997 resultados para Christianeum (Hamburg-Altona, Hamburg, Germany)


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This MPH thesis consists of (1) literature review of the relatively new synthetic persistent organic pollutants (POP), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a type of flame retardant posing a potential public health hazard, (2) Presentation of data on PBDE levels in dryer lint from Dallas, TX and Hamburg, Germany. ^ PBDEs are used as additive fire retardants in plastics, polyurethane foam and electronic equipment to reduce flammability and thus save life and property. PBDEs have been widely used beginning in the 1970s. They resemble polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in structure and toxicity. PBDEs are found in environmental sediments, sludges, and wildlife and even in human blood, milk and tissues. ^ PBDEs, due to their lipophilicity, accumulate in fat and other tissues and biomagnify up the food chain, with increasing concentrations. Animal studies have suggested potential health effects including thyroid disruption, permanent learning and memory impairment, fetal malformations, developmental neurotoxicity and, at high doses, possibly cancer. ^ PBDE levels are increasing in blood and breast milk in North America, but PBDEs intake unlike PCBs appears to be not primarily through food; food PBDE levels in the U.S. are not markedly higher than in Europe yet U.S. human blood and milk levels are much higher. For this reason various exposure pathways including PBDE contaminated dust and air have been studied to better characterize routes of PBDE intake into humans. ^ The scientific literature on PBDE levels in household dust reports higher PBDE concentration in dust than that found in dryer lint; levels in the U.S are elevated compared to other countries with congeners such as BDE 47, 99, 100 and 209 predominating. The United Kingdom has elevated BDE 209 due to high usage of Deca commercial mixture. These studies suggest that indoor PBDE contamination through household dust could be a potential source of PBDE exposure and body burden especially in young children. ^ PBDE levels in dryer lint from U.S ranged from 321 to 3073 ng/g (Mean: 1138 ng/g, Median: 803 ng/g) and from Germany were from 330 to 2069 ng/g (Median: 71ng/g, Mean: 361 ng/g). High median levels in U.S samples indicate contamination of lint with PBDEs although the source of the PBDEs in lint may be from dryer electrical components or air deposition onto clothes, lint may be one source of PBDE exposure to humans. ^


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Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) is the most abundant and hence ecologically most important primary producer, carbon sink and habitat provider in the western Baltic Sea. All F. vesiculosus L. specimens were collected on 23 April 2014 from a depth of 0.2-1 m in the non-tidal Kiel Fjord, western Baltic Sea (54°27'N; 10°12'E), where this species forms dense and almost monospecific stands on stones. After sampling the algal thalli were stored in a refrigerator box with water from the sampling site, transported to Bremerhaven and stored at 10 °C for one day in filtered seawater. Experiments were conducted with vegetative apical tips (6.7±0.5 cm length), the actively growing region of F. vesiculosus, which were randomly selected and cut from 144 different individuals prior to the experiments. These tips were acclimated to laboratory conditions for three days in filtered seawater at 10 °C before the start of the experiment. Furthermore, 30 additional vegetative apices were freeze-dried to document the initial biochemical status of F. vesiculosus in its native habitat. A temperature gradient was installed in a walk-in constant cooling chamber (15 °C) in nine water baths (5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 29 °C ± 0.1 °C) which were tempered by thermostats (5, 10 and 15 °C: Huber Variostat CC + Pilot ONE, Peter Huber Kältemaschinen GmbH, Offenburg, Germany; 20 and 28 °C: Haake DC3, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, USA; 24, 26, 27 and 29 °C: Haake DC10). Every temperature treatment consisted of four 2 L glass beakers (n = 4). In each beaker four F. vesiculosus apices were grown in 2 µm-filtered North Sea water diluted with demineralized water in a ratio of 1:1 and enriched with nutrients after Provasoli (1968; 1/10 enrichment), leading to a salinity of about 15.6 which equaled habitat conditions. The algae were exposed to an irradiance of 130 µmol photons m-2 s-1 ±10 % (Powerstar HGI-TS 150 W, OSRAM GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany) measured at the top of the beaker under a 16:8 h L:D cycle. The media in the beakers was changed every third or fourth day and aerated with artificial air containing 380 ppm CO2 (gas mixing device; HTK Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Before the experiment, the algae were acclimated to the final temperatures in steps of 5 °C for 2 days each, beginning at 10 °C. After 21 days exposure time, three out of four samples per replicate were freeze-dried for further biochemical analyses, and afterwards the thermostats were turned off to reduce the temperature to 16±0.4 °C for another 10 days permitting growth under post-culture conditions.


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The study on invertebrate communities in East- and West-Greenland shelf waters was embedded in a fisheries survey carried out during the 379th expedition of the German fisheries vessel Walther Herwig III of the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg, Germany. The aim of the study was a coarse classification of the bycatch comprising macrobenthic organisms. On the one hand the marine ecosystem of this area provides food for commercially valuable fish stocks and plays, potentially an important role in the remineralisation of nutrients. On the other hand it experiences stress by traditional bottom trawling as well as anthropogenic and natural climate variability. As a consequence the study can provide a baseline to detect further changes in the composition of this component of a sub-arctic marine ecosystem.


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The objective of the present study is the estimation of the depth to which the wire sawing process causes damage to the wafer surfaces. Previous analyses were carried out by means of the four line bending test. The characteristic of this test implied that the failure could be due to surface cracks located in the central zone of the wafer or near the edges. In order to evaluate the influence of the edge or surface cracks a new study has been carried out using the ball/ring on ring test. Description and results of the tests are presented. The preliminary analysis of the failure stress using analytical methods confirms the expected results. A Finite Element model developed to get more information of the test results is also presented.


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The usage of more inexpensive silicon feedstock for crystallizing mc-Si blocks promises cost reduction for the photovoltaic market. For example, less expensive substrates of upgraded metallurgical silicon (UMG-Si) are used as a mechanical support for the epitaxial solar cell. This feedstock has higher content of impurities which influences cell performance and mechanical strength of the wafers. Thus, it is of importance to know these effects in order to know which impurities should be preferentially removed or prevented during the crystallization process. Metals like aluminum (Al) can decrease the mechanical strength due to micro-cracking of the silicon matrix and introduction of high values of thermal residual stress. Additionally, silicon oxide (SiOx) lowers the mechanical strength of mc-Si due to thermal residual stresses and stress intensification when an external load is applied in the surrounding of the particle. Silicon carbide (SiC) introduces thermal residual stresses and intensifies slightly the stress in the surrounding of the particle but can have a toughening effect on the silicon matrix. Finally, silicon nitride (Si3N4) does not influence significantly the mechanical strength of mc- Si and can have a toughening effect on the silicon matrix.


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Population balances of polymer species in terms 'of discrete transforms with respect to counts of groups lead to tractable first order partial differential equations when ali rate constants are independent of chain length and loop formation is negligible [l]. Average molecular weights in the absence ofgelation are long known to be readily found through integration of an initial value problem. The extension to size distribution prediction is also feasible, but its performance is often lower to the one provided by methods based upon real chain length domain [2]. Moreover, the absence ofagood starting procedure and a higher numerical sensitivity hás decisively impaired its application to non-linear reversibly deactivated polymerizations, namely NMRP [3].


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The grafting of functional brushes on the surface of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP). particles hás been explored in the last few years to synthesize materiais combining high molecular recognition capabilities and stimulation triggered by changes in the surrounding environment [1, 2]. In the present work, MIP particles for 5-fluorouracil (a drug used in câncer treatment) were produced by precipitation polymerization in acetonitrile, using either MAA or HEMA as imprinting fünctional monomers, and m the presence of different kinds of RAFT agents. In a second step, taking advantage of the RAFT groups present in the surface of the particles, different kinds of fiinctional polymer brushes were grafted on the MIPs considering a "grafting from" process in the presence of a RAFT agent.


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While family business literature agrees that family firms are driven by both non-economic and financial motives, it is unclear how the prioritization of socioemotional wealth (SEW) over financial considerations affects family firms' financial performance. Based on a sample of 343 family firm owners from German-speaking Europe, this study reveals a significant and positive relationship between the firm owners' SEW considerations and their family businesses' financial performance. This relationship, in turn, is found to be mediated by organizational ambidexterity. A fine-grained analysis of the different SEW dimensions indicates that this pattern may be driven by two elements of socioemotional wealth only (family members' identification with the firm and emotional attachment). Our findings demonstrate that business families do not necessarily face a trade-off when prioritizing the preservation of their SEW over stabilizing or improving the financial performance of their business. The study enriches several streams of literature and opens up numerous avenues for future research.


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We used a novel system of three continuous wave Doppler radars to successfully record the directivity of i) Strombolian explosions from the active lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, ii) eruptions at Stromboli volcano, Italy, and iii) a man-made explosion in a quarry. Erebus volcano contains a convecting phonolite lava lake, presumably connected to a magma chamber at depth. It is one of the few open vent volcanoes that allow a direct observation of source processes during explosions. Its lava lake is the source of frequent violent Strombolian explosions, caused by large gas bubbles bursting at the lake surface. The exact mechanism of these bubble bursts is unclear, as is the mechanism of the creation of the infrasound signal accompanying the explosions. We use the Doppler radar data to calculate the directivity of Strombolian eruptions at Erebus. This allows us to derive information about the expected type of infrasound source pattern (i.e. the role of a dipole in addition to the monopole signature) and the physical structure of the volcano. We recorded 10 large explosions simultaneously with three radars, enabling us to calculate time series of 3D directivity vectors (i.e. effectively 4D), which describe the direction of preferred expansion of the gas bubble during an explosion. Such directivity information allows a comparison to dipole infrasound radiation patterns recorded during similar explosions only a few weeks later. Video observations of explosions support our interpretation of the measurements. We conclude that at Erebus, the directivity of explosions is mainly controlled by random processes. Since the geometry of the uppermost conduit is assumed to have a large effect on the directivity of explosions, the results suggest a largely symmetrical uppermost conduit with a vertical axis of symmetry. For infrasound recordings, a significant dipole signature can be expected in addition to the predominant monopole signature.


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"Prog. Nr. 914."


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Mode of access: Internet.