938 resultados para Collective Property Rights
This paper contrasts the determinants of entrepreneurial entry and high-growth aspiration entrepreneurship. Using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) surveys for 42 countries over the period 1998-2005, we analyse how institutional environment and entrepreneurial characteristics affect individual decisions to become entrepreneurs and aspirations to set up high-growth ventures. We find that institutions exert different effects on entrepreneurial entry and on the individual choice to launch high-growth aspiration projects. In particular, a strong property rights system is important for high-growth aspiration entrepreneurship, but has less pronounced effects for entrepreneurial entry. The availability of finance and the fiscal burden matter for both.
According to the institutional economics thesis the role of IPRs is one of the relevant determinants of economic growth in long run. Measures of IPRs have been limited and empirical studies have not been able to evaluate their impacts on productivity growth. The major conclusion that the author can be drawn from his estimations is that the extent to which patent rights and trademarks, ceteris paribus, positively correlated with output per capita depends on the intensity of technology.
FDI is believed to be a conduit of new technologies between countries. The first chapter of this dissertation studies the advantages of outward FDI for the home country of multinationals conducting research and development abroad. We use patent citations as a proxy for technology spillovers and we bring empirical evidence that supports the hypothesis that a U.S. subsidiary conducting research and development overseas facilitates the flow of knowledge between its host and home countries.^ The second chapter examines the impact of intellectual property rights (IPR) reforms on the technology flows between the U.S. and host countries of U.S. affiliates. We again use patent citations to examine whether the diffusion of new technology between the host countries and the U.S. is accelerated by the reforms. Our results suggest that the reforms favor innovative efforts of domestic firms in the reforming countries rather than U.S. affiliates efforts. In other words, reforms mediate the technology flows from the U.S. to the reforming countries.^ The third chapter deals with another form of IPR, open source (OS) licenses. These differ in the conditions under which licensors and OS contributors are allowed to modify and redistribute the source code. We measure OS project quality by the speed with which programming bugs are fixed and test whether the license chosen by project leaders influences bug resolution rates. In initial regressions, we find a strong correlation between the hazard of bug resolution and the use of highly restrictive licenses. However, license choices are likely to be endogenous. We instrument license choice using (i) the human language in which contributors operate and (ii) the license choice of the project leaders for a previous project. We then find weak evidence that restrictive licenses adversely affect project success.^
This paper applies property rights theory to explain changes in foreign affiliates’ ownership. Post-entry ownership change is driven by both firm-level characteristics and by the differences in the institutional environments in host countries. We distinguish between financial market development and the level of corruption as two different institutional dimensions, such that changes along these dimensions impact upon ownership change in different ways. Furthermore, we argue that changes in ownership are affected by the foreign affiliate’s relatedness with its parent’s sector, as well as by the affiliate’s maturity. We use firm level data across 125 host countries to test our hypotheses.
La jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de los últimos años, ha establecido una serie de criterios y medidas que configurarían un catálogo de disposiciones que deben emprender los Estados para garantizar la real protección del derecho de propiedad de las comunidades indígenas y tribales. Dichas medidas deben ser implementadas en los procesos de formalización y titularización de las tierras ancestrales ocupadas, en la delimitación y demarcación del terreno, en la restitución de porciones de tierra pérdida, en la estipulación de criterios para el otorgamiento de tierras alternativas; y en los estudios que tiendan a establecer políticas públicas para la satisfacción de las necesidades de las comunidades relativas a la producción y posesión de la tierra como mecanismo idóneo para el mantenimiento de condiciones de vida digna. La regulación colombiana para las tierras de las comunidades indígenas y las comunidades afrocolombianas presenta aspectos divergentes: las primeras poseen una reglamentación destinada a la ampliación, reestructuración y saneamiento de los resguardos indígenas, y las segundas están regidas bajo un estatuto general de la propiedad colectiva y adjudicación de baldíos. En los dos sistemas, los procedimientos son complejos, tardíos, confusos, requieren de sofisticados prerrequisitos, y ante todo su estructura está basada bajo criterios de una sociedad no indígena y no tribal. Adicionalmente, el compendio normativo en materia de titulación, delimitación y demarcación de tierras de comunidades afrocolombianas antes enunciado, presenta diversas lagunas normativas que se acentúan con la carencia de actualización de dicha regulación a las condiciones actuales si se tiene en cuenta que no ha existido modificación a la misma en los últimos 19 años, y que hacen necesario aplicar analógicamente las disposiciones del Código Civil en materia de propiedad individual a efectos de dar respuesta a los supuestos de hecho no contemplados.
Previous studies have shown that collective property rights offer higher flexibility than individual property and improve sustainable community-based forest management. Our case study, carried out in the Beni department of Bolivia, does not contradict this assertion, but shows that collective rights have been granted in areas where ecological contexts and market facilities were less favourable to intensive land use. Previous experiences suggest investigating political processes in order to understand the criteria according to which access rights were distributed. Based on remote sensing and on a multi-level land governance framework, our research confirms that land placed under collective rights, compared to individual property, is less affected by deforestation among Andean settlements. However, analysis of the historical process of land distribution in the area shows that the distribution of property rights is the result of a political process based on economic, spatial, and environmental strategies that are defined by multiple stakeholders. Collective titles were established in the more remote areas and distributed to communities with lower productive potentialities. Land rights are thus a secondary factor of forest cover change which results from diverse political compromises based on population distribution, accessibility, environmental perceptions, and expected production or extraction incomes.