741 resultados para Cena Cypriani
No período entre os últimos anos do século XIX até as duas primeiras décadas do século XX, tiveram lugar na cena musical paulistana gêneros teatrais cujo objetivo central era divertir o grande público acima de qualquer outra pretensão. Apesar de cada um deles ter suas próprias convenções e dinâmica de funcionamento, todos tinham na música elemento essencial ao espetáculo. A designação "teatro de revista" tornou-se referência e serviu para nomear um conjunto bem maior de modalidades, que inclui operetas, burletas, mágicas, vaudeviles, zarzuelas, fantasias, entre outras. Elemento importante na produção e divulgação da música no espaço urbano antes do aparecimento e consolidação dos meios de comunicação eletrônicos, o estudo do teatro musicado nos seus diversos e complexos aspectos pode ser fundamental para a compreensão do panorama da música e da cultura popular na cidade de São Paulo.
In this study, I examine the agon scene in Euripides' Alcestis. The agon is placed in the 4th episode, when Alcestis' corpse has recieved all preparations for the funeral, and Admeto has already accomodated Heracles in the palace, without telling him, however, about the last occurrences. This episode is the biggest of the play with 360 verses, what could cause the prolongation of the action and consequently the decline of the emotional tonus. Nevertheless, Euripides has composed this episode with very diversified elements, that it could be divided in scenes, what confers certain agitily to the events succession that accelerates the end of the play. I took as basis the commentaries by A. M. Dale and by L P. E. Parker, and whenever necessary, I have also recurred to the James Diggle?s and D. J Conacher?s editions. Another important text for the present discussion of the agon in Alcestis is the book by Michael Lloyd, The Agon in Euripides
In this study, I examine the agon scene in Euripides' Alcestis. The agon is placed in the 4th episode, when Alcestis' corpse has recieved all preparations for the funeral, and Admeto has already accomodated Heracles in the palace, without telling him, however, about the last occurrences. This episode is the biggest of the play with 360 verses, what could cause the prolongation of the action and consequently the decline of the emotional tonus. Nevertheless, Euripides has composed this episode with very diversified elements, that it could be divided in scenes, what confers certain agitily to the events succession that accelerates the end of the play. I took as basis the commentaries by A. M. Dale and by L P. E. Parker, and whenever necessary, I have also recurred to the James Diggle?s and D. J Conacher?s editions. Another important text for the present discussion of the agon in Alcestis is the book by Michael Lloyd, The Agon in Euripides
In this study, I examine the agon scene in Euripides' Alcestis. The agon is placed in the 4th episode, when Alcestis' corpse has recieved all preparations for the funeral, and Admeto has already accomodated Heracles in the palace, without telling him, however, about the last occurrences. This episode is the biggest of the play with 360 verses, what could cause the prolongation of the action and consequently the decline of the emotional tonus. Nevertheless, Euripides has composed this episode with very diversified elements, that it could be divided in scenes, what confers certain agitily to the events succession that accelerates the end of the play. I took as basis the commentaries by A. M. Dale and by L P. E. Parker, and whenever necessary, I have also recurred to the James Diggle?s and D. J Conacher?s editions. Another important text for the present discussion of the agon in Alcestis is the book by Michael Lloyd, The Agon in Euripides