984 resultados para Chronic intermittent hypoxia


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Tank cultivation of marine macroalgae involves air-agitation of the algal biomass and intermittent light conditions, i.e. periodic, short light exposure of the thalli in the range of 10 s at the water surface followed by plunging to low light or darkness at the tank bottom and recirculation back to the surface in the range of 1-2 min. Open questions relate to effects of surface irradiance on growth rate and yield in such tumble cultures and the possibility of chronic photoinhibition in full sunlight. A specially constructed shallow-depth tank combined with a dark tank allowed fast circulation times of approximately 5 s, at a density of 4.2 kg fresh weight (FW) m(-2) s(-1). Growth rate and yield of the red alga Palmaria palmata increased over a wide range of irradiances, with no signs of chronic photoinhibition, up to a growth-saturating irradiance of approximately 1600 mumol m(-2) s(-1) in yellowish light supplied by a sodium high pressure lamp at 16 h light per day. Maximum growth rate ranged at 12% FW d(-1), and maximum yield at 609 g FW m(-2) d(-1). This shows that high growth rates of individual thalli may be reached in a dense tumble culture, if high surface irradiances and short circulation times are supplied. Another aspect of intermittent light relates to possible changes of basic growth kinetics, as compared to continuous light. For this purpose on-line measurements of growth rate were performed with a daily light reduction by 50% in light-dark cycles of 1, 2 or 3 min duration during the daily light period. Growth rates at 10degreesC and 50 mumol photon m(-2) s- 1 dropped in all three intermittent light regimes during both the main light and dark periods and reached with all three periodicities approximately 50% of the control, with no apparent changes in basic growth kinetics, as compared to continuous light.


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Hypoxia confers resistance to common cancer therapies, however, it has also has been shown to result in genetic alterations which may allow a survival advantage and increase the tumorigenic properties of cancer cells. Additionally, it may exert a selection pressure, allowing expansion of tumor cells with a more aggressive phenotype. To further assess the role of hypoxia in malignant progression in prostate cancer we exposed human androgen dependent prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) to cycles of chronic hypoxia and isolated a subline, LNCaP-H1. This article describes the partial characterization of this cell line. The LNCaP-H1 subline showed altered growth characteristics and exhibited androgen independent growth both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, these cells were resistant to mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis, probably since the endogenous levels of Bax was lower and Bcl-2 higher than in the parental LNCaP cells. Microarray analysis revealed that a complex array of pathways had differential gene expression between the 2 cell lines, with LNCaP-H1 cells exhibiting a genetic profile which suggests that they may be more likely metastasize to distant organs, especially bone. This was supported by an in vitro invasion assay, and an in vivo metastasis study. This study shows that hypoxia can select for androgen independent prostate cancer cells which have a survival advantage and are more likely to invade and metastasize.


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Cardiac failure occurs when the heart fails to adapt to chronic stresses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent signaling is implicated in cardiac stress responses but the role of different ROS sources remains unclear. Here, we report that NADPH oxidase-4 (Nox4) facilitates cardiac adaptation to chronic stress. Unlike other Nox proteins, Nox4 activity is regulated mainly by its expression level which increased in cardiomyocytes during stresses such as pressure overload or hypoxia. To investigate the functional role of Nox4 during the cardiac response to stress, we generated mice with a genetic deletion of Nox4 or a cardiomyocyte-targeted overexpression of Nox4. Basal cardiac function was normal in both models but Nox4-null animals developed exaggerated contractile dysfunction, hypertrophy and cardiac dilatation during exposure to chronic overload whereas Nox4-transgenic mice were protected. Investigation of mechanisms underlying this protective effect revealed a significant Nox4-dependent preservation of myocardial capillary density after pressure overload. Nox4 enhanced stress-induced activation of cardiomyocyte Hif1 and the release of VEGF, resulting in an increased paracrine angiogenic activity. These data indicate that cardiomyocyte Nox4 is a novel inducible regulator of myocardial angiogenesis, a key determinant of cardiac adaptation to overload stress. Our results also have wider relevance to the use of non-specific antioxidant approaches in cardiac disease and may provide an explanation for the failure of such strategies in many settings.


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Adverse conditions prenatally increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. Chronic hypoxia in utero (CHU) causes endothelial dysfunction, but whether sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve functioning is altered is unknown. We, therefore, compared in male CHU and control (N) rats muscle sympathetic nerve activity, vascular sympathetic innervation density, and mechanisms of sympathetic vasoconstriction. In young (Y)-CHU and Y-N rats (≈3 months), baseline arterial blood pressure was similar. However, tonic muscle sympathetic nerve activity recorded focally from arterial vessels of spinotrapezius muscle had higher mean frequency in Y-CHU than in Y-N rats (0.56±0.075 versus 0.33±0.036 Hz), and the proportions of single units with high instantaneous frequencies (1–5 and 6–10 Hz) being greater in Y-CHU rats. Sympathetic innervation density of tibial arteries was ≈50% greater in Y-CHU than in Y-N rats. Increases in femoral vascular resistance evoked by sympathetic stimulation at low frequency (2 Hz for 2 minutes) and bursts at 20 Hz were substantially smaller in Y-CHU than in Y-N rats. In Y-N only, the neuropeptide Y Y1-receptor antagonist BIBP3226 attenuated these responses. By contrast, baseline arterial blood pressure was higher in middle-aged (M)-CHU than in M-N rats (≈9 months; 139±3 versus 126±3 mmHg, respectively). BIBP3226 had no effect on femoral vascular resistance increases evoked by 2 Hz or 20 Hz bursts in M-N or M-CHU rats. These results indicate that fetal programming induced by prenatal hypoxia causes an increase in centrally generated muscle sympathetic nerve activity in youth and hypertension by middle age. This is associated with blunting of sympathetically evoked vasoconstriction and its neuropeptide Y component that may reflect premature vascular aging and contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular disease


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In this review, we discuss a paradigm whereby changes in the intragraft microenvironment promote or sustain the development of chronic allograft rejection. A key feature of this model involves the microvasculature including (a) endothelial cell (EC) destruction, and (b) EC proliferation, both of which result from alloimmune leukocyte- and/or alloantibody-induced responses. These changes in the microvasculature likely create abnormal blood flow patterns and thus promote local tissue hypoxia. Another feature of the chronic rejection microenvironment involves the overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF stimulates EC activation and proliferation and it has potential to sustain inflammation via direct interactions with leukocytes. In this manner, VEGF may promote ongoing tissue injury. Finally, we review how these events can be targeted therapeutically using mTOR inhibitors. EC activation and proliferation as well as VEGF-VEGFR interactions require PI-3K/Akt/mTOR intracellular signaling. Thus, agents that inhibit this signaling pathway within the graft may also target the progression of chronic rejection and thus promote long-term graft survival.


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L’optimisation de l’exercice par intervalles de haute intensité (EIHI) chez les patients insuffisants cardiaques (IC) n’a jamais été étudiée auparavant. Nous avons comparé les réponses cardio-pulmonaires aiguës lors de 4 différents EIHI dans le but de trouver le protocole optimisé chez les patients IC. Les patients IC étaient aléatoirement alloués à 4 sessions d’EIHI. Chaque phase d’exercice était à une intensité de 100% de la puissance aérobie maximale (PAM), mais de différentes durées (30s ou 90s) et de type de récupération (passive ou active). Chaque protocole d’EIHI durait un maximum de 30 minutes ou jusqu’à épuisement. Considérant le temps total d’exercice, l’adhérence, une perception d’effort moins élevée, le confort du patient ainsi que des temps similaires passés à un haut pourcentage du VO2pic, le mode avec intervalles courts (30s) et récupération passive s’est avéré être le protocole d’EIHI optimisé chez ces patients. Suite à cette étude, nous avons voulu comparer les réponses cardio-pulmonaires aiguës d’un exercice continu d’intensité modéré (ECIM) par rapport à celles de l’EIHI optimisé de dépense énergétique équivalente chez les patients IC. L’objectif de cette étude était de comparer les réponses cardio-pulmonaires, l’adhérence, la perception de l’effort, l’inflammation et les biomarqueurs cardiaques. Comparativement à l’ECIM, l’adhérence, l’efficience et la tolérance étaient plus élevées lors de l’EIHI optimisé chez les patients IC tout en produisant un stimulus physiologique important. L’EIHI n’a causé aucune arythmie significative ou d’effets délétères sur l’inflammation (CRP), le BNP et la nécrose myocardique (C-TnT) chez les patients IC. L’EIHI semble être un mode d’exercice prometteur et devrait être considéré lors de la réadaptation cardiaque chez les patients IC.


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Periods of chronic hypoxia, which can arise from numerous cardiorespiratory disorders, predispose individuals to the development of dementias, particularly Alzheimer's disease (AD). AD is characterized in part by the increased production of amyloid beta peptide (Abeta), which forms the extracellular plaques by which the disease can be identified post mortem. Numerous studies have now shown that hypoxia, even in vitro, can increase production of Abeta in different cell types. Evidence has been produced to indicate hypoxia alters both expression of the Abeta precursor, APP, and also the expression of the secretase enzymes, which cleave Abeta from APP. Other studies implicate reduced Abeta degradation as a possible means by which hypoxia increases Abeta levels. Such variability may be attributable to cell-specific responses to hypoxia. Further evidence indicates that some, but not all of the cellular adaptations to chronic hypoxia (including alteration of Ca(2+) homeostasis) require Abeta formation. However, other aspects of hypoxic remodeling of cell function appear to occur independently of this process. The molecular and cellular responses to hypoxia contribute to our understanding of the clinical association of hypoxia and increased incidence of AD. However, it remains to be determined whether inhibition of one or more of the effects of hypoxia may be of benefit in arresting the development of this neurodegenerative disease.


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Background—A major problem in procurement of donor hearts is the limited time a donor heart remains viable. After cardiectomy, ischemic hypoxia is the main cause of donor heart degradation. The global myocardial ischemia causes a cascade of oxygen radical formation that cumulates in an elevation in hydrogen ions (decrease in pH), irreversible cellular injury, and potential microvascular changes in perfusion. Objective—To determine the changes of prolonged storage times on donor heart microvasculature and the effects of intermittent antegrade perfusion. Materials and Methods—Using porcine hearts flushed with a Ribosol-based cardioplegic solution, we examined how storage time affects microvascular myocardial perfusion by using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging at a mean (SD) of 6.1 (0.6) hours (n=13) or 15.6 (0.6) hours (n=11) after cardiectomy. Finally, to determine if administration of cardioplegic solution affects pH and microvascular perfusion, isolated hearts (group 1, n=9) given a single antegrade dose, were compared with hearts (group 2, n=8) given intermittent antegrade cardioplegia (150 mL, every 30 min, 150 mL/min) by a heart preservation device. Khuri pH probes in left and right ventricular tissue continuously measured hydrogen ion levels, and perfusion intensity on magnetic resonance images was plotted against time. Results—Myocardial perfusion measured via magnetic resonance imaging at 6.1 hours was significantly greater than at 15.6 hours (67% vs 30%, P= .00008). In group 1 hearts, the mean (SD) for pH at the end of 6 hours decreased to 6.2 (0.2). In group 2, hearts that received intermittent antegrade cardioplegia, pH at the end of 6 hours was higher at 6.7 (0.3) (P=.0005). Magnetic resonance imaging showed no significant differences between the 2 groups in contrast enhancement (group 1, 62%; group 2, 40%) or in the wet/dry weight ratio. Conclusion—Intermittent perfusion maintains a significantly higher myocardial pH than does a conventional single antegrade dose. This difference may translate into an improved quality of donor hearts procured for transplantation, allowing longer distance procurement, tissue matching, improved outcomes for transplant recipients, and ideally a decrease in transplant-related costs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To compare intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) with synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation plus pressure support (SIMV+PS) in terms of time on mechanical ventilation, duration of weaning and length of stay in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial that enrolled children aged 28 days to 4 years who were admitted to a PICU between October of 2005 and June of 2007 and put on mechanical ventilation (MV) for more than 48 hours. These patients were allocated to one of two groups by drawing lots: IMV group (IMVG; n = 35) and SIMV+PS group (SIMVG; n = 35). Children were excluded if they had undergone tracheotomy or had chronic respiratory diseases. Data on oxygenation and ventilation were recorded at admission and at the start of weaning.Results: There were no statistical differences between the groups in terms of age, sex, indication for MV, PRISM score, Comfort scale, use of sedatives or ventilation and oxygenation parameters. The median time on MV was 5 days for both groups (p = 0.120). There were also no statistical differences between the two groups for duration of weaning [IMVG: 1 day (1-6) vs. SIMVG: 1 day (1-6); p = 0.262] or length of hospital stay [IMVG: 8 days (2-22) vs. SIMVG: 6 days (3-20); p = 0.113].Conclusion: Among the children studied here, there was no statistically significant difference between IMV and SIMV+ PS in terms of time on MV, duration of weaning or time spent in the PICU.ClinicalTrials.govID: NCT00549809.


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Objectives: The present study aims at comparing the effects of physical and variable chronic stress on ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.Design: Forty-eight adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 12): physical stress, variable stress, positive control and negative control. The models of physical stress were immobilization and immobilization associated with exposure to cold. The models of variable stress were exposure to intermittent light, 24 h isolation, oral cavity examination, crowded environment, smell of blood and noise. After 10 days of physical or variable stress animals underwent experimental induction of periodontal disease in one oral side. Positive control also underwent experimental induction of periodontal disease on the 10th day. Negative control did not receive any type of intervention. At the end of the experimental period (60 days), all animals were euthanized. After routine laboratory processing, images of the histological sections were digitised and submitted to histometric measurement using two parameters: histologic attachment loss and bone loss.Results: Histological attachment loss and bone loss were greater (p < 0.05) in the physical stress group than in the other groups (variable stress, positive and negative control groups). on the non-periodontitis side, these same histological parameters did not significantly differ amongst groups.Conclusions: Physical stress negatively modulated the response pattern to experimentally induced periodontitis in rats. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)