93 resultados para Caveolin


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Many neuropsychiatric conditions have a common set of neurological substrates associated with the integration of sensorimotor processing. The teneurins are a recently described family of proteins that play a significant role in visual and auditory development. Encoded on the terminal exon of the teneurin genes is a family of bioactive peptides, termed teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP), which regulate mood-disorder associated behaviors. Thus, the teneurin-TCAP system could represent a novel neurological system underlying the origins of a number of complex neuropsychiatric conditions. However, it is not known if TCAP-1 exerts its effects as part of a direct teneurin function, whereby TCAP represents a functional region of the larger teneurin protein, or if it has an independent role, either as a splice variant or post-translational proteolytic cleavage product of teneurin. In this study, we show that TCAP-1 can be transcribed as a smaller mRNA transcript. After translation, further processing yields a smaller 15. kDa protein containing the TCAP-1 region. In the mouse hippocampus, immunoreactive (ir) TCAP-1 is exclusively localized to the pyramidal layers of the CA1, CA2 and CA3 regions. Although the localization of TCAP and teneurin in hippocampal regions is similar, they are distinct within the cell as most ir-teneurin is found at the plasma membrane, whereas ir-TCAP-1 is predominantly found in the cytosol. Moreover, in mouse embryonic hippocampal cell culture, FITC-labeled TCAP-1 binds to the plasma membrane and is taken up into the cytosol via dynamin-dependent caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Our data provides novel evidence that TCAP-1 is structurally and functionally distinct from the larger teneurins. © 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The transgenic application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as fetal cell marker on cattle cloned placenta could provide an exclusive model for studying the morphologic and immunologic maternal-fetal interactions, providing information about its mapping, distinguishing the fetal from maternal cells. This model will have direct application, mainly because these animals present problems during its development. With this model's support, we intend to verify the substances transport between mother and fetus during endocytosis, through the immunolocalization of protein named caveolae. For these, we used 06 cloned bovine and 30 cattle samples of artificial insemination (AI) with 90 days of pregnancy, which had been their development interrupted by humanitarian slaughter of the recipient and recovery of the pregnant uterus. We collected the placentome and the chorion. A part of the samples was cut and fixed, by immersion, on a solution containing 4% of parafomaldehyde or 10% of formaldehyde on a sodium phosphate buffer (PBS), at 0,1 M pH 7.4, Zamboni solution (4% of paraformaldehyde, 15% of picric acid, on sodium phosphate buffer 0,1 M pH 7.4), metacarn (60% of metanol, 30% of chloroform, and 10% glacial acetic acid), for morphologic and immunohistochemistry verification for caveolinas proteins -1 and -2 (CAV -1 and CAV-2). The caveolins -1 were found in fetal and maternal villi, but its strongest staining was observed in the endometrial stroma. The caveolins -2 had positive staining in trophoblast and chorioallantoic membrane, and specifically in giant trophoblastic binucleated cell. Therefore the results were compared between cloned cattle and from AI or natural mating, for assisting on detection of the reason of many placental alterations, embryonic losses, spontaneous abortion, post-natal mortality and large offspring syndrome on laboratory-manipulated animals. The result suggests that the proteins caveolins -1 and -2 (CAV-1 and CAV-2) are part of the caveolae composition and important structures related to the molecule transfer to the fetus, nourish it through endocytosis and pinocytosis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Die Alterung stellt den größten Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Krankheit dar, wobei die biochemische Basis dieser Korrelation bisher nicht bekannt ist. Ein möglicherweise zentraler Mechanismus der Alzheimer Pathologie wird durch die Prozessierung von APP repräsentiert, die in der Synthese von Aβ resultiert. Der Einfluss zellulärer Alterung auf die Biochemie der APP-Prozessierung ist bislang weitestgehend ungeklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Prozessierung von endogenem APP im Verlauf der Zellalterung humaner Fibroblasten progressiv verringert wird. Die Bildung der intrazellulären APP-Spaltfragmente (C99, C83 und AICD) nahm mit zunehmender Lebensspanne ab und war gleichfalls mit einer reduzierten Synthese von extrazellulären APP-Fragmenten (sAPP, sAPPα) verbunden. Weiterhin wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Reifung von APP in seneszenten Zellen selektiv reduziert war, und dass dies durch altersabhängig erhöhte zelluläre Cholesterolspiegel vermittelt wurde. Von den APP-prozessierenden Sekretasen waren die Proteinspiegel von Presenilin-1 und Nicastrin, beides Komponenten der γ-Sekretase, im Verlauf der Zellalterung graduell verringert. Dies hatte einen progressiven Rückgang der enzymatischen Aktivität der γ-Sekretase zur Folge, wodurch die Prozessierung von APP unmittelbar reduziert wurde. Die Proteinspiegel von ADAM10, einer α-Sekretase, sowie der β-Sekretase, BACE, wiesen keine Altersregulation auf, aber interessanterweise wurde eine erhöhte enzymatische Aktivität der β-Sekretase in seneszenten Zellen nachgewiesen. Die γ-Sekretase sowie BACE sind in Lipid Rafts lokalisiert, geordneten Membransubdomänen, die hohe Cholesterol- und Caveolin-1-Spiegel aufweisen. Obwohl das Gesamtniveau dieser strukturellen Komponenten von Lipid Rafts in seneszenten Zellen erhöht war, war die Assoziation beider Moleküle mit Lipid Rafts reduziert und sie akkumulierten in speziellen Organellen, die höchstwahrscheinlich Lipidkörper darstellen. Somit wurde gezeigt, dass Lipid Rafts im Zuge der Zellalterung disintegrieren beziehungsweise in ihrem Gesamtspiegel reduziert waren. Diese altersabhängige Membranmodifikation war mit einer veränderten Verteilung von Presenilin-1 und BACE zwischen der Lipid Raft und der Nicht Raft Fraktion der Membran verbunden, die möglicherweise das Potential dieser Enzyme zur Prozessierung von APP reduzierte. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden transgene C. elegans konstruiert, die humanes APP exprimieren, das C-terminal an GFP gekoppelt war. Diese Würmer wiesen eine reduzierte Fertilität, Eilegedefekte und eine verzögerte post-embryonale Entwicklung auf, die möglicherweise auf eine Transgen-vermittelte Neurodegeneration zurückgeführt werden können. Durch erste Untersuchungen der Prozessierung des Transgens konnten Spaltfragmente nachgewiesen werden, die potentiell auf eine spezifische Spaltung von APP durch die endogenen Sekretasen schließen lassen. Somit werden die Prozessierung sowie die Reifung von APP durch die altersabhängige Modifikationen zellulärer Biochemie nachhaltig beeinflusst. Zukünftige Studien sollen zeigen, ob sich diese zellulären Zusammenhänge in den Gesamtorganismus C. elegans übertragen lassen. Des Weiteren sollen die altersabhängigen zellulären Veränderungen, insbesondere des Cholesterol-Metabolismus und der Sekretaseaktivitäten, weitergehend analysiert werden, um zusätzliche Erkenntnisse über altersassoziierte Regulationen möglicher therapeutischer Ziele der Alzheimer Erkrankung zu gewinnen.


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What is the intracellular fate of nanoparticles (NPs) taken up by the cells? This question has been investigated for polystyrene NPs of different sizes with a set of molecular biological and biophysical techniques.rnTwo sets of fluorescent NPs, cationic and non-ionic, were synthesized with three different polymerization techniques. Non-ionic particles (132 – 846 nm) were synthesized with dispersion polymerization in an ethanol/water solution. Cationic NPs with 120 nm were synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization Particles with 208, 267 and 603 nm were produced by seeding the 120 nm particle obtained by miniemulsion polymerization with drop-wise added monomer and polymerization of such. The colloidal characterization of all particles showed a comparable amount of the surface groups. In addition, particles were characterized with regard to their size, morphology, solid content, amount of incorporated fluorescent dye and zeta potential. The fluorescent intensities of all particles were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy for calibration in further cellular experiments. rnThe uptake of the NPs to HeLa cells after 1 – 24 h revealed a much higher uptake of cationic NPs in comparison to non-ionic NPs. If the same amount of NPs with different sizes is introduced to the cell, a different amount of particles is present in the cell medium, which complicates a comparison of the uptake. The same conclusion is valid for the particles’ overall surface area. Therefore, HeLa cells were incubated with the same concentration, amount and surface area of NPs. It was found that with the same concentration always the same polymer amount is taking up by cells. However, the amount of particles taken up decreases for the biggest. A correlation to the surface area could not be found. We conclude that particles are endocytosed by an excavator-shovel like mechanism, which does not distinguish between different sizes, but is only dependent on the volume that is taken up. For the decreased amount of large particles, an overload of this mechanism was assumed, which leads to a decrease in the uptake. rnThe participation of specific endocytotic processes has been determined by the use of pharmacological inhibitors, immunocytological staining and immunofluorescence. The uptake of NPs into the endo-lysosomal machinery is dominated by a caveolin-mediated endocytosis. Other pathways, which include macropinocytosis and a dynamin-dependent mechanism but exclude clathrin mediated endocytosis, also occur as competing processes. All particles can be found to some extent in early endosomes, but only bigger particles were proven to localize in late endosomes. No particles were found in lysosomes; at least not in lysosomes that are labeled with Lamp1 and cathepsin D. However, based on the character of the performed experiment, a localization of particles in lysosomes cannot be excluded.rnDuring their ripening process, vesicles undergo a gradual acidification from early over late endosomes to lysosomes. It is hypothesized that NPs in endo-lysosomal compartments experience the same change in pH value. To probe the environmental pH of NPs after endocytosis, the pH-sensitive dye SNARF-4F was grafted onto amino functionalized polystyrene NPs. The pH value is a ratio function of the two emission wavelengths of the protonated and deprotonated form of the dye and is hence independent of concentration changes. The particles were synthesized by the aforementioned miniemulsion polymerization with the addition of the amino functionalized copolymer AEMH. The immobilization of SNARF-4F was performed by an EDC-coupling reaction. The amount of physically adsorbed dye in comparison to covalently bonded dye was 15% as determined by precipitation of the NPs in methanol, which is a very good solvent for SNARF-4F. To determine influences of cellular proteins on the fluorescence properties, a intracellular calibration fit was established with platereader measurements and cLSM imaging by the cell-penetrable SNARF-4F AM ester. Ionophores equilibrated the extracellular and intracellular pH.rnSNARF-4F NPs were taken up well by HeLa cells and showed no toxic effects. The pH environment of SNARF-4F NPs has been qualitatively imaged as a movie over a time period up to 1 h in pseudo-colors by a self-written automated batch program. Quantification revealed an acidification process until pH value of 4.5 over 24 h, which is much slower than the transport of nutrients to lysosomes. NPs are present in early endosomes after min. 1 h, in late endosomes at approx. 8 h and end up in vesicles with a pH value typical for lysosomes after > 24 h. We therefore assume that NPs bear a unique endocytotic mechanism, at least with regards to the kinetic involvedrn


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La distrofia muscolare di Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) è una miopatia degenerativa ereditaria caratterizzata da debolezza e atrofia dei muscoli senza coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso. Individui EDMD presentano, inoltre, cardiomiopatia con difetto di conduzione che provoca rischio di morte improvvisa. Diversi studi evidenziano un coinvolgimento di citochine in diverse distrofie muscolari causanti infiammazione cronica, riassorbimento osseo, necrosi cellulare. Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione simultanea della concentrazione di citochine, chemochine, fattori di crescita, presenti nel siero di un gruppo di 25 pazienti EDMD. L’analisi effettuata ha evidenziato un aumento di citochine quali IL-17, TGFβ2, INF-γ e del TGFβ1. Inoltre, una riduzione del fattore di crescita VEGF e della chemochina RANTES è stata rilevata nel siero dei pazienti EDMD rispetto ai pazienti controllo. Ulteriori analisi effettuate tramite saggio ELISA hanno evidenziato un aumento dei livelli di TGFβ2 e IL-6 nel terreno di coltura di fibroblasti EDMD2. Per testare l’effetto nei muscoli, di citochine alterate, abbiamo utilizzato terreno condizionante di fibroblasti EDMD per differenziare mioblasti murini C2C12. Una riduzione del grado di differenziamento è stata osservata nei mioblasti condizionati con terreno EDMD. Trattando queste cellule con anticorpi neutralizzanti contro TGFβ2 e IL-6 si è avuto un miglioramento del grado di differenziamento. In C2C12 che esprimevano la mutazione H222P del gene Lmna,non sono state osservate alterazioni di citochine e benefici di anticorpi neutralizzanti. I dati mostrano un effetto patogenetico delle citochine alterate come osservato in fibroblasti e siero di pazienti, suggerendo un effetto sul tessuto fibrotico di muscoli EDMD. Un effetto intrinseco alla mutazione della lamina A è stato rilevato sul espressione di caveolina 3 in mioblasti differenziati EDMD. I risultati si aggiungono a dati forniti sulla patogenesi dell' EDMD confermando che fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci contribuiscono alla malattia. Utilizzo di anticorpi neutralizzanti specifici contro fattori estrinseci potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico come mostrato in questo studio.


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This study addresses the cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of 15-nm gold nanoparticles (NPs), either plain (i.e., stabilized with citrate) or coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), exposed to human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) at the air-liquid interface for 1, 4, and 24 h. Quantitative analysis by stereology on transmission electron microscopy images reveals a significant, nonrandom intracellular distribution for both NP types. No particles are observed in the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, or golgi. The cytosol is not a preferred cellular compartment for both NP types, although significantly more PEG-coated than citrate-stabilized NPs are present there. The preferred particle localizations are vesicles of different sizes (<150, 150-1000, >1000 nm). This is observed for both NP types and indicates a predominant uptake by endocytosis. Subsequent inhibition of caveolin- and clathrin-mediated endocytosis by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) results in a significant reduction of intracellular NPs. The inhibition, however, is more pronounced for PEG-coated than citrate-stabilized NPs. The latter are mostly found in larger vesicles; therefore, they are potentially taken up by macropinocytosis, which is not inhibited by MbetaCD. With prolonged exposure times, both NPs are preferentially localized in larger-sized intracellular vesicles such as lysosomes, thus indicating intracellular particle trafficking. This quantitative evaluation reveals that NP surface coatings modulate endocytotic uptake pathways and cellular NP trafficking. Other nonendocytotic entry mechanisms are found to be involved as well, as indicated by localization of a minority of PEG-coated NPs in the cytosol.


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Lipids are important for cell function and survival, but abnormal concentrations may lead to various diseases. Cholesterol homeostasis is greatly dependent on the active transport by membrane proteins, whose activities coordinate lipid status with cellular function. Intestinal Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 protein (NPC1L1) and scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1) participate in the uptake of extracellular cholesterol, whereas ATP binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) mediates the efflux of excessive intracellular cholesterol. Caveolin-1 binds cholesterol and fatty acids (FA) and participates in cholesterol trafficking. Sterol response element binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) is a sensor that regulates intracellular cholesterol synthesis. Given that cholesterol is a constituent of chylomicrons, whose synthesis is enhanced with an increased FA supply, we tested the hypothesis that feeding polyunsaturated FA (PUFA)-enriched diets in treatment of canine chronic enteropathies alters the mRNA expression of genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. Using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we compared the mRNA abundance of NPC1L1, SR-B1, ABCA1, caveolin-1, and SREBP-2 in duodenal mucosal biopsies of dogs with food-responsive diarrhea (FRD; n=14) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD; n=7) before and after treatment with cholesterol-free PUFA-enriched diets and in healthy controls (n=14). The abundance of caveolin-1, ABCA1, and SREBP-2 were altered by PUFA-enriched diets (P<0.05), whereas that of NPC1L1 and SR-B1 mRNA remained unchanged. The gene expression of caveolin-1, ABCA1, and SREBP-2 was down-regulated (P<0.05) by PUFA-enriched diets in IBD dogs only. Our results suggest that feeding PUFA-enriched diets may alter cholesterol homeostasis in duodenal mucosal cells of dogs suffering from IBD.


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Aim: We examined cellular uptake mechanisms of fluorescently labeled polymer-coated gold nanoparticles (NPs) under different biological conditions by two quantitative, microscopic approaches. Materials & methods: Uptake mechanisms were evaluated using endocytotic inhibitors that were tested for specificity and cytotoxicity. Cellular uptake of gold NPs was analyzed either by laser scanning microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, and quantified by means of stereology using cells from the same experiment. Results: Optimal inhibitor conditions were only achieved with chlorpromazine (clathrin-mediated endocytosis) and methyl-β-cyclodextrin (caveolin-mediated endocytosis). A significant methyl-β-cyclodextrin-mediated inhibition (63-69%) and chlorpromazine-mediated increase (43-98%) of intracellular NPs was demonstrated with both imaging techniques, suggesting a predominant uptake via caveolin-medicated endocytois. Transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed more than 95% of NPs localized in intracellular vesicles and approximately 150-times more NP events/cell were detected than by laser scanning microscopy. Conclusion: We emphasize the importance of studying NP-cell interactions under controlled experimental conditions and at adequate microscopic resolution in combination with stereology. Original submitted 10 July 2012; Revised submitted 23 January 2013.


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Precise knowledge regarding cellular uptake of nanoparticles is of great importance for future biomedical applications. Four different endocytotic uptake mechanisms, that is, phagocytosis, macropinocytosis, clathrin- and caveolin-mediated endocytosis, were investigated using a mouse macrophage (J774A.1) and a human alveolar epithelial type II cell line (A549). In order to deduce the involved pathway in nanoparticle uptake, selected inhibitors specific for one of the endocytotic pathways were optimized regarding concentration and incubation time in combination with fluorescently tagged marker proteins. Qualitative immunolocalization showed that J774A.1 cells highly expressed the lipid raft-related protein flotillin-1 and clathrin heavy chain, however, no caveolin-1. A549 cells expressed clathrin heavy chain and caveolin-1, but no flotillin-1 uptake-related proteins. Our data revealed an impeded uptake of 40 nm polystyrene nanoparticles by J774A.1 macrophages when actin polymerization and clathrin-coated pit formation was blocked. From this result, it is suggested that macropinocytosis and phagocytosis, as well as clathrin-mediated endocytosis, play a crucial role. The uptake of 40 nm nanoparticles in alveolar epithelial A549 cells was inhibited after depletion of cholesterol in the plasma membrane (preventing caveolin-mediated endocytosis) and inhibition of clathrin-coated vesicles (preventing clathrin-mediated endocytosis). Our data showed that a combination of several distinguishable endocytotic uptake mechanisms are involved in the uptake of 40 nm polystyrene nanoparticles in both the macrophage and epithelial cell line.


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Brain metastasis, which occurs in 40%-60% of patients with advanced melanoma, has led directly to death in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the biological and molecular basis of melanoma brain metastases. In our previous study, we developed a model to study human melanoma brain metastasis and found that Stat3 activity was increased in human brain metastatic melanoma cells when compared with that in cutaneous melanoma cells. The increased activation of Stat3 is also responsible for affecting melanoma angiogenesis in vivo and melanoma cell invasion in vitro and significantly affecting the expression of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-2 in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, a member of a new family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signal transduction, termed suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) was found to negatively regulate the Janus kinase signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling cascade. Here we report that restoration of SOCS1 expression by transfecting of SOCS1-expressing vector effectively inhibited melanoma brain metastasis through inhibiting Stat3 activation and further affecting melanoma angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion in vitro, and significantly affected the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we used cDNA array to compare mRNA expression in the SOCS1-transfected and vector-transfected cell lines and found some genes are tightly correlated to the restoration of SOCS1. One of them is Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Cav-1 was reported to function as a tumor suppressor gene by several groups. Finally, the Cav-1 expression is up-regulated in SOCS1-overexpressing cell line. Further study found the regulation of Cav-1 by SOCS1 occurs through inhibiting Stat3 activation. Activated Stat3 binds directly to Cav-1 promoter and the Cav-1 promoter within -575bp is essential for active Stat3 binding. My studies reveal that Stat3 activation and SOCS1 expression play important roles in melanoma metastases. Moreover, the expression between SOCS1, Stat3 and Cav-1 forms a feedback regulation loop. ^


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Autocrine motility factor receptor (AMF-R) is a cell surface receptor that is also localized to a smooth subdomain of the endoplasmic reticulum, the AMF-R tubule. By postembedding immunoelectron microscopy, AMF-R concentrates within smooth plasmalemmal vesicles or caveolae in both NIH-3T3 fibroblasts and HeLa cells. By confocal microscopy, cell surface AMF-R labeled by the addition of anti-AMF-R antibody to viable cells at 4°C exhibits partial colocalization with caveolin, confirming the localization of cell surface AMF-R to caveolae. Labeling of cell surface AMF-R by either anti-AMF-R antibody or biotinylated AMF (bAMF) exhibits extensive colocalization and after a pulse of 1–2 h at 37°C, bAMF accumulates in densely labeled perinuclear structures as well as fainter tubular structures that colocalize with AMF-R tubules. After a subsequent 2- to 4-h chase, bAMF is localized predominantly to AMF-R tubules. Cytoplasmic acidification, blocking clathrin-mediated endocytosis, results in the essentially exclusive distribution of internalized bAMF to AMF-R tubules. By confocal microscopy, the tubular structures labeled by internalized bAMF show complete colocalization with AMF-R tubules. bAMF internalized in the presence of a 10-fold excess of unlabeled AMF labels perinuclear punctate structures, which are therefore the product of fluid phase endocytosis, but does not label AMF-R tubules, demonstrating that bAMF targeting to AMF-R tubules occurs via a receptor-mediated pathway. By electron microscopy, bAMF internalized for 10 min is located to cell surface caveolae and after 30 min is present within smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum tubules. AMF-R is therefore internalized via a receptor-mediated clathrin-independent pathway to smooth ER. The steady state localization of AMF-R to caveolae implicates these cell surface invaginations in AMF-R endocytosis.


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Endocytic uptake and intracellular transport of acidic FGF was studied in cells transfected with FGF receptor 4 (FGFR4). Acidification of the cytosol to block endocytic uptake from coated pits did not inhibit endocytosis of the growth factor in COS cells transfected with FGFR4, indicating that it is to a large extent taken up by an alternative endocytic pathway. Fractionation of the cells demonstrated that part of the growth factor receptor was present in a low-density, caveolin-containing fraction, but we were unable to demonstrate binding to caveolin in immunoprecipitation studies. Upon treatment of the cells with acidic FGF, the activated receptor, together with the growth factor, moved to a juxtanuclear compartment, which was identified as the recycling endosome compartment. When the cells were lysed with Triton X-100, 3-([3-chloramidopropyl]dimethylammonio)-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate, or 2-octyl glucoside, almost all surface-exposed and endocytosed FGFR4 was solubilized, but only a minor fraction of the total FGFR4 in the cells was found in the soluble fraction. The data indicate that the major part of FGFR4 is anchored to detergent-insoluble structures, presumably cytoskeletal elements associated with the recycling endosome compartment.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a major source of lipid-derived second messenger molecules that function as both intracellular and extracellular signals. PC-specific phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAP) are two pivotal enzymes in this signaling system, and they act in series to generate the biologically active lipids phosphatidic acid (PA) and diglyceride. The identity of the PAP enzyme involved in PLD-mediated signal transduction is unclear. We provide the first evidence for a functional role of a type 2 PAP, PAP2b, in the metabolism of PLD-generated PA. Our data indicate that PAP2b localizes to regions of the cell in which PC hydrolysis by PLD is taking place. Using a newly developed PAP2b-specific antibody, we have characterized the expression, posttranslational modification, and localization of endogenous PAP2b. Glycosylation and localization of PAP2b appear to be cell type and tissue specific. Biochemical fractionation and immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that PAP2b and PLD2 activities are present in caveolin-1–enriched detergent-resistant membrane microdomains. We found that PLD2 and PAP2b act sequentially to generate diglyceride within this specialized membrane compartment. The unique lipid composition of these membranes may provide a selective environment for the regulation and actions of enzymes involved in signaling through PC hydrolysis.