983 resultados para Close relationships


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A leitura e a escrita mantêm entre si relações de grande proximidade sendo praticamente indissociáveis. Na verdade, nas últimas décadas, a investigação tem vindo a demonstrar que a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita se processa praticamente em simultâneo e que, ao longo do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, essa relação entre os dois domínios se vai intensificando. Assim, sabemos hoje, que quanto mais se lê melhor se escreve, da mesma forma que quanto mais se escreve maior é a capacidade de compreender os textos lidos. Ao professor de Português compete a tarefa de desenvolver nos seus alunos, em qualquer nível de ensino, competências várias em todos os domínios contemplados nos documentos legais e programáticos em vigor. No entanto, e dada a natureza deste Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, não podemos deixar de frisar que, relativamente aos domínios da leitura e da escrita, o professor de língua materna deve promover e estimular nos seus alunos o desenvolvimento gradual e articulado de competências relacionadas com a compreensão leitora e a expressão escrita, nas suas várias dimensões – ortográfica, textual e criativa. Encarando a escrita criativa como uma modalidade fundamental para a criança, não só por alargar a sua capacidade imaginativa, mas também por permitir adquirir, consolidar e utilizar com progressiva autonomia e criatividade todos os aspetos relacionados com a estrutura da língua, perspetivamo-la como fundamental nas aulas de Português, pelas potencialidades de que a mesma se reveste e não apenas como ferramenta utilizada para desbloquear nos alunos o receio da página em branco. Daí que tenhamos concebido e implementado, numa sala de 3º ano de escolaridade, num dos agrupamentos de escolas de Portalegre, um projeto de investigação-ação centrado no domínio da escrita criativa, mas alicerçado em práticas de leitura compreensiva de textos literários, práticas essas que antecederam os momentos de escrita. Desse projeto em particular, e das atividades implementadas ao longo da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada nas diversas disciplinas em geral, no 1º e no 2º CEB, dar-se-á conta, de forma reflexiva, neste Relatório Final.


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In a longitudinal study of adult attachment and depression during the transition to parenthood, 76 couples completed questionnaires on three occasions: during the second trimester of pregnancy, and six weeks and six months postbirth. On the first and second occasions, the couples were also interviewed about their experiences of pregnancy and parenthood, respectively. Measures were also completed at similar time intervals by a comparison group of 74 childless couples. Attachment security was assessed in terms of the dimensions of discomfort with closeness and relationship anxiety. Relationship anxiety was less stable for transition wives than for other participants. Relationship anxiety also predicted increases in new mothers' depressive symptoms, after controlling for a broad range of other risk factors. However, the association between relationship anxiety and maternal depression was moderated by husbands' caregiving style. Maternal depression was linked to increases in husbands' and wives' attachment insecurity and marital dissatisfaction. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of depression and negative working models of attachment on couple interaction.


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Descriptive models of social response are concerned with identifying and discriminating between different types of response to social influence. In a previous article (Nail, MacDonald, & Levy, 2000), the authors demonstrated that 4 conceptual dimensions are necessary to adequately distinguish between such phenomena as conformity, compliance, contagion, independence, and anticonformity in a single model. This article expands the scope of the authors' 4-dimensional approach by reviewing selected experimental and cultural evidence, further demonstrating the integrative power of the model. This review incorporates political psychology, culture and aggression, self-persuasion, group norms, prejudice, impression management, psychotherapy, pluralistic ignorance, bystander intervention/nonintervention, public policy, close relationships, and implicit attitudes.


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This article explores transnational experiences within a group of Somali- Swedes, particularly how parents’ transnational practices are transferred to their children and how a transnational social space, built on close relationships on a global scale, is constructed. The readiness to relocate between countries and the implications for the children is illuminated. The onward migration to Egypt is highlighted as an example. According to research on Somalis in diaspora, they explain their propensity to move by claiming to be nomads, but this article indicates that it is also about their desire for better opportunities in combination with the cultural and economic marginalisation experienced in the West.


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Relationship-based approaches to leadership (e.g., Leader–Member Exchange theory) currently represent one of the most popular approaches to understanding workplace leadership. Although the concept of “relationship” is central to these approaches, generally this has not been well articulated and is often conceptualized simply in terms of relationship quality between the leader and the follower. In contrast, research in the wider relationship science domain provides a more detailed exposition of relationships and how they form and develop. We propose that research and methodology developed in relationship science (i.e., close relationships) can enhance understanding of the leader–follower relationship and therefore advance theory in this area. To address this issue, we organize our review in two areas. First, we examine how a social cognitive approach to close relationships can benefit an understanding of the leader–follower relationship (in terms of structure, content, and processes). Second, we show how the research designs and methodologies that have been developed in relationship science can be applied to understand better the leader–follower relationship. The cross-fertilization of research from the close relationships literature to understanding the leader–follower relationship provides new insights into leadership processes and potential avenues for further research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The outsourcing industry is now up for a new challenge: to understand how innovation can be realized from outsourcing engagements. While innovation has been explored and prized within businesses for decades, it is a relatively new topic in the context of outsourcing. And, as such, the perceptions regarding what innovation in outsourcing is, what inhibits or enables innovation in outsourcing, and what client firms are willing to do to ensure they benefit from innovation in outsourcing are still being defined. This paper provides insight into some of the critical aspects in innovation in which both client firms and vendors have taken interest in recent years. We go beyond the simplistic approach we have seen in some recent reports that advocates for the development of trust and close relationships between client firms and vendors as the main enablers of innovation in outsourcing. In our view, innovation in outsourcing can be properly understood only when both contractual and relational aspects are examined as well as the nature of the innovation, i.e. incremental or radical, is explored. Further, we posit that the sourcing model applied has also an impact on the ability to innovate. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Empirische studies hebben aangetoond dat bij ouderen een veilige hechting positief samenhangt met het niveau van welbevinden. Hechting is een relatief stabiel en moeilijk te beïnvloeden persoonlijk kenmerk en daarom is het belangrijk om mediatoren van het verband tussen hechting en psychologische uitkomstmaten te vinden die met interventies te beïnvloeden zijn. De vraagstelling van de studie luidde: ‘Welk verband bestaat er tussen hechting en welbevinden bij ouderen en wordt dit verband gemedieerd door mindfulness en zingeving?’. De huidige studie was een survey met één meetmoment. De 210 respondenten waren 65 jaar of ouder (M = 71.25, SD = 5.42) en thuiswonend. Daarnaast mochten ze geen ernstige geheugenproblemen of een psychiatrische stoornis hebben. Via de sneeuwbalmethode werden de respondenten mondeling of schriftelijk door de onderzoeker benaderd. De vragenlijst kon anoniem online of op papier worden ingevuld. Hechting werd gemeten met de Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R), mindfulness met de Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), zingeving met de Meaning in Life Questionnaire, subschaal ‘Presence of meaning in life’ (MLQ-P) en welbevinden met de Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) en de Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Zowel hechtingsgerelateerde angst (‘angst’) als hechtingsgerelateerde vermijding (‘vermijding’) bleek in correlatieanalyses negatief samen te hangen met mindfulness, zingeving en welbevinden. Tussen mindfulness, zingeving en welbevinden werden positieve verbanden gevonden. De (seriële) mediatieanalyse werd uitgevoerd met behulp van de macro PROCESS 2.13. Zowel het verband tussen ‘angst’ en welbevinden als tussen ‘vermijding’ en welbevinden werd volledig (serieel) gemedieerd door mindfulness en zingeving.


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Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as perceções dos estudantes universitários face à conjugalidade dos pais e as suas perceções sobre as relações amorosas e a satisfação com a vida. Metodologia: o protocolo de avaliação era composto por 4 questionários: Questionário sobre a Conjugalidade dos Pais (Crespo et al, em preparação); a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (Neto, 1993), Questionário sobre Experiências em Relações Próximas (Moreira et al, 2006) e o questionário sociodemográfico para a caracterização da amostra. Participantes: Participaram neste estudo 172 estudantes. Noventa e um são do sexo masculino e 81 do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 58 anos, com uma média de 23.04 (DP=6.78). Dos 172 participantes, apenas 96 estão numa relação amorosa (47 do sexo masculino e 49 do sexo feminino). Resultados: Os homens e os participantes deste estudo que fazem parte de famílias intactas percecionaram uma conjugalidade dos pais mais satisfatória; por outro lado, os participantes numa relação amorosa e os que fazem parte de famílias intactas percecionaram maior satisfação com a vida. Os participantes entre os 25 e os 58 anos, percecionaram maior evitamento nas suas relações. Conclusões: Deste trabalho conclui-se que os participantes têm uma perceção da conjugalidade dos pais positiva e estão, na globalidade, satisfeitos com a vida mas percecionam grande evitamento e preocupação nas suas relações amorosas. Conclui-se ainda que não existe uma correlação entre a perceção da conjugalidade dos pais e as experiências em relações próximas, nem com a perceção de satisfação com a vida. / Objectives: This study examines the general perceptions of university students about their parents’ marital relationship, their romantic relationships and life satisfaction. Methodology: The research protocol for this study comprised The Questionnaire about Parents’ Marital Relationship (Crespo et al., in preparation), the Life Satisfaction scale (Neto, 1993), the Questionnaire on Experiences in Close Relationships, (Moreira et al., 2006) and a sociodemographic questionnaire.. Participants: 172 students participated in this study, of which 91 were male and 81 female, aged between 18 and 58 years old, with an average age of 23.04 (SD = 6.78). From the total of 172 participants, only 96 were in a romantic relationship; out of these 47 were male and 49 female. Results: Men and participants from intact families reported a better perception of parents’ marital relationship; participants in a romantic relationship and from intact families had greater life satisfaction and participants between 25 and 58 years old perceived more avoidance in their relationships. Conclusion: Participants have a positive perceptions of parents’ marital relationship are satisfied with life, however they perceive anxiety and avoidance in their romantic relationships. We also conclude that there is no correlation between the perception of parents’ marital relationship and their experiences in close relationships and perception of life satisfaction.


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Introdução: Sobretudo estudos internacionais focam a importância da vinculação e dos estilos educativos parentais no desenvolvimento de comportamentos delinquentes e antissociais. Em Portugal, alguns estudos focados na população reclusa, analisam, separadamente, estilos educativos parentais, personalidade e esquemas precoces mal adaptativos mas, segundo sabemos, nenhum explora, simultaneamente, a vinculação, os estilos educativos parentais e os esquemas precoces mal adaptativos nesta população. São nossos objetivos caracterizar uma amostra de reclusos quanto à vinculação em diferentes relacionamentos, estilos educativos parentais e esquemas precoces mal adaptativos (EPM) e, sobretudo, explorar associações entre estas três variáveis (e destas com variáveis sociodemográficas, familiares, clínicas e relativas à pena). Metodologia: 44 reclusos do sexo masculino (M = 37,3 anos; DP = 10,98; variação = 23-67) preencheram voluntariamente um questionário sociodemográfico e os seguintes instrumentos: EMBU – Memórias de Infância, Experiências em Relações Próximas - Questionário de Estruturas Relacionais e Questionário de Esquemas de Young (QEY). Resultados: Verificou-se, quanto às associações entre vinculação e estilos educativos parentais que: menor suporte emocional paterno associou-se a maior evitamento pai, evitamento mãe e evitamento companheira; menor suporte emocional materno associou-se a maior evitamento mãe, evitamento pai, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai; maior rejeição paterna associou-se a maior evitamento mãe, evitamento pai, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai; maior rejeição materna associou-se a maior evitamento pai e evitamento mãe. No que toca às associações entre as dimensões de vinculação e EPM, é de enfatizar a associação positivas entre os EPM do domínio distanciamento e rejeição com o evitamento mãe, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai, particularmente, os EPM de abandono, desconfiança/abuso e isolamento social, por consistentemente se associaram às dimensões de vinculação. No domínio autonomia e desempenho deteriorados, o fracasso e a dependência/incompetência associaram-se positivamente ao evitamento mãe, a dependência/incompetência à ansiedade pai e o fracasso ao evitamento companheira. Quanto ao domínio limites deteriorados, a grandiosidade associou-se positivamente à ansiedade pai. No domínio vigilância e inibição o pessimismo/negativismo correlacionou-se positivamente com a ansiedade mãe e pai e a autopunição com a ansiedade mãe. Quanto às associações entre dimensões de estilos educativos parentais e os EPM, o domínio distanciamento e rejeição apresentou, de novo resultados relevantes: menores níveis de suporte emocional materno associaram-se a maiores níveis de privação emocional; maiores níveis de rejeição e sobreproteção materna e paterna a maiores os níveis de abandono; maiores níveis de rejeição materna e paterna a maiores níveis de desconfiança/abuso; maiores níveis de rejeição materna e sobreproteção materna e paterna a maiores níveis de isolamento social; maiores níveis de rejeição e sobreproteção paterna a maiores níveis de defeito. Enfatiza-se, também, a associação entre níveis maiores de rejeição paterna e os EPM de grandiosidade, padrões excessivos e pessimismo. Maiores níveis de rejeição materna associaram-se a maiores níveis de pessimismo e autopunição. Discussão: Embora numa amostra pequena, este estudo explorou, pela primeira vez, numa amostra de reclusos portugueses, em simultâneo, associações entre a vinculação, os estilos educativos parentais e os esquemas precoces mal adaptativos. O domínio esquemático distanciamento e rejeição parece ser o mais influenciado pela vinculação estabelecida em diferentes relacionamentos e pelos estilos educativos parentais. / Introduction: Mainly international studies focus on the importance of attachment and parental rearing styles in the development of delinquent and antisocial behaviors. In Portugal some studies focused in the inmate population analyze, separately, parental rearing styles, personality and early maladaptive schemas but, to our knowledge, none simultaneously explores attachment, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas in this population. It is our objective to characterize a sample of inmates concerning attachment in different relationships, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas (EMS) and, above all, explore associations between this three variables (and also with sociodemographic, family, clinic and sentence related variables). Methodology: 44 male inmates (M = 37,3 years; SD = 10,98; variation = 23-67) voluntarily filled in a sociodemographic questionnaire and the following instruments: EMBU – Childhood Memories, Experiments in Close Relationships – Structural Relationship Form and the Young Schema Questionnaires (YSQ) Results: we verified, regarding associations between attachment and parental rearing styles that: less paternal emotional support associated with higher father avoidance (in attachment), mother avoidance and partner avoidance; less maternal emotional support associated with higher mother avoidance, father avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety; higher paternal rejection associated with higher mother avoidance, father avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety; higher mother rejection associated with father avoidance and mother avoidance. Regarding associations between attachment dimensions and EMS, we emphasize positive associations between EMS in the disconnection and rejection domain with mother avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety, particularly, the abandonment, distrust/abuse and social isolation EMS, as they were consistently associated with the this attachment dimension. In the impaired autonomy and performance domain, the failure and dependency/incompetence EMS are positively associated with mother avoidance, the dependence/incompetence EMS to father anxiety and failure to partner avoidance. About the impaired limits domain, grandiosity EMS positively associated with father anxiety. In the overvigilance and inhibition domain, pessimist/negativism EMS positively correlated with mother and father anxiety and self-punishment EMS with mother anxiety. About the associations between parental rearing styles and the EMS, the disconnection and rejection domain presented again relevant results: lower levels of maternal emotional support associated with higher levels of emotional deprivation; higher levels of maternal and paternal rejection and overprotection associated with higher levels of abandonment; higher levels of maternal and paternal rejection associated with higher levels of distrust/abuse; higher levels of maternal rejection and maternal and paternal overprotection associated with higher levels of social isolation; higher levels of paternal rejection and overprotection associated with higher levels of defectiveness. We also emphasize the association between higher levels of paternal rejection and the grandiosity, excessive patterns and pessimism EMS. Higher levels of maternal rejection associated with higher levels of pessimism and self-punishment EMS. Discussion: Although in a small sample, this study explored, for the first time, in sample of Portuguese inmates, simultaneously, the associations between attachment, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas. The schematic domain of disconnection and rejection seems to be the most influenced by the established attachment in different relationships and by parental rearing styles.


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Le présent mémoire doctoral a comme principal objectif de déterminer si la dynamique d’attachement entre les deux conjoints (i.e., le pairage des styles d’attachement de chacun : sécure, préoccupé, craintif et détaché) permet de mieux rendre compte de l’insatisfaction sexuelle que le style d’attachement de chacun, pris séparément. Afin d’y parvenir, les conjoints seront pairés quant à leur style d’attachement afin de créer des pairages (3 et 16 pairages). Par la suite, ces pairages seront comparés sur le plan de leur insatisfaction sexuelle tout en tenant compte du genre des conjoints et de certaines covariables (durée de la relation et statut marital). L’échantillon de l’étude se compose de 1078 individus hétérosexuels qui consultent en psychothérapie conjugale (539 couples). Deux questionnaires (le Questionnaire sur les expériences d’attachement amoureux (QEAA) (Experiences in close relationships (ECR) ; Brennan, et al., 1998; traduit par Lafontaine & Lussier, 2003) et le Questionnaire de Hudson (Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS); Hudson, 1978; traduit par Comeau & Boisvert, 1985)) sont utilisés afin de mesurer les représentations d’attachement des participants et le degré de l’insatisfaction d’un individu par rapport à sa relation avec un partenaire. Dans un premier temps, une analyse factorielle exploratoire permet de vérifier que le Questionnaire de Hudson comporte une seule composante dans sa structure. Ensuite, une ANOVA à mesures répétées pour le genre des participants (3 (pairage) X 2 (femmes vs hommes)) détermine s’il existe des différences de moyennes entre les dyades d’attachement, et ce, selon le sexe. Les résultats montrent que les pairages vivant le plus d’insatisfaction sexuelle sont celles composés de deux conjoints insécures et ceux étant plus satisfaits sont ceux unissant deux partenaires sécures. Enfin, une ANOVA à mesures répétées pour le genre des participants (16 (pairage) X 2 (femmes vs hommes)) est employée dans le but de déterminer s’il existe des différences de moyennes entre les dyades d’attachement des participants. Les femmes les plus satisfaites sont les femmes préoccupées jumelées à un homme sécure et celles les plus insatisfaites sexuellement sont dans un pairage craintive-craintif. Chez les hommes, les satisfaits sexuellement sont issus du pairage composé d’une femme préoccupée et d’un homme préoccupé et ceux étant les plus insatisfaits de leur sexualité sont les détachés jumelés à une femme détachée. Les analyses présentement également les taux de prévalence des types d’attachement, mais aussi des pairages de ces mêmes représentations, et ce, dans une population clinique. Le type d’attachement sécure semble donc avoir un effet protecteur pour l’insatisfaction sexuelle, tout comme le style préoccupé. Toutefois, la détresse sexuelle apparaît être plus présente au sein des types détaché et craintif.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Predicting accurate bond length alternations (BLAs) in long conjugated oligomers has been a significant challenge for electronic-structure methods for many decades, made particularly important by the close relationships between BLA and the rich optoelectronic properties of π-delocalized systems. Here, we test the accuracy of recently developed, and increasingly popular, double hybrid (DH) functionals, positioned at the top of Jacobs Ladder of DFT methods of increasing sophistication, computational cost, and accuracy, due to incorporation of MP2 correlation energy. Our test systems comprise oligomeric series of polyacetylene, polymethineimine, and polysilaacetylene up to six units long. MP2 calculations reveal a pronounced shift in BLAs between the 6-31G(d) basis set used in many studies of BLA to date and the larger cc-pVTZ basis set, but only modest shifts between cc-pVTZ and aug-cc-pVQZ results. We hence perform new reference CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ calculations for all three series of oligomers against which we assess the performance of several families of DH functionals based on BLYP, PBE, and TPSS, along with lower-rung relatives including global- and range-separated hybrids. Our results show that DH functionals systematically improve the accuracy of BLAs relative to single hybrid functionals. xDH-PBE0 (N4 scaling using SOS-MP2) emerges as a DH functional rivaling the BLA accuracy of SCS-MP2 (N5 scaling), which was found to offer the best compromise between computational cost and accuracy the last time the BLA accuracy of DFT- and wave function-based methods was systematically investigated. Interestingly, xDH-PBE0 (XYG3), which differs to other DHs in that its MP2 term uses PBE0 (B3LYP) orbitals that are not self-consistent with the DH functional, is an outlier of trends of decreasing average BLA errors with increasing fractions of MP2 correlation and HF exchange.


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The present study extends previous findings by examining whether defense styles, selfobject needs, attachment styles relate to Neediness and Self-Criticism, as maladaptive personality dimensions focused, respectively, on relatedness and self-definition in an Iranian sample. Three hundred and fifty two participants completed a socio-demographic questionnaire as well as the Persian forms of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, Experience of Close Relationships-Revised, Defense Style Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory–II and Selfobject Needs Inventory. Two Multiple Linear Regression Analyses, entering Self-criticism and Neediness as criterion variables, were computed. According to the results high Attachment anxiety, high Immature defenses, high depressive symptoms, and high need for idealization were related to self-criticism, and explained 47% of its variance. In addition, high attachment anxiety, low mature defenses, high neurotic defenses, high avoidance of mirroring, and low avoidance of idealization/twinship were related to neediness, and explained 40% of its variance. A Principal Component Analysis was performed, entering all the studied variables. Three factors emerged; one describing a maladaptive form of psychological functioning and two describing more mature modes of psychological functioning. The results are discussed in their implications for the understanding of neediness and self-criticism as maladaptive personality dimensions focused, respectively, on relatedness and self-definition.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Our results suggest that central serotonin activity influences the appraisal of close intimate partnerships, raising the possibility that serotonergic dysfunction contributes to altered cognitions about relationships in psychiatric illnesses.