980 resultados para Cirurgia dental
INTRODUCTION: Open access publishing is becoming increasingly popular within the biomedical sciences. SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, is a digital library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals many of which provide open access to full-text articles.This library includes a number of dental journals some of which may include reports of clinical trials in English, Portuguese and/or Spanish. Thus, SciELO could play an important role as a source of evidence for dental healthcare interventions especially if it yields a sizeable number of high quality reports. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify reports of clinical trials by handsearching of dental journals that are accessible through SciELO, and to assess the overall quality of these reports. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Electronic versions of six Brazilian dental Journals indexed in SciELO were handsearched at www.scielo.br in September 2008. Reports of clinical trials were identified and classified as controlled clinical trials (CCTs - prospective, experimental studies comparing 2 or more healthcare interventions in human beings) or randomized controlled trials (RCTs - a random allocation method is clearly reported), according to Cochrane eligibility criteria. CRITERIA TO ASSESS METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY INCLUDED: method of randomization, concealment of treatment allocation, blinded outcome assessment, handling of withdrawals and losses and whether an intention-to-treat analysis had been carried out. RESULTS: The search retrieved 33 CCTs and 43 RCTs. A majority of the reports provided no description of either the method of randomization (75.3%) or concealment of the allocation sequence (84.2%). Participants and outcome assessors were reported as blinded in only 31.2% of the reports. Withdrawals and losses were only clearly described in 6.5% of the reports and none mentioned an intention-to-treat analysis or any similar procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that a substantial number of reports of trials and systematic reviews are available in the dental journals listed in SciELO, and that these could provide valuable evidence for clinical decision making. However, it is clear that the quality of a number of these reports is of some concern and that improvement in the conduct and reporting of these trials could be achieved if authors adhered to internationally accepted guidelines, e.g. the CONSORT statement.
A wide variety of opportunistic pathogens has been detected in the tubing supplying water to odontological equipment, in special in the biofilm lining of these tubes. Among these pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections, is frequently found in water lines supplying dental units. In the present work, 160 samples of water, and 200 fomite samples from forty dental units were collected in the city of Barretos, State of São Paulo, Brazil and evaluated between January and July, 2005. Seventy-six P. aeruginosa strains, isolated from the dental environment (5 strains) and water system (71 strains), were tested for susceptibility to six antimicrobial drugs most frequently used against P. aeruginosa infections. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, followed by meropenem was the predominant profile. The need for effective means of reducing the microbial burden within dental unit water lines is emphasized, and the risk of exposure and cross-infection in dental practice, in special when caused by opportunistic pathogens like P. aeruginosa, are highlighted.
Caffeine induces loss of calcium and influences the normal development of bone. This study investigated the effects of coffee on bone metabolism in rats by biochemical measurement of calcium, bone densitometry and histometry. Male rats, born of female treated daily with coffee and with coffee intake since born, were anesthetized, subjected to extraction of the upper right incisor, and sacrificed 7, 21 and 42 days after surgery. Blood and urine samples were taken, and their maxilla radiographed and processed to obtain 5-µm-thick semi-serial sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The volume and bone quality were estimated using an image-analysis software. The results showed significantly greater amount of calcium in the plasma (9.40 ± 1.73 versus 9.80 ± 2.05 mg%) and urine (1.00 ± 0.50 versus 1.25 ± 0.70 mg/24 h) and significantly less amount in bone (90.0 ± 1.94 versus 86.0 ± 2.12 mg/mg bone), reduced bone mineral density (1.05 ± 0.11 versus 0.65 ± 0.15 mmAL), and lower amount of bone (76.19 ± 1.6 versus 53.41 ± 2.1 %) (ANOVA; p≤0.01) in animals treated with coffee sacrificed after 42 days. It may be concluded that coffee/caffeine intake caused serious adverse effects on calcium metabolism in rats, including increased levels of calcium in the urine and plasma, decreased bone mineral density and lower volume of bone, thus delaying the bone repair process.
PURPOSE: Dental fusion is defined as the union of two dental germs at some stage of their development. The aim of this article is to report the endodontic treatment of two clinical cases of dental fusion. CASE DESCRIPTION: In the first case, the patient was referred by an orthodontist for endodontic treatment of tooth 12, which was fused to 13. Surgical separation and later replacement of the involved elements in the dental arch was indicated. In the second case, the patient sought dental attendance due to spontaneous pain. In the radiographic exam, gemination in tooth 11 and fusion of 21 with a supernumerary tooth was observed. The fused teeth were endodontically treated, and patients were referred to other dental specialties to reestablish esthetics and function. CONCLUSION: The dentist must be able to diagnose, differentiate and treat these dental anomalies adequately, with the goal of maintaining patients' oral health.
Epidemiologic aspects of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) were evaluated in the permanent dentition in a sample of 847 patients treated at the Dental Urgency Service of the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, between May 2000 and May 2008. The statistical treatment analyzed data from frequency distribution and chi-square test. The level of significance was set at 5% for all analyses. The results showed a higher incident among males (610; 72.01%) with mean age of 6-10 year-old. Uncomplicated crown fracture (without pulp exposure) (502; 26.95%), avulsion (341; 18.30%) and complicated crown fracture (with pulp exposure) (330; 17.71%) were the most prevalent TDI. The prevalence of trauma throughout the years showed proportionality, being observed a larger number of cases between July and September (249; 29.39%). The most affected teeth were the maxillary central incisors (65.65%), followed by the maxillary left lateral incisors (19.67%). In 311 participants (18.25%), only one tooth was involved, while in most patients (536; 81.75%), TDI occurred in more than one tooth. Significant proportion (82.27%) of traumatized teeth presented completely formed root apex. The main etiologic factors involved in TDI were falls (51.71%), traffic accidents (22.90%) and violence (5.67%). Based on the obtained data, it may be concluded that accurate policies of TDI prevention must be established, capable of stimulating the exposure of appropriate protocols for management of these lesions. The prevalence of TDI in Goiânia subpopulation is compared to the prevalence reported in epidemiological studies in others populations.
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the influence of metallic dental artifacts on the accuracy of simulated mandibular lesion detection by using multislice technology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen macerated mandibles were used. Perforations were done simulating bone lesions and the mandibles were subjected to axial 16 rows multislice CT images using 0.5 mm of slice thickness with 0.3 mm interval of reconstruction. Metallic dental restorations were done and the mandibles were subjected again to CT in the same protocol. The images were analyzed to detect simulated lesions in the mandibles, verifying the loci number and if there was any cortical perforation exposing medullar bone. The analysis was performed by two independent examiners using e-film software. RESULTS: The samples without artifacts presented better results compared to the gold standard (dried mandible with perforations). In the samples without artifacts, all cortical perforation were identified and 46 loci were detected (of 51) in loci number analysis. Among the samples with artifacts, 12 lesions out of 14 were recognized regarding medullar invasion, and 40 out of 51 concerning loci number. The sensitivity in samples without artifacts was 90% and 100% regarding loci number and medullar invasion, respectively. In samples with artifacts, these values dropped to 78% and 86%, respectively. The presence of metallic restorations affected the sensitivity values of the method, but the difference was not significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Although there were differences in the results of samples with and without artifacts, the presence of metallic restoration did not lead to misinterpretation of the final diagnosis. However, the validity of multislice CT imaging in this study was established for detection of simulated mandibular bone lesions.
The objective of this work was to evaluate biaxial-flexural-strength (σf), Vickers hardness (HV), fracture toughness (K Ic), Young's modulus (E), Poisson's ratio (ν) and porosity (P) of two commercial glass-ceramics, Empress (E1) and Empress 2 (E2), as a function of the hot-pressing temperature. Ten disks were hot-pressed at 1065, 1070, 1075 and 1080 °C for E1; and at 910, 915, 920 and 925 °C for E2. The porosity was measured by an image analyzer software and s f was determined using the piston-on-three-balls method. K Ic and HV were determined by an indentation method. Elastic constants were determined by the pulse-echo method. For E1 samples treated at different temperatures, there were no statistical differences among the values of all evaluated properties. For E2 samples treated at different temperatures, there were no statistical differences among the values of σf, E, and ν, however HV and K Ic were significantly higher for 910 and 915 °C, respectively. Regarding P, the mean value obtained for E2 for 925 °C was significantly higher compared to other temperatures.
We assessed the inequality in the distribution of dental caries and the association between indicators of socioeconomic status and caries experience in a representative sample of schoolchildren. This study followed a cross-sectional design, with a sample of 792 schoolchildren aged 12 years, representative of this age group in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Guardians answered questions on socioeconomic status and a dental examination provided information on the dental caries experience (DMF-T). Inequality in dental caries distribution was measured by the Gini coefficient and the Significant Caries Index (SiC). The assessment of association used Poisson regression models. Socioeconomic factors were associated with prevalence of dental caries for the whole sample and also for individuals with a high-caries level. Children from low-income households had the highest prevalence of dental caries. The Gini coefficient was 0.7 and the SiC Index 2.5. The percentage of caries prevalence was 39.3% (95% CI: 35.8%-42.8%) and the mean for DMF-T was 0.9 (± SD 1.5). Inequalities in the distribution of dental caries were observed and socioeconomic factors were found to be strong predictors of the prevalence of oral disease in children of this age group.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate four different approaches to the decision of changing or not defective amalgam restorations in first primary molar teeth concerning the loss of dental structure. Ditched amalgam restorations (n = 11) were submitted to four different treatments, as follows: Control group - polishing and finishing of the restorations were carried out; Amalgam group - the ditched amalgam restorations were replaced by new amalgam restorations; Composite resin group - the initial amalgam restorations were replaced by composite resin restorations; Flowable resin group - the ditching around the amalgam restorations was filled with flowable resin. Images of the sectioned teeth were made and the area of the cavities before and after the procedures was determined by image analysis software to assess structural loss. The data were submitted to ANOVA complemented by the Student Newman Keuls test (p < 0.05). The cavities in all the groups presented significantly greater areas after the procedures. However, the amalgam group showed more substantial dental loss. The other three groups presented no statistically significant difference in dental structure loss after the re-treatments. Thus, replacing ditched amalgam restorations by other similar restorations resulted in a significant dental structure loss while maintaining them or replacing them by resin restorations did not result in significant loss.
OBJECTIVE: This in situ study evaluated the discriminatory power and reliability of methods of dental plaque quantification and the relationship between visual indices (VI) and fluorescence camera (FC) to detect plaque. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six volunteers used palatal appliances with six bovine enamel blocks presenting different stages of plaque accumulation. The presence of plaque with and without disclosing was assessed using VI. Images were obtained with FC and digital camera in both conditions. The area covered by plaque was assessed. Examinations were done by two independent examiners. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Kappa tests to compare different conditions of samples and to assess the inter-examiner reproducibility. RESULTS: Some methods presented adequate reproducibility. The Turesky index and the assessment of area covered by disclosed plaque in the FC images presented the highest discriminatory powers. CONCLUSION: The Turesky index and images with FC with disclosing present good reliability and discriminatory power in quantifying dental plaque.
PURPOSE: Evaluate the bone tissue recovery following transplantation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone marrow and human immature dental-pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) in ovine model of induced osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH). METHODS: Eight sheep were divided in three experimental groups. First group was composed by four animals with ONFH induced by ethanol through central decompression (CD), for control group without any treatment. The second and third group were compose by two animals, six weeks after ONFH induction received transplantation of heterologous ovine MSC (CD + oMSC), and hIDPSC (CD + hIDPSC), respectively. In both experiments the cells were transplanted without application of any type of immunosupression protocol. RESULTS: Our data indicate that both cell types used in experiments were able to proliferate within injured site providing bone tissue recovery. The histological results obtained from CD+hIDPSC suggested that the bone regeneration in such animals was better than that observed in CD animals. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cell transplant in induced ovine osteonecrosis of femoral head by central decompression technique is safe, and apparently favors bone regeneration of damaged tissues.
OBJETIVO: descrever as características audiológicas de indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina operada (FLP) e indicação de cirurgia otológica, comparando os grupos quanto ao tipo e grau da perda auditiva, bem como a curva timpanométrica. MÉTODOS: análise de 150 prontuários, ambos os gêneros, idade igual ou superior a 4 anos, FLP e indicação de cirurgia otológica, divididos em 3 grupos: I - Tubo de ventilação (TV), II - Timpanoplastia e III - Timpanomastoidectomia, analisando aspectos quanto a entrevista audiológica, audiometria tonal limiar e imitanciometria. RESULTADOS: o grupo I apresentou porcentagem maior de cirurgia bilateral (86%), o que não ocorreu nos demais grupos. Na entrevista audiológica, 83% apresentou algum tipo de queixa auditiva, sendo a mais frequente a perda auditiva (64%) com p<0,05 entre os grupos I e II; I e III. O tipo de perda auditiva de maior ocorrência foi condutivo bilateral (56%) seguido de unilateral (35%), com p<0,05 entre os grupos I e II; I e III. A perda de grau leve unilateral foi a de maior ocorrência (41%), seguida de grau leve a moderada bilateral (20%), com p<0,05 entre os três grupos. A curva timpanométrica mais frequente foi a do tipo B bilateral (39%) com p<0,05 entre os três grupos. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria dos indivíduos apresentou algum tipo de queixa na entrevista audiológica e alterações na audiometria tonal limiar e imitanciometria. A maioria dessas alterações foi compatível com problemas de orelha média, com perda auditiva do tipo condutiva, de grau leve e bilateral, independentemente da indicação cirúrgica.
PURPOSE: To report a new, direct visual approach for rat pinealectomy. METHODS: Eighty adult female rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus EPM-1 strain) were weighted and anesthetized intraperitoneally with 15 mg/kg xylazine and 30 mg/kg ketamine. The animal was fastened to a dissection table, an incision was made in the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, bringing the lambda into view. The skullcap was opened with a dental drill, bringing the cerebral hemispheres and the superior sagittal sinus into view. The pineal gland, located under the venous sinus, was removed in a single piece using tweezers. Next, the bone fragment was returned to its place and the surgical layers were sutured. RESULTS: This new technique is easy to be done, avoids bleedings and removes only the pineal gland without damage to the remaining encephalon. In addition it makes possible the achievement of a sham surgery, allowing the pineal gland to remain intact. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique intends to facilitate studies aiming to better understanding the complexity and importance of the pineal gland on reproductive and other body systems.
Effect of therapeutic dose X rays on mechanical and chemical properties of esthetic dental materials
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of therapeutic dose X rays on the microhardness (MH) and degree of conversion (DC) of two different esthetic restorative dental materials. The materials were photo-activated with a LED light-curing unit using three cure-times: 5, 20 and 40 seconds. The photo-activation was carried out in two distinct periods: before and after irradiation with doses of 5, 35 and 70 Gy, from a 6 MV X rays beam. In accordance with the methodology used, it was conclude that a therapeutic dose does not have a detrimental effect on the photoinitiator molecules, because the photo-activation occurred after they were irradiated. When the irradiation was applied before photo-activation, the materials showed MH improvement, but when photo-activation was performed after irradiation, there was less improvement. However, there was no correlation between MH and DC. Thus, a therapeutic dose applied to cured material can promote linking and breaking of chain bonds in a non-linear way.