179 resultados para Clôture perceptive


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Le fait est singulier : riche d’une trentaine de titres, le versant poétique de l’œuvre de Nicole Brossard, auquel ce dossier de Voix et Images est exclusivement consacré, a somme toute été peu étudié. Il n’est — pour le voir — que de le mettre en rapport avec la remarquable fortune critique de l’œuvre romanesque, dans le monde anglo-saxon comme au Québec. La bibliographie consacrée à l’écrivaine, que l’on trouvera en clôture de ce dossier, ne compte ni monographie, ni dossier de revue accordant à la poésie la première place ; ouvrages collectifs, mémoires et thèses universitaires se concentrent aussi presque essentiellement sur l’œuvre romanesque. De ce front uni en faveur du roman se détache, depuis le début des années 1980, un certain nombre d’analyses de la poésie de Brossard qui font toujours autorité, à commencer par les travaux de Louise Dupré et de Pierre Nepveu. Mais si l’œuvre poétique n’a pas encore, dans son ensemble, suffisamment retenu l’attention de la critique, Nicole Brossard n’est pas une inconnue à « Voix et Images ». Un numéro atypique et composite, publié en 1977 par la revue, porte le titre « Nicole Brossard », même si une entrevue avec l’auteure constitue, dans ce numéro sans dossier, la seule pièce touchant de facto le travail d’écriture de Nicole Brossard. Du constat de cette absence est né ce projet de dossier. [Introduction]


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La présente thèse rend compte de la dimension affective de la communication. Pour ce faire, l’expérience est d’abord considérée comme durée qualitative (Henri Bergson). Donc, l’expérience est mouvement. Point de départ : le mouvement comme caractéristique intrinsèque du corps qui, ainsi compris, devient un point de passage. Qu’est-ce qui le traverse? Des événements. Il se constitue par ce passage même, ce qui fait de lui un devenir-corps. Ici, toute expérience est acte de communication à son stade le plus pur. Qui est-ce qui communique? L’expérience est une occasion d’actualisation du virtuel. Il s’agit de l’actualisation d’une force virtuelle – que A. N. Whitehead appelle la forme subjective. Le sens du message est l’événement lui-même, c’est-à-dire ce qui émerge dans l’expérience (Gilles Deleuze). Non pas l’expérience subjective d’un sujet préconstitué, mais l’expérience pure, telle que définie par William James : une relationalité. Ce qui s’actualise est une tonalité affective (Whitehead), vécue comme qualité esthétique. Quels sont les facteurs constitutifs du sens? Élargissons la traditionnelle dualité sujet-objet à un complexe relationnel : nous pouvons ainsi percevoir des acteurs affectifs, perceptifs, humains et technologiques, dans un agencement qui se concrétise comme relationalité émergente. Tout événement est situé. Par conséquent, l’émergence du sens devient acte de co-création dans lequel participent les multiples facteurs qui conditionnent l’événement. Cette vision sort d’un anthropocentrisme pour concevoir l’événement lui-même comme sujet de ses propres expériences (Whitehead). De sorte que, tout comme chaque acte de communication, l’expérience des médias est aussi événement vécu. Ce dernier est incorporé par les dimensions du devenir-corps – la conscience-affective et la conscience-réflexive. Celles-ci sont si intimement interreliées qu’elles deviennent mutuellement inclusives dans l’expérience et totalement actives dans l’actualisation du sens.


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Marketing of information services is now an important goal of librarians all over the ~orld t? attract mor~ users to the libr~ry. thereby promoting user satisfaction. Marketing IS considered ~s ~n Integr~1 part of libraries and information centres mainly due to the developments In information t.echnology, information explosion, and declining library budgets. Kotler defines marketing as the "analysis, planning, implementation and control o~ carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values WIth target markets fo~ the ~~rpos~ of~chievingorganizational objectives". Organizations suc.h as museums, unrversittes, libraries, and charities need to market their causes and their products to gain. political and social support as well as economic support (Kotler, 1995). In the marketing world people are now migrating from the traditional Four P ~lodelto th~ S~VE mode! (Alt~ns~n, 2013). According to the SAVE model, marketing III an orgarusanon must grve pnonty to 'Solutions' instead of the features or functions of~he.'Product" Similarily it is to focus on 'Access', instead of ,Place'; 'Value' instead of Price" so that the benefits are more stressed, rather than production costs. Instead of :Proliloti.on', marketi~g has. to conc~ntrate on 'Educating' the customers, providing lJlfo~mahol~ about t~eJr specific req~lrements, instead of relying on advertising, public rel~tlons, direct selling etc. From a library point ofview, to ensure maximum utilization of library ~ervices there is an increasing need for definite marketing plans to exploit the techn.ologlcal dcvelop",len~s so ~s to entice the users. By anticipating their changing needs and ~y co.mmulllcatl~g WIth them it should be possible to devise strategies to present various library services and products in a perceptive style.


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Los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 generan un punto de inflexión en la política exterior y de seguridad de Canadá, en tanto este país fortalece su relación bilateral con los Estados Unidos en materia de seguridad y defensa. Al mismo tiempo cambia progresivamente su identidad de peacekeeper mientras disminuye significativamente su participación en las operaciones de paz de Naciones Unidas.


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La presente investigación delimitada dentro del campo del management, específicamente en el área estratégica, busca plantear el papel que desempeñan los cambios y la comunicación intercultural que enfrentan hoy en día las organizaciones y el diseño de los modelos de gestión empresarial, donde actualmente la globalización toma más trascendencia en las naciones, empresas y los negocios internacionales. En este orden de ideas, temas como: Conceptos culturales enfocados hacia organizaciones inteligentes, innovación, la evolución de los modelos gerenciales y la búsqueda de nuevas fuentes de ventaja competitiva en el mundo contemporáneo, se han convertido en el principal reto de la última década para los modelos de gestión empresarial. De esta manera, se busca proponer una nueva perspectiva en la estrategia y política organizacional que promueva la generación de conocimiento, luego también nuevas fuentes de diferenciación, teniendo en cuenta diferentes dinámicas interculturales que permitan incrementar la posibilidad de producir nuevos conceptos estratégicos.


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Se examinaron factores auto-perceptivos (autoconcepto,autoeficacia) y actitudinales referentes a la estadísticapara determinar si las interacciones entre el perfil autoperceptivo/actitudinal del estudiante, el sexo y el área detitulación se asocian con el rendimiento académico y laansiedad estadística. En una muestra de estudiantes universitarioscolombianos (178 mujeres, 154 hombres), losanálisis de conglomerados revelaron dos perfiles autoperceptivos/actitudinales significativamente distintos,según los niveles bajos (perfil-1) o altos (perfil-2) en lasvariables de agrupación (autoconcepto, autoeficacia yactitudes hacia la estadística). Los análisis de varianzay de covarianza mostraron que el perfil auto-perceptivo/actitudinal de los estudiantes tiene un efecto significativoen el rendimiento y la ansiedad estadística, que varía porsexo y área de titulación. Los hallazgos contrastan conlos de otros estudios que examinan los mismos constructosseparadamente.


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The perceptive accuracy of university students was compared between men and women, from sciences and humanities courses, to recognize emotional facial expressions. emotional expressions have had increased interest in several areas involved with human interaction, reflecting the importance of perceptive skills in human expression of emotions for the effectiveness of communication. Two tests were taken: one was a quick exposure (0.5 s) of 12 faces with an emotional expression, followed by a neutral face. subjects had to tell if happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust or surprise was flashed, and each emotion was shown twice, at random. on the second test 15 faces with the combination of two emotional expressions were shown without a time limit, and the subject had to name one of the emotions of the previous list. in this study, women perceived sad expressions better while men realized more happy faces. there was no significant difference in other emotions detection like anger, fear, surprise, disgust. Students of humanities and sciences areas of both sexes, when compared, had similar capacities to perceive emotional expressions


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El propósito de este ensayo es promover reflexiones sobre el paisaje urbano que vayan más allá del concepto de paisaje natural y de la noción de paisaje como objeto de representación pictórica. Gracias a una excursión inicial por la estética de la impureza propuesta por Mathieu Kessler, se describen los modos de ser del viajero y del turista: dos de los posibles enfoques perceptivos del paisaje que implican, cada uno a su manera, una particular disposición para la felicidad en el espacio geográfico. Semejante descripción ético-estética se amplia para recorrer, en sus complicidades, tensiones y paradojas, el modo de ser “citadino” o “ciudadano” de quien transita la ciudad contemporánea. Se defiende así la idea de que el exceso de ciudad que constituye ontológicamente la urbe contemporánea es en parte compensado —felicidad en la infelicidad— con la disposición ético-estética del transeúnte urbano.-----The aim of this essay is to promote thought on urban landscapes that go further than the concept of natural landscapes and than the notion of a landscape as an object of pictorial representation. Thanks to an initial digression of the esthetics of impurity proposed by Mathieu Kessler, the traveler’s and tourist’s way of being are described: two of the possible landscape’s perceptive focuses that imply, each in their own way, a particular disposition towards joy in the geographical area. Such ethical-esthetic description is widened to cover, the “urban city dweller” or the “citizen’s” ways of being and transiting the contemporary city within its complicities, pressures and paradoxes; thus defending the idea that the excess city which ontologically constitutes the contemporary metropolis is in part compensated –happiness in unhappiness– with the ethical-esthetic disposition of the temporary urban resident.


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La tesi s'estructura en dos grans apartats: per un costat, el Marc Teòric en el que realitzem els estudis que ens permeten delimitar la problemàtica de les persones amb disminució psíquica i fonamentar teòricament els criteris orientadors d'estratègies dirigides a potenciar la seva transició a l'edat adulta i vida activa. A partir de l'anàlisi realitzada al Marc Teòric de la tesi s'elabora una proposta d'intervenció consistent en el disseny d'un programa destinat a potenciar les habilitats perceptivo-motrius.


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RESUMO: Este projecto de intervenção, fundamentado na investigação/acção, teve como objectivo melhorar a oralidade, leitura e escrita funcionais numa aluna com Défice cognitivo moderado e, consequentemente, promover a sua inclusão em contexto escolar, bem como desenvolver nos restantes colegas atitudes de entreajuda, respeito e cooperação. Decorreu de Fevereiro de 2009 até Junho do mesmo ano. “B” é o nome fictício da aluna em estudo que, aquando a nossa intervenção, frequentava o 3º ano do 1º ciclo numa escola pública. A escolha da questão de partida prendeu-se com a emergência de dar resposta à necessidade que os pais, professores e a criança em questão tinham para que esta desenvolvesse competências de leitura, expressão oral e escrita O enquadramento teórico teve como objectivo facilitar a compreensão da intervenção. Para recolher informações sobre a “B” e sobre os contextos em que a mesma estava inserida, utilizámos como suporte metodológico, a pesquisa documental, o teste sociométrico, as entrevistas semi-directivas à professora de turma e à professora de Educação Especial, a observação naturalista e questionários à mãe da aluna. Foi feito um trabalho conjunto com a professora do ensino regular, com a professora de educação especial e com os pais, no sentido de delinear as estratégias/actividades mais benéficas, de modo a dar resposta às competências a desenvolver com a aluna. No fim da nossa intervenção, em Junho de 2009, esta já sabia escrever o seu nome sem modelo, desenvolveu o vocabulário e melhorou a construção frásica oral. Ao seu ritmo, envolveu-se mais nas actividades da sala de aula. Na aquisição de conceitos e competências, estas tiveram de ser muito simples, reais e concretas para que fossem adquiridas e aplicadas. No entanto, ainda tinha dificuldade em concentrar a atenção sem ajuda. No que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento da linguagem, o discurso utilizado pela “B” melhorou significativamente, passando a construir frases simples com linguagem mais perceptiva, apesar de comunicar com frases curtas e com pouca expressividade. ABSTRACT: This intervention project, based on research / action, was aimed to improve speaking, reading and writing skills in a functional student with moderate cognitive deficit, promote her inclusion in the school context and develop mutual help, respect and cooperation in her classmates attitudes. It ran from February until June, 2009."B" is the fictional name of the student in this study that during our intervention, attended the 3rd year of Primary school in a public school. The choice of the starting point had to do with the urgency of answering the parents, teachers and the child needs in what concerns the development of the reading, writing and speaking skills. The theoretical framework was aimed to facilitate understanding of the intervention. To gather information about "B" and the contexts in which she was placed, it was used, as a methodological support, research documents, the sociometric test, the semi-directive interviews to the class teacher and the Special Education teacher, the naturalist observation and the questionnaires to the student’s mother. Team work was done with the class teacher, the Special Education teacher and the parents, to outline the strategies / activities most beneficial, in order to establish the skills to be developed with the student. At the end of our intervention in June 2009, she could already write her name without a model, had developed and improved vocabulary oral sentence construction. At her own pace, she became more involved in the classroom activities. Concepts and skills acquisition had to be very simple, real and concrete to be acquired and applied. However, she still had some difficulty in focusing attention without help. What concerns language development, “B” has improved significantly from the simple sentences in more perceptive language, although she still communicates with short sentences and with little expression.


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For people with motion impairments, access to and independent control of a computer can be essential. Symptoms such as tremor and spasm, however, can make the typical keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer interaction difficult or even impossible to use. This paper describes three approaches to improving computer input effectivness for people with motion impairments. The three approaches are: (1) to increase the number of interaction channels, (2) to enhance commonly existing interaction channels, and (3) to make more effective use of all the available information in an existing input channel. Experiments in multimodal input, haptic feedback, user modelling, and cursor control are discussed in the context of the three approaches. A haptically enhanced keyboard emulator with perceptive capability is proposed, combining approaches in a way that improves computer access for motion impaired users.


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La rareté des miniatures consacrées à l'histoire amoureuse de Merlin et Viviane, dont le développement est à la fois épisodique et structuré par le recours au procédé de l'entrelacement, souligne son caractère marginal au sein de la narration. Les artistes et concepteurs de ces ouvrages manifestent une certaine réticence à l'égard d'aventures qui peuvent affecter l'autorité morale de Merlin, même si elles sont étroitement liées à la disparition du personnage et à la clôture du récit.


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The paper critically identifies and examines the affinities between the category of the stranger & the cosmopolitan attitude/disposition that underlies recent theories of cosmopolitanism. I argue that the cosmopolitan attitude can be located within the sociological discourse of the stranger. Thus one needs to reconceptualise the cosmopolitan self in terms of the cosmopolitan stranger.

This new subject develops a more perceptive, broader and keener insight of the social world that is not available than those confined to a universalistic or particularistic perspective. The final part of the paper challenges this assertion through a critical assessment of the socalled in-between position occupied by the cosmopolitan stranger.


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Kansei Engineering (KE), a technology founded in Japan initially for product design, translates human feelings into design parameters. Although various intelligent approaches to objectively model human functions and therelationships with the product design decisions have been introduced in KE systems, many or the approaches are not able to incorporate human subjective feelings and preferenees into the decision-making process. This paper proposes a new hybrid KE system that attempts to make the machine-based decision-making process closely resembles the real-world practice. The proposed approach assimilates human perceptive and associative abililities into the decision-making process of the computer. A number of techniques based on the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network are employed in the backward KE system to reveal the underlying data structures that are involved in the decision-making process. A case study on interior design is presented to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed approach. The results obtained demonstrate tbe effectiveness of the proposed approach in developing an intelligent KE system which is able to combine huiiUUI feelings and preferences into its decision making process.