1000 resultados para Centros de Atenção Psicossocial
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a experiência de uma oficina de narração de histórias, a oficina Canto dos Contos, realizada no contexto terapêutico de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (um CAPS), equipamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (o SUS), na cidade de São Paulo, em 2012. Considerando o CAPS como parte fundamental da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, a oficina expressiva de narração de histórias foi buscando, ao longo de seu percurso, delinear seus limites e marcar suas diferenças em relação aos espaços terapêuticos já existentes no CAPS. Assim, a partir da escuta conjunta e apreciação de narrativas, acessamos lembranças resgatadas pelos participantes e pudemos criar, relembrar e renovar memórias antes confusas e esquecidas. Como resultado final, rodas de narrativas foram realizadas dentro e fora do espaço terapêutico do CAPS e um livro foi publicado. Essa presente contextualização e reflexão acerca de um trabalho realizado por uma arte/educadora em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial faz-se oportuna, uma vez que os CAPS’s e a saúde mental como um todo são um campo que vem se abrindo, cada vez mais, para profissionais de áreas artísticas, tanto pela afinidade que as Artes sempre tiveram com pensamentos que rompem com paradigmas de realidade, quanto pela potência terapêutica existente em práticas expressivas. Esperamos que pensar e avaliar a narração de histórias utilizada como instrumento no percurso terapêutico dos pacientes de um CAPS possa contribuir para que trabalhos semelhantes, neste e em outros contextos, aprimorem as experiências aqui descritas.
By the end of the 1970´s, begins the Psychiatric Reform Movement, whose development was the beginning of the construction of a new model, here termed Psychosocial Attention, to substitute the traditional psychiatric model. As such, aspires to be a process of paradigm shift and, therefore, requires transformations in the fields: theoretical-conceptual, technical-assistance, legal-political e sociocultural. This qualitative study composes a research which sought to ascertain the scientific production on the topic conducted by psychology, from the implementation of the Brazilian National Health System and the creation of new services to mental health care. In this sense, it proposed to investigate how the papers published in journals of psychology found in the database LILACS, since 1990, contribute to the process of building a new model that actually replace the so-called traditional psychiatric model.
Neste artigo, reflito sobre a minha experiência como psicóloga e docente-supervisora de estágio do curso de Psicologia de uma Universidade pública. Através de fragmentos de registros mnêmicos das produções registradas em relatórios, comunicações e artigos científicos, dissertação de mestrado, teses de doutorado e de livre docente, entre outros, procurei analisar a efetivação das políticas públicas e os desdobramentos na construção de um novo modelo de saúde mental, denominado de Atenção Psicossocial. Observei que atualmente as Políticas Públicas para Saúde Mental, construídas a partir do Movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica, vêm propiciando mudanças significativas para o cuidado dos usuários. No entanto, o estado atual da assistência em saúde mental, no país, é marcado por muitos problemas e desafios. Entre eles se destaca a necessidade dos novos serviços oferecerem uma atenção integral ao usuário, norteada na interdisciplinariedade, interprofissionalidade e intersetorialidade.
The aim of this paper is present the archeogenealogy perspective, inspired on Michel Foucault’s theoretical-philosophical proposal, as a research tool for social psychology, more speciically for the ield of Psychosocial Attention. For that, we carry out a theoretical-conceptual problematization about the main concepts that sustain this research perspective, namely: history, power, knowledge and truth. We also present some possible articulations with the Psychosocial Attention proposals. Thus, we aimed, to strengthen the epistemological research with an important tool for the problematization of absolute truths, the hegemonic discourses, the stigma and bias that compose the social imaginary on the mental health ield and of psychological suffering.
The Word Workshop was created in 2004, as an activity of the training period in Psychosocial Care in the Collective Health, a discipline that is part of the curriculum of the Psychology course offered by the State of São Paulo’s University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”/UNESP, campus of Assis. Initially, it is possible to affirm that the Word Workshop contributes to stimulate the flow of the words through the discussion of tales, short stories, poetry, jokes and news. The Word Workshop is considered an effort towards the guarantee of a space where the users of the mental health care service can share varied experiences and it is also thought as an attempt that can, potentially, bring up the conditions through which some existential meanings may possibly be forked. Such a space-instrument allows the mental health care users to speak about life and their interests rather than to keep focused in symptoms and complains. These ones, by their turn, are expressed through metaphors, unprecedented speech experiences and new sensitivity regimes. The critical analysis of the singular experience of the Word Workshop, that understands the words as agents of social transformation, was conceived with the support of Enrique Pichon-Rivière’s and Paulo Freire’s theories. From this first theoretical reading, it is possible to make an incursion through the scenery of the Psychosocial Care Workshops, paying special attention to their potential and to the risks related to crystallized practices.
This essay aims to contribute to discuss public policies of social protection and practice guidelines for psychosocial care. Targeting children and underage adolescents whose documents, even though permeated with egalitarian discourses and promoted actions aimed at the construction of autonomy, continue endorsing welfare guardianship and addressed to the people classified as at-risk through biopolitical, disciplinary and security technologies based on a minority logic. The essay problematizes the ways in which psychology has found legitimacy in practices that eventually looms confinement practices which aspire to move away from, as was evidenced by documents and practices.
In the light of the collective health and of the mental health, the concept of territory is present in multiple dimensions and meanings. It appears in documents that express principles and guidelines of the health policies and in the planning of local actions, and it is a central element to organize the care network in psychosocial attentiveness. This present essay aims to discuss the concept of territory and its uses in the practices of psychosocial care, developing a dialogue with the geographer Milton Santos and the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari who, from different fields and perspectives, work with this concept. This dialogue made it possible to think the territory in its complexity, as space, process and composition, in order to optimize the relationship between service, culture, production of care and production of subjectivity.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
A partir do redirecionamento do modelo assistencial no Brasil emerge a necessidade de discussão da reinvenção de práticas alinhadas com o cenário de transformações. As práticas agora devem se desenvolver no sentido de superar o isolamento das grades, dos muros e das chaves, do apagamento do sujeito, da supressão de sintomas e das personalidades dos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico. Diante disso, é que este estudo tem como objetivos avaliar boas práticas em saúde mental na atenção psicossocial no contexto de um município da região Sul do Brasil. Para tanto, organizou-se como uma pesquisa avaliativa construtivista, com enfoque responsivo, a medida que desenvolve um consenso critico entre os grupos de interesse. Está baseada na Avaliação de Quarta Geração, proposta por Guba e Lincoln (2011), que emerge como opção metodológica e se articula com o referencial teórico das \"Boas Práticas em Saúde Mental Comunitária\", proposto por Thornicroft e Tansella (2010). Este é apresentado de modo a identificar boas práticas na saúde mental, com base na articulação de 3 eixos indispensáveis e indissociáveis: a ética, como princípio fundamental que deverá orientar o planejamento, a assistência e a avaliação dos serviços. A evidência deve embasar as intervenções e serviços. E a experiência como uma evidência do que vem sendo produzido nas experiências locais e regionais de organização da rede de serviços. Como resultado do processo as práticas de Acolhimento, Projeto Terapêutico Singular e Transferência de Cuidados emergiram para discussão. O Acolhimento torna-se concreto nas ações da Porta Aberta, e significa escuta qualificada no momento em que a necessidade emerge, além de representar a oferta de atenção de qualidade baseada no processo relacional que fortalece o estabelecimento de vínculos e a construção de projetos de vida. O Projeto Terapêutico Singular apresenta-se como uma boa prática, a medida que é capaz de dar resposta singularizada e individualizada às necessidades do sujeito, de modo a oportunizar como resultado uma pessoa capaz de andar na vida. É definido de forma compartilhada entre equipe, usuário e família, segundo os objetivos terapêuticos para cada sujeito, e utiliza o técnico de referência, as mini equipes, as oficinas terapêuticas, os grupos terapêuticos, as assembleias, enfim, ofertas e propostas que permitem ao sujeito retomar o envolvimento com os espaços da cidade, no caminho da produção de vida. Com relação à Transferência de Cuidados, esta possibilita ao sujeito que vive o processo não só circular em uma rede de serviços, mas, acima de tudo, buscar, com suporte dela, sua emancipação. Para tanto, investe em práticas que estimulem a autonomia dos sujeitos, por meio de instrumentos como o Acompanhamento Terapêutico, Grupo de Apoio à Alta, espaços de decisões e discussões, estímulo à busca e resolução de problemas, atividades de reconhecimento dos espaços da cidade, transporte, cultura e lazer. Além disso, investe nas ações com a Atenção Básica, a partir do Apoio Matricial com processos de formação continuada com as equipes, e mapeamento da situação da saúde mental nos territórios. Ao final deste estudo, é possível concluir que o modelo de atenção psicossocial demonstrou potencialidade de produzir boas práticas na atenção à saúde mental, e que estas tem transformado a vida dos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico, bem como tem auxiliado no processo de reconquista de espaços sociais
The antimanicomial psychiatric reform is a process that seeks to deconstruct the exclusionary logic caused by hospitalizations, providing strategies for social reintegration of individuals. In this sense, the primary care through the Family Health Strategy - FHS comes progressively becoming strategic space in mental health interventions, configured as a field of practice and production of new modes of care. In this perspective, there has been a process of implementing this proposal in the Areia Branca City/RN, through the articulation of Psychosocial Care Network and the Family Health Strategy / ESF. However, this process has not been able to bring changes in practices. From the view that the relationship between mental health and primary care is a challenge currently being faced, that improving the care provided and the expansion of the access to services with guaranteed continuity of care depend on the effectiveness of this joint, established themselves as research objective: To investigate how is the relationship between the FHS team and CAPS team in care mental health in the town of Areia Branca - RN from the speeches of professionals. And if you had specific purposes: 1) Know the demand in existing mental health in the town of White Sand - RN served by FHS; 2) Identify limits and difficulties in the relationship between the ESF teams and CAPS; 3) Identify potential for linkages between ESF teams and CAPS for the establishment of local RAPS. This was a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative methodological design, whose subjects were professionals from the Family Health Strategy, professionals Psychosocial Care Center and responsible for the conduct / management of mental health in the municipality. The research tools used informal observations, semistructured interviews and focus groups were used. The data obtained were analyzed for the content analysis of Bardin, allowing discuss the relevance of the theoretical framework with data obtained through observation and interpretation of the relationship between the Family Health Strategy and the network of Psychosocial Care in Areia Branca-RN. On the one hand, there was strong demand for mental health arising from users and their families and / or caregivers. On the other, it was verified that although there is some progress with regard to perceptions of mental health, there are still practical, historical and contextually rooted, which act as barriers to effective response to this demand in view of deinstitutionalization. In this sense, it is considered important to emphasize that the teams of the Family Health Strategy should be trained to ensure the health practice with integrity and incorporating the mental health network in the municipality. This training must occur through continuing health education.
The National Policy on Mental Health is characterized as a territorial - political community , and it has the Psychoso cial Care Strategy (Eaps) as guideline for the proposal and the development of their actions. In its design, CAPS is idealized to be a strategic equipment within the Psychoso cial Care Network/RAPS. Matricial support and at tention to the crisis constitute strategic areas of action of CAPS in its replacement mission , and as it is g uided by the scope of deinstitutionalization, those are essential to the success of these services. We argue that sustain crises in existential territories of life is a condition for the effectiveness of psychosocial care and, ultimately, to the sustainability of its Reform. In this direction, the matricial support tool reveals a territorial supporter, intercessory and powerful in building a psychosocial care to the crisis. Recognized as one of the major challenges by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, forward these fronts materializes for workers in their mi cropolitical crafts. Our research arises as an investment toward empower them , and aimed to understand the operationalization of attention to the crisis and matricial support in a CAPS II, in the view of its workers . Besides, it aims to examine such practi ces forward the principles and purposes of Psychosocial Care Strategy. Inspired by the research - intervention and by the political and social ideas of Institutiona l Analysis, we offer a space for reflection and exchange, by implicational interviews , enablin g workers to launch them in analysis of practices in the EAPs view. We have done a documentary consulting CAPS Technical Project, and a return stage to the institution, by organizing workshop and conversation groups with CAPS workers. The results have show n that there are institutional logics in competition on that service. When operating the logic risk, some difficulties in sustaining most intense crisis situations were identified, the psychiatric hospital internment is used as a facility, particularly in view of some cases, in which the aggressiveness of the person in crises becomes aggressive, and when the brackets SAMU, the CAPS III and Comprehensive Care Beds do not respond satisfactorily to their users requests. Order weaknesses were indicated in this thesis as macropolitical and micropolitical interfering in network support. The matricial actions were identified as a powerful intercessor resource in crisis care appeared weakened, and indicates little porosity in the relationship between the Service and the territory where it takes place. Noticed by the logic of home care, without operate primarily as a knowledge exchange device, we saw capture points in the logic of assistance with ambulatoriza tion production of CAPS, welfare practices and "ext empore " . T he E APs , although it emerge s as a guiding, it is not seen to workers as effective practice. On the one hand, the results signaled that the attention to the crisis and the matricial actions are developed without tenacious connection with the purposes of EA Ps, on the other hand, successful cases were indicated with the main leads to conducting wire of intersectoral actions to the powerful bonds and to the participation of user in their care process es , indicating insurgent forces tha t intend by traditional lo gic .
In the case of Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, mental health juvenile reveals itself as a great challenge, with major gaps in terms of needs, services and actions on mental illness in children and adolescents. This research is a qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory, having to analyze the actions and practices of mental health juvenile articulated between the Psychosocial Care Center juvenile (Caps i) and the basic care in Natal-RN, and specific, identify the limits and possibilities for an important precedent of the care network. After submission to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtained approval contained in opinion number 777.067 / 2014. For the data collection, it was initially carried out a documentary research in the Municipal Health Department of Christmas about the phenomenon under study, and subsequently, applied semi-structured interviews with the subjects of the research, which were workers Caps i of Natal-RN. The analysis was woven as the thematic analysis technique, understood within the method of content analysis. The results and discussions were organized by categories and subcategories, namely: CATEGORY 1: Limits and weaknesses in the linkage between the Caps i and basic care, with the subcategories: 1.1 Lack of specialized services and devices articulators in network, 1.2 The diversity of situations in the demand juvenile assisted; CATEGORY 2: possibilities for an effective network, with the subcategory: 2.1 Intersectoral collaboration as a strategy for solving attention. The analysis revealed that the integration and coordination of mental health services juvenile and primary care in the city of Natal-RN, has incipient initiatives and/or inadequate for the resolvability intersectoral, where the devices of attention to health involved cannot establish bonds effective and long-lasting in the perspective of co-responsibility and sharing of care. On the other hand, it appears that the existing shares and practiced, configure an exercise in approximation to the dialog between mental health juvenile and basic care. It is highlighted that the shared care and the establishment of intersectoral collaboration within and outside of the health sector is possibility of facilitating the necessary dialog between the services and professionals involved, thus, enabling a better prospect of resolvability of the Network of Psychosocial Care for the youth in reality being investigated.
This study emerged and founded itself with the aim to analyze the position taken by the family – and the implications in this subjective area – in attending children and adolescents in a Childhood Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSi). A secondary goal has come up as the comprehension surrounding the institutional representation made about the family and the service offered to children, adolescents and relatives. For such, the historical perspective on the relation between the State (laws and institutions) and the family was resumed, and the understanding of how it was reconciled by the medical knowledge and attended the ideological and political means. The social and ideological transformations of the 20th century culminated in the need of change required by the Psychiatric Reform and the achievement of patients on the right to return home and to their families. This new situation, permeated by the attempt of building an assistance model in Mental Health, presented a peculiarity–the close relationship between family and Mental Health services. The observations and conversations at CAPSi that were the investigation objects in this research, intended to learn on the quotidian of families and the possible treatment alternatives that would take into account the family circumstances. Conceiving the status of the families in Mental Health services is a germinal matter yet to be adjusted among the active knowledge in the post-Reform devices. The discussion about the family bonds, anchored in the theoretical perspective of Binding Psychoanalysis brought up elementary concepts such as psychic heritage, denial pact, unconscious alliances, the familiar psychic set, among other. The concept of family organizer helped to think of the family trajectories and stablishes a sort of identity for the family, as well as interferes in the establishment of its boundaries. The family path within the institution, as well as the status they establish facing the institutional approach, reflect the ghosts and the organizers shared by the group-family. It follows that the family is an important protagonist to be considered in the current therapeutic and political processes and, thus, is key to welcome the family bonds for the alliances act over the affective destinations, as well as try to remain sealed from the proposed changes.
Este objeto começa apresentando a reabilitação com reinserção da pessoa na sociedade como um conjunto de ações que visam aumentar as habilidades do indivíduo, podendo também, no caso do transtorno mental, diminuir o dano, contrapondo a cisão entre sujeito e contexto social, própria da psiquiatria tradicional, pelo conceito de reabilitação psicossocial com exercício de cidadania. Segue colocando que a ESF, a partir da nova concepção de saúde mental, promove a ruptura com o modelo biomédico orientado para a cura de doenças e para o hospital, e a importância da articulação da saúde mental com a atenção primária. Termina explicando que os profissionais da saúde mental e da AP devem realizar o cuidado de forma compartilhada junto ao portador de transtorno mental. Unidade 2 do módulo 9 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.