909 resultados para Clinical implications


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Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which the cardinal symptoms arise from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and bone marrow dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested increased risk of fatal complications among Finnish SDS infants. The genetic defect responsible for the disease was recently identified; the SBDS gene is located at chromosome 7q11 and encodes a protein that is involved in ribosome biosynthesis. The discovery of the SBDS gene has opened new insights into the pathogenesis of this multi-organ disease. This study aimed to assess phenotypic and genotypic features of Finnish patients with SDS. Seventeen Finnish patients with a clinical diagnosis of SDS were included in the study cohort. Extensive clinical, biochemical and imaging assessments were performed to elucidate the phenotypic features, and the findings were correlated with the SBDS genotype. Imaging studies included abdominal magnetic reso-nance imaging (MRI), brain MRI, cardiac echocardiography including tissue Doppler examination, and cardiac MRI. The skeletal phenotype was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and bone histomorphometry. Twelve patients had mutations in the SBDS gene. In MRI, a characteristic pattern of fat-replaced pancreas with occasional enhancement of scattered parenchymal foci and of pancreatic duct was noted in the SBDS mutation-positive patients while the mutation-negative patients did not have pancreatic fat accumulation. The patients with SBDS mutations had significantly reduced bone mineral density associated with low-energy peripheral fractures and vertebral compression fractures. Bone histomorphometry confirmed low-turnover osteoporosis. The patients with SBDS mutations had learning difficulties and smaller head size and brain volume than control subjects. Corpus callosum, cerebellar vermis, and pos-terior fossa structures were significantly smaller in SDS patients than in controls. Patients with SDS did not have evidence of clinical heart disease or myocardial fibrosis. However, subtle diastolic changes in the right ventricle and exercise-induced changes in the left ventricle contractile reserve were observed. This study expanded the phenotypic features of SDS to include primary low-turnover osteoporosis and structural alterations in the brain. Pancreatic MRI showed characteristic changes in the SBDS mutation-positive patients while these were absent in the mutation-negative patients, suggesting that MRI can be used to differentiate patients harbouring SBDS mutations from those without mutations. No evidence for clinical cardiac manifestations was found, but imaging studies revealed slightly altered myocardial function that may have clinical implications. These findings confirm the pleiotropic nature of SDS and underscore the importance of careful multidisciplinary follow-up of the affected individuals.


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Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), predominantly due to germline MLH1/MSH2 mutations, is the commonest form of hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC), but data in Asians are sparse. We sequenced the MLH1/MSH2 coding and promoter core regions in CRC patients diagnosed below age 40, and/or with multiple primary cancers or familial cancer clustering suggestive of HNPCC, and correlated deleterious mutations with clinical and tumour features. Forty-six Chinese, Malay and Indian kindreds participated. Of the 153 cancers reported in the 46 kindreds, stomach (14%) and urogenital cancers (13%) were the most common extracolonic cancers, whereas endometrial cancer comprised only 7%. Eleven different MLH1 and 12 MSH2 mutations were identified, including nine novel and four recurring mutations in the Chinese. One Indian was a compound heterozygote for an MLH1 and MSH2 mutation. The MLH1/MSH2 mutation data in the Malays and the Indians represents the first in these ethnic groups. Factors strongly associated with deleterious mutations were the Amsterdam criteria, family history of stomach or multiple primary cancers, and MSI-high tumours, whereas family history of endometrial cancer and young cancer age alone correlated poorly. Distinct clinical and molecular characteristics were identified among Asian HNPCC kindreds and may have important clinical implications.


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Peu différenciées à la naissance, les émotions deviendraient intelligibles en étant élevées à la conscience par le développement d’une sensibilité aux sensations internes accompagnant l’émotion, sa représentation et sa symbolisation (Gergely & Watson, 1996). La théorie du miroir affectif-parental du biofeedback social de Gergely & Watson (1996), poussée plus loin par Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist et Target (2002), explique comment une interaction de biofeedback social complexe, innée, et probablement implicite, s’établit entre parent et nouveau-né pour aider ce dernier à différencier les somatosensations accompagnant l’expérience d’une émotion, au travers d’un comportement parental de miroir. Le but de cette thèse est de réviser cette théorie, et plus particulièrement l’hypothèse du miroir « marqué » (markedness), qui serait nécessaire pour dissocier le miroir parental du parent, et permettre l’appropriation de son contenu informationnel par l’enfant. Ce processus de sensibilisation est conçu comme partie intégrante du travail de symbolisation des émotions chez les enfants autant que chez les adultes. Cependant, le miroir marqué se manifestant par une expression exagérée ou « voix de bébé » (motherese) nécessiterait l’utilisation par le thérapeute d’une « voix de patient » (therapese) (Fonagy, 2010) pour être appliqué à la psychothérapie adulte, une proposition difficile à soutenir. La révision examine comment la sensibilisation d’une émotion est accomplie : par un mécanisme d’internalisation nécessitant un miroir « marqué » ou par un mécanisme de détection de la contingence de l’enfant. Elle démontre que le détecteur de contingence du nouveau-né (d’un fonctionnement semblable au système d’entraînement par biofeedback pour adultes) est le médiateur des fonctions de sensibilisation, de représentation, et de symbolisation de la ii sensation d’une émotion par ses processus de détection de la covariance-invariance, de la maximisation, et du contrôle contingent du miroir parental. Ces processus permettent à l’émotion de devenir consciente, que le miroir parental soit ‘marqué’ ou non. Le modèle révisé devient donc applicable à la thérapie des adultes. Une vignette clinique analysée à l’aide de la perspective du Boston Change Process Study Group sur le changement est utilisée pour contraster et illustrer les processus de sensibilisation et de symbolisation des émotions, et leur application à la psychothérapie adulte. Cette thèse considère les implications cliniques du nouveau modèle, et elle spécule sur les conséquences de difficultés parentales vis-à-vis de la disponibilité requise par les besoins de biofeedback social du nouveau-né, et sur les conséquences de traumatismes déconnectant des émotions déjà sensibilisées de leurs représentations. Finalement, elle suggère que le miroir sensible des émotions en thérapie puisse remédier à ces deux sortes de difficultés, et que le modèle puisse être utilisé concurremment à d’autres modèles du changement, en facilitant la génération d’états internes ressentis et symbolisés pouvant être utilisés pour communiquer avec soi-même et les autres pour la réparation de difficultés émotionnelles et relationnelles chez les enfants et les adultes.


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Cette thèse vise à étudier les liens entre les rêves dysphoriques (p. ex. : cauchemars et mauvais rêves), les rêves récurrents et l’ajustement psychosocial chez les enfants et les adolescents. Elle comporte un article présentant une recension des écrits ainsi que quatre articles empiriques. Le premier article présente une recension des études ayant investigué les rêves dysphoriques chez les enfants et les adolescents, avec une attention particulière portée sur leur prévalence, leurs corrélats ainsi que les options de traitement. Cette revue de la littérature permet de constater que plus de la moitié des jeunes rapportent des rêves dysphoriques. Même s’ils touchent beaucoup de jeunes, les rêves dysphoriques ne sont pas pour autant insignifiants. En effet, les enfants et les adolescents ayant des rêves dysphoriques ont aussi plus de problèmes reliés au sommeil et plus de problèmes au niveau de leur ajustement psychosocial. Finalement, l’article relève quelques recherches sur les traitements des rêves dysphoriques chez les jeunes qui offrent des résultats prometteurs. Le deuxième article vise à examiner les liens entre les rêves dysphoriques et diverses variables d’ajustement psychosocial en prenant en compte certaines limites méthodologiques d’études précédentes dans le domaine (et mises de l’avant dans l’article 1). De plus, il examine le possible lien modérateur de l’émotivité négative (traduction libre de « emotional negativity ») entre les rêves dysphoriques et l’ajustement psychosocial. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les rêves dysphoriques sont liés à certains troubles intériorisés et que l’émotivité négative modère le lien entre les rêves dysphoriques et les troubles extériorisés. Le troisième article s’attarde aux rêves récurrents chez les enfants et les adolescents, phénomène très peu étudié à ce jour. Plus précisément, la prévalence et la fréquence des rêves récurrents chez les jeunes âgés entre 11 et 14 ans sont répertoriées et leur contenu, thématiques et tonalité émotionnelle sont examinés. Cet article démontre que les rêves récurrents touchent environ un tiers des jeunes et que leur contenu est principalement négatif. Le quatrième article vise à déterminer si, comme chez les adultes, les rêves récurrents chez les enfants sont associés à un déficit dans l’ajustement psychosocial. Les résultats montrent que les rêves récurrents sont liés à l’agressivité réactive chez les garçons, mais qu’ils ne sont pas liés à des variables d’ajustement psychosocial chez les filles. Le cinquième et dernier article a comme but de déterminer si, comme démontré chez les adultes, les rêves dysphoriques sont associés aux idéations suicidaires chez les préadolescents et d’explorer la possibilité que les rêves récurrents soient eux aussi liés aux idéations suicidaires. Les résultats démontrent que les rêves dysphoriques ainsi que les rêves récurrents sont liés aux pensées suicidaires chez des préadolescents de 12 et 13 ans. Suite à ces cinq articles, les résultats ainsi que les conclusions qui en découlent sont intégrés à la littérature existante sur les rêves, leurs significations au plan théorique et clinique sont explorées, et des études futures sont proposées.


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Background: Problems with lexical retrieval are common across all types of aphasia but certain word classes are thought to be more vulnerable in some aphasia types. Traditionally, verb retrieval problems have been considered characteristic of non-fluent aphasias but there is growing evidence that verb retrieval problems are also found in fluent aphasia. As verbs are retrieved from the mental lexicon with syntactic as well as phonological and semantic information, it is speculated that an improvement in verb retrieval should enhance communicative abilities in this population as in others. We report on an investigation into the effectiveness of verb treatment for three individuals with fluent aphasia. Methods & Procedures: Multiple pre-treatment baselines were established over 3 months in order to monitor language change before treatment. The three participants then received twice-weekly verb treatment over approximately 4 months. All pre-treatment assessments were administered immediately after treatment and 3 months post-treatment. Outcome & Results: Scores fluctuated in the pre-treatment period. Following treatment, there was a significant improvement in verb retrieval for two of the three participants on the treated items. The increase in scores for the third participant was statistically nonsignificant but post-treatment scores moved from below the normal range to within the normal range. All participants were significantly quicker in the verb retrieval task following treatment. There was an increase in well-formed sentences in the sentence construction test and in some samples of connected speech. Conclusions: Repeated systematic treatment can produce a significant improvement in verb retrieval of practised items and generalise to unpractised items for some participants. An increase in well-formed sentences is seen for some speakers. The theoretical and clinical implications of the results are discussed.


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Very few studies have quantified the level of agreement among alternative diagnostic procedures that use a common set of fixed operational criteria. The authors examined the procedural validity of four independent methods of assigning DSM-III-R diagnoses of psychotic disorders. METHOD: The research was conducted as a satellite study to the DSM-IV Field Trial for Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders. The setting was the National Health and Medical Research Council Schizophrenia Research Unit's Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre, which focuses on first-episode psychosis. Consecutively admitted patients (N = 50) were assessed by independent raters who used four different procedures to determine a DSM-III-R diagnosis. These procedures were 1) the diagnostic instrument developed for the DSM-IV field trial, 2) the Royal Park Multidiagnostic Instrument for Psychosis, 3) the Munich Diagnostic Checklists, and 4) a consensus DSM-III-R diagnosis assigned by a team of clinician researchers who were expert in the use of diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: Concordance between pairs of diagnostic procedures was only moderate. Corresponding levels of percent agreement, however, ranged from 66% to 76%, with converse misclassification rates of 24%-34% (assuming one procedure to be "correct"). CONCLUSIONS: These findings have significant research and clinical implications. Despite the introduction of operationally defined diagnoses, there remained an appreciable level of differential classification or misclassification arising from variability in the method of assigning the diagnostic criteria rather than the criteria themselves. Such misclassification may impede neurobiological research and have harmful clinical effects on patients with first-episode psychosis.


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Correctional practitioners work within a context that is heavily influenced and constrained by punishment policies and practices. The overlap between the normative frameworks of punishment and offender rehabilitation creates a unique set of ethical challenges for program developers and therapists. In this paper we set out to briefly outline three major punishment theories and draw out their implications for correctional practitioners. First, we discuss the nature of punishment and the problems it poses for practitioners and all citizens in liberal democracies. Second, consequential, retributive, and communicative justifications of punishment are succinctly described and their clinical implications analyzed and some limitations noted. Finally we conclude with some suggestions for ethical practice in correctional settings.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diverse disease states, and may be a common pathogenic mechanism underlying many major psychiatric disorders, as the brain has comparatively greater vulnerability to oxidative damage. This review aims to examine the current evidence for the role of oxidative stress in psychiatric disorders, and its academic and clinical implications. A literature search was conducted using the Medline, Pubmed, PsycINFO, CINAHL PLUS, BIOSIS Previews, and Cochrane databases, with a time-frame extending to September 2007. The broadest data for oxidative stress mechanisms have been derived from studies conducted in schizophrenia, where evidence is available from different areas of oxidative research, including oxidative marker assays, psychopharmacology studies, and clinical trials of antioxidants. For bipolar disorder and depression, a solid foundation for oxidative stress hypotheses has been provided by biochemical, genetic, pharmacological, preclinical therapeutic studies and one clinical trial. Oxidative pathophysiology in anxiety disorders is strongly supported by animal models, and also by human biochemical data. Pilot studies have suggested efficacy of N-acetylcysteine in cocaine dependence, while early evidence is accumulating for oxidative mechanisms in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In conclusion, multi-dimensional data support the role of oxidative stress in diverse psychiatric disorders. These data not only suggest that oxidative mechanisms may form unifying common pathogenic pathways in psychiatric disorders, but also introduce new targets for the development of therapeutic interventions.


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Objective: To explore diagnostic and treatment issues concerning bipolar mixed states.

Method: Bipolar mixed states are described and concerns about diagnostic and treatment difficulties are summarized and discussed.

Result: Mixed states can present with equal admixtures of depressive or manic symptoms, or more commonly one component predominates. There is fair consensus, although little data, regarding the management of manic mixed states. However depressive mixed states are far more complex both in terms of recognition and management. People suffering from mixed states characteristically present with complaints of depression.

Conclusions: The boundaries between depressive mixed states and agitated depression are vague, yet carry substantial therapeutic implications. Bipolar mixed states are often difficult to treat, and tend to take much longer to settle than either pure mania or depression.  Furthermore there is data that treatment with antidepressants can worsen the course of mixed states. Hence missed diagnoses can potentially have negative clinical implications.  Therefore in this paper the clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapy of mixed states is reviewed with a view to improving management.


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Background. Measurement of individual glomerular volumes (IGV) has allowed the identification of drivers of glomerular hypertrophy in subjects without overt renal pathology. This study aims to highlight the relevance of IGV measurements with possible clinical implications and determine how many profiles must be measured in order to achieve stable size distribution estimates.

Methods. We re-analysed 2250 IGV estimates obtained using the disector/Cavalieri method in 41 African and 34 Caucasian Americans. Pooled IGV analysis of mean and variance was conducted. Monte-Carlo (Jackknife) simulations determined the effect of the number of sampled glomeruli on mean IGV. Lin’s concordance coefficient (RC), coefficient of variation (CV) and coefficient of error (CE) measured reliability.

Results. IGV mean and variance increased with overweight and hypertensive status. Superficial glomeruli were significantly smaller than juxtamedullary glomeruli in all subjects (P < 0.01), by race (P < 0.05) and in obese individuals (P < 0.01). Subjects with multiple chronic kidney disease (CKD) comorbidities showed significant increases in IGV mean and variability. Overall, mean IGV was particularly reliable with nine or more sampled glomeruli (RC > 0.95, <5% difference in CV and CE). These observations were not affected by a reduced sample size and did not disrupt the inverse linear correlation between mean IGV and estimated total glomerular number.

Multiple comorbidities for CKD are associated with increased IGV mean and variance within subjects, including overweight, obesity and hypertension. Zonal selection and the number of sampled glomeruli do not represent drawbacks for future longitudinal biopsy-based studies of glomerular size and distribution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Even though community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) was described a decade ago, reports from Brazil are scarce and cases occurred in large urban centers. We report MRSA sepsis in a 16-year-old male from a small town and who had no history of exposure to healthcare or recent travel. After trauma during a soccer match, he presented swelling in the right thigh, which evolved in a month to cellulitis complicated by local abscess, orchitis and pneumonia. The patient presented severe sepsis, with fever and respiratory failure. Laboratory findings included blood leukocyte counts above 40,000/mm3 and thrombocytopenia. He was submitted to mechanical ventilation and therapy with vancomycin and imipenem. He had a slow but favorable response to therapy and was discharged after six weeks of hospitalization. MRSA grew from blood cultures and respiratory aspirates obtained before antimicrobial therapy. The isolate belonged to sequence type 5, spa type t311, harbored SCCmec type IV and genes for Panton-Valentine leukocidin and Enterotoxin A. The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern was distinct from North American classic CA-MRSA clones. However, the sequence type and the spa type revealed that the clone belong to the same clonal complex isolated in Argentina. This is the first CA-MRSA infection reported in that region, with significant epidemiologic and clinical implications. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background Current recommendations for antithrombotic therapy after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation include prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin and clopidogrel >= 12 months. However, the impact of such a regimen for all patients receiving any DES system remains unclear based on scientific evidence available to date. Also, several other shortcomings have been identified with prolonged DAPT, including bleeding complications, compliance, and cost. The second-generation Endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent (E-ZES) has demonstrated efficacy and safety, despite short duration DAPT (3 months) in the majority of studies. Still, the safety and clinical impact of short-term DAPT with E-ZES in the real world is yet to be determined. Methods The OPTIMIZE trial is a large, prospective, multicenter, randomized (1: 1) non-inferiority clinical evaluation of short-term (3 months) vs long-term (12-months) DAPT in patients undergoing E-ZES implantation in daily clinical practice. Overall, 3,120 patients were enrolled at 33 clinical sites in Brazil. The primary composite endpoint is death (any cause), myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, and major bleeding at 12-month clinical follow-up post-index procedure. Conclusions The OPTIMIZE clinical trial will determine the clinical implications of DAPT duration with the second generation E-ZES in real-world patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. (Am Heart J 2012;164:810-816.e3.)


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Like tumor metastases, endometriotic implants require neovascularization to proliferate and invade into ectopic sites within the host. Endometrial tissue, with its robust stem cell populations and remarkable regenerative capabilities, is a rich source of proangiogenic factors. Among the most potent and extensively studied of these proteins, vascular endothelial growth factor has emerged as a critical vasculogenic regulator in endometriosis. Accordingly, angiogenesis of the nascent endometriotic lesion has become an attractive target for novel medical therapeutics and strategies to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor action. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene regulation in endometrial and endometriosis cells by nuclear receptors, other transcription factors, and also by infiltrating immune cells is emphasized. New data showing that oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress increase vascular endothelial growth factor expression are provided. Finally, we review the clinical implications of angiogenesis in this condition and propose potential antiangiogenic therapies that may become useful in the control or eradication of endometriotic lesions.