972 resultados para Co-Fe-W alloys


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Arcs of diffuse intensity appear in various shapes and positions in the diffraction patterns from the icosahedral phase, violating the parity rule for simple icosahedral (SI) symmetry. In the process of annealing treatment, the diffuse spots also evolve in the centre of the arcs and become sharp. These extra diffuse spots change the symmetry of the quasilattice from P-type to F-type. The ordered and disordered structures in quasicrystal have been linked to the ordered and disordered structures present in the crystalline alpha (Al-Mn-Si) and alpha (Al-Fe-Si) alloys.


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The effect of rapid solidification on the ordering reaction in Fe---Si and Fe---Al alloys has been reported. It is shown that rapid solidification can influence the ordering reaction in alloys with higher critical ordering temperatures. For ordering reactions at lower temperatures, the effect is similar to that of solid-state quenching. Different factors influencing the ordering reactions and domain structures during rapid solidification of iron-based alloys are discussed.


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Relation between X-ray scattering intensities, mean square thermal fluctuations and thermodynamic properties. High temperature X-ray diffraction study of liquid Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys using reflection and transmission geometries. Calculation of the structure factor as a function of wave vector. Extrapolation to zero wave vector. Calculation of the concentration-concentration correlation function defined by A. B. Bhatia and D. E. Thorton. Computation of thermodynamic quantities of mixing A G, LlH and LlS for the binary alloys. Comparison with direct thermodynamic measurements reported in the literature.


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The concentration and chemical potential of oxygen in liquid Fe--Mn alloys equilibrated with the spinel solution, (Fe, Mn)Al sub 2+2x O sub 4+3x , and alpha -Al sub 2 O sub 3 have been determined at 1873K as a function of manganese concentration. The composition of the spinel phase has been determined using electron probe microanalysis. The results are compared with data reported in the literature. The deoxidation equilibrium has been computed using data on free energy of solution of oxygen in liquid iron, free energies of formation of hercynite and galaxite, and interaction parameters reported in the literature. The activity--composition relationship in spinel solution was derived from a cation distribution model. The model is in excellent agreement with the experimental data on oxygen concentration and potential and the composition of the spinel phase. 23 ref.--AA


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Deleterious topological-closed-packed (tcp) phases grow in the interdiffusion zone in turbine blades mainly because of the addition of refractory elements such as Mo and W in the Ni- and Co-based superalloys. CoNi/Mo and CoNi/W diffusion couples are prepared to understand the growth mechanism of the phases in the interdiffusion zone. Instead of determining the main and cross-interdiffusion coefficients following the conventional method, we preferred to determine the average effective interdiffusion coefficients of two elements after fixing the composition of one element more or less the same in the interdiffusion zone. These parameters can be directly related to the growth kinetics of the phases and shed light on the atomic mechanism of diffusion. In both systems, the diffusion rate of elements and the phase layer thickness increased because of the addition of Ni in the solid solution phase, probably because of an increase in driving force. On the other hand, the growth rate of the mu phase and the diffusion coefficient of the species decreased because of the addition of Ni. This indicates the change in defect concentration, which assists diffusion. Further, we revisited the previously published Co-Ni-Mo and Co-Ni-W ternary phase diagrams and compared them with the composition range of the phases developed in the interdiffusion zone. Different composition ranges of the tcp phases are found, and corrected phase diagrams are shown. The outcome of this study will help to optimize the concentration of elements in superalloys to control the growth of the tcp phases.


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The paper presents the synthesis of a new class of gamma-gamma' cobalt-based superalloy that is free of tungsten as an alloying addition. It has much lower density and higher specific strength than the existing cobalt-based superalloys. The current superalloys have a base composition of Co-10Al and are further tuned by the addition of a binary combination of molybdenum and niobium, with the optimum composition of Co-10Al-5Mo-2Nb. The solvus temperature of the alloy (866 degrees C) can be further enhanced above 950 C by the addition of Ni to give the form Co-xNi-10Al-5Mo-2Nb, where x can be from 0 to 30 at.%. After heat treatment, these alloys exhibit a duplex microstructure with coherent cuboidal L1(2)-ordered precipitates (gamma') throughout the face-centred cubic matrix (gamma), yielding a microstructure that is very similar to nickel-based superalloys as well as recently developed Co-Al-W-based alloys. We show that the stability of the gamma' phase improves significantly with the nickel addition, which can be attributed to the increase in solvus temperature. A very high specific 0.2% proof stress of 94.3 MPa g(-1) cm(-3) at room temperature and 63.8 MPa g(-1) cm(-3) at 870 degrees C were obtained for alloy Co-30Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Nb. The remarkably high specific strength of these alloys makes this class of alloy a promising material for use at high temperature, including gas turbine applications. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Metallic glass has since its debut been of great research interest due to its profound scientific significance. Magnetic metallic glasses are of special interest because of their promising technological applications. In this thesis, we introduced a novel series of Fe-based alloys and offer a holistic review of the physics and properties of these alloys. A systematic alloy development and optimization method was introduced, with experimental implementation on transition metal based alloying system. A deep understanding on the influencing factors of glass forming ability was brought up and discussed, based on classical nucleation theory. Experimental data of the new Fe-based amorphous alloys were interpreted to further analyze those influencing factors, including reduced glass transition temperature, fragility, and liquid-crystal interface free energy. Various treatments (fluxing, overheating, etc.) were discussed for their impacts on the alloying systems' thermodynamics and glass forming ability. Multiple experimental characterization methods were discussed to measure the alloys' soft magnetic properties. In addition to theoretical and experimental investigation, we also gave a detailed numerical analysis on the rapid-discharge-heating-and-forming platform. It is a novel experimental system which offers extremely fast heating rate for calorimetric characterization and alloy deformation.


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The lattice anomalies and magnetic states in the (Fe100-xMnx)5Si3 alloys have been investigated. Contrary to what was previously reported, results of x-ray diffraction show a second phase (α') present in Fe-rich alloys and therefore strictly speaking a complete solid solution does not exist. Mössbauer spectra, measured as a function of composition and temperature, indicate the presence of two inequivalent sites, namely 6(g) site (designated as site I) and 4(d) (site II). A two-site model (TSM) has been introduced to interpret the experimental findings. The compositional variation of lattice parameters a and c, determined from the x-ray analysis, exhibits anomalies at x = 22.5 and x = 50, respectively. The former can be attributed to the effect of a ferromagnetic transition; while the latter is due to the effect of preferential substitution between Fe and Mn atoms according to TSM.

The reduced magnetization of these alloys deduced from magnetic hyperfine splittings has been correlated with the magnetic transition temperatures in terms of the molecular field theory. It has been found from both the Mössbauer effect and magnetization measurements that for composition 0 ≤ x ˂ 50 both sites I and II are ferromagnetic at liquid-nitrogen temperature and possess moments parallel to each other. In the composition range 50 ˂ x ≤ 100 , the site II is antiferromagnetic whereas site I is paramagnetic even at a temperature below the bulk Néel temperatures. In the vicinity of x = 50 however, site II is in a state of transition between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The present study also suggests that only Mn in site II are responsible for the antiferromagnetism in Mn5Si3 contrary to a previous report.

Electrical resistance has also been measured as a function of temperature and composition. The resistive anomalies observed in the Mn-rich alloys are believed to result from the effect of the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone on the mobility of conduction electrons.


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A novel cemented carbides (W0.7Al0.3)C-0.65-Co with different cobalt contents were prepared by solid-state reaction and hot-pressing technique. Hot-pressing technique as a novel technique was performed to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The novel cemented carbides have superior mechanical properties compared with WC-Co. The density, operate cost of the novel material were lower than WC-Co system. The novel materials were easy to process nanoscale sintering and get the rounded particles in the bulk materials. There is almost no eta-phase in the (W0.7Al0.3)C-0.65-Co cemented carbides system although the carbon deficient get the astonished 35% value.


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A novel cemented carbides (W0.8Al0.2)C-0.7-Co with different cobalt contents were prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing technique. Hot-pressing technique as a common technique was performed to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The novel cemented carbides have superior mechanical properties compared with WC-Co. The density, operate cost of the novel material were much lower than WC-Co system. The novel materials were easy to process nanoscale sintering and get the rounded particles in the bulk materials.


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A novel cemented carbides alloy (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co were prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing sintering in this work. Hot-pressing (HP) as a common technique was performed to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The hardness, bending strength, density of the novel hard alloy are also tested, and it has superior mechanical properties. The hardness of (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co hard alloy was very high, and the density, operate cost of the novel material were much lower than WC-Co, more important is the aluminum dissolving is not decrease the strength compared with the WC-Co system. There is almost no eta-phase in the (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co cemented carbides system even the carbon deficient reaches the astonishing value of 35%. This novel property will give us more choice to design and gain new materials that we needed.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej


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Dobra umiejętność komunikowania się, szczególnie wysoki poziom kompetencji interpersonalnych jest obecnie jedną z najważniejszych kluczowych kompetencji pracownika. Chociaż ludzie od dziecka uczą się komunikować w różnych sytuacjach społecznych, nie oznacza to wcale, że potrafią efektywnie się porozumiewać. Zazwyczaj, co obserwujemy w wielu organizacjach, dużo czasu i miejsca poświęca się na podnoszenie poziomu kompetencji interpersonalnych, poprzez między innymi udział w różnych szkoleniach. Współcześnie obserwuje się coraz większy udział usług i narzędzi internetowych w komunikowaniu się pracowników wewnątrz i poza organizacją. Taki stan rzeczy rodzi pytanie o poziom umiejętności komunikowania za pomocą Internetu. Autorka stara się przekonać, że interaktywny model szkoleń internetowych (e-learning) jest modelem, który wymusza aktywną komunikację i współpracę. W ten sposób pracownicy biorący udział w szkoleniu w naturalny sposób uczą się komunikowania w sieci i mogą podnosić swoje kompetencje komunikacyjne w środowisku wirtualnym.


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Due to the impacts of natural processes and anthropogenic activities, different coastal wetlands are faced with variable patterns of heavy metal contamination. It is important to quantify the contributions of pollutant sources, in order to adopt appropriate protection measures for local ecosystems. The aim of this research was to compare the heavy metal contamination patterns of two contrasting coastal wetlands in eastern China. In addition, the contributions from various metal sources were identified and quantified, and influencing factors, such as the role of the plant Spartina alterniflora, were evaluated. Materials and methods Sediment samples were taken from two coastal wetlands (plain-type tidal flat at the Rudong (RD) wetland vs embayment-type tidal flat at Luoyuan Bay (LY)) to measure the content of Al, Fe, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sr, Zn, Pb, Cd, and As. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and atomic fluorescence spectrometry methods were used for metal detection. Meanwhile, the enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index were applied to assess the pollution level. Principle component analysis and receptor modeling were used to quantify the sources of heavy metals. Results and discussion Marked differences in metal distribution patterns between the two systems were present. Metal contents in LY were higher than those in RD, except for Sr and Mo. The growth status of S. alterniflora influenced metal accumulations in RD, i.e., heavy metals were more easily adsorbed in the sediment in the following sequence: Cu > Cd > Zn > Cr > Al > Pb ≥ Ni ≥ Co > Fe > Sr ≥ Mn > As > Mo as a result of the presence and size of the vegetation. However, this phenomenon was not observed in LY. A higher potential ecological risk was associated with LY, compared with RD, except for Mo. Based on a receptor model output, sedimentary heavy metal contents at RD were jointly influenced by natural sedimentary processes and anthropogenic activities, whereas they were dominated by anthropogenic activities at LY. Conclusions A combination of geochemical analysis and modeling approaches was used to quantify the different types of natural and anthropogenic contributions to heavy metal contamination, which is useful for pollution assessments. The application of this approach reveals that natural and anthropogenic processes have different influences on the delivery and retention of metals at the two contrasting coastal wetlands. In addition, the presence and size of S. alterniflora can influence the level of metal contamination in sedimentary environments.


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We have carried out extensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations for possible redox states of the active center in Fe-only hydrogenases. The active center is modeled by [(H(CH(3))S)(CO)(CN(-))Fe(p)(mu-DTN)(mu-CO)Fe(d)(CO)(CN(-))(L)](z) (z is the net charge in the complex; Fe(p)= the proximal Fe, Fe(d) = the distal Fe, DTN = (-SCH(2)NHCH(2)S-), L is the ligand that bonds with the Fed at the trans position to the bridging CO). Structures of possible redox states are optimized, and CO stretching frequencies are calculated. By a detailed comparison of all the calculated structures and the vibrational frequencies with the available experimental data, we find that (i) the fully oxidized, inactive state is an Fe(II)-Fe(II) state with a hydroxyl (OH(-)) group bonded at the Fe(d), (ii) the oxidized, active state is an Fe(II)-Fe(l) complex which is consistent with the assignment of Cao and Hall (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3734), and (iii) the fully reduced state is a mixture with the major component being a protonated Fe(l)-Fe(l) complex and the other component being its self-arranged form, Fe(II)-Fe(II) hydride, Our calculations also show that the exogenous CO can strongly bond with the Fe(II)-Fe(l) species, but cannot bond with the Fe(l)-Fe(l) complex. This result is consistent with experiments that CO tends to inhibit the oxidized, active state, but not the fully reduced state. The electronic structures of all the redox states have been analyzed. It is found that a frontier orbital which is a mixing state between the e(g) of Fe and the 2pi of the bridging CO plays a key role concerning the reactivity of Fe-only hydrogenases: (1) it is unoccupied in the fully oxidized, inactive state, half-occupied in the oxidized, active state, and fully occupied in the fully reduced state; (ii) the e(g)-2pi orbital is a bonding state, and this is the key reason for stability of the low oxidation states, such as Fe(l)-Fe(l) complexes; and (iii) in the e(g)-2pi orbital more charge accumulates between the bridging CO and the Fe(d) than between the bridging CO and the Fe(p), and the occupation increase in this orbital will enhance the bonding between the bridging CO and the Fe(d), leading to the bridging-CO shift toward the Fe(d).