81 resultados para Collared peccary
Neste trabalho investiguei os efeitos sobre as populações locais de mamíferos silvestres das atividades de caça praticadas por sitiantes de um assentamento rural na Floresta Amazônica do norte do Estado de Mato Grosso. A segunda parte do Assentamento Japuranã, na qual foi realizado este estudo, foi ocupada ha três anos. Entrevistas formais foram realizadas com 17 moradores. Informações adicionais foram coletadas informalmente, durante todo tipo de contato com assentados durante o período de estudo. A maioria dos assentados são provenientes dos estados do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Tipicamente, são trabalhadores rurais, semi-analfabetos, com baixa renda mensal. As principais técnicas de caça praticadas são a "espera", "cachorros" e "excursão". A carne de caça se mostrou um elemento importante na alimentação aparecendo em cerca de um terço das refeições. A atividade de 14 caçadores foi monitorada entre maio e novembro de 2003, neste período eles abateram 113 mamíferos de 17 espécies. Análises da estrutura da população baseadas em crânios foram possíveis para apenas as espécies de porco-do-mato, Tayassu pecari (queixada) e Pecari tajacu (cateto). A análise indicou que a situação da estrutura da população do T. pecari e do P. tajacu é sensível e poderia seriamente ser afetada se a pressão da caça aumentar. Estimou-se a extração de 4096,3 kg de biomassa em uma área de aproximadamente 38 km2, representando um consumo médio de carne de 0,268 kg/pessoa por dia. Levantamentos populacionais de transecção linear foram realizados em três pontos, dois no assentamento e um em uma área vizinha de floresta contínua, como "controle", na qual a caça não é praticada. Num percurso total de 108 km, foram registradas quinze espécies de mamíferos e quatro de aves, com taxas de avistamento relativamente altas em comparação com outros sítios da Amazônia central e oriental. Entretanto, a riqueza de espécies e sua abundância foram maiores em ambos os pontos do assentamento em comparação com o controle. A abundância de ungulados (porcos-do-mato e veados.), os principais alvos dos caçadores, também foi maior no assentamento (ambos os pontos de coleta) em comparação com o controle. Isto sugere claramente que a caça ainda não teve um impacto significativo sobre as populações de mamíferos do assentamento, em termos de sua abundância, pelo menos. A maior parte da atividade de caça foi de subsistência (85,8%), a restante foi para o controle de animais predadores de criações domésticas (8,0%) ou depredatória (6,2%), neste caso, basicamente para a proteção dos cachorros durante perseguições. Apesar desta pressão, a abundância relativa de mamíferos na área do assentamento sugere que a caça seja sustentável a curto prazo (três anos), possivelmente em função da abundância natural de mamíferos na região, e a densidade populacional humana ainda baixa. Entretanto, esta situação pode durar pouco, já que o desmatamento e a conseqüente fragmentação de hábitat na área do assentamento é um processo contínuo, e a caça ocorre sem qualquer controle. Os resultados deste estudos fornecem uma base importante para o desenvolvimento de planos de manejo para a fauna local, envolvendo a comunidade local, órgãos fiscalizadores, o governo e instituições de pesquisa. Serão fundamentais tanto para conservação das espécies como pelo melhor aproveitamento dos recursos de caça pelos sitiantes locais.
A caça é uma atividade bastante importante para a manutenção das formas tradicionais de vida dos povos indígenas da Amazônia. Entretanto, quando esta atividade não é feita de forma sustentável a sua pressão pode acarretar em extinções locais e desequilíbrios no ecossistema. Este estudo visa caracterizar o uso da fauna cinegética em duas aldeias das etnias Wayana e Aparai no Parque Indígena do Tumucumaque, norte do Estado do Pará. Foram monitorados e entrevistados 29 caçadores em 60 dias de coleta de dados. As entrevistas permitiram levantar 45 espécies de mamíferos ocorrentes na área e também as principais espécies cinegéticas com suas respectivas temporadas de caça. Ao todo foram caçados 219 animais de 35 espécies diferentes, totalizando 2.558 Kg de biomassa. A espécie mais caçada foi Tayassu pecari (n=50; 1.350 Kg), em segundo Ateles paniscus (n=30; 261 Kg). A ave mais caçada foi o Crax alector (n=18; 58,5 Kg); e os lagarto Iguana iguana foi o réptil mais caçado (n=18; 37 Kg). Destes, todos estavam dentro dos pesos médios esperados. Apenas para I. iguana foi observado diferença estatística na razão sexual, e todos os A. paniscus abatidos eram fêmeas. As curvas de sobrevivência das espécies mais caçadas de mamíferos, T. pecari, A. paniscus, Cebus apella (n=16) e Cuniculus paca (n=12) apontam para uma caça centralizada em animais adultos e senis. As espécies favoritas, em ordem decrescente, são A. paniscus, C. apella, C. paca, T. pecari, Pecari tajacu, Tapirus terrestris, Alouatta macconnelli, Mazama americana, C. alector e Psophia crepitans. Foi registrado o mesmo numero de animais caçados entre os métodos de caça ativo-seletivos e oportunistas-não-seletivos. Devido à caça de grandes mamíferos, as formas oportunistas registraram maior quantidade de biomassa abatida (1590 Kg), enquanto os métodos seletivos que focalizaram aves e primatas, totalizaram 968 Kg. Devido a questões culturais os Wayana e os Aparai procuram caçar os animais apenas quando estes estiverem gordos. Raramente caçam animais fora e suas épocas de abate. A atividade de pesca rendeu 1211,7Kg de 44 morfoespécies. A caça representou cerca de 2/3 de toda biomassa consumida. As refeições com base na carne de caça foram mais fartas e renderam mais proteína do que as refeições com peixe. O consumo per capita diário de caça foi de 104,37g e de peixe 22,44g. A área de uso de caça das duas aldeias foi estimada em 518,73 Km². A análise de sustentabilidade de caça sugere que apenas C. apella e A. paniscus estão sendo sobre-explorados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The importance to the biotic community of various species of lemmings in arctic and subarctic regions has long been recognized, but there is little known about the ecology of these mammals. of the two species that occur on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, namely, the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus rubricatus (Richardson), and the brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus alascensis Merriam, during the spring of 1949 the writer had the good fortune to observe a cyclic decline in the population of the brown lemming on the Arctic Coast of Alaska. Observations were made during the peak density preceding this decline and were continued for more than a year subsequent to it. It is the purpose of this paper to present the results of these studies.
The expansion of the cellulosic biofuels industry throughout the United States has broad-scale implications for wildlife management on public and private lands. Knowledge is limited on the effects of reverting agriculture to native grass, and vice versa, on size of home range and habitat use of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We followed 68 radio-collared female deer from 1991 through 2004 that were residents of DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR) in eastern Nebraska, USA. The refuge was undergoing conversion of vegetation out of row-crop agriculture and into native grass, forest, and emergent aquatic vegetation. Habitat in DNWR consisted of 30% crop in 1991 but removing crops to establish native grass and wetland habitat at DNWR resulted in a 44% reduction in crops by 2004. A decrease in the amount of crops on DNWR contributed to a decline in mean size of annual home range from 400 ha in 1991 to 200 ha in 2005 but percentage of crops in home ranges increased from 21% to 29%. Mean overlap for individuals was 77% between consecutive annual home ranges across 8 years, regardless of crop availability. Conversion of crop to native habitat will not likely result in home range abandonment but may impact disease transmission by increasing rates of contact between deer social groups that occupy adjacent areas. Future research on condition indices or changes in population parameters (e.g., recruitment) could be incorporated into the study design to assess impacts of habitat conversion for biofuel production.
Density, morphometrics, and disease prevalence of raccoon populations were determined in 4 habitats (agriculture, riverine, managed, and forested) in central Alabama. In addition we monitored 71 collared raccoons to determine survival. Density estimates were similar in the agriculture (ag) and riverine habitats in central Alabama with 8 raccoons/km2, and lower in the forested habitat at 5 raccoons/ km2. Retention of juveniles did not appear to contribute to observed higher populations in the riverine and ag habitat. Although the riverine and ag, possibly due to supplemental resources, likely provide better habitat for raccoons, we found only body size in female raccoons to be different across habitats (P = 0.001). Human-caused mortality (either hunting or missing and presumed killed) was the main cause of mortality in several raccoon populations during fall; however, fall survival did not differ between the habitats (χ = 1.47, d.f. = 3, P = 0.69). Although rabies and distemper virus were prevalent in all habitats, they did not appear to contribute to mortality even with a high proportion of the population exhibiting positive CDV titers (ag – 44%, managed- 50%) and rabies titers (managed- 57% and riverine habitat-60%).
We conducted a comprehensive research project on elk in the Pine Ridge region of northwestern Nebraska from 1995 to 2002 to determine ecological factors that could be used to improve management and reduce damage. The population ranged from 120 to 150 animals, with an average calf:cow ratio of 0.5:1 and bull:cow ratio of 0.4:1. We located 21 radio-collared female elk 6,311 times during 1995 to 1997. Seasonal home ranges of 2 herds were 10 and 44 km2, while average annual home ranges of the herds were much larger (483 and 440 km2, respectively). All wintering areas (n = 21) and 80% of the calving areas (n = 22) were located on privately-owned land. Active timber harvest temporarily displaced elk, most notably during the calving season. Elk shifted home ranges in association with the seasonal availability of agricultural crops, in particular, alfalfa, oats, and winter wheat. Population models indicated that static levels of hunting mortality would lead to a stable population of about 130 elk over 10 years. Most landowners in the Pine Ridge (57%) favored free-ranging elk, but 26% were concerned about damage to agricultural crops and competition with livestock. Habitat suitability models and estimates of social carrying capacity indicate that up to 600 elk could be sustained in the Pine Ridge without significant impacts to landowners. We recommended an integrated management program used to enhance elk habitat on publicly-owned land and redistribute elk from privately-owned land.
Schizorchis caballeroi n. sp. has been described from the collared pika, Ochotona collaris (Nelson), from Alaska, and has been distinguished morphologically from its congeners, S. ochotonae Hansen, 1948, and S. altaica Gvozdev, 1951. Nine species of helminths have been described 10 dale from North American pikas, O. collaris and O. princeps (Richardson). These mammals are markedly allopatric and do not share any species of helminth. Nematodes of two genera, Eugenuris Shults and Labiostomum Akhtar, 1941, occur in O. collaris as weIl as in palearctic species of Ochotona. This, along with other pertinent information, is taken to suggest that O. collaris has invaded North American more recently than did O. princeps or its precursor.
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae causes a variety of diseases in many animal species, including human beings. Most human infections caused by this pathogen are related to occupational exposure, and swine are considered to be the most important reservoir of E. rhusiopathiae. The white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) is an ungulate that has some genetic relationship to swine, and since the demand for T. pecari meat has recently increased in Brazil and nothing is known about the relationship of this peccary with the occupational zoonotic agent, E. rhusiopathiae, an investigation on the matter was conducted. Tonsils from 21 T. pecari slaughtered in southern Brazil were examined, and one animal was positive for E. rhusiopathiae isolation. Five colonies of this positive specimen had their species identity confirmed by PCR, and were characterized by serotyping, broth microdilution susceptibility test, and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All colonies belonged to serotype 2b, and presented identical susceptibility profiles. Nevertheless, the five colonies showed three different PFGE profiles, demonstrating the occurrence of infection by different E. rhusiopathiae genotypes. This is the first report of E. rhusiopathiae infection in T. pecari as well as the first description of animals carrying different E. rhusiopathiae genotypes.
Predation of Caiman yacare (Spix, 1825) (Crocodilia, Alligatoridae) by Busarellus nigricollis (Latham, 1790) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae) in the Taiama Ecological Station, Alto Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso. The Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis is an Accipitridae commonly seen on river banks, lagoon shores, and marshy areas. It feeds mainly on fishes and aquatic insects. It hunts from dead tree branches at forest edges or emergent trunks in flooded areas. Detailed information about the Black-collared Hawk food habits is scarce. In this study, we describe the predation of Caiman yacare (Pantanal alligator) by an individual of B. nigricollis. The event was observed on 20 August 2010 at 10: 14 am, in the Taiama Ecological Station, municipality of Caceres, Alto Pantanal, state of Mato Grosso. The B. nigricollis individual was seen leaving the Paraguay River carrying a juvenile C. yacare around 40 cm long. The prey was torn apart and given to a Black-collared Hawk nestling sitting atop a nest in flooded forest, ca. 15 m way from the river bank. This is the first published record of Pantanal alligator predation by the Black-collared Hawk.
Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive behavior of the thin-spined porcupine Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), a threatened arboreal folivore in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. We aimed to ascertain the behavioral strategies used by this species as well as its responses to seasonal and daily climatic changes. Four radio-collared individuals were followed continuously for 72-h in the summer and winter, as well as during 146 half-night sessions conducted from April 2005 to September 2006 in forest remnants in southern Bahia. The thin-spined porcupines were nocturnally active (17:30-05:40 h), with peaks in activity and movement from 19:00 to 20:00 h and 03:00 to 04:00 h. Animals followed a circadian rhythm of activity during both the summer and winter. During the diel cycle, porcupines spent 74% of their time resting, 14% feeding, 11% traveling and 2% performing other activities. Distance traveled during the diel cycle averaged 277.5 +/- 117.9 m sd. The mean movement rate during the night was 21.6 +/- 30.1 m/h sd. No significant changes in activity budget or daily distance traveled were observed between seasons, most likely in response to the low fluctuations in climatic conditions and food availability throughout the year in the study region. However, rainfall reduced the time that the animals spent on feeding activities and explained day-to-day differences in activity budgets. We also provide details about intraspecific interactions and defecation behavior. Our observations confirmed that thin-spined porcupines, similar to other folivorous species, present low activity levels and short daily movements, and have adopted various cryptic habits, such as nocturnality, a solitary lifestyle, the tendency to leave offspring alone most of the time and defecation in concealed latrines.
Snow cover has dramatic effects on the structure and functioning of Arctic ecosystems in winter. In the tundra, the subnivean space is the primary habitat of wintering small mammals and may be critical for their survival and reproduction. We have investigated the effects of snow cover and habitat features on the distributions of collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) winter nests, as well as on their probabilities of reproduction and predation by stoats (Mustela erminea) and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus). We sampled 193 lemming winter nests and measured habitat features at all of these nests and at random sites at two spatial scales. We also monitored overwinter ground temperature at a subsample of nest and random sites. Our results demonstrate that nests were primarily located in areas with high micro-topography heterogeneity, steep slopes, deep snow cover providing thermal protection (reduced daily temperature fluctuations) and a high abundance of mosses. The probability of reproduction increased in collared lemming nests at low elevation and in brown lemming nests with high availability of some graminoid species. The probability of predation by stoats was density dependent and was higher in nests used by collared lemmings. Snow cover did not affect the probability of predation of lemming nests by stoats, but deep snow cover limited predation attempts by arctic foxes. We conclude that snow cover plays a key role in the spatial structure of wintering lemming populations and potentially in their population dynamics in the Arctic.
When the relative fitness of sons and daughters differs, sex-allocation theory predicts that it would be adaptive for individuals to adjust their investment in different sexes of offspring. Sex ratio adjustment by females in response to the sexual attractiveness of their mate would be an example of this. In vertebrates the existence of this form of sex ratio adjustment is controversial and may be confounded with sex-biased mortality, particularly in sexually size-dimorphic species. Here we use PCR amplification of a conserved W-chromosome-linked gene to show that the sex ratio within broods of a natural population of sexually size-monomorphic collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis is related to the size of their father's forehead patch, a heritable secondary sexual character implicated in female choice. Experimental manipulations of paternal investment, which influence the size of his character in future breeding attempts, result in corresponding changes in the sex ratio of offspring born to males in those breeding attempts. In contrast, manipulations of maternal investment have no effect on future sex ratios, and there is no relationship between variables predicting the reproductive value of the brood and nestling sex ratio. Analysis of recruitment of offspring reveals similar patterns of sex ratio bias. The results suggest that female collared flycatchers be able to adjust the sex ratio of eggs ovulated in response to the phenotype of their mate. This finding is most consistent with "genetic quality" models of sexual selection.
Determining the manner in which food webs will respond to environmental changes is difficult because the relative importance of top-down vs. bottom-up forces in controlling ecosystems is still debated. This is especially true in the Arctic tundra where, despite relatively simple food webs, it is still unclear which forces dominate in this ecosystem. Our primary goal was to assess the extent to which a tundra food web was dominated by plant-herbivore or predator--rey interactions. Based on a 17-year (1993-2009) study of terrestrial wildlife on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada, we developed trophic mass balance models to address this question. Snow Geese were the dominant herbivores in this ecosystem, followed by two sympatric lemming species (brown and collared lemmings). Arctic foxes, weasels, and several species of birds of prey were the dominant predators. Results of our trophic models encompassing 19 functional groups showed that <10% of the annual primary production was consumed by herbivores in most years despite the presence of a large Snow Goose colony, but that 20-100% of the annual herbivore production was consumed by predators. The impact of herbivores on vegetation has also weakened over time, probably due to an increase in primary production. The impact of predators was highest on lemmings, intermediate on passerines, and lowest on geese and shorebirds, but it varied with lemming abundance. Predation of collared lemmings exceeded production in most years and may explain why this species remained at low density. In contrast, the predation rate on brown lemmings varied with prey density and may have contributed to the high-amplitude, periodic fluctuations in the abundance of this species. Our analysis provided little evidence that herbivores are limited by primary production on Bylot Island. In contrast, we measured strong predator-prey interactions, which supports the hypothesis that this food web is primarily controlled by top-down forces. The presence of allochthonous resources subsidizing top predators and the absence of large herbivores may partly explain the predominant role of predation in this low-productivity ecosystem.
Geographic variation in vocalizations is widespread in passerine birds, but its origins and maintenance remain unclear. One hypothesis to explain this variation is that it is associated with geographic isolation among populations and therefore should follow a vicariant pattern similar to that typically found in neutral genetic markers. Alternatively, if environmental selection strongly influences vocalizations, then genetic divergence and vocal divergence may be disassociated. This study compared genetic divergence derived from 11 microsatellite markers with a metric of phenotypic divergence derived from male bower advertisement calls. Data were obtained from 16 populations throughout the entire distribution of the satin bowerbird, an Australian wet-forest-restricted passerine. There was no relationship between call divergence and genetic divergence, similar to most other studies on birds with learned vocalizations. Genetic divergence followed a vicariant model of evolution, with the differentiation of isolated populations and isolation-by-distance among continuous populations. Previous work on Ptilonorhynchus violaceus has shown that advertisement call structure is strongly influenced by the acoustic environment of different habitats. Divergence in vocalizations among genetically related populations in different habitats indicates that satin bowerbirds match their vocalizations to the environment in which they live, despite the homogenizing influence of gene flow. In combination with convergence of vocalizations among genetically divergent populations occurring in the same habitat, this shows the overriding importance that habitat-related selection can have on the establishment and maintenance of variation in vocalizations.