970 resultados para Chicken burger - Okara flour
n.s. no.13(1983)
n.s. no.41(2000)
n.s. no.18(1986)
n.s. no.40(1999)
n.s. no.28(1991)
n.s. no.45(2005)
In order to evaluate the effect of chaotropic agents on proteoglycan and non-collagenous proteins, chicken xiphoid cartilage was treated with guanidine-HCI and MgCl2 in different concentrations (1M to 5M), and different periods of time (12, 24, 48 and 72hr). The maximum yield of uronic acid was obtained with 3M MgCl2 (73.3 per cent). Concentrations of 4M and 5M of MgCl2 showed that much less uronic acid was removed, 55.3 per cent and 38.1 respectively. Extraction with 3M MgCl2 and 3M guanidine-HCl resulted better efficiency when performed for 48 hr. Analysis by SDS-PAGE of the extracts obtained with guanidine-HCl and MgCl, in different concentrations pointed out that most components are equally removed with the two solvents, showing that the extraction with MgCl2 is an alternative assay to remove non-collagenous proteins from extracellular matrix.
Chicken pox is a very common infectious disease in children. Its corneal involvement is less serious than with measles, which may lead to blindness in numerous developing countries. However, with occasional cases occur. A case of a 59-year-old male patient whose left cornea was involved during a chicken pox infection at the age of 7 is reported. More recently, the vision of the right eye was normal at 20/20 and reduced to visual perception in the affected left eye. Corneal sensitivity was maintained in the left eye, which, however exhibited a central epithelial defect. A central round opacity of the left corneal stroma was believed to be the scar resulting from a previous disciform keratitis. The left central cornea was thinned and there was neither an anterior chamber flare nor new corneal vessels. This corneal condition required a corneal allograft, performed quickly because of the potential risk of perforation. Histopathological study of the corneal button showed a central corneal thinning with an increase in epithelial thickness. The corneal stroma was disorganized, with irregular collagen bundles. No inflammatory cells could be observed, however. All the histopathological changes observed were those of a corneal scar.
safefood research into consumer concerns about the food chain has indicated that more than 40 per centof consumers are most concerned aboutchicken in terms of how it is produced, packaged, sold and handled at home. Our review of theindustry foundit was highly regulated while adhering to rigorous international standards. This review found that chicken is the main protein source for many consumers on the island of Ireland. It alsooutlined the need for consumers to ensure that chicken is cooked andhandled properly to avoid food borne illnesses.
This survey provides a snap shot of the nutritional content of potato and chicken products sold in fast food and convenience outlets across the island of Ireland.
Poultry meat and its derivatives are among the foodstuffs considered by environmental health authorities to present the highest risks to the public. A total of 185 samples were collected in five monthly batches, from different processing stages in a sausage plant that uses mechanically-deboned chicken meat (MDCM), and testedfor the presence of Salmonella. Enrichment was carried out in both Kauffman's tetrathionate broth and Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth and isolation on Salmonella-Shigella agar and brilliant-green agar. Live Salmonella bacteria were isolated from six samples of the raw meat and from the emulsion, in batches three, four, and five, but not from any sample in batches one or two. The six isolated strains were all classified as Salmonella Albany, which has not previously been reported in MDCM. Of the two enrichment broths, Rappaport-Vassiliadis gave the better results. The pattern of contamination suggests a probable common source, given that a new supplier was used in the third, fourth, and fifth months. It was also shown that the industrial cooking was effective in preventing Salmonella surviving in the final product.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the indirect immunoperoxidase virus neutralization (IPVN) and mouse neutralization test (MNT) to detect antibodies against rabies virus from vaccinated dogs and cattle. The IPVN was set up for the ability to measure 0.5 International Units/ml (IU) of antibody required by the World Health Organization and the Office International des Epizooties as the minimum response for proof of rabies immunization. IPVN was developed and standardized in chicken embryo related (CER) cell line when 141 dog and 110 cattle sera were applied by serial five-fold dilutions (1:5, 1:25, 1:125) as well as the positive and negative reference controls, all added in four adjacent wells, of 96-well microplates. A 50 µl amount of CVS32 strain dilution containing 50-200 TCID50/ml was mixed to each serum dilution, and after 90 min 50 µl of 3 x 10(5) cells/mlcell suspension added to each well. After five days of incubation, the monolayers were fixed and the IPVN test performed. The correlation coefficient between the MNT and IPVN performed in CER cells was r = 0.9949 for dog sera (n = 100) and r = 0.9307 for cattle sera (n = 99), as well as good specificity (94.7%), sensitivity (87.5%), and agreement (96.6%) were also obtained. IPVN technique can adequately identify vaccinated and unvaccinated animals, even from low-responding vaccinated animals, with the advantage of low cost and faster then MNT standard test.
Electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes between the most distantly related Xenopus vitellogenin genes (A genes X B genes) has revealed the distribution of homologous regions that have been preferentially conserved after the duplication events that gave rise to the multigene family in Xenopus laevis. DNA sequence analysis was limited to the region downstream of the transcription initiation site of the Xenopus genes A1, B1 and B2 and a comparison with the Xenopus A2 and the major chicken vitellogenin gene is presented. Within the coding regions of the first three exons, nucleotide substitutions resulting in amino acid changes accumulate at a rate similar to that observed in globin genes. This suggests that the duplication event which led to the formation of the A and B ancestral genes in Xenopus laevis occurred about 150 million years ago. Homologous exons of the A1-A2 and B1-B2 gene pairs, which formed about 30 million years ago, show a quite similar sequence divergence. In contrast, A1-A2 homologous introns seem to have evolved much faster than their B1-B2 counterparts.