243 resultados para Cloudy
This paper describes new advances in the exploitation of oxygen A-band measurements from POLDER3 sensor onboard PARASOL, satellite platform within the A-Train. These developments result from not only an account of the dependence of POLDER oxygen parameters to cloud optical thickness τ and to the scene's geometrical conditions but also, and more importantly, from the finer understanding of the sensitivity of these parameters to cloud vertical extent. This sensitivity is made possible thanks to the multidirectional character of POLDER measurements. In the case of monolayer clouds that represent most of cloudy conditions, new oxygen parameters are obtained and calibrated from POLDER3 data colocalized with the measurements of the two active sensors of the A-Train: CALIOP/CALIPSO and CPR/CloudSat. From a parameterization that is (μs, τ) dependent, with μs the cosine of the solar zenith angle, a cloud top oxygen pressure (CTOP) and a cloud middle oxygen pressure (CMOP) are obtained, which are estimates of actual cloud top and middle pressures (CTP and CMP). Performances of CTOP and CMOP are presented by class of clouds following the ISCCP classification. In 2008, the coefficient of the correlation between CMOP and CMP is 0.81 for cirrostratus, 0.79 for stratocumulus, 0.75 for deep convective clouds. The coefficient of the correlation between CTOP and CTP is 0.75, 0.73, and 0.79 for the same cloud types. The score obtained by CTOP, defined as the confidence in the retrieval for a particular range of inferred value and for a given error, is higher than the one of MODIS CTP estimate. Scores of CTOP are the highest for bin value of CTP superior in numbers. For liquid (ice) clouds and an error of 30 hPa (50 hPa), the score of CTOP reaches 50% (70%). From the difference between CTOP and CMOP, a first estimate of the cloud vertical extent h is possible. A second estimate of h comes from the correlation between the angular standard deviation of POLDER oxygen pressure σPO2 and the cloud vertical extent. This correlation is studied in detail in the case of liquid clouds. It is shown to be spatially and temporally robust, except for clouds above land during winter months. The analysis of the correlation's dependence on the scene's characteristics leads to a parameterization providing h from σPO2. For liquid water clouds above ocean in 2008, the mean difference between the actual cloud vertical extent and the one retrieved from σPO2 (from the pressure difference) is 5 m (−12 m). The standard deviation of the mean difference is close to 1000 m for the two methods. POLDER estimates of the cloud geometrical thickness obtain a global score of 50% confidence for a relative error of 20% (40%) of the estimate for ice (liquid) clouds over ocean. These results need to be validated outside of the CALIPSO/CloudSat track.
The impact of two different coupled cirrus microphysics-radiation parameterizations on the zonally averaged temperature and humidity biases in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) of a Met Office climate model configuration is assessed. One parameterization is based on a linear coupling between a model prognostic variable, the ice mass mixing ratio, qi, and the integral optical properties. The second is based on the integral optical properties being parameterized as functions of qi and temperature, Tc, where the mass coefficients (i.e. scattering and extinction) are parameterized as nonlinear functions of the ratio between qi and Tc. The cirrus microphysics parameterization is based on a moment estimation parameterization of the particle size distribution (PSD), which relates the mass moment (i.e. second moment if mass is proportional to size raised to the power of 2 ) of the PSD to all other PSD moments through the magnitude of the second moment and Tc. This same microphysics PSD parameterization is applied to calculate the integral optical properties used in both radiation parameterizations and, thus, ensures PSD and mass consistency between the cirrus microphysics and radiation schemes. In this paper, the temperature-non-dependent and temperature-dependent parameterizations are shown to increase and decrease the zonally averaged temperature biases in the TTL by about 1 K, respectively. The temperature-dependent radiation parameterization is further demonstrated to have a positive impact on the specific humidity biases in the TTL, as well as decreasing the shortwave and longwave biases in the cloudy radiative effect. The temperature-dependent radiation parameterization is shown to be more consistent with TTL and global radiation observations.
Classical nova remnants are important scenarios for improving the photoionization modeling. This work describes the pseudo-three-dimensional code RAINY3D, which drives the photoionization code Cloudy as a subroutine. Photoionization simulations of old nova remnants are also presented and discussed. In these simulations we analyze the effect of condensation in the remnant spectra. The condensed mass fraction affects the Balmer lines by a factor of greater than 4 when compared with homogeneous models, and this directly impacts the shell mass determination. The He II 4686/H beta ratio decreases by a factor of 10 in clumpy shells. These lines are also affected by the clump size and density distributions. The behavior of the strongest nebular line observed in nova remnants is also analyzed for heterogeneous shells. The gas diagnoses in novae ejecta are thought to be more accurate during the nebular phase, but we have determined that at this phase the matter distribution can strongly affect the derived shell physical properties and chemical abundances.
Although the production of patulin in apple fruits is mainly by Penicillium expansum, there is no information on the ability of heat resistant moulds that may survive pasteurization to produce this mycotoxin in juice packages during storage and distribution. In this study, the production of patulin by Byssochlamys spp (Byssochlamys nivea FRR 4421, B. nivea ATCC 24008 and Byssochlamys fulva IOC 4518) in cloudy and clarified apple juices packaged in laminated paperboard packages or in polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PET) and stored at both 21 degrees C and 30 degrees C, was investigated. The three Byssochlamys strains were able to produce patulin in both cloudy and clarified apple juices. Overall, the lower the storage temperature, the lower the patulin levels and mycelium dry weight in the apple juices (p<0.05). The greatest variations in pH and degrees Brix were observed in the juices from which the greatest mycelium dry weights were recovered. The maximum levels of patulin recovered from the juices were ca. 150 mu g/kg at 21 degrees C and 220 mu g/kg at 30 degrees C. HPLC-UV, HPCL-DAD and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the ability of B. fulva IOC 4518 to produce patulin. Due to the heat resistance of B. nivea and B. fulva and their ability to produce patulin either in PET bottles or in laminated paperboard packages, the control of contamination and the incidence of these fungi should be a matter of concern for food safety. Control measures taken by juice industries must also focus on controlling the ascospores of heat resistant moulds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pollinator visitation rates over the life of a flower are determined by pollinator abundance and floral longevity. If flowers are not visited frequently enough, pollen limitation may occur, favoring the evolution of self-compatibility (SC). In plant species with varying SC levels, central populations often are self-incompatible (SI) and peripheral populations are SC. Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae) is a species that follows this trend with the exception of one population in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, which is peripheral yet SI. I investigated this population using multiple techniques including floral bagging, pollinator observations, microsatellite analysis, and floral longevity manipulations. My results confirmed the self-incompatibility of the Monteverde population and indicated low but perhaps adequate rates of pollinator visitation per flower per hour. I found reduced genetic diversity at Monteverde and gene flow occurring unidirectionally from San Luis (a central population) to Monteverde. In the greenhouse, there was more of an effect of male than female function on floral longevity, but the largest differences were environmental. Flowers stayed open substantially longer when cool, cloudy weather was simulated and shorter when conditions were hot and sunny. The results indicate that the Monteverde population of W. solanacea is SI because 1) it is unable to maximize its fitness due to gene flow from San Luis and its relatively recent colonization of the area and 2) pollen limitation may not be severe because of supplemental pollinator availability from other Witheringia species in the area and increased floral longevities due to cool and cloudy conditions.
This master thesis introduces assessment procedures of daylighting performance in office rooms with shaded opening, recommendations for Natal-RN (Latitude 05,47' S, Longitude 35,11' W). The studies assume the need of window exterior shading in hot and humid climate buildings. The daylighting performance analyses are based on simulated results for three levels of illuminance (300,500 e 1000 lux) between 08h00 e 16h00, in rooms with 2,80 m height, 6 m large and 4 m, 6 m e 8 m depths, with a centered single opening, window wall ratio (20%, 40% e 60%), four orientations (North, East, South and West), and two types of sky (clear and partially cloudy). The sky characteristics were statistically determined based on hourly data from INPE-CRN solar and daylighting weather station. The lighting performance is resulted from dynamic computer simulation of 72 models using Troplux 3.12. The simulation results were assessed using a new parameter to quantify the use of interior daylighting, the useful percentage of daylight (PULN), which corresponds to the time fraction with satisfactory light, in accordance with the illuminance design. The passive zone depths are defined based on the PULN. Despite the failures of illuminance data from the weather station, the analyses ratified the high potential of daylighting for shaded rooms. The most influential variables on the lighting performance are the opening size and the illuminance of design, while the orientation is a little influential
Este trabalho objetivou determinar o albedo (r) no espectro solar e estimar o saldo de radiação, em ambientes cultivados com feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), em condições de campo e em casa de vegetação com cobertura de polietileno, em Botucatu, SP, (22º 54' S; 48º 27' W; 850 m). A irradiância solar global (Rg) e a radiação solar refletida (Rr) foram utilizadas na determinação do albedo através da razão entre Rr e Rg. Curvas diurnas de r foram traçadas para dias com céu parcialmente nublado e claro, em fases fenológicas da cultura. Os valores do albedo diurno, obtidos através dos totais de radiações, foram utilizados para analisar a variação desse índice durante o ciclo da cultura, nos dois ambientes. O albedo variou com a elevação solar, o ambiente e as fases fenológicas da cultura. A variação de nebulosidade praticamente não influiu sobre o albedo, para totais diurnos. As estimativas do saldo de radiação nas fases vegetativa, reprodutiva e no ciclo da cultura, foram realizadas por meio de regressões lineares simples, tendo como variáveis independentes a irradiância solar global (Rg) e o saldo de radiação de ondas curtas (Rc). Todas as estimativas de radiações apresentaram um melhor ajustamento para fases fenológicas que para o ciclo como um todo. O saldo de radiação (Rn), em condições de campo, ficou bem estimado pela irradiância solar global e o saldo de ondas curtas. O saldo de radiação interno (RnI) à casa de vegetação mostrou-se satisfatoriamente estimado pela irradiância global externa (RgE).
Compararam-se os efeitos da enxertia nas trocas gasosas de dois híbridos de berinjela em pé franco e enxertado. Conduziu-se um ensaio em ambiente protegido, na FCA/UNESP, em estrutura simples, tipo arco com 7 m de largura, 40 m de comprimento e 3 m de pé direito, cobertos por filme plástico de 100 micrometros. Foram utilizados os híbridos de berinjela Nápoli e Kokuyo, enxertados em porta-enxerto específico (híbrido Taibyo VF) para esta espécie. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (Nápoli pé franco, Nápoli enxertada, Kokuyo pé franco e Kokuyo enxertada) com dez repetições. A assimilação líquida de CO2 (A), transpiração (E), condutância estomática (g s) e eficiência no uso de água (EUA), obtida pela relação (A/E), foram determinadas às 09:00; 12:00; 14:00 e 16:00 horas em um dia sem nebulosidade com fluxo de fótons fotossinteticamente ativos (FFFA) de 937±126 mmol m-2 s-1, com um sistema fechado portátil de fotossíntese, IRGA, modelo LI-6200 (LI-COR). Observou-se que as plantas do híbrido Kokuyo apresentaram maiores valores para as variáveis A, E, g s e EUA que o híbrido Nápoli. A enxertia não afetou a capacidade fotossintética dos híbridos, porém, esta resultou em menores valores de E e g s nos dois híbridos, levando à maior EUA, efeito este que na prática pode resultar em menor demanda de água pelas plantas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de modelos isotrópicos de estimativa do total de radiação incidente em superfícies inclinadas e propor estimativas com base nas correlações entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, em diferentes condições de cobertura de céu, em Botucatu, SP. Foram avaliadas superfícies com inclinação de 12,85º, 22,85º e 32,85º, pelos modelos isotrópicos propostos por Liu & Jordan, Revfeim, Jimenez & Castro, Koronakis, a teoria Circunsolar, e a correlação entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, para diferentes condições de cobertura de céu. O banco de dados de radiação global utilizado corresponde ao período de 1998 a 2007, com intervalos de 4/1998 a 8/2001 para a inclinação de 22,85º, de 9/2001 a 2/2003 para 12,85º e de 1/2004 a 12/2007 para 32,85º. O desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado pelos indicadores estatísticos erro absoluto médio, raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro e índice d de Wilmott. Os modelos de Liu & Jordan, Koronakis e de Revfeim apresentaram os melhores desempenhos em dias nublados, em todas as inclinações. As coberturas de céu parcialmente difuso e parcialmente aberto, nos maiores ângulos de inclinação, apresentaram as maiores dispersões entre valores estimados e medidos, independentemente do modelo. As equações estatísticas apresentaram bons resultados em aplicações com agrupamentos de dados mensais.
The nonionic surfactants when in aqueous solution, have the property of separating into two phases, one called diluted phase, with low concentration of surfactant, and the other one rich in surfactants called coacervate. The application of this kind of surfactant in extraction processes from aqueous solutions has been increasing over time, which implies the need for knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of these surfactants. In this study were determined the cloud point of polyethoxylated surfactants from nonilphenolpolietoxylated family (9,5 , 10 , 11, 12 and 13), the family from octilphenolpolietoxylated (10 e 11) and polyethoxylated lauryl alcohol (6 , 7, 8 and 9) varying the degree of ethoxylation. The method used to determine the cloud point was the observation of the turbidity of the solution heating to a ramp of 0.1 ° C / minute and for the pressure studies was used a cell high-pressure maximum ( 300 bar). Through the experimental data of the studied surfactants were used to the Flory - Huggins models, UNIQUAC and NRTL to describe the curves of cloud point, and it was studied the influence of NaCl concentration and pressure of the systems in the cloud point. This last parameter is important for the processes of oil recovery in which surfactant in solution are used in high pressures. While the effect of NaCl allows obtaining cloud points for temperatures closer to the room temperature, it is possible to use in processes without temperature control. The numerical method used to adjust the parameters was the Levenberg - Marquardt. For the model Flory- Huggins parameter settings were determined as enthalpy of the mixing, mixing entropy and the number of aggregations. For the UNIQUAC and NRTL models were adjusted interaction parameters aij using a quadratic dependence with temperature. The parameters obtained had good adjust to the experimental data RSMD < 0.3 %. The results showed that both, ethoxylation degree and pressure increase the cloudy points, whereas the NaCl decrease
A influência do desmatamento da Mata Atlântica sobre o microclima da Serra da Mantiqueira ainda não é totalmente compreendida. Para conhecer as consequências do desmatamento sobre o clima serrano é necessário realizar estudos sobre o balanço de radiação na superfície. A falta de dados possibilita conjugar imagens de satélite com dados meteorológicos em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica na determinação do balanço de radiação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o modelo MTCLIM em dias de céu claro ou nublado para simular o balanço de radiação na Serra da Mantiqueira, divisa entre os estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Imagens diárias, semanais e dezesseis dias do sensor MODIS disponíveis em 2003 foram utilizadas em rotinas específicas do MTCLIM. Alvos específicos foram selecionados para avaliar o comportamento do balanço de radiação. Observou-se que o balanço de radiação acompanhou a topografia local e é influenciado pelo tipo de uso da terra. Conclui-se que a temperatura da superfície contribui para aumentar a temperatura do ar implicando em diminuição do balanço de radiação sobre pastagem. O modelo MTCLIM demonstrou boa correlação para a temperatura do ar (R² = 0,82) e para a radiação solar global (R² = 0,71).
This paper presents an analysis of the frequency of the sky conditions in Botucatu. The classification of sky conditions was made based on the clearness index (K T), calculated from a database with 10 years of measured daily global solar radiation. Throughout the year in Botucatu, there is a predominance of days with clear sky condition, on average 114 days. For cloudy sky condition, the average frequency is 61 days. About the two intermediate sky conditions, the frequency of the sky partially cloudy with dominance for the diffuse is 94 days and the one with dominance for the clear is 96 days. The main influential factors on the sky conditions in Botucatu are the inputs of cold fronts and the formation of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. They respond primarily by altering the sky condition of clear to cloudy or partially cloudy with dominance to diffuse. The aerosols resulting from burning in sugarcane fields respond by altering the sky condition from clear to partly cloudy with dominance for the clear.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)