990 resultados para Caucasus, South--Maps


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Comprehensive geochronological and isotope-geochemical studies showed that the Late Quaternary Elbrus Volcano (Greater Caucasus) experienced long (approximately 200 ka) discrete evolution with protracted periods of igneous quiescence (approximately 50 ka) between large-scale eruptions. Volcanic activity of Elbrus is subdivided into three phases: Middle Neopleistocene (225-170 ka), Late Neopleistocene (110-70 ka), and Late Neopleistocene - Holocene (earlier than 35 ka). Petrogeochemical and isotope (Sr-Nd-Pb) signatures of Elbrus lavas point to their mantle-crustal origin. It was shown that hybrid parental magmas of the volcano formed due to mixing and/or contamination of deep-seated mantle melts by Paleozoic upper crustal material of the Greater Caucasus. Mantle reservoir that participated in genesis of Elbrus lavas as well as most other Neogene-Quaternary magmatic rocks of Caucasus was represented by the lower mantle "Caucasus" source. Primary melts generated by this source in composition corresponded to K-Na subalkali basalts with the following isotopic characteristics: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7041+/-0.0001, e-Nd = +4.1+/-0.2, 147Sm/144Nd = 0.105-0.114, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.72, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.78. Temporal evolution of isotope characteristics for lavas of the Elbrus Volcano is well described by a Sr-Nd mixing hyperbole between "Caucasus" source and estimated average composition of the Paleozoic upper crust of the Greater Caucasus. It was shown that, with time, proportions of mantle material in parental magmas of Elbrus gently increased: from ~60% at the Middle-Neopleistocene phase of activity to ~80% at the Late Neopleistocene - Holocene phase, which indicates an increase of activity of a deep-seated source at decreasing input of crustal melts or contamination with time. Unraveled evolution of the volcano with discrete eruption events, lacking signs of cessation of the Late Neopleistocene - Holocene phase, increasing contribution of the deep-seated mantle source in genesis of Elbrus lavas with time as deduced from isotope-geochemical data, as well as numerous geophysical and geological evidence indicate that Elbrus is a potentially active volcano and its eruptions may be resumed. Possible scenarios were proposed for evolution of the volcano, if its eruptive activity continued.


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The paper reports newly obtained stratigraphic, petrographic, and isotope geochronology data on modern moderately acid lavas from the Keli Highland of the Greater Caucasus and presents a geological map of the territory, in which 35 volcanoes active in Late Quaternary time were documented by the authors. Total duration of volcanic activity at the highland was estimated at 250 ka. Volcanic activity was discrete and occurred in three phases: Middle Neopleistocene (245-170 ka), Late Neopleistocene (135-70 ka), and Late Neopleistocene-Holocene (<30 ka). Newly obtained lines of evidence indicate that certain volcanoes erupted in the latest Neopleistocene-Holocene. The first phase of volcanic activity was connected mainly with lava volcanoes, and eruptions during the later phases of volcanic activity in this part of the Greater Caucasus produced mainly lavas. The most significant eruptions are demonstrated to occur in the territory during the second phase. The major evolutionary trends of volcanic processes during the final phase in the Keli Highland are determined. It was also determined that overwhelming majority of volcanoes that were active less than 30 ka BP are spatially restricted to long-liven local magmatic zones, which were active during either all three or only the final two phases of activity. These parts of the territory are, perhaps, the most hazardous in terms of volcanic activity.


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Based on data from R.V. Pelagia, R.V. Sonne and R.V. Meteor multibeam sonar surveys, a high resolution bathymetry was generated for the Mozambique Ridge. The mapping area is divided into five sheets, one overview and four sub-sheets. The boundaries are (west/east/south/north): Sheet 1: 28°30' E/37°00' E/36°20' S/24°50' S; Sheet 2: 32°45' E/36°45' E/28°20' S/25°20' S; Sheet 3: 31°30' E/36°45' E/30°20' S/28°10' S; Sheet 4: 30°30' E/36°30' E/33°15' S/30°15' S; Sheet 5: 28°30' E/36°10' E/36°20' S/33°10' S. Each sheet was generated twice: one from swath sonar bathymetry only, the other one is completed with depths from ETOPO2 predicted bathymetry. Basic outcome of the investigation are Digital Terrain Models (DTM), one for each sheet with 0.05 arcmin (~91 meter) grid spacing and one for the entire area (sheet 1) with 0.1 arcmin grid spacing. The DTM's were utilized for contouring and generating maps. The grid formats are NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and ASCII (ESRI ArcGIS exchange format). The Maps are formatted as jpg-images and as small sized PNG (Portable Network Graphics) preview images. The provided maps have a paper size of DIN A0 (1189 x 841 mm).


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Based on data from R/V Sonne multibeam sonar surveys in 2005 a high resolution bathymetry was generated for the Mozambique Basin. The area covers approx. 466,475 sqkm. The mapping area is divided into four sheets with boundaries (west/east/south/north): Sheet I (north-west), 37:00/39:45/-24:00/-20:20; Sheet II (north-east), 39:45/42:30/-24:00/-20:20; Sheet III (south-west), 37:00/39:45/-27:40/-24:00; Sheet IV (south-east), 39:45/42:30/-27:40/-24:00. Basic outcome of the investigation are Digital Terrain Models (DTM), one for each sheet with 0.05 arcmin (~91 meter) grid spacing and one for the entire area with 0.1 arcmin grid spacing. The DTM's were utilized for contouring and generating maps. Moreover the measured bathymetry was combined and compared with GEBCO bathymetry and predicted bathymetry, derived from altimeter satellites. The provided maps have a paper size of DIN A0 (1188.9 x 841 mm).


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Fluctuations in the length of 72 glaciers in the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefield (NPI and SPI, respectively) and the Cordillera Darwin Icefield (CDI) were estimated between 1945 and 2005. The information obtained from historical maps based on 1945 aerial photographs was compared to ASTER and Landsat satellite images and to information found in the literature. The majority of glaciers have retreated considerably, with maximum values of 12.2 km for Marinelli Glacier in the CDI, 11.6 km for O'Higgins Glacier in the SPI and 5.7 km for San Rafael Glacier in the NPI. Among the 20 glaciers that have retreated the most relative to their size, small (less than 50 km**2) and medium (between 50 and 200 km**2) glaciers are the most affected. However, no direct relation between glacier retreat and size was found for the 72 glaciers studied. The highest percentage retreat in the CDI was by the CDI-03 Glacier (37.9%) and Marinelli Glacier (37.6%). In the SPI, relative retreats were heterogeneous and fluctuated between 27.2% (Amelia Glacier) and 0.4% (Viedma Glacier). In the NPI, relative retreat was very high for Strindberg and Cachet glaciers (35.9% and 27.6%, respectively) but for the remaining glaciers in this icefield it ranged between 11.8% (Piscis Glacier) and 3.6% (San Quintin Glacier). In addition to surface area, the surface slope (calculated on the basis of the DEM SRTM) was also related to the relative retreat and no straightforward relation was found. From a global point of view, we suggest that glacier retreat in the region is controlled firstly by atmospheric warming, as it has been reported in this area. Besides the general increase in temperature observed, no signal of a geographical pattern for the fluctuations in glacier length was found. Consequently, glaciers appear to initially react to local conditions most probably induced by their exposition, geometry and hypsometry. The heterogeneity of rates of retreat suggests that differences in basin geometry, glacier dynamics and response time are key features to explain fluctuations of each glacier.


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Based on the map of landscapes and permafrost conditions in Yakutia (Merzlotno-landshaftnaya karta Yakutskoi0 ASSR, Gosgeodeziya SSSR, 1991), rasterized maps of permafrost temperature and active-layer thickness of Yakutia, East Siberia were derived. The mean and standard deviation at 0.5-degree grid cell size are estimated by assigning a probability density function at 0.001-degree spatial resolution. Spatial pattern of both variables are dominated by a climatic gradient from north to south, and by mountains and the soil type distribution. Uncertainties are highest in mountains and in the sporadic permafrost zone in the south. The maps are best suited as a benchmark for land surface models which include a permafrost module.


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Distribution patterns of the most important pollen types from southern European and northwest African source areas for the 18,000 years B.P. time slice are reconstructed from pollen records of 14 well-dated deep-sea cores located between 37° and 9°N and compared with the modern pollen distribution in this area. It is concluded that the belt with maximum African Easterly Jet transport did not shift latitudinally during the last glacial-interglacial transition but remained at about 20°N. Furthermore, it is substantiated that the trade winds did not shift latitudinally during the last glacial-interglacial transition. This evidence is not compatible with an atmospheric circulation model that assumes a zone of surface westerlies in the northern part of northwest Africa. Trade winds during glacial episodes did, however, intensify, especially from about 36° to 24° N.