsystems for further integration into a global PN diagnoser that is able to monitor the whole system and show critical variables to the operator in order to determine the UAV health, preventing accidents in this manner. A Data Acquisition System (DAQ) has been also designed for collecting data during the flights and feed PN Diagnoser. Real flights carried out under nominal and failure conditions have been required to perform the diagnoser setup and verify its performance. It is worth noting that a high risk was assumed in the generation of faults during the flights, nevertheless this allowed collecting basic data so as to develop fault diagnosis, isolations techniques, maintenance protocols, behaviour models, etc. Finally, a summary of the validation results obtained during real flight tests is also included. An extensive use of this tool will improve preventive maintenance protocols for UAVs (especially helicopters) and allow establishing recommendations in regulations. The use of the diagnoser by using Petri Nets is considered as novel approach.


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Petri nets are often used to model and analyze workflows. Many workflow languages have been mapped onto Petri nets in order to provide formal semantics or to verify correctness properties. Typically, the so-called Workflow nets are used to model and analyze workflows and variants of the classical soundness property are used as a correctness notion. Since many workflow languages have cancelation features, a mapping to workflow nets is not always possible. Therefore, it is interesting to consider workflow nets with reset arcs. Unfortunately, soundness is undecidable for workflow nets with reset arcs. In this paper, we provide a proof and insights into the theoretical limits of workflow verification.


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Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that is used to check the so-called soundness property. This property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without domain knowledge. Several authors have proposed alternative notions of soundness and have suggested to use more expressive languages, e.g., models with cancellations or priorities. This paper provides an overview of the different notions of soundness and investigates these in the presence of different extensions of workflow nets.We will show that the eight soundness notions described in the literature are decidable for workflow nets. However, most extensions will make all of these notions undecidable. These new results show the theoretical limits of workflow verification. Moreover, we discuss some of the analysis approaches described in the literature.


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Reset/inhibitor nets are Petri nets extended with reset arcs and inhibitor arcs. These extensions can be used to model cancellation and blocking. A reset arc allows a transition to remove all tokens from a certain place when the transition fires. An inhibitor arc can stop a transition from being enabled if the place contains one or more tokens. While reset/inhibitor nets increase the expressive power of Petri nets, they also result in increased complexity of analysis techniques. One way of speeding up Petri net analysis is to apply reduction rules. Unfortunately, many of the rules defined for classical Petri nets do not hold in the presence of reset and/or inhibitor arcs. Moreover, new rules can be added. This is the first paper systematically presenting a comprehensive set of reduction rules for reset/inhibitor nets. These rules are liveness and boundedness preserving and are able to dramatically reduce models and their state spaces. It can be observed that most of the modeling languages used in practice have features related to cancellation and blocking. Therefore, this work is highly relevant for all kinds of application areas where analysis is currently intractable.


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Although incidence matrix representation has been used to analyze the Petri net based models of a system, it has the limitation that it does not preserve reflexive properties (i.e., the presence of selfloops) of Petri nets. But in many practical applications self-loops play very important roles. This paper proposes a new representation scheme for general Petri nets. This scheme defines a matrix called "reflexive incidence matrix (RIM) c which is a combination of two matrices, a "base matrix Cb,,, and a "power matrix CP." This scheme preserves the reflexive and other properties of the Petri nets. Through a detailed analysis it is shown that the proposed scheme requires less memory space and less processing time for answering commonly encountered net queries compared to other schemes. Algorithms to generate the RIM from the given net description and to decompose RIM into input and output function matrices are also given. The proposed Petri net representation scheme is very useful to model and analyze the systems having shared resources, chemical processes, network protocols, etc., and to evaluate the performance of asynchronous concurrent systems.


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The use of invariants is an important tool for analysis of distributed and concurrent systems modeled by Petri nets. For a large practical system, the computation of desired invariants by the existing techniques is a time-consuming task. This paper proposes a theoretical foundation for simplified computation of desired invariants. We provide invariant-preserving Petri net reduction rules followed by the conditions for the existence of invariants in various well-structured nets. If an invariant exists, it can be found directly from the net structure using the formulas derived, or by applying the existing techniques on the reduced net.


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This paper proposes a novel and simple definition of general colored Petri nets. This definition is coherent with that of (uncolored) Petri nets, preserves the reflexivity of the original net and is extended to represent inhibitors. Also suggested are systematic and formal merging rules to obtain a well-formed structure of the extended colored Petri net by folding a given uncolored net. Finally, we present a technique to compute colored invariants by selecting colored RP-subnets. On the average, the proposed technique performs better than the existing ones. The analysis procedure is explained through an illustrative example of a three-level interrupt-priority-handler scheme.


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We present through the use of Petri Nets, modeling techniques for digital systems realizable using FPGAs. These Petri Net models are used for logic validation at the logic design phase. The technique is illustrated by modeling practical circuits. Further, the utility of the technique with respect to timing analysis of the modeled digital systems is considered. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd


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