993 resultados para Christians from al-Andalus
Durante el siglo XIII se produjo una sucesión de revueltas que supuso la desaparición del Imperio almohade y su sustitución por poderes regionales en al-Andalus, el Magreb y el Magreb al-Aqsà. La historiografía ha presentado el surgimiento y pugna entre estos poderes como un fenómeno social, político e, incluso, cultural y religioso, con el que se ha podido explicar su aniquilación o marginalización. Este trabajo pretende contextualizar los hechos desde una perspectiva medioambiental, de forma que la desintegración del califato almohade, el surgimiento de aquellos poderes y la progresión de los reinos cristianos en la península ibérica puedan entenderse desde una visión global de cambio climático y una posible crisis agrícola.
A combination of an extension of the topological instability ""lambda criterion"" and a thermodynamic criterion were applied to the Al-La system, indicating the best range of compositions for glass formation. Alloy compositions in this range were prepared by melt-spinning and casting in an arc-melting furnace with a wedge-section copper mold. The GFA of these samples was evaluated by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that the gamma* parameter of compositions with high GFA is higher, corresponding to a range in which the lambda parameter is greater than 0.1, which are compositions far from Al solid solution. A new alloy was identified with the best GFA reported so far for this system, showing a maximum thickness of 286 mu m in a wedge-section copper mold. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
La ciutat a Alandalús és l’espai hegemònic del poder públic emiral i posteriorment califal. Partint de la ciutat de Lleida, analitzem la evolució des del segle VIII fins al segle XI de la consolidació dels espais urbans com a representants del poder. Talment, aquests, capitalitzen els districtes o cores, mitjançant una xarxa de ciutats i fortificacions que li donen cohesió interna. Paral∙lelament, es vertebra i s’envigoritza una societat urbana partint d’elements comuns d’identitat i d’un discurs ideològic afí a la dinastia Omeia. La “gent de la ciutat” repre‐senten una part de la societat andalu‐sina, d’arrels hispano‐visigodes, i alhora, assumeixen l’hegemonia cultural de l’Islam, tot convivint en la nova realitat político‐social.
The calculation of time prayer is a key element of the Islam. Therefore specialists in this field, the muwaqqits, appeared. In al-Andalus and the Magrib there are a great number of scholars, some of which, like al-Mu"addib and al-Tájúrí are good examples of the literature that they generated.
Ofrecer un material para el aula, un cuaderno de metodología activa que conduzca a la comprensión y disfrute del arte. La obra de arte desde Grecia al Renacimiento. Se estudia Grecia, Roma, el arte paleocristiano, el arte bizantino, el arte islámico en Al-Andalus, el arte prerrománico asturiano, el románico y el gótico; observando su marco cronológico, contexto histórico, la arquitectura, la escultura y la pintura. Se ofrece un material compuesto por documentos para su lectura y cuestionarios para poder entablar la dicusión en el aula bajo la orientación del profesor (análisis comparativos, evolución formal, valoraciones estéticas, significados) todo esto junto con diapositivas, láminas, salidas y la teoría del arte son un camino para aprender a conocer, valorar, etc. lo que está fuera del aula, en la ciudad, museos, parques, etc. Se ofrecen fotografías de obras de arte, planos y esquemas para facilitar el trabajo, uniendo el arte y los artistas a su tiempo, valorando la obra como reflejo de los avances científicos y técnicos del momento y del gusto y sensibilidad de la época. Se trata de un material de trabajo interesante por la ayuda que constituye para el profesor de COU. Se trata de un cuaderno de metodología activa del estudio del arte fruto de un período de experimentación y reflexión en el aula.
This paper presents a systematic comparison of OSL signals from Al(2)O(3):C when stimulated with blue and green light. Al(2)O(3):C detectors were irradiated with various doses and submitted to various bleaching regimes using yellow, green and blue light. Most of the investigations were carried out using Luxel (TM)-type detectors used in the commercial Luxet (TM) and InLight (TM) dosimetry systems (Landauer Inc.). Al(2)O(3):C single crystals and Al(2)O(3):C powder were also used to complement the investigations. The results show that, although blue stimulation provides faster readout times (OSL curves that decayed faster) and higher initial OSL intensity than green stimulation, blue stimulation introduced complicating factors. These include incomplete bleaching of the dosimetric trap when the Al(2)O(3):C detectors are bleached with yellow or green light and the OSL is recorded with blue light stimulation, and an increased residual level due to stimulation of charge carriers from deep traps. The results warrant caution when using blue stimulation to measure the OSL signal from Al(2)O(3):C detectors, particularly if the doses involved are low and the detectors have been previously exposed to high doses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It has been used a new image analysis method, based on segmentation by shape parameters, for pits morphology examination from Al 2024 aluminum-copper alloy in chloride aqueous solution. Corrosion behavior of this alloys in naturally aerated 3.5% NaCl solution has been investigated through open circuit potential measurements. Afterwards, pits have been characterized by image analysis taking density and size measurements right from corroded surfaces. Morphological investigation has been conducted for profiles, cut orthogonally from mean surface planes, and observed through light microscopy. Image analysis data could demonstrate that pits are wider than deep, evoluting for conical, quasi-conical or irregular shapes. Most pits have presented a quasi-conical morphology, but the wider ones have evoluted to an irregular shape influenced by sub-surface microstructure. Image analysis based on shape segmentation could enhance the differences on morphological behavior. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
This monograph aims contribute to point out the presence of technical procedures, formal and thematic elements, typical of the Symbolist/Decadentism aesthetic in lyric poetry of Al Berto (1948-1997), using the Camilo Pessanha’s (1867-1926) work as tool to comparison. To achieve this goal, we analyze the corpus selected for research, consisting of three Pessanha’s poems taken from the book that brings together his work, Clepsidra, “Caminho I”, “Caminho II” e “[Depois das bodas de oiro]”, and three poems of Al Berto, taken from the book O Medo, which is the combination of his work too: “Os dias sem ninguém - 4”, “Doze moradas de silêncio – I” and “[no exíguo espaço do corpo ou da casa]”. Through the comparison between the analysis of the poems from Al Berto and Camilo Pessanha it was found resemblances, in fact, - and obviously some differences - between both. Furthermore, it was verified that Al Berto, a contemporary poet, rescues numerous traits of the decadent aesthetic, whose Camilo Pessanha is one of the greatest representatives
La mezquita de Al-Qarawiyín de Fez y el aprovechamiento de elementos arquitectónicos califales
Aportaciones del arte de Ifriqiya al musulmán español de los siglos X y XI
Restauración, en el siglo XVIII, de la cúpula que precede al mihrab de la mezquita de Córdoba
Nuevos datos documentales sobre la construcción de la mezquita de Córdoba en el reinado de Abd Al-Rahman II
La mezquita de Al-Qanatir y el santuario de Alfonso el Sabio en el Puerto de Santa María