999 resultados para Cascade reactions


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The E-CO(2) elimination reactions of alkyl hydroperoxides proceed via abstraction of an (x-hydrogen by a base: X- + (RRHCOOH)-R-1-H-2 -> HX + (RRC)-R-1-C-2=O + HO-. Efficiencies and product distributions for the reactions of the hydroxide anion with methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl hydroperoxides are studied in the gas phase. On the basis of experiments using three isotopic analogues, HO- + CH3OOH, HO- + CD3OOH, and H18O- + CH3OOH. the overall intrinsic reaction efficiency is determined to be 80% or greater. The E(CO)2 decomposition is facile for these methylperoxide reactions, and predominates over competing proton transfer at the hydroperoxide moiety. The CH3CH2OOH reaction displays a similar E(CO)2 reactivity, whereas proton transfer and the formation of HOO- are the exclusive pathways observed for (CH3)(3)COOH, which has no (x-hydrogen. All results are consistent with the E-CO(2) mechanism, transition state structure, and reaction energy diagrams calculated using the hybrid density functional B3LYP approach. Isotope labeling for HO- + CH3OOH also reveals some interaction between H2O and HO- within the E(CO)2 product complex [H2O center dot center dot center dot CH2=O center dot center dot center dot HO-]. There is little evidence, however. for the formation of the most exothermic products H2O + CH2(OH)O-, which would arise from nuclephilic condensation of CH2=O and HO-. The results suggest that the product dynamics are not totally statistical but are rather direct after the E-CO(2) transition state. The larger HO- + CH3CH2OOH system displays more statistical behavior during complex dissociation.


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The gas phase degradation reactions of the chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulant, dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), with the hydroperoxide anion (HOO(-)) were investigated using a modified quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The HOO(-) anion reacts readily with neutral DMMP forming two significant product ions at m/z 109 and m/z 123. The major reaction pathways correspond to (i) the nucleophilic substitution at carbon to form \[CH(3)P(O)(OCH(3))O](-) (m/z 109) in a highly exothermic process and (ii) exothermic proton transfer. The branching ratios of the two reaction pathways, 89% and 11% respectively, indicate that the former reaction is significantly faster than the latter. This is in contrast to the trend for the methoxide anion with DMMP, where proton transfer dominates. The difference in the observed reactivities of the HOO(-) and CH(3)O(-) anions can be considered as evidence for an a-effect in the gas phase and is supported by electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory that indicate the S(N)2(carbon) process has an activation energy 7.8 kJ mol(-1) lower for HOO(-) as compared to CH(3)O(-). A similar alpha-effect was calculated for nucleophilic addition-elimination at phosphorus, but this process an important step in the perhydrolysis degradation of CWAs in solution - was not observed to occur with DMMP in the gas phase. A theoretical investigation revealed that all processes are energetically accessible with negative activation energies. However, comparison of the relative Arrhenius pre-exponential factors indicate that substitution at phosphorus is not kinetically competitive with respect to the S(N)2(carbon) and deprotonation processes.


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The alkaline perhydrolysis of the nerve agent O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate (VX) was investigated by studying the ion-molecule reactions of HOO(-) with O,S-dimethyl methylphosphonothioate in a modified linear ion-trap mass spectrometer. In addition to simple proton transfer, two other abundant product ions are observed at m/z 125 and 109 corresponding to the S-methyl methylphosphonothioate and methyl methylphosphonate anions, respectively. The structure of these product ions is demonstrated by a combination of collision-induced dissociation and isotope-labeling experiments that also provide evidence for their formation by nucleophilic reaction pathways, namely, (i) S(N)2 at carbon to yield the S-methyl methylphosphonothioate anion and (ii) nucleophilic addition at phosphorus affording a reactive pentavalent intermediate that readily undergoes internal sulfur oxidation and concomitant elimination of CH(3)SOH to yield the methyl methylphosphonate anion. Consistent with previous Solution phase observations of VX perhydrolysis, the toxic P-O cleavage product is not observed in this VX model system and theoretical calculations identify P-O cleavage to be energetically uncompetitive. Conversely, intramolecular sulfur oxidation is calculated to be extremely exothermic and kinetically accessible explaining its competitiveness with the facile gas phase proton transfer process. Elimination of a sulfur moiety deactivates the nerve agent VX and thus the intramolecular sulfur oxidation process reported here is also able to explain the selective perhydrolysis of the nerve agent to relatively nontoxic products.


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Modulation and control of a cascade multilevel static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) configuration to improve the quality of voltage generated by wind power systems are presented. The proposed STATCOM configuration needs only four dc-link capacitors and 24 switches to synthesise nine-level operation. In addition to that, switching losses are further reduced by splitting the voltage source inverter of the STATCOM into two units called the `bulk inverter` and the `conditioning inverter`. The high-power bulk inverter is operated at low frequency whereas the low-power conditioning inverter is operated at high frequency to suppress harmonics produced by the bulk inverter. Fluctuations at the point of common coupling voltage, caused by sudden wind changes, are suppressed by controlling reactive power of the STATCOM. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques used in the STATCOM.


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Purpose To investigate the effects of a natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin versus aqueous cream for preventing and managing radiation induced skin reactions (RISR). Methods and Materials A total of 174 patients were randomised and participated in the study. Patients either received Cream 1 (the natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin) or Cream 2 (aqueous cream). Skin toxicity, pain, itching and skin-related quality of life scores were collected for up to four weeks after radiation treatment. Results Patients who received Cream 1 had a significantly lower average level of Common Toxicity Criteria at week 3 (p<0.05), but had statistically higher average levels of skin toxicity at weeks 7, 8 and 9 (all p<0.001). Similar results were observed when skin toxicity was analysed by grades. With regards to pain, patients in the Cream 2 group had a significantly higher average level of worst pain (p<0.05) and itching (p=0.046) compared to the Cream 1 group at week 3, however these differences were not observed at other weeks. In addition, there was a strong trend for Cream 2 to reduce the incidence of grade 2 or more skin toxicity in comparison to Cream 1 (p=0.056). Overall, more participants in the Cream 1 group were required to use another topical treatment at weeks 8 (p=0.049) and 9 (p=0.01). Conclusion The natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin appears to have similar effects for managing skin toxicity compared to aqueous cream up to week 5, however, it becomes significantly less effective at later weeks into the radiation treatment and beyond treatment completion (week 6 and beyond). There were no major differences in pain, itching and skin-related quality of life. In light of these results, clinicians and patients can base their decision on costs and preferences. Overall, aqueous cream appears to be a more preferred option.


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A new small full bridge module for MMCC research is presented. Each full bridge converter cell is a single small (65 × 30 mm) multilayer PCB with two low voltage high current (22 V, 40 A) integrated half bridge ICs and the necessary isolated control signals and auxiliary power supply (2500 V isolation). All devices are surface mount, minimising cell height (4 mm) and parasitic inductance. Each converter cell can be physically stacked with PCB connectors propagating the control signals and inter-cell power connections. Many cells can be trivially stacked to create a large multilevel converter leg with isolated auxiliary power and control signals. Any of the MMCC family members is then easily formed. With a change in placement of stacking connector, a parallel connection of bridges is also possible. Operation of a nine level parallel full bridge is demonstrated at 12 V and 384 kHz switching frequency delivering a 30 W 2 kHz sinewave into a resistive load. A number of new applications for this novel module aside from MMCC development are listed.


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A nine level modular multilevel cascade converter (MMCC) based on four full bridge cells is shown driving a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer at 71 and 39 kHz, in simulation and experimentally. The modular cells are small stackable PCBs, each with two fully integrated surface mount 22 V, 40 A MOSFET half-bridge converters, and include all control signal and power isolation. In this work, the bridges operate at 12 V and 384 kHz, to deliver a 96 Vpp 9 level waveform with an effective switching frequency of 3 MHz. A 9 pH air cored inductor forms a low pass filter in conjunction with the 3000 pF capacitance of the transducer load. Eight equally phase-displaced naturally sampled pulse width modulation (PWM) drive signals, along with the modulating sinusoid, are generated using phase accumulation techniques in a dedicated FPGA. Experimental time domain and FFT plots of the multilevel and transducer output waveforms are presented and discussed.


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Additional converters that are used to interface energy storage devices incur power losses as well as increased system cost and complexity. The need for additional converters can be eliminated if the grid side inverter can itself be effectively used as the interface for energy storage. This paper therefore proposes a technique whereby the grid side inverter can also be used as an interface to connect a supercapacitor energy storage for wind energy conversion systems. The proposed grid side inverter is formed by cascading a 3-level inverter and a 2-level inverter through a coupling transformer. The three-level inverter is the main inverter and it is powered by the rectified output of the wind turbine coupled AC generator while the 2-level auxiliary inverter is connected to the super capacitor bank that is used to compensate short term power fluctuations. Novel modulation and control techniques are proposed to address the problems associated with non-integer and dynamically-changing dc-link voltage ratio, which is caused by the random nature of wind. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed system in suppressing short term wind power fluctuations.


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Modulation and control of a cascade multilevel inverter, which has a high potential in future wind generation applications, are presented. The inverter is a combination of a high power, three level “bulk inverter” and a low power “conditioning inverter”. To minimize switching losses, the bulk inverter operates at a low frequency producing square wave outputs while high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. This paper proposes an improved Space Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm and a neutral point potential balancing technique for the inverter. Furthermore, a maximum power tracking controller for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) is described in detail. The proposed SVM technique eliminates most of the computational burdens on the digital controller and renders a greater controllability under varying DC-link voltage conditions. The DC-link capacitor voltage balancing of both bulk and conditioning inverters is carried out using Redundant State Selection (RSS) method and is explained in detail. Experimental results are presented to verify the proposed modulation and control techniques.


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This paper presents a novel STATCOM configuration for voltage quality improvement in wind power generation systems. The proposed STATCOM is formed by cascading two 3-level inverters, `bulk inverter' and `conditioning inverter', through a coupling transformer. Both inverters are powered by dc-link capacitors and they are charged by a small amount of active power drawn from the grid. To minimize switching losses, the high power bulk inverter operates at low frequency while low power high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. With only 24 switches this topology can synthesize a nine level inverter, if the dc-link voltage ratio is maintained at 3:1. Modulation and control techniques have been developed to meet this requirement. Reactive power of the STATCOM is controlled to mitigate voltage sags or swells caused by sudden wind changes. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques used in the STATCOM.


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Supervision is a highly valued component of practitioner training. This chapter discusses the following: factors influencing perceived satisfaction and alliance; and how satisfaction, alliance, and supervision relationships are currently measured; and reviews issues with the concept and its assessment. Given the importance of the supervisory relationship and of the supervisory alliance for the effectiveness of supervision and for the welfare of supervisees, the routine, repeated measurement of both these concepts, together with supervisee satisfaction, also assumes considerable utility. The chapter describes a selection of some commonly used measures: Supervisee Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ), Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ), Supervisory Relationship Measure (SRM), Supervision Attitude Scale (SAS), Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory (SWAI), Supervisory Styles Inventory (SSI), Role Conflict and Ambiguity Inventory (RCAIC), and Evaluation Process within Supervision Inventory (EPSI).


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Study Design: Comparative analysis Background: Calculations of lower limbs kinetics are limited by floor-mounted force-plates. Objectives: Comparison of hip joint moments, power and mechanical work on the prosthetic limb of a transfemoral amputee calculated by inverse dynamics using either the ground reactions (force-plates) or knee reactions (transducer). Methods: Kinematics, ground reactions and knee reactions were collected using a motion analysis system, two force-plates and a multi-axial transducer mounted below the socket, respectively. Results: The inverse dynamics using ground reactions under-estimated the peaks of hip energy generation and absorption occurring at 63 % and 76 % of the gait cycle (GC) by 28 % and 54 %, respectively. This method over-estimated a phase of negative work at the hip (from 37 %GC to 56 %GC) by 24%. It under-estimated the phases of positive (from 57 %GC to 72 %GC) and negative (from 73 %GC to 98 %GC) work at the hip by 11 % and 58%, respectively. Conclusions: A transducer mounted within the prosthesis has the capacity to provide more realistic kinetics of the prosthetic limb because it enables assessment of multiple consecutive steps and a wide range of activities without issues of foot placement on force-plates. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The hip is the only joint that an amputee controls directly to set in motion the prosthesis. Hip joint kinetics are associated with joint degeneration, low back pain, risks of fall, etc. Therefore, realistic assessment of hip kinetics over multiple gait cycles and a wide range of activities is essential.


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To the Editor—Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis whole-cell (DTwP) and acellular (DTaP) vaccines are the 2 main pertussis-contained vaccines. DTwP, developed in the 1930s, has contributed to the reduction of pertussis, but has often been associated with vaccine-related adverse reactions (ARs) [1]. This had severely affected the public confidence in immunization programs, followed by decreased vaccine coverage and pertussis outbreaks in many industrialized countries in the 1970s [2]. DTaP, which was developed in the 1980s and replaced DTwP in developed countries in the 1990s, has been associated with fewer ARs due to removal/reduction of endotoxin [1]. China began replacing DTwP with DTaP in its national immunization programs in December 2007, and its passive Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) surveillance system was established in 2005 [3]. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report indicates that the planet is warming at...