895 resultados para City and citizenship


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Statelessness as a legal and political problem has attracted increasing attention from scholars and international advocacy organisations in recent years. This attention has predominantly focussed on the legal aspects of statelessness, and has generally held the acquisition of citizenship documentation as the primary goal in remedying citizenship deprivation. This article explores the merits of this focus through a case study of the Nubians of Kenya, widely considered stateless until recently. The article connects the focus on citizenship as documented status to a liberal conception of citizenship. The article identifies the ways in which this approach is helpful, that is, as a means of pursuing legal status and possession of individual rights. It then goes on to identify more important ways in which a liberal conception of citizenship falls short of accounting for the Nubians’ citizenship problems by neglecting the more collective dimensions of citizenship practice and recognition.


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Although racism remains an issue for social media sites such as YouTube, this focus often overshadows the site’s productive capacity to generate ‘agonistic publics’ from which expressions of cultural citizenship and solidarity might emerge. This paper examines these issues through two case studies: the recent proliferation of mobile phone video recordings of racist rants on public transport, and racist interactions surrounding the performance of a Maori ‘flash mob’ haka in New Zealand that was recorded and uploaded to YouTube. We contrast these incidents as they are played out primarily through social media, with the case of Australian Football League player Adam Goodes and the broadcast media reaction to a racial slur aimed against him by a crowd member during the AFL’s Indigenous Round. We discuss the prevalence of vitriolic exchange and racial bigotry, but also, and more importantly, the productive and equally aggressive defence of more inclusive and tolerant forms of cultural identification that play out across these different media forms. Drawing on theories of cultural citizenship along with the political theory of Chantal Mouffe, we point to the capacities of YouTube as ‘platform’, and to social media practices, in facilitating ground-up antiracism and generating dynamic, contested and confronting micropublics.


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Promover a atividade empreendedora é hoje mais do que nunca uma prioridade para as economias em desenvolvimento. Em diferentes partes do mundo, empreendedores têm sido reconhecidos como verdadeiros agentes de transformação, e as novas empresas que eles criam tornam-se condutoras de inovação, que ao final pode ser difundida ao resto da economia. Teorias de economia urbana, que analisam a dinâmica da relação entre aglomeração urbana e atividade econômica, enfatizam a importância da concentração espacial das indústrias num mesmo setor industrial. Entender os incentivos que dão início à atividade empreendedora é algo novo e o foco desses estudos tem sido principalmente em alguns poucos casos de economias industrializadas. Não obstante, o sucesso de um punhado de clusters de alta tecnologia, como o Vale do Silício, por exemplo, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos, não pode ser replicado, e as condições locais devem ser consideradas a fim de entender a surgimento desses ecossistemas. Este estudo pretende investigar os critérios em que os empreendedores fundamentam suas decisões quando selecionam as localizações do seu negócio. Especificamente, a pesquisa explora o recente movimento dos ecossistemas de empreendedores na Cidade do México e em São Paulo, as duas maiores áreas metropolitanas da América Latina, à luz das teorias de economia urbana. A fim de chegar aos resultados, a pesquisa segue o método baseado sobre uma análise comparativa de estudo de casos em dois bairros: Vila Leopoldina em São Paulo e a Colônia Roma Norte na Cidade do México. Os resultados consolidados baseados em entrevistas qualitativas realizadas nos dois bairros revelam que o lugar/sitio urbano, definido em termos de laços locais assim como da atmosfera geral do ambiente, continua sendo importante para os atores apesar das comunicações de alta velocidade que produzem mais interações entre as regiões do mundo. Além disso, a relação entre o empreendedor e o seu entorno é altamente dependente do estágio de desenvolvimento e da natureza da atividade da empresa; redes informais revelam-se essenciais para identificar as oportunidades de negócio antes de serem progressivamente substituídas por relações instituídas com fundos de capital de risco ou incubadoras. Estes dois ecossistemas nascentes geram suas próprias características, o que já pode sugerir suas futuras evoluções.


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Includes bibliography


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This study aimed to evaluate the sediment quality in the estuarine protected area known as Canan,ia-Iguape-Peruibe (CIP-PA), located on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The study was designed considering possible negative effects induced by the city of Canan,ia on the sediment quality of surrounding areas. This evaluation was performed using chemical and ecotoxicological analyses. Sediments were predominantly sandy, with low CaCO3 contents. Amounts of organic matter varied, but higher contents occurred closer to the city, as well as did Fe and Total Recoverable Oils and Greases (TROGs) concentrations. Contamination by Cd and Cu was revealed in some samples, while concentrations of Zn were considered low. Chronic toxicity was detected in all tested sediments and acute toxicity occurred only in sediments collected near the city. The principal component analysis (PCA) revealed an association among Cd, Cu, Fe, TROG, fines, organic matter, CaCO3, and chronic toxicity, whereas acute toxicity was found to be associated with Zn and mud. However, because Zn levels were low, acute toxicity was likely due to a contaminant that was not measured. Results show that there is a broad area within the CIP-PA that is under the influence of mining activities (chronic toxicity, moderate contamination by metals), whereas poorer conditions occur closer to Canan,ia (acute toxicity); thus, the urban area seems to constitute a relevant source of contaminants for the estuarine complex. These results show that contamination is already capable of producing risks for the local aquatic biota, which suggests that the CIP-PA effectiveness in protecting estuarine biota may be threatened.


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Discussions about the new meaning of citizenship, valuing differences and respecting knowledge diversity bring the question of how public policies can be locally rooted to ensure access to diversity. This is evident when we deal with health policies, where the interaction between implementers and beneficiaries is essential to understand the results of the policy. The Family Health Program (FHP) has tried to change the relationship between state and society, bringing health professionals with the daily experienced by the users where there is (re) production of the components that lead to insecurity, poor health and disease. To analyse this kind of policy we must take into account the interaction processes and the practices of the actors involved in the FHP implementation. This article aims to analyze the role of Health Communitarian Agents (HCA) as FHP implementers. Through ethnographic research followed the practices of ACS in different cities, we seek to understand how they deal with their different knowledge, enable and disable referrals and adapt action to enact the program. We want to understand how they use mediations and interactions in their practices and built policies locally rooted, constructing alternative ways to implement these policies.


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The city is a collection of built structures and infrastructure embedded in socio-cultural processes: any investigation into a city’s transformations involves considerations on the degree to which its composite elements respond to socio-economical changes. The main purpose of this research is to investigate how transformations in the functional requirements of New York’s society have spurred, since the 1970s, changes in both the city’s urban structure and physical form. The present work examines the rise of Amenity Zones in New York, and investigates the transformations that have occurred in New York’s built environment since the 1970s. By applying qualitative measures and analyzing the relationship between urban amenities and the creative class, the present work has investigated changes in the urban structure and detected a hierarchical series of amenity zones classes, namely, Super Amenity Zones (SAZs), Nodal Amenity Zones (NAZs) and Peripheral Amenity Zones (PAZs). This series allows for a more comprehensive reading of the urban structure in a complex city like New York, bringing advancements to the amenity zone’s methodology. In order to examine the manner in which the other component of the city, the physical form, has changed or adapted to the new socio-economic condition, the present research has applied Conzenian analysis to a select study area, Atlantic Avenue. The results of this analysis reveal that, contrary to the urban structure, which changes rapidly, the physical form of New York is hard to modify completely, due to the resilience of the town plan and its elements, and to preservation laws; the city rather adapts to socio-economical changes through process of adaptive reuses or conversion. Concluding, this research has examined the dialectic between the ever-changing needs of society and the complexity of the built environment and urban structure, showing the different degrees to which the urban landscape modifies, reacts and sometimes adapts to the population’s functional requirements.


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This article explores children’s participation and citizenship, taking its point of departure in the empirical observation of a paradox: On the hand there is a general participatory climate and a growing commitment to empowerment of children, and on the other hand some children’s experience of discrimination, disciplining and distrust. The analysis is structured into three main parts: 1) Participation, approached from Hart’s Ladder of Participation and Bourdieu’s theorizing of power dynamics; 2) Rights, using Marshall’s tripartite conceptualization, namely civil rights, political rights and social rights, supplemented by a discussion of the right to care and cultural rights; and 3) Identity, theorized using Delanty’s conceptualization of citizenship as a learning process The article concludes that children’s citizenship, and the initiatives that are accounted for as facilitating their well being and participation though social work, too often tend towards tokenism if not discriminatory disciplining and exclusion, rather than empowerment, due to political, organisational and discursively shaped power relations.


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Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Garbage, The City, and Death. A Four Act Scandal in Post-war Germany The paper explores the dramaturgy of the scandals around the play Garbage, The City and Death (Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod) by German playwright, theatre and film maker Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Published in 1976, the play immediately caused a scandal in West Germany, because it was accused of reproducing anti-Semitic stereotypes. The presentation sheds light on the different phases of the scandal and their historical and cultural contexts in post-war Germany – starting as a literary scandal in 1976, being transformed into a theatre scandal in the 1980ies and finally being dissolved by the German premiere in 2009. The paper is structured as follows: Act One: The Literary Scandal. Destroying Fassbinder’s Garbage, Act Two: Preventing the Staging of the Play, Act Three: Blocking the Opening Night, Act Four: Performing the Play in Germany. By analysing the dramaturgical structure of this specific scandal, the paper discusses the following hypotheses: 1. Scandals arise through the circulation of decontextualised information in public. This is due to either a lack of information about the actual object or incident being scandalised or a lack of information about the context of the object or incident. This lack is caused by the logic of the scandal itself: Because the play or the performance is prohibited, it has been withdrawn from the public, making it impossible to form a well-founded opinion on the controversy. 2. The scandal is driven forward by an emotionalising rhetoric built around the decontextualised information. 3. Once the gap of information is filled, the scandalising rhetoric turns into a rhetoric of irrelevance: Reviews of the first performance of Garbage, The City and Death in Germany considered the play hardly a matter of public concern.