139 resultados para Chloromethyl Furfural


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O envelhecimento de bebidas em tonéis de madeira é responsável pela melhoria do sabor e do aroma do produto. Embora o carvalho seja a madeira tradicionalmente utilizada para envelhecimento de bebidas, no Brasil é comum o uso de outras madeiras, como o bálsamo, e madeiras regionais utilizadas por pequenos produtores, fazendo com que o tipo de tonel usado para o envelhecimento possa variar muito. Neste trabalho, é apresentado um estudo da concentração de furanos e fenólicos de baixo peso molecular (ácido gálico, 5-hidroximetilfurfural, furfural, ácido vanílico, ácido siríngico, vanilina, siringaldeído, coniferaldeído, sinapaldeído e cumarina), considerados marcadores de envelhecimento, em cachaças oriundas de pequenos produtores das cinco regiões fabricantes de cachaça do Estado do Ceará. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com cachaças comerciais consideradas produtos de primeira linha, produzidas nos Estados de Pernambuco, Ceará e Minas Gerais, e apresentaram boa concordância.


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O processo de envelhecimento ou maturação das bebidas proporciona uma melhora nas características sensoriais da cachaça, tornando-a de qualidade superior e de maior valor econômico. O método tradicional de maturação de bebidas é sua interação com madeiras, sendo que a irradiação pode acelerar este processo de envelhecimento. A cachaça e os tonéis de carvalho de 20 L de capacidade foram submetidos à irradiação gama (150 Gy). Análises físico-químicas e cromatográficas foram realizadas periodicamente ao longo de 390 dias do período de envelhecimento da bebida. A irradiação da cachaça e do tonel não alterou a maioria dos componentes voláteis do coeficiente de congêneres como acidez volátil, ésteres, álcoois superiores e furfural durante os 390 dias. Há evidências, entretanto, de que os parâmetros de alguns componentes como aldeídos, taninos, cor e teor de cobre são de alguma forma influenciados, resultando em aceleração parcial do processo de maturação ou envelhecimento. Ao final do período de envelhecimento, foi feita uma análise sensorial com 30 provadores não treinados. A aceleração do processo de envelhecimento foi confirmada pela avaliação sensorial, e a cachaça e/ou tonel irradiados receberam maior indicação de aprovação em todos os parâmetros analisados (aroma, sabor e aparência).


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Wood-based bioprocesses present one of the fields of interest with the most potential in the circular economy. Expanding the use of wood raw material in sustainable industrial processes is acknowledged on both a global and a regional scale. This thesis concerns the application of a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method with the aim of monitoring wood-based bioprocesses. The range of detectable carbohydrate compounds is expanded to furfural and polydatin in aquatic matrices. The experimental portion has been conducted on a laboratory scale with samples imitating process samples. This thesis presents a novel strategy for the uncertainty evaluation via in-house validation. The focus of the work is on the uncertainty factors of the CZE method. The CZE equipment is sensitive to ambient conditions. Therefore, a proper validation is essential for robust application. This thesis introduces a tool for process monitoring of modern bioprocesses. As a result, it is concluded that the applied CZE method provides additional results to the analysed samples and that the profiling approach is suitable for detecting changes in process samples. The CZE method shows significant potential in process monitoring because of the capability of simultaneously detecting carbohydrate-related compound clusters. The clusters can be used as summary terms, indicating process variation and drift.


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Avaliou-se por um período de 390 dias o perfil da composição química da aguardente sob envelhecimento em tonéis de carvalho de 20 L. O envelhecimento da aguardente em tonéis de madeira melhora a qualidade sensorial do destilado. As aguardentes envelhecidas foram analisadas aos 0, 76, 147, 228, 314 e 390 dias de armazenamento quanto às concentrações de etanol, acidez volátil, ésteres, aldeídos, furfural, álcoois superiores (n-propílico, isobutílico e isoamílicos), metanol, cobre, extrato seco, taninos e cor. Após os 390 dias de armazenamento, a aguardente apresentou maiores concentrações de acidez volátil, ésteres, aldeídos, furfural, álcoois superiores, congêneres, extrato seco e tanino. Sua coloração tornou-se amarelada. As concentrações de etanol e de metanol não se alteraram, e o teor de cobre apresentou ligeiro declínio. O envelhecimento da aguardente por 390 dias em tonéis de carvalho alterou a sua composição química, porém ela se manteve dentro de todos os padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pela legislação nacional em vigor.


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Procurou-se neste trabalho produzir cachaças em escala de laboratório a partir de leveduras isoladas de alambiques de diferentes regiões de Minas Gerais, avaliando-se e comparando-se a composição química destas em relação a cachaças de marcas comerciais. Os alambiques selecionados para isolamento das leveduras produzem tradicionalmente cachaças com características artesanais, cujos procedimentos as diferenciam sensorial e quimicamente das cachaças industriais. Avaliou-se a cinética de algumas das fermentações com relação ao teor alcoólico e à acidez produzidos durante a fermentação e alguns mostos atingiram concentrações de etanol da ordem de 9 ºGL e acidez de 55 mg.100 mL-1. Os compostos avaliados por cromatografia gasosa foram acetaldeído, acetato de etila, metanol, 1-propanol, álcool isobutílico, álcool isoamílico, furfural e ácido acético. As concentrações mais elevadas foram de alcoóis superiores totais, preponderando o álcool isoamílico, e de ácido acético. A composição mostrou-se bastante variável (40,59 a 671,86 mg de ácido acético.100 mL-1 de álcool anidro e 20,68 a 178,6 mg de acetaldeído.100 mL-1 de álcool anidro), e foi contrastada com os limites legais estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira (Instrução Normativa nº 13, de 30/06/2005, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento).


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Este trabalho determinou aspectos da composição química e aceitação sensorial da aguardente de cana-de-açúcar envelhecida por 3 anos em tonéis de diferentes madeiras (amendoim, araruva, cabreúva, carvalho, cerejeira, grápia, ipê-roxo, jequitibá e pereira). O destilado alcoólico simples que originou a aguardente foi produzido na Destilaria Piloto da ESALQ/USP. Após envelhecimento, as aguardentes foram avaliadas quanto ao grau alcoólico, acidez volátil, furfural, aldeídos, ésteres, álcoois superiores, álcool metílico, cobre, compostos fenólicos totais, cor e aceitação sensorial. Independentemente da madeira com que o tonel foi construído, a aguardente envelhecida apresentou coloração mais escura e maior concentração de acidez volátil, de furfural, de ésteres, de álcoois superiores, de congêneres e de compostos fenólicos totais que o destilado alcoólico simples. Por outro lado, a aguardente envelhecida apresentou menor concentração de aldeídos, de metanol e de cobre que o destilado alcoólico simples. A análise estatística geral, considerando a composição físico-química global das aguardentes envelhecidas nos tonéis das diferentes madeiras indicou similaridades entre as aguardentes envelhecidas nos tonéis de amendoim, araruva e jequitibá; entre as aguardentes envelhecidas nos tonéis de cabreúva e pereira; e entre as aguardentes envelhecidas nos tonéis de carvalho, cerejeira, grápia e ipê-roxo. A aguardente envelhecida nos tonéis das diferentes madeiras manteve-se dentro de todos os padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pela legislação nacional em vigor. A aguardente envelhecida na madeira carvalho foi a que apresentou a melhor aceitação sensorial. Dentre as madeiras nacionais, ipê-roxo, amendoim, cabreúva, cerejeira e pereira foram aquelas que propiciaram as melhores qualidades sensoriais à aguardente.


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This study aimed at assessing the stability of passion fruit juice in glass bottles during a 120-day storage period, regarding its volatile compounds profile and sensory properties (aroma and flavor). Samples were obtained from a Brazilian tropical juice industry (Fortaleza, Brazil) and submitted to sensory and chromatographic analyses. The characteristic aroma and flavor of passion fruit were evaluated by a trained panel with a non-structured scale of 9 cm. The headspace volatile compounds were isolated from the product by suction and trapped in Porapak Q, analyzed through high-resolution gas chromatography and identified through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Twelve odoriferous compounds were monitored: ethyl butanoate, ethyl propanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butenol, (E)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenol, 3-methylbutyl acetate, benzaldehyde, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl acetate, limonene and furfural. The slight variations observed in the volatile profile were not enough to provoke significant changes in the characteristic aroma and flavor of the passion fruit juice.


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The objective of this study was to determine the chemical profile of sugarcane spirits produced by different double distillation methodologies in rectifying still. Fermented sugarcane juice was distilled in rectifying still according to three double distillation methodologies: the methodology used for cognac production; the methodology used for whisky production; and the 10-80-10 percentage composition methodology, referring to the volumes of head, heart and tail of the distillate fractions from the second distillation. For comparison purposes, a simple distilled spirit was also produced. The distillates were analyzed for concentrations of ethanol, copper, volatile acidity, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural, aldehydes, esters, methanol and higher alcohols. The spirits were also evaluated on the sensory attributes of aroma, taste and preference. Compared to simple distillation, double distillation improved the chemical quality of the spirits, since it has reduced the concentrations of acids, aldehydes, esters, methanol, higher alcohols and, consequently, their coefficient of congeners. Regardless of the methodology employed, the double distillation improved the sensory quality of the spirits since they obtained higher sensory acceptance in relation to spirits produced by simple distillation. Among double distilled spirits, the one produced according to whisky methodology obtained the best scores from appraisers on the aroma and flavor parameters and it was also the most preferred.


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Sugarcane spirit is a drink considered as a national symbol of Brazil. It is produced by large producers and by about 30 thousand small and medium home-distilling producers dispersed throughout the country. The copper originating from the home-distillers can become a serious problem since at high concentrations in beverages it may cause serious human health problems. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the activated carbon used in commercial filters on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of aged sugarcane spirit. Analyses of copper, dry extract, alcoholic degree, higher alcohols, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, furfural, and methanol were performed. The sensory evaluation was performed by seven selected trained judges, who analyzed the yellow color, woody aroma and flavor, and intensity of alcoholic aroma and flavor of the cane spirit before and after the filtration process. The sensory tests were carried out using a 9 cm non-structured intensity scale. A reduction was observed in all compounds analyzed physicochemically, except for the esters, which increased after filtration. This increase is probably due to the esterification of the alcohols and acids present. According to the sensory results obtained, a reduction was observed in the intensity of the yellow color, aroma, and wood flavor characteristics, the major characteristics of the aging process.


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Titre: La Visualisation in vivo des « espèces oxygénées radiculaires» au niveau des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine. Le But : Les espèces d'oxygène réactives sont non seulement produites à la suite de la blessure cellulaire, mais servent aussi des molécules faisantes des signes pour une variété de processus critiques, en incluant mitosis et de mort de cellule. Nous avons auparavant dit que la blessure à RGC axons incite un éclatement de superoxyde dans le corps de cellule, probablement de l'origine mitochondrial (Lieven et al, 2006). Nous décrivons maintenant une méthode pour refléter des espèces d'oxygène réactives dans la rétine de l'animal vivant en utilisant un confocal le lisant rapidement du laser ophthalmoscope a appelé la Rétine de Heidelberg Angiograph 2 (HRA2) équipé avec les lasers doubles. La méthodolologie : Après les études préliminaires en utilisant d'autres indicateurs (hydroethidium; HEt) pour les espèces d'oxygène réactives, nous avons essayé de refléter des espèces d'oxygène réactives dans le dans le modèle de vivo l'utilisation 5-(et 6)-chloromethyl-2', 7 '-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, l'acétyle ester (le CM-H2DCFDA). Un nerf optique de Longs-Evans rats a été écrasé intraorbitalement, en épargnant la circulation retinal. Dans certains rats colliculi supérieur de Longs rats Evans avait été auparavant exposé via craniotomy et surposé avec Gelfoam saturé avec le vert indocyanine (ICG). Aux points de temps variables les animaux ont été injectés intraveineusement ou intravitreally avec HEt ou le CM-H2DCFDA et reflétés avec fluorescein et-ou les filtres d'ICG en utilisant le HRA2. Les résultats: Nous avons démontré le foyer brillant multiple de fluorescence dans la couche de cellule de ganglion quand nous avons rétrogradement étiqueté d'ICG bilatéralement, en indiquant qu'ICG était un colorant rétrogradement transporté qui pourrait être découvert avec le HRA2. Après axotomy et l'injection intravitreal de CM-H2DCFDA, il y avait la fluorescence brillante dans le canal fluorescein dans quelques cellules dans la couche de cellule de ganglion, en accord avec la production d'une ou plusieurs espèces d'oxygène réactives. Les conclusions : RGCs peut être identifié et les niveaux d'espèces d'oxygène réactives mesurés en utilisant une fréquence double confocal Mots-clés : cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine; especes oxygenique radiculaire; la visualisation;


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Les cyclopropanes sont des unités qui sont très importantes en raison de leur présence dans de nombreux produits naturels, dans certaines molécules synthétiques ayant une activité biologique, ainsi que dans plusieurs intermédiaires synthétiques. Les travaux décrits dans cet ouvrage portent sur l’halogénocyclopropanation stéréosélective d’alcools allyliques en présence d’un ligand chiral stœchiométrique de type dioxaborolane et de carbénoïdes de zinc substitués dérivés de composés organozinciques et d’haloformes. Nous avons ainsi développé des conditions pour l’iodo-, la chloro- et la fluorocyclopropanation stéréosélective. Une étude mécanistique portant sur la nature des carbénoïdes alpha-chlorés et alpha-bromés a révélé qu’il y a un échange des halogènes portés par ces carbénoïdes. Lors de la chlorocyclopropanation, le carbénoïde le plus réactif (alpha-chloré) réagit de façon prédominante en vertu du principe de Curtin-Hammet. Les iodocyclopropanes énantioenrichis ont pu être fonctionnalisés via une réaction d’échange lithium-iode suivie du traitement avec des électrophiles, ou via une réaction de transmétallation au zinc suivie d’un couplage de Negishi. Ainsi, toute une gamme de cyclopropanes 1,2,3-substitués énantioenrichis a pu être synthétisée. Dans l’optique de développer de nouvelles méthodologies de fonctionnalisation des cyclopropanes, nous nous sommes par la suite tournés vers le couplage croisé de type Hiyama-Denmark des cyclopropylsilanols. Dans cette voie synthétique, le groupement silanol a deux fonctions : il sert de groupement proximal basique lors de la cyclopropanation de Simmons-Smith et il subit la transmétallation au cours du couplage croisé. Dans l’étape du couplage croisé, la nature des ligands liés à l’atome de silicium s’est avérée cruciale au bon déroulement de la réaction. Ainsi, l’échange de ligands avec le diéthyl éthérate de trifluoroborane générant le cyclopropyltrifluorosilane in situ est requis pour obtenir de bons rendements. Le dernier volet de cet ouvrage porte sur la cyclisation d’iodures d’alkyle par substitution aromatique par voie homolytique catalysée par le nickel. Une série de composés de type tétrahydronaphtalène et thiochromane ont été préparés selon cette méthode. Une étude mécanistique a confirmé la nature radicalaire de cette réaction et suggère fortement l’action catalytique du nickel. De plus, des études de spectrométrie RMN DOSY ont montré une association entre le complexe de nickel et le substrat ainsi que la base employés dans cette réaction.


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In this work polymers belonging to polyaniline and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid are synthesised. Cobalt phthalocyanine is an interesting candidate belonging to the tetramers. Studies on the composites containing cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid for various concentration are also undertaken in order to understand the mechanism. RF plasma polymerised aniline and furfural are prepared. The structural and electrical properties are evaluated. The bombardment of swift heavy ions of these films are carried out and the effect of irradiation on their properties is also investigated.


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The study deals with the production of l-phenylflavazoles with chloro, amino, hydroxy, chloromethyl, carboxamido, trichloromethyl, N-pyrrolidyl and N-pyrrolidylmethyl groups substituted at position 3. The interconversions of 3-amino, 3-hydroxy and 3-chlorol- phenylflavazoles were also investigated. Further, an unusual phenylation reaction was found to take place if stored or air-oxidised phenylhydrazine was used as the condensing agent for the formation of flavazoles from quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde phenylhydrazones. By this phenylation reaction 1,3-diphenyl, l-p-tolyl-3-phenyl, l-p-chlorophenyl-3-phenyl, l-p-bromophenyl- 3-phenyl and l-phenyl-3-p-tolylflavazoles were prepared. In addition to establishing the structure of the phenylation products, the reaction was shown to take place by a free radical mechanism involving phenyl radicals formed from oxidised phenylhydrazine. Also the oxidation, reduction and bromination reactions of l-phenylflavazole were investigated. The product obtained when a mixture of l-phenylflavazole and sodium borohydride in isopropanol was heated under reflux was shown to be 2-anilinoquinoxaline-3-carboxamide which when refluxed with concentrated hydrochloric acid gave the known 2-anilinoquinoxaline. New procedures were worked out for the oxidative cyclisation reactions of quinoxaline-2carboxaldehyde phenylhydrazones to l-phenylflavazoles in excellent yields using azobenzene as a dehydrogenating agent. These cyclisations were also shown to take place, though in low Yield, if the quinoxaline2- carboxaldehyde phenylhydrazones were heated above their melting points in an atmosphere containing oxygen.


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Oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fibre, a by-product generated from non-woody, tropical perennial oil palm crop was evaluated for xylooligosaccharides (XOS) production. Samples of OPEFB fibre were subjected to non-isothermal autohydrolysis treatment using a temperature range from 150 to 220 °C. The highest XOS concentration, 17.6 g/L which relayed from solubilisation of 63 g/100 g xylan was achieved at 210 °C and there was a minimum amount of xylose and furfural being produced. The chromatographic purification which was undertaken to purify the oligosaccharide-rich liquor resulted in a product with 74–78% purity, of which 83–85% was XOS with degree of polymerisation (DP) between 5 and 40.


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The volatile composition from four types of multifloral Portuguese (produced in Madeira Island) honeys was investigated by a suitable analytical procedure based on dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by thermal desorption gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMS). The performance of five commercially available SPME fibres: 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS; 85 μm polyacrylate, PA; 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen on polydimethylsiloxane, DVB/CAR/PDMS (StableFlex); 75 μm carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, CAR/PDMS, and 65 μm carbowax/divinylbenzene, CW/DVB; were evaluated and compared. The highest amounts of extract, in terms of the maximum signal obtained for the total volatile composition, were obtained with a DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre at 60 °C during an extraction time of 40 min with a constant stirring at 750 rpm, after saturating the sample with NaCl (30%). Using this methodology more than one hundred volatile compounds, belonging to different biosynthetic pathways were identified, including monoterpenols, C13-norisoprenoids, sesquiterpenes, higher alcohols, ethyl esters and fatty acids. The main components of the HS-SPME samples of honey were in average ethanol, hotrienol, benzeneacetaldehyde, furfural, trans-linalool oxide and 1,3-dihydroxy-2-propanone.