997 resultados para China clay


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Domestic coal combustion has had profound adverse effects on the health of millions of people worldwide. In China alone several hundred million people commonly burn raw coal in unvented stoves that permeate their homes with high levels of toxic metals and organic compounds. At least 3,000 people in Guizhou Province in southwest China are suffering from severe arsenic poisoning. The primary source of the arsenic appears to be consumption of chili peppers dried over fires fueled with high-arsenic coal. Coal samples in the region were found to contain up to 35,000 ppm arsenic. Chili peppers dried over high-arsenic coal fires adsorb 500 ppm arsenic on average. More than 10 million people in Guizhou Province and surrounding areas suffer from dental and skeletal fluorosis. The excess fluorine is caused by eating corn dried over burning briquettes made from high-fluorine coals and high-fluorine clay binders. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed during coal combustion are believed to cause or contribute to the high incidence of esophageal and lung cancers in parts of China. Domestic coal combustion also has caused selenium poisoning and possibly mercury poisoning. Better knowledge of coal quality parameters may help to reduce some of these health problems. For example, information on concentrations and distributions of potentially toxic elements in coal may help delineate areas of a coal deposit to be avoided. Information on the modes of occurrence of these elements and the textural relations of the minerals and macerals in coal may help predict the behavior of the potentially toxic components during coal combustion.


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To reveal the moisture migration mechanism of the unsaturated red clays, which are sensitive to water content change and widely distributed in South China, and then rationally use them as a filling material for highway embankments, a method to measure the water content of red clay cylinders using X-ray computed tomography (CT) was proposed and verified. Then, studies on the moisture migrations in the red clays under the rainfall and ground water level were performed at different degrees of compaction. The results show that the relationship between dry density, water content, and CT value determined from X-ray CT tests can be used to nondestructively measure the water content of red clay cylinders at different migration time, which avoids the error reduced by the sample-to-sample variation. The rainfall, ground water level, and degree of compaction are factors that can significantly affect the moisture migration distance and migration rate. Some techniques, such as lowering groundwater table and increasing degree of compaction of the red clays, can be used to prevent or delay the moisture migration in highway embankments filled with red clays.


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Ocean Drilling Program sampling of the distal passive margin of South China at Sites 1147 and 1148 has yielded clay-rich hemipelagic sediments dating to 32 Ma (Oligocene), just prior to the onset of seafloor spreading in the South China Sea. The location of the drill sites offshore the Pearl River suggests that this river, or its predecessor, may have been the source of the sediment in the basin, which accounts for only not, vert, similar ~1.8% of the total Neogene sediment in the Asian marginal seas. A mean erosion depth of not, vert, similar ~1 km over the current Pearl River drainage basin is sufficient to account for the sediment volume on the margin. Two-dimensional backstripping of across-margin seismic profiles shows that sedimentation rates peaked during the middle Miocene (11-16 Ma) and the Pleistocene (since 1.8 Ma). Nd isotopic analysis of clays yielded epsilonNd values of -7.7 to -11.0, consistent with the South China Block being the major source of sediment. More positive epsilonNd values during and shortly after rifting compared to later sedimentation reflect preferential erosion at that time of more juvenile continental arc rocks exposed along the margin. As the drainage basin developed and erosion shifted from within the rift to the continental interior epsilonNd values became more negative. A rapid change in the clay mineralogy from smectite-dominated to illite dominated at not, vert, similar 15.5 Ma, synchronous with middle Miocene rapid sedimentation, mostly reflects a change to a wetter, more erosive climate. Evidence that the elevation of the Tibetan Plateau and erosion in the western Himalaya both peaked close to this time supports the suggestion that the Asian monsoon became much more intense at that time, much earlier than the 8.5 Ma age commonly accepted.


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The Chinese Loess Plateau red clay sequences display a continuous alternation of sedimentary cycles that represent recurrent climatic fluctuations from 2.58 Ma to the Miocene. Deciphering such a record can provide us with vital information on global and Asian climatic variations. Lack of fossils and failure of absolute dating methods made magnetostratigraphy a leading method to build age models for the red clay sequences. Here we test the magnetostratigraphic age model against cyclostratigraphy. For this purpose we investigate the climate cyclicity recorded in magnetic susceptibility and sedimentary grain size in a red clay section previously dated 11Myr old with magnetostratigraphy alone. Magnetostratigraphy dating based on only visual correlation could potentially lead to erroneous age model. In this study the correlation is executed through the iteration procedure until it is supported by cyclostratigraphy; i.e., Milankovitch cycles are resolved in the best possible manner. Our new age model provides an age of 5.2Ma for the Shilou profile. Based on the new age model, wavelet analysis reveals the well-preserved 400 kyr and possible 100 kyr eccentricity cycles on the eastern Chinese Loess Plateau. Further, paleomonsoon evolution during 2.58-5.2Ma is reconstructed and divided into three intervals (2.58-3.6Ma, 3.6-4.5Ma, and 4.5-5.2Ma). The upper part, the youngest stage, is characterized by a relatively intensified summer monsoon, the middle stage reflects an intensification of the winter monsoon and aridification in Asia, and the earliest stage indicates that summer and winter monsoon cycles may have rapidly altered. The use of cyclostratigraphy along withmagnetostratigraphy gives us an effectivemethod of dating red clay sequences, and our results imply that many presently published age models for the red clay deposits should be perhaps re-evaluated.


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Green clay layers are reported from the Pliocene-Holocene intervals in five of the six sites drilled in the South China Sea (SCS) during Leg 184. Centimeter-scale discrete, discontinuous, and bioturbated layers, constituted by stiff and porous green clays, were observed, sometimes associated with iron sulfides and pyrite. Detailed mineralogical and geochemical analyses indicate that they differentiate from the host sediments in their higher content of iron, smectite, and mixed-layered clays and lower amounts of calcite, authigenic phosphorus, quartz, and organic matter. Although no glauconite was observed, the mineralogy and geochemistry of green clay layers, along with their geometrical relation to background sediments, suggest that they most likely represent the result of the first steps of glauconitization. Correlation between green layers and volcanic ash layers was suggested for green laminae observed elsewhere in Pacific sediments but was not confirmed at SCS sites. Statistical analysis of the temporal distribution of green layers in the records of the last million years suggests that green clay layers have become more frequent since 600 ka. Only at Site 1148 does the green layer record show a statistically significant cyclicity which may be related to orbital eccentricity. A possible influence of sea level variations, related both to climatic changes and tectonism, is postulated.


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Widespread stromatolites and other microbialite deposits characterize Lower Triassic marine successions worldwide. This study documents a stromatolite deposit, 1.1. m thick, from the upper Spathian (Lower Triassic) of the Susong area, South China. The stromatolite comprises distinct laminated domes in the basal part and columns at the upper part. Dark laminae are loosely spaced and interlayered with thicker light colored laminae. Diffusive dark colored laminae are composed of peloidal micrite that grade locally into microclotted structures, and yield copies of bacteria clump-like and coccoid-like spheroid aggregates. The former are characterized by cloudy, micrite nuclei rimmed by coarse-grained, euhedral sparry calcite crystals, while the latter are comprised of solid calcite crystal nuclei coated with rather thin micrite envelopes. The cloudy, micrite nuclei resemble bacteria clump-like structures observed in present-day travertine. Both the coccoid-like spheroids and bacteria clump-like structures are surrounded by coarse-grained euhedral calcite crystals, suggesting a similar accretion mechanism. Both spherical structures therefore could be crucial in the accretion of the Susong stromatolite. The laminated/microclotted structures are interpreted as the result of variation in timing of lithification relative to the timing of the decay of microbes. Micro-analysis also unravels the common occurrence of authigenic micro-quartz crystals in association with Fe-bearing illite clay minerals in the stromatolite columns. Their coalescing nature with each other, together with the associated pyrite grains, strongly support the formation of micro-quartz crystals from microbial reduction of an Fe-bearing smectite precursor by sulfate reducing bacteria. A comparison of the Susong stromatolite with its counterparts from the upper Lower Triassic strata in Dajiang, South China reveals many similarities in stromatolite microstructures, suggesting that a harsh, euxinic-anoxic environment resulting in the bloom of sulfate reducing bacteria most likely extended into the latest Spathian in South China.


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As a consequence of the end-Permian mass extinction, microbes proliferated in the post-extinction shallow marine ecosystems, in which they grew as various microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISSs) in siliciclastic settings. This paper reports, for the first time, the discovery of abundant MISSs from the lowest Triassic sandstones of shallow-water margin origin in the Zhihema sections of the southern Qilianshan region, West China. The sandstones are characterized by well-developed cross-beddings and ripple marks, and a Claraia-dominated bivalve assemblage of middle-late Griesbachian age. These sedimentary structures, together with the bivalves, suggest a high-energy peritidal zone of a shoreface setting in a clastic shallow sea environment. Seven types of MISSs are recognized and described here: pictograph-like sand cracks/crack-fills, polygonal sand crack-fills, erosional remnants, multidirectional linear grooves, sinuous crack-fills, fusiform sand cracks/crack-fills, and leveled ripple marks. Most of the newly found MISSs are morphologically comparable with their ancient and modern counterparts. Detailed optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses reveal that thin clayey laminae and filamentous mica grains are aligned parallel to bedding plane, and that the matrix-supported quartz grains, overall, are oriented; both of which are interpreted to indicate biogenic origin. The biogenic origin of these MISSs is reinforced by the presence of copious putative nanoglobules and filamentous biofilm-like organic objects in the interspaces of clay minerals in laminated layers. These nanometer-scale objects are interpreted as bacterial bodies or remains that have been replaced with inorganic minerals upon fossilization. The presence of MISSs on the northern margins of Paleo-Tethys indicates that the post-extinction microbial mats had expanded their distributions from low-latitude to moderate-high latitude regions. Moreover, unlike some previously reported microbial mats that contain very rare body and trace fossils, the southern Qilianshan MISSs were found in association with abundant vertical burrows and bivalves, suggesting that the MISS-forming microbial mats may have served as oases for trace-making organisms and opportunistic bivalves to flourish in shallow-marine habitats immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction.