937 resultados para Circadian Rhythm


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We describe the microincrements, checks and annuli in the lapilli of the schizothoracine Ptychobarbus dipogon, an endemic species of the Tibetan plateau. We collected samples in the Yarlung Tsangpo River and its tributaries on a monthly basis (from April 2004 to August 2006). We describe the shape features of the three pairs of otoliths and document the full trajectory of lapillus development. We found that five to seven checks were clearly visible in the opaque zone of the first annulus. The pattern of 21-23 daily growth increments within each check might be explained as a lunar-induced deposition. We counted between 137 and 154 increments within the first annulus. Annuli appeared as a sequence of gradually declining increment widths, whereas false rings were characterized by abrupt checks. Our oldest estimates were 23(+)years for males and 44(+) for females. The time of annulus completion was clearly between March and April each year using monthly marginal increments analysis. We consider the factors responsible for daily increment formation as an endogenous circadian rhythm. Environmental information, such as strong sunlight and cold water temperatures in the Tibetan Plateau, could reinforce the endogenous daily cycle. Our results provided important data addressing the ecology and population dynamics of P. dipogon.


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A sporeling culture method using gametophyte clones developed in the early 1990s led to egg discharge occurring in the dark 5 min after the start of the dark period under growth under a 11:13 L-D photoperiod. The course of egg discharge could be disturbed by light, with irradiance as low as 5-6 mu mol photon m(-2) s(-1) causing 75-80% of the discharged eggs to detach from the oogonia and consequently to die within several hours. In order to enhance outgrowth rate of young sporophytes, a study was conducted to test the effect of controlling darkness in the period 2-3 h after dusk. When the slides were transferred from the standard 11:13 L-D regime to continuous light, eggs were discharged 5 min after the end of the light phase and peaked 5-l5 min later on first day after transfer, indicating that the female gametes "remember" the light-dark regime. This suggests the existence of an endogenous circadian rhythm. During the second and third days, very few eggs were discharged throughout the 11 h of the normal light phase of the L-D regime, indicating the inhibitory effect of continuous light and that the rhtyhm is easily damped by light.


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Males of many insect species feed their partner during courtship and mating. Studies of male nutrient donation in various systems have established that nuptial feeding has evolved mostly through sexual selection. Although there is extensive diversity in form, the function of nuptial gifts is typically limited to either facilitating copulation or increasing ejaculate transfer, depending on the time at which the gift is consumed by females. Unlike other insects, the Hawaiian swordtail cricket Laupala (Gryllidae: Trigonidiinae) exhibits serial transfer of nuptial gifts. Males transfer multiple spermless 'micro' spermatophores over several hours before mating at the end of the day (i.e. before the transfer of a single sperm-containing 'macro' spermatophore). By experimental manipulation of male microspermatophore donation, I tested several hypotheses pertaining to the adaptive significance of nuptial gifts in this system. I found that microspermatophore transfer improves insemination, by causing the female reproductive tract to take in more sperm. This result reveals a previously undocumented function for premating nuptial gift donation among insects. Enhanced sperm transfer due to microspermatophore donation may represent male manipulation or an internal mechanism of post-copulatory choice by females. I also performed experimental manipulation of male photoperiod to investigate how time and gender influence nuptial gift production and mating behavior. I found that the timing of mating is limited in males but not females and that the time of pair formation has consequences for the degree of nuptial gift donation, which suggests that both mating timing and microspermatophore number is important for male reproductive success. Finally, I observed the mating behavior of several trigonidiine taxa for a comparative analysis of sexual behavior and found that other genera also utilize spermless microspermatophores, which suggests that microspermatophore donation may be a common nuptial gift strategy among swordtail crickets. The elaborate nuptial feeding behavior of Hawaiian swordtail crickets prior to mating represents a newly discovered strategy to increase male insemination success rather than mating success. Based on this unexpected result, it is worth exploring whether courtship behaviors in other cricket or insect mating systems have also evolved to increase sperm uptake.


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We report the isolation and structural characterization of two neuromedin S (NmS) analogs, (NmS-17 and NmS-33), from the dermal venoms of Eurasian bombinid toads. NmS is a novel neuromedin U (NmU)-related peptide with potent anorexigenic and circadian rhythm-modulating properties recently discovered in mammals. Cloning of NmS precursor-encoding cDNAs from skin venom-derived libraries revealed the presence of a high degree of transcript splice variation comparable to that found previously for NmU in both amphibian skin and mammalian brain. Synthetic replicates of both amphibian NmS peptides evoked robust and dose-dependent transient increases in intracellular calcium ion concentrations in CHO cells that had been stably transfected with either FM-3/GPR66 or FM-4/TGR-1 human NmU receptors. The potency and efficacy of these amphibian skin peptides at such receptors were comparable to those observed with human NmS and rat NmS. These data show that NmS and NmU genes had already diverged at the level of the Amphibia and that differential splicing of their transcribed mRNAs has been highly conserved throughout tetrapod vertebrate evolution indicative of fundamental biological function. NmS is additionally a novel neuropeptide homolog that can be added to the biologically active peptide arsenal of amphibian venom/defensive skin secretions.


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Fucus and Laminaria species, dominant seaweeds in the intertidal and subtidal zones of the temperate North Atlantic, experience tidal cycles that are not synchronized with light:dark (L:D) cycles. To investigate how nutrient assimilation is affected by light cycles, the activity of nitrate reductase (NR) was examined in thalli incubated in outdoor tanks with flowing seawater and natural L:D cycles. NR activity in Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour. showed strong diel patterns with low activities in darkness and peak activities near midday. This diel pattern was controlled by light but not by a circadian rhythm. In contrast, there was no diel variation in NR activity in Fucus serratus L., F. vesiculosus (L.) Lamour., and F. spiralis L. either collected directly from the shore or maintained in the outdoor tanks. In laboratory cultures, transfer to continuous darkness suppressed NR activity in L. digitata, but not in F. vesiculosus; continuous light increased NR activity in L. digitata but decreased activity in F. vesiculosus. Furthermore, 4 d enrichment with ammonium (50 mu mol . L-1 pulses), resulted in NR activity declining by > 80% in L. digitata, but no significant changes in F. serratus. Seasonal differences in maximum NR activity were present in both genera with activities highest in late winter and lowest in summer. This is the first report of NR activity in any alga that is not strongly regulated by light and ammonium. Because light and tidal emersion do not always coincide, Fucus species may have lost the regulation of NR by light that has been observed in other algae and higher plants.


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Aims: Preterm infants are deprived of the normal intra-uterine exposure to maternal melatonin and may benefit from replacement therapy. We conducted a pharmacokinetic study to guide potential therapeutic trials. Methods: Melatonin was administered to 18 preterm infants in doses ranging from 0.04-0.6μgkg-1 over 0.5-6h. Pharmacokinetic profiles were analyzed individually and by population methods. Results: Baseline melatonin was largely undetectable. Infants receiving melatonin at 0.1μgkg-1h-1 for 2h showed a median half-life of 15.82h and median maximum plasma concentration of 203.3pgml-1. On population pharmacokinetics, clearance was 0.045lh-1, volume of distribution 1.098l and elimination half-life 16.91h with gender (P = 0.047) and race (P < 0.0001) as significant covariates. Conclusions: A 2h infusion of 0.1μgkg-1h-1 increased blood melatonin from undetectable to approximately peak adult concentrations. Slow clearance makes replacement of a typical maternal circadian rhythm problematic. The pharmacokinetic profile of melatonin in preterm infants differs from that of adults so dosage of melatonin for preterm infants cannot be extrapolated from adult studies. Data from this study can be used to guide therapeutic clinical trials of melatonin in preterm infants. © 2013 The British Pharmacological Society.


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Os primeiros estudos onde se tentava avaliar os melhores horários para se lecionar de forma a se poderem otimizar os horários escolares são já muito antigos. O primeiro a estabelecer uma relação sistemática entre performance cognitiva, Cronobiologia e sono foi Kleitman, evidenciando uma paralelismo entre o ritmo circadiano da temperatura central e a altura do dia em que eram realizadas tarefas simples de repetição. Após este primeiro estudo, muitos outros se seguiram, contudo a maioria apenas encontrou ritmos em protocolos de rotina constante e dessincronização forçada desprovidos de validade ecológica. Acresce ainda o facto de neste tipo de estudos não haver uma manipulação sistemática do efeito do padrão individual de distribuição dos parâmetros circadianos no nictómero, designado na literatura como Cronotipo. Perante isto, o presente estudo pretende avaliar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando um protocolo de rotina normal (Ecológico), onde também se manipula o efeito fim-de-semana. Para testar as premissas supramencionadas, utilizou-se uma amostra de 16 alunos universitários, que numa primeira fase responderam ao questionário de Matutinidade e Vespertinidade de Horne&Östberg, para caracterização do Cronotipo, e posteriormente andaram 15-17 dias consecutivos com tempatilumis (actímetros) para análise de ritmos de temperatura e atividade, com iPads onde realizavam ao longo do dia várias tarefas cognitivas e com o Manual de Registo Diário, onde respondiam ao diário de sono e de atividade. A análise de dados denotou a inexistência de expressão de ritmos na maioria dos parâmetros cognitivos inviabilizando a verificação de diferenças significativas entre indivíduos matutinos e vespertinos nestes parâmetros. Esta ausência de visualização da expressão rítmica pode ser explicada pelo facto de os participantes não terem aderido da forma desejada e exigida, à realização das tarefas cognitivas, ou pelo facto de termos usado um protocolo de rotina normal, em detrimento dos protocolos de rotina constate e dessincronização forçada, não controlando assim algumas variáveis que influenciam o desempenho cognitivo, podendo estas mascarar ou mesmo eliminar o ritmo. Ainda assim e apesar destas contingências observaram-se ritmos circadianos nas variáveis de autoavaliação, mesmo com o paradigma ecológico. Verificou-se ainda um efeito da hora do dia em vários parâmetros de tarefas cognitivas e motoras medidas objetivamente, assim como uma diminuição da performance cognitiva nos vespertinos, comparativamente aos matutinos, na janela temporal das 6h às 12 horas, que coincide com a maior concentração de horas de aulas por dia na Universidade onde o estudo foi realizado. Outros estudos serão necessários para consolidar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando o protocolo de rotina normal para garantir a validade ecológica, salvaguardando uma participação mais ativa na execução das tarefas cognitivas por parte dos sujeitos em estudo.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos do trabalho por turnos, incluindo o turno noturno, a nível da saúde, vida familiar e social, numa empresa do sector da indústria. Foi construído um questionário que abordava questões relativas aos dados sociodemográficos, organização temporal do trabalho, qualidade do sono, exigências da tarefa e envolvimento, saúde, vida familiar e social, e posteriormente foi aplicado a uma amostra de 24 trabalhadores com idades entre os 29 e os 52 anos (41,58±5,79 anos). Os resultados mostram uma tendência para doenças como a obesidade, colesterol elevado e manifestação de sintomas relacionados com problemas digestivos nos trabalhadores que trabalham por turnos à [sic] mais anos. Antes do primeiro turno noturno o tempo de sono é bastante reduzido e fica aquém do tempo que os trabalhadores sentem que necessitam dormir para se sentirem bem. O turno da tarde é o que permite os trabalhadores ficarem com um tempo de sono mais próximo desse “ideal”. Em relação à idade, todos os trabalhadores do grupo etário mais velho manifestam interrupções do sono diurno. Também se verifica um maior descontentamento destes trabalhadores com o tempo livre para realizar atividades que tragam bem-estar. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento da realidade do trabalho por turnos na indústria e espera-se que desperte a procura de soluções que otimizem a vida destes trabalhadores.


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Blood pressure follows a circadian rhythm with a physiologic 10% to 20% decrease during the night. There is now increasing evidence that a blunted decrease or an increase in nighttime blood pressure is associated with a greater prevalence of target organ damage and a faster disease progression in patients with chronic kidney diseases. Several factors contribute to the changes in nighttime blood pressure including changes in hormonal profiles such as variations in the activity of the renin-angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous systems. Recently, it was hypothesized that the absence of a blood pressure decrease during the nighttime (nondipping) is in fact a pressure-natriuresis mechanism enabling subjects with an impaired capacity to excrete sodium to remain in sodium balance. In this article, we review the clinical and epidemiologic data that tend to support this hypothesis. Moreover, we show that most, if not all, clinical conditions associated with an impaired dipping profile are diseases associated either with a low glomerular filtration rate and/or an impaired ability to excrete sodium. These observations would suggest that renal function, and most importantly the ability to eliminate sodium during the day, is indeed a key determinant of the circadian rhythm of blood pressure.


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The traditional basis for assessing the effect of antihypertensive therapy is the blood pressure reading taken by a physician. However, several recent trials have been designed to evaluate the blood pressure lowering effect of various therapeutic agents during the patients' normal daytime activities, using a portable, semi-automatic blood pressure recorder. The results have shown that in a given patient, blood pressure measured at the physician's office often differs greatly from that prevailing during the rest of the day. This is true both in treated and untreated hypertensive patients. The difference between office and ambulatory recorded pressures cannot be predicted from blood pressure levels measured by the physician. Therefore, a prospective study was carried out in patients with diastolic blood pressures that were uncontrolled at the physician's office despite antihypertensive therapy. The purpose was to evaluate the response of recorded ambulatory blood pressure to treatment adjustments aimed at reducing office blood pressure below a pre-set target level. Only patients with high ambulatory blood pressures at the outset appeared to benefit from further changes in therapy. Thus, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring can be used to identify those patients who remain hypertensive only when facing the physician, despite antihypertensive therapy. Ambulatory monitoring could thus help to evaluate the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy and allow individual treatment.


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Actuellement, le diagnostic différentiel du trouble bipolaire (TB) et du trouble de personnalité limite (TPL) à l’adolescence s’avère difficile et complique le choix thérapeutique. Portant sur le TB et le TPL, ce mémoire fait le point sur la littérature scientifique adulte et adolescente, vérifie la faisabilité et présente les résultats d’une étude exploratoire portant sur les variables cliniques (instabilité émotionnelle, hostilité, impulsivité, tempraément) et le rythme veille-sommeil à l’adolescence. L’étude exploratoire comprend sept adolescents TB et huit TPL (12-17 ans), évalués par questionnaires autoadministrés pour les variables cliniques, et par actigraphie et agenda de sommeil pour le rythme veille-sommeil. Aucune différence significative n’existe entre les deux troubles pour les variables cliniques. En moyenne, les adolescents TB ont porté l'actigraphie pendant 9,9 jours et ont rempli un agenda de sommeil pendant 5,7 jours; chez les TPL, les chiffres sont respectivement 9,8 et 8,9 jours. Comparés aux TPL, les TB ont un plus grand intervalle d’éveil (p=0,035), ont un plus grand intervalle de sommeil (p>0,05), et ont une plus grand variabilité intrajournalière (p=0,04). Les données subjectives (agenda de sommeil) semblent refléter les données objectives (actigraphie) : aucune différence statistique n’est observée entre les deux mesures pour le délai d’endormissement, la durée du dernier réveil et le temps total de sommeil. La recension de la littérature montre un manque de données chez l’adolescent quant aux deux troubles. La faisabilité de l’étude est démontrée par la présence de résultats analysables. Ceci encourage la poursuite des recherches sur ces variables, afin de distinguer les deux psychopathologies à l’adolescence.


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Cette thèse examine le rythme veille-sommeil et son association avec l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité dans le trouble de personnalité limite (TPL) à l’adolescence. Dans un premier temps, la revue de la littérature sur les perturbations objectives du sommeil dans le TPL a mis en lumière plusieurs difficultés similaires, évaluées par polysomnographie, à celles observées dans la dépression adulte. De 1980 à 2010, aucune recherche n’a examiné le rythme veille-sommeil, aucune n’a étudié les adolescents TPL et plusieurs n’ont pas contrôlé l’état dépressif comme facteur de confusion. De ce constat, il s’avérait pertinent de mener une étude sur le rythme veille-sommeil dans le TPL à l’adolescence en l’absence de dépression co-occurrente. L’adolescence comportant plusieurs caractéristiques physiologiques, psychologiques et sociales, tenir compte des aspects développementaux était essentiel. Dans un second temps, un protocole de recherche fût mis en place à la Clinique des troubles de l’humeur et le recrutement a été réalisé auprès d’adolescents souffrant d’un TPL et sans état dépressif actuel. Ils devaient porter pendant plus de neuf jours (période comprenant deux fins de semaine) un actigraphe, appareil non invasif évaluant l’alternance veille-sommeil dans l’environnement naturel. L’abandon précoce au traitement étant prévalent chez les patients TPL, la fiabilité de l’étude a été examinée afin de déterminer les raisons favorisant et celles nuisant au recrutement et à la collecte des données. La réflexion sur les aspects méthodologiques de l’étude actigraphique a permis d’expliquer les limites de ce type de protocole. Dans un troisième temps, le rythme veille-sommeil des adolescents TPL (n=18) a été caractérisé et comparé à celui des jeunes ayant un trouble bipolaire (n=6), trouble psychiatrique partageant plusieurs manifestations communes avec le TPL, et à celui des adolescents sans trouble de santé mentale (n=20). Les résultats suggèrent que l’adolescent TPL passe plus de temps en éveil durant la période de repos que les jeunes appartenant aux deux autres groupes. De plus, les adolescents TPL présentent une plus grande variabilité inter journalière des heures de lever et du temps total de sommeil que les autres adolescents. Ils se réveillent une heure de plus, et dorment donc une heure supplémentaire, que les adolescents sans trouble mental lors des journées sans routine. Dans un quatrième temps, les analyses corrélationnelles entre les données actigraphiques et les scores aux questionnaires auto-rapportés évaluant l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité suggèrent que plus l’adolescent TPL passe du temps éveillé alors qu’il est au lit, plus il déclare présenter des comportements agressifs, surtout physiques, durant le jour. En résumé, cette thèse contribue à la littérature scientifique en explorant pour la première fois le rythme veille-sommeil et son lien avec les manifestations symptomatiques dans le TPL à l’adolescence. Les résultats suggèrent fortement l’importance d’évaluer et de traiter les problèmes du rythme veille-sommeil que présentent ces jeunes lors de la prise en charge.


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Pvridoxine deficiency causes physiologically significant decrease in brain serotonin (5-HT) due to decreased decarboxylation of 5- hvdroxvtrvptophan (5-HTP). We have examined the effect of pyridoxine deficiency on indoleamine metabolism in the pineal gland, a tissue with high indoleamine turnover. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a pyridoxine-supplemented or pyridoxinedeficient diet for 8 weeks. Pyridoxine deficiency did not alter the pattern of circadian rhythm of pineal 5-HT. 5-hvdroxvindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), V-acetvlserotonin (NAS). and melatonin. However the levels of these compounds were significantly lower in the pineal glands of pyridoxine-deficient animals. Pineal 5-HTP levels were consistently higher in the pyridoxine-deficient animals and a conspicuous increase was noticed at 22.00 h. Increase in pineal NAS and melatonin levels caused by isoproterenol (5 mg kg at 17.00 h) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the pyridoxine-deficient animals. Treatment of pyridoxine-deficient rats with pvridoxine restored the levels of pineal 5-HT, 5-HIAA. NAS. and melatonin to values seen in pyridoxine-supplemented control animals. These results suggest that 5-HT availability could be an important factor in the regulation of the synthesis of pineal NAS and melatonin.


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La importancia del sueño y las patologías relacionadas con el mismo son ampliamente reconocidas en el campo de la medicina y la neurología, sin embargo la mayoría de neurólogos dedican muy poco tiempo al estudio de estas entidades y muy raramente durante la valoración de los pacientes se indaga acerca de la presencia de trastornos relacionados con el sueño. Esto es sorprendente si tenemos en cuenta que pasamos casi un tercio de la vida durmiendo, además de la alta incidencia de trastornos de sueño en la población general. A continuación revisaremos los principales trastornos del sueño, su diagnóstico y tratamiento.