918 resultados para Cause or consequence


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The effect of salinity (0, 10 & 20‰, water temperature 28 ± 1°C) and food ration (3 and 4.5% bw/day) on food consumption and growth of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (10.77 ± 0.21g) were investigated. Individual food consumption was measured using X-radiography technique. Salinities (0, 10 & 20‰) did not have significant effect on the growth rate of groups of Nile tilapia fed at different ration levels (3 & 4.5% bw/day). This study showed that the growth of all-male fish was significantly better than all-female fish for all three salinities and two rations. Salinities from 0 to 20‰ had no effect on growth performance of males or female fish. In the present study, it was evident that fish fed at 3% bw/day ration ate all the food offered and fish fed at 4.5% bw/day did not consumed all amounts. Also, growth performance did not significantly differ among fish fed at 3% bw/day ration level and reared at different salinities. Fish reared under higher salinities (20‰) and fed at higher ration (4.5% bw/day) level had skin lesions and injuries on their body. It was assumed that fish fed at higher ration under higher salinities (20‰) and maintained higher osmoregulatory costs together with osmotic stress may have a negative influence on the appetite of fish. Another possibility that may have affected the appetite could be the unionized ammonia levels that were high. The high-unionized ammonia levels combined with the osmotic stress may have been the cause, or have aided, development of skin lesions and injuries on the fish at higher salinities.


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Introduction: Shoulder impingement is one of the most common presentations of shoulder joint problems 1. It appears to be caused by a reduction in the sub-acromial space as the humerus abducts between 60o -120o – the 'painful arc'. Structures between the humeral head and the acromion are thus pinched causing pain and further pathology 2. Shoulder muscle activity can influence this joint space but it is unclear whether this is a cause or effect in impingement patients. This study aimed to observe muscle activation patterns in normal and impingement shoulder patients and determine if there were any significant differences. Method: 19 adult subjects were asked to perform shoulder abduction in their symptomatic arm and non-symptomatic. 10 of these subjects (age 47.9 ± 11.2) were screened for shoulder impingement, and 9 subjects (age 38.9 ± 14.3) had no history of shoulder pathology. Surface EMG was used to collect data for 6 shoulder muscles (Upper, middle and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, infraspinatus, middle deltoids) which was then filtered and fully rectified. Subjects performed 3 smooth unilateral abduction movements at a cadence of 16 beats of a metronome set at 60bpm, and the mean of their results was recorded. T-tests were used to indicate any statistical significance in the data sets. Significance was set at P<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference in muscle activation with serratus anterior in particular showing a very low level of activation throughout the range when compared to normal shoulder activation patterns (<30%). Middle deltoid recruitment was significantly reduced between 60-90o in the impingement group (30:58%).Trends were noted in other muscles with upper trapezius and infraspinatus activating more rapidly and erratically (63:25%; 60:27% respectively), and lower trapezius with less recruitment (13:30%) in the patient group, although these did not quite reach significance. Conclusion: There appears to be some interesting alterations in muscle recruitment patterns in impingement shoulder patients when compared against their own unaffected shoulders and the control group. In particular changes in scapula control (serratus anterior and trapezius) and lateral rotation (infraspinatus), which have direct influence on the sub-acromial space, should be noted. It is still not clear whether these alterations are causative or reactionary, but this finding gives a clear indication to the importance of addressing muscle reeducation as part of a rehabilitation programme in shoulder impingement patients.


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Social exclusion and social capital are widely used concepts with multiple and ambiguous definitions. Their meanings and indicators partially overlap, and thus they are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to the inter-relations of economy and society. Both ideas could benefit from further specification and differentiation. The causes of social exclusion and the consequences of social capital have received the fullest elaboration, to the relative neglect of the outcomes of social exclusion and the genesis of social capital. This article identifies the similarities and differences between social exclusion and social capital. We compare the intellectual histories and theoretical orientations of each term, their empirical manifestations and their place in public policy. The article then moves on to elucidate further each set of ideas. A central argument is that the conflation of these notions partly emerges from a shared theoretical tradition, but also from insufficient theorizing of the processes in which each phenomenon is implicated. A number of suggestions are made for sharpening their explanatory focus, in particular better differentiating between cause and consequence, contextualizing social relations and social networks, and subjecting the policy 'solutions' that follow from each perspective to critical scrutiny. Placing the two in dialogue is beneficial for the further development of each.


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Background: Previous studies have not demonstrated a consistent association between potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) in older patients as defined by Beers criteria and avoidable adverse drug events (ADEs). This study aimed to assess whether PIMs defined by new STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriate Prescriptions) criteria are significantly associated with ADEs in older people with acute illness.

Methods: We prospectively studied 600 consecutive patients 65 years or older who were admitted with acute illness to a university teaching hospital over a 4-month interval. Potentially inappropriate medicines were defined by both Beers and STOPP criteria. Adverse drug events were defined by World Health Organization–Uppsala Monitoring Centre criteria and verified by a local expert consensus panel, which also assessed whether ADEs were causal or contributory to current hospitalization. Hallas criteria defined ADE avoidability.Wecompared the proportions of patients taking Beers criteria PIMs
and STOPP criteria PIMs with avoidable ADEs that were causal or contributory to admission.

Results: A total of 329 ADEs were detected in 158 of 600 patients (26.3%); 219 of 329 ADEs (66.6%) were considered causal or contributory to admission. Of the 219 ADEs, 151(68.9%)considered causal or contributory to admission were avoidable or potentially avoidable. After adjusting for age, sex, comorbidity, dementia, baseline activities of daily living function, and number of medications, the likelihood of a serious avoidable ADE increased significantly when STOPP PIMs were prescribed (odds ratio, 1.847; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.506-2.264; P.001); prescription of Beers criteria PIMs did not significantly increase ADE risk (odds ratio, 1.276; 95% CI, 0.945-1.722; P=.11).

Conclusion: STOPP criteria PIMs,unlike Beers criteria PIMs, are significantly associated with avoidable ADEs in older people that cause or contribute to urgent hospitalization.


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As the number of breast cancer survivors increases worldwide(1), there is growing interest in the potential effect of dietary and lifestyle behaviours on overall prognosis. This is especially important as a cancer diagnosis is often referred to as a ‘teachable moment’(2) as patients seek information about lifestyle behaviours and so provision of evidence-based guidelines is essential. A positive association between dietary fat and breast cancer risk has been previously reported(3) but its influence upon breast cancer survival is unclear. The aim of this review and meta-analysis is to critically appraise the literature published to date and to conduct meta-analyses to pool the results of studies to clarify the association between dietary fat and breast cancer survival.
Relevant articles published up to March 2011 that examined dietary fat and breast cancer recurrence and survival were identified from searches in MEDLINE and EMBASE. Meta-analyses were conducted in which we evaluated the risk of all-cause or breast cancer death in women in the highest compared with the lowest categories of total fat intake (g/d) and per 20 g increase in intake of dietary fat. Multivariable adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% CI from individual studies were weighted and combined using a random-effects model to produce a pooled estimate.
Twelve prospective cohort studies that investigated total fat intake (g) and breast cancer survival, and/or provided information on fat intake from which a linear trend could be estimated, were included in the analyses. There was no evidence of a difference in risk of breast cancer death (RR=1.14; 95% CI 0.86, 1.52; P=0.34) or all cause death (RR=1.73; 95% CI 0.82, 3.6; P=0.15) between the highest and lowest categories of total fat intake. Similarly, no significant difference in risk of breast cancer death (RR=1.03; 95% CI 0.97, 1.10; P=0.261) or all-cause death (RR=1.06; 95% CI 0.88, 1.28; P=0.52) was found per linear (20 g) increase in total fat intake.
The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis do not support an association between total dietary fat and breast cancer survival. Further investigation into the effect of specific types of dietary fat and breast cancer survival is of interest.


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Background: The influence of dietary fat upon breast cancer mortality remains largely understudied despite extensive investigation into its influence upon breast cancer risk 

Objective: To conduct meta-analyses of studies to clarify the association between dietary fat and breast cancer mortality Design: MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for relevant articles published up to March 2012. Risk of all-cause or breast cancer specific death was evaluated by combining multivariable adjusted estimates comparing highest versus lowest categories of intake; and per 20 gram increase in intake of total and/or saturated fat (g/day) using random-effects meta-analyses. 

Results: Fifteen prospective cohort studies investigating total fat and/or saturated fat intake (g/day) and breast cancer mortality were included. There was no difference in risk of breast cancer specific death (n = 6; HR = 1.14; 95% CI: 0.86, 1.52; P = 0.34) or all cause death (n = 4; HR = 1.73; 95% CI: 0.82, 3.6; P = 0.15) for women in the highest versus lowest category of total fat intake. Breast cancer specific death (n = 5; HR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.19, 2.24; p <0.01) was higher for women in the highest versus lowest category of saturated fat intake. 

Conclusions: These meta-analyses have shown that saturated fat intake negatively impacts upon breast cancer survival.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Supeior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob a orientação da Doutora Sandrina Francisca Teixeira


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Terminal heart failure can be the cause or the result of major dysfunctions of the organisms. Although, the outcome of the natural history is the same in both situations, it is of prime importance to differentiate the two, as only heart failure as the primary cause allows for successful mechanical circulatory support as bridge to transplantation or towards recovery. Various objective parameters allow for the establishment of the diagnosis of terminal heart failure despite optimal medical treatment. A cardiac index <2.0 l/min, and a mixed venous oxygen saturation <60%, in combination with progressive renal failure, should trigger a diagnostic work-up in order to identify cardiac defects that can be corrected or to list the patient for transplantation with/without mechanical circulatory support.


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Un résumé en anglais est également disponible. Ce texte est également disponible au http://www.erudit.org/revue/efg/2004/v/n1/008896ar.html


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La question de la responsabilité pénale des intermédiaires techniques est un enjeu central et actuel dans la réglementation du cyberespace. Non seulement les implications économiques sont énormes mais c'est tout le cadre juridique de la responsabilité pénale des intermédiaires techniques qui est en cause. Or, l'environnement Internet comporte des spécificités qui rendent difficiles l'imputation de responsabilité à l'auteur de l'activité illicite qui peut alors se retrouver hors d'atteinte ou insolvable. La poursuite des intermédiaires techniques devient alors une solution envisageable aux autorités chargées de réprimer les délits, compte tenu de l'état de leur solvabilité et dans la mesure où ils sont plus facilement identifiables. Par le fait même, ces derniers se retrouvent alors pris dans l'engrenage judiciaire pour n'avoir que facilité la commission de l'activité en question, n'ayant aucunement pris part à la réalisation de celle-ci. L'absence dans le corpus législatif canadien d'un régime de responsabilité spécifiquement applicable aux intermédiaires techniques nous oblige à baliser les critères qui emportent leur responsabilité pénale, à partir de «principes directeurs» d'imputabilité se dégageant de plusieurs textes nationaux et internationaux. Dans ce contexte, le mémoire étudiera, dans un premier temps, les conditions d'ouverture de la responsabilité pénale des intermédiaires techniques en droit pénal canadien et, dans un deuxième temps, répondra à la question de savoir si le droit pénal canadien en matière d'imputabilité des intermédiaires techniques est conforme aux principes directeurs ressortant de normes et pratiques internationales.


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La Ciencia Política siempre ha buscado profundizar en el fenómeno del poder y sus causas. Las teorías han cambiado conforme a las circunstancias sociales a lo largo de la historia; no obstante, en la actualidad las dinámicas de comunicación facilitadas por elementos tecnológicos han generado coyunturas sin antecedentes como la ocurrida en Colombia el 4 de febrero de 2008 “Un Millón de voces contra las FARC” La generalización en el uso de Internet y –sobre todo- las redes sociales ha producido un acelerado nivel de activismo debido a la facilidad de cooperación y coordinación que se deriva de estructuras en red. Es sano pensar en una reevaluación de la teoría tradicional del poder vertical y traer al campo teórico nuevos elementos que generen herramientas de análisis sobre comunicación, poder horizontal, activismo y oportunidades políticas. El nacimiento de lo que algunos llaman “sociedad informacional” es lo que permitirá describir el concepto de “noopolitik”. Las que otrora eran movilizaciones políticas costosas y exigentes en recursos de coordinación y tiempo han venido siendo reemplazadas por explosiones de activismo catalizadas por un sentimiento común que han sabido servirse de las ventajas tecnológicas para lograr sus objetivos. Bien habla de ello el caso de estudio de esta investigación al ser la movilización más grande registrada, con más de 12 millones de personas alrededor del mundo y con el uso protagónico de redes sociales. El valor de la información –y por supuesto su difusión-, es ahora uno de los principales asuntos de la Ciencia Política moderna.


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Introducción: El tratamiento con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (anti TNF) ha impactado el pronóstico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR) positivamente, sin embargo, se interroga un incremento en el riesgo de desarrollar melanoma. Objetivo: Conocer la asociación entre el uso de anti TNF y el desarrollo de melanoma maligno en pacientes con AR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE LIBRARY y LILACS para ensayos clínicos, estudios observacionales, revisiones y meta-análisis en pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de AR y manejo con anti TNF (Certolizumab pegol, Adalimumab, Etanercept, Infliximab y Golimumab). Resultados: 37 estudios clínicos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para el meta-análisis, con una población de 16567 pacientes. El análisis de heterogeneidad no fue significativo (p=1), no se encontró diferencia en el riesgo entre los grupos comparados DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.001; -0.001). Un análisis adicional de los estudios en los que se reportó al menos 1 caso de melanoma (4222 pacientes) tampoco mostró diferencia en el riesgo DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.004 ; -0.003). Conclusión: En la evidencia disponible a la fecha no encontramos asociación significativa entre el tratamiento con anti TNF en pacientes con diagnóstico de AR y el desarrollo de melanoma cutáneo.


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Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo, médico vs quirúrgico


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El propósito del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre el papel de Brasil en el actual proceso de integración sudamericana. Nuestra tesis es que dicho rol es a la vez causa y consecuencia de dos realidades a las que se refieren el exsecretario de Estado Norteamericano y la excandidata del Partido de los Trabajadores y actual presidenta de Brasil en los epígrafes anteriores, es decir, que Brasil se está convirtiendo en una potencia y que una de las claves de eso es el proceso de internacionalización de las empresas que operan en su territorio. Nos interesa plantear la tesis de que la convergencia de una serie de factores a partir de mediados de la década de 1990 es lo que posibilita que Brasil se haya convertido en el pivote del proceso de integración que, buscando la construcción de un espacio sudamericano integrado como objetivo estratégico, se despliega en varios ámbitos: económico, de infraestructura, político e incluso militar.


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Background: Impairments in explicit memory have been observed in Holocaust survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder. Methods: To evaluate which memory components are preferentially affected, the California Verbal Learning Test was administered to Holocaust survivors with (n = 36) and without (n = 26) posttraumatic stress disorder, and subjects not exposed to the Holocaust (n = 40). Results: Posttraumatic stress disorder subjects showed impairments in learning and short-term and delayed retention compared to nonexposed subjects; survivors without posttraumatic stress disorder did not. Impairments in learning, but not retention, were retained after controlling fir intelligence quotient. Older age was associated with poorer learning and memory performance in the posttraumatic stress disorder group only. Conclusions: The most robust impairment observed in posttraumatic stress disorder was in verbal learning, which may be a risk factor for or consequence of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder. The negative association between performance and age may reflect accelerated cognitive decline in posttraumatic stress disorder.