895 resultados para Ciência e tecnologia, legislação, Brasil


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O texto analisa se e como a Pedagogia da Alternância colabora para a integração de saberes no PROEJA Quilombola no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA) - Campus Castanhal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, baseada no materialismo histórico-dialético. Problematiza como a Pedagogia da Alternância está se materializando enquanto orientação metodológica de integração dos saberes científicos com os saberes tradicionais na experiência de formação, do Proeja quilombola? A partir dos referenciais do materialismo histórico, recorre inicialmente à revisão bibliográfica e, posteriormente, faz uso de observações e entrevistas para a realização da pesquisa de campo. Destaca positivamente como resultados mais significativos da pesquisa as considerações de que na realidade pesquisada verificou-se a valorização dos saberes dos alunos, a participação destes nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, a tentativa de articulação dos saberes com a realidade dos alunos e a referência assumida de formar para a agricultura familiar. Destaca negativamente a separação entre teoria e prática nos processos de ensino, a pouca formação dos professores em relação à Pedagogia da Alternância, a desvalorização da leitura como atividade formativa e as dificuldades de compreensão e de trabalho com o tempo-comunidade. Conclui afirmando haver uma tentativa de integração entre os saberes envolvidos no processo de formação dos alunos quilombolas, mesmo com a existência de vários problemas na sua realização.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In 2008 two laws that changed the didactic- pedagogic and administrative organization of vocational schools were enacted: the Law 11.741/2008, which incorporated the Technical Professional Education for the Middle Level to Basic Education; and Law 11.892/2008,which has transformed Agrotechnical Schools, the CEFET 's and some technical schools linked to universities into Colleges of Education, Science and Technology (IFs). These institutions have been operating at all levels and types of education provided in the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education number 9394/1996, with the exception of Early Childhood Education. Vocational and training schools, which gave origin to the IFs,have historically restricted youth education to teaching professional techniques, but due to the reformist laws, they were led to revise their conceptions of work and education. Thus, the goal of this article is to analyze the concepts of Basic Education and work that permeate these laws and the organization of educational work at IFCE. Have these laws been promoting a rupture with the history of vocational education in the country? Have the IFs been accomplishing a teaching job in addition to technical training? The choice for these questions was motivated by two main reasons: a) Vocational Education in the aforementioned institutions have traditionally been restricted to the qualication of the labor force for learning a technical profession, without relating it to issues that concern basic education; b) The Reform of Basic Education, from 1990 to 2013, was conducted in the context of capital's structural crisis and aimed to adapt the educational system to the demands of productive sectors. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to explain the contradictions that exist in project of formation of the working class, in the context of a conictual society divided into classes, a situation that alienates the youth to live this time forever.


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The discussions that underpin the process of bibliographic classification in documentaries systems should be designed with scientific basis and theoretical, rather than only be based on professional practice. The theoretical approaches, however, attention should also be involved in professional practice. From this, the present study seeks to demonstrate through the perception of catalogers professional, the importance of reflections on the activity of Thematic Treatment of Information, especially the bibliographic classification in order to engender the strengthening of the area and improvements in product quality and services resulting from libraries. In this context, was carried out a study in the libraries of two Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IF’s) located in two different states of southeastern Brazil. Technique was employed introspective data collection Verbal Protocol in Individual mode, having qualitative character.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper proposes an observation that leads to new ways of thinking regarding to women's in science and technology fields, based on previous researches that report this matter. The first detailed work on the participation and achievement of women in Science was "Women in Science" in 1913, written by HJ Mozans, a Catholic priest. According to Schienbinger (2001), this work used to invite women to develop activities in scientific areas and unleash the energies of half population of the planet. It's also important to consider the role of international organs, such as UNESCO, which since the 1990s develops studies, researches and conferences in order to discuss the inclusion of women in activities which involve science and technology. A survey based on data from literature is necessary to make a assessment on this subject in current times.


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Ao se verificar nas últimas décadas a composição dos setores econômicos nos chamados países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, nota-se um grande avanço e predominância do setor de serviços na composição de seu Produto Interno Bruto, chegando a ser na maioria dos casos o mais importante setor gerador de divisas, emprego e desenvolvimento. A Ciência de Serviços (CS) traz hoje a necessidade estratégica de políticas públicas, de ensino profissional e de pesquisas para o fomento e desenvolvimento desta Ciência no Brasil como fator estratégico para garantir uma maior competitividade da economia brasileira. A partir da hipótese de utilização da CS e de uma revisão bibliográfica do tema, buscou-se evidenciar suas potenciais aplicações no agronegócio, de maneira que este se torne mais eficiente, coordenado e sincronizado com o avanço dos serviços na composição da economia contemporânea nacional.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research comprises some considerations about production, productivity and scientific collaboration related to Information Science in geopolitical regions of Brazil, aiming at identifying their macro-level flow and trends. Reports were generated through identification of Information Science postgraduate programs and professors and collaborators who work on them - those reports were synthesized according to programs and regions, from the year of 2007 to 2009. We can conclude that the Southeast and Northeast regions are responsible for the higher production, productivity and collaboration indicators; we can also infer that the expansion of the relationship among different regions may offer the researchers opportunities to establish new partnerships, and to develop researches on emerging subjects in this scientific area