993 resultados para Carlos S. Nino
A preliminary statistical analysis was undertaken to evaluate whether the effect of El Nino events is apparent in variables related to hydrologic behavior. Annual precipitation, temperature and streamflow were used for three locations in Oregon representing coastal, Willamette Valley/Cascade and eastern Oregon regions. The mean and variance for periods of El Nino occurrence vs. those with no El Nino were computed. Numerical differences were observed but were not consistent across all stations. The coastal area showed a decrease in mean precipitation and increase in mean streamflow during El Nino events. Other stations showed a positive increase in mean for both precipitation and streamflow for El Nino events. Variance of precipitation was greater in the coastal area but smaller in other areas and vice versa for streamflow during El Nino events. Statistical analyses indicated no significant differences of means, variances or distributions using nonparametric tests for El Nino vs. non-El Nino series.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The history of the El Nino phenomena is recorded in both the fluvial and coastal sediments of northern Peru. The fluvial record was presented at the 1987 PACLIM Workshop and is discussed in detail elsewhere (Wells, 1987). However, the number of radiocarbon dated El Nino events has increased since Wells (1987) was published; this data is presented in Table 1.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 1983 El Nino resulted in a decrease in the flux of diatoms and planktonic foraminiferans into the Santa Barbara basin. These may both be related to the decrease in productivity and therefore standing crops of these two groups.
En esta colección de la Serie Documentos presentamos a los dibujantes y artistas que pasaron por nuestra institución, lo que representa una tarea nada fácil. Sin embargo, con las imperfecciones del caso, iniciamos este trabajo esperando que, en un futuro próximo, esta iniciativa sea continuada dentro de las diferentes Divisiones que conforman la estructura de nuestro Museo. En este segundo artículo mostramos algunas de las imágenes que pudimos rescatar de Carlos Andrés Tremouilles, formado en la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes y perteneciente a una dinastía de dibujantes del Museo de La Plata. Su padre Carlos Hipólito y su hijo Carlos también fueron dibujantes de esa institución. Colaboró con Emiliano Mac Donagh y con Raúl A. Ringuelet para ilustrar trabajos sobre nuestra ictiofauna. En 1959 fue reconocido por las autoridades del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoología desarrollado en el Museo de La Plata. Realizó restauraciones de obras pictóricas, guardas y vitrales. Su versatilidad, le permitió realizar también tareas en vitrinas de exhibición, montaje del laboratorio de C14 y reparación de instrumental en base a sus conocimientos de electrónica. Aquí presentamos una pequeña parte de su numerosa obra obtenida de acuarelas y dibujos de peces de los archivos de la División Zoología Vertebrados y los incorporados a las obras Peces marinos de la República Argentina de R. A. Ringuelet y R. H. Arámburu (1960) y Los peces argentinos de agua dulce de R. A. Ringuelet, R. H. Arámburu y A. A. de Arámburu (1967)
A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.
A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando informalmente, otro punto de unión en la “comunidad de ictiólogos iberoamericanos. Quizás esté equivocado en mi apreciación, pero creo que vale la pena este intento, ya que, con la colaboración generosa e insoslayable de los integrantes de este “universo”, señalaremos un registro en el tiempo de la Ictiología Neotropical.
A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando informalmente, otro punto de unión en la “comunidad de ictiólogos iberoamericanos. Quizás esté equivocado en mi apreciación, pero creo que vale la pena este intento, ya que, con la colaboración generosa e insoslayable de los integrantes de este “universo”, señalaremos un registro en el tiempo de la Ictiología Neotropical.
En esta colección de la Serie Documentos presentamos a los dibujantes y artistas que pasaron por nuestra institución, lo que representa una tarea nada fácil. Sin embargo, con las imperfecciones del caso, iniciamos este trabajo esperando que, en un futuro próximo, esta iniciativa sea continuada dentro de las diferentes Divisiones que conforman la estructura de nuestro Museo. En este segundo artículo mostramos algunas de las imágenes que pudimos rescatar de Carlos Andrés Tremouilles, formado en la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes y perteneciente a una dinastía de dibujantes del Museo de La Plata. Su padre Carlos Hipólito y su hijo Carlos también fueron dibujantes de esa institución. Colaboró con Emiliano Mac Donagh y con Raúl A. Ringuelet para ilustrar trabajos sobre nuestra ictiofauna. En 1959 fue reconocido por las autoridades del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoología desarrollado en el Museo de La Plata. Realizó restauraciones de obras pictóricas, guardas y vitrales. Su versatilidad, le permitió realizar también tareas en vitrinas de exhibición, montaje del laboratorio de C14 y reparación de instrumental en base a sus conocimientos de electrónica. Aquí presentamos una pequeña parte de su numerosa obra obtenida de acuarelas y dibujos de peces de los archivos de la División Zoología Vertebrados y los incorporados a las obras Peces marinos de la República Argentina de R. A. Ringuelet y R. H. Arámburu (1960) y Los peces argentinos de agua dulce de R. A. Ringuelet, R. H. Arámburu y A. A. de Arámburu (1967).
The present paper deals with the influence of El Nino event on the summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan. The correlation between monthly rainfall of summer monsoon season and bi-Monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) has been calculated to see the influence of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall. MEI is bimonthly ENSO Index pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration. While study the correlation's with the ENSO events out side the Pacific Ocean MEI is more appropriate than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as MEI integrates complete information on ENSO viz. six oceanic and meteorological variables over the tropical Pacific. The results of the study show that there is a tendency of reduction in summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan during El Nino years. The deficiency in % rainfall is statistically significant up to 90% level during July and September months. It is interesting to note that Pakistan receives more than normal rainfall during summer monsoon season in the immediate following year after the El Nino event. The correlation analysis is also performed on the summer monsoon months for individual provinces of Pakistan. All provinces receive deficient rainfall during monsoon months. The deficiency in rainfall over Punjab during all monsoon months is significant, whereas the deficiency in rainfall is significant during July and August over NWFP and Sindh respectively. No significant impact of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall over Baluchistan is observed.
With the intermediate-complexity Zebiak-Cane model, we investigate the 'spring predictability barrier' (SPB) problem for El Nino events by tracing the evolution of conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP), where CNOP is superimposed on the El Nino events and acts as the initial error with the biggest negative effect on the El Nino prediction. We show that the evolution of CNOP-type errors has obvious seasonal dependence and yields a significant SPB, with the most severe occurring in predictions made before the boreal spring in the growth phase of El Nino. The CNOP-type errors can be classified into two types: one possessing a sea-surface-temperature anomaly pattern with negative anomalies in the equatorial central-western Pacific, positive anomalies in the equatorial eastern Pacific, and a thermocline depth anomaly pattern with positive anomalies along the Equator, and another with patterns almost opposite to those of the former type. In predictions through the spring in the growth phase of El Nino, the initial error with the worst effect on the prediction tends to be the latter type of CNOP error, whereas in predictions through the spring in the decaying phase, the initial error with the biggest negative effect on the prediction is inclined to be the former type of CNOP error. Although the linear singular vector (LSV)-type errors also have patterns similar to the CNOP-type errors, they cover a more localized area than the CNOP-type errors and cause a much smaller prediction error, yielding a less significant SPB. Random errors in the initial conditions are also superimposed on El Nino events to investigate the SPB. We find that, whenever the predictions start, the random errors neither exhibit an obvious season-dependent evolution nor yield a large prediction error, and thus may not be responsible for the SPB phenomenon for El Nino events. These results suggest that the occurrence of the SPB is closely related to particular initial error patterns. The two kinds of CNOP-type error are most likely to cause a significant SPB. They have opposite signs and, consequently, opposite growth behaviours, a result which may demonstrate two dynamical mechanisms of error growth related to SPB: in one case, the errors grow in a manner similar to El Nino; in the other, the errors develop with a tendency opposite to El Nino. The two types of CNOP error may be most likely to provide the information regarding the 'sensitive area' of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictions. If these types of initial error exist in realistic ENSO predictions and if a target method or a data assimilation approach can filter them, the ENSO forecast skill may be improved. Copyright (C) 2009 Royal Meteorological Society
To study how the air and sea interact with each other during El Nino/La Nina onsets, extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA) is adopted with the simple ocean data assimilation (SODA) data. The results show that as El Nino/La Nina's parents their behaviors are quite different, there does not exist a relatively independent tropical atmosphere but does exist a relatively independent tropical Pacific Ocean because the air is heated from the bottom surface instead of the top surface and of much stronger baroclinic instability than the sea and has a very large inter-tropical convergence zone covering the most tropical Pacific Ocean. The idea that it is the wester burst and wind convergence, coming from middle latitudes directly that produce the seawater eastward movement and meridional convergence in the upper levels and result in the typical El Nino sea surface temperature warm signal is confirmed again.
O desenvolvimento desta dissertação está vinculado ao projeto de RAD (recuperação de áreas degradadas) do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro, sendo seu objeto o processo de recuperação da voçoroca do Morro do Radar. Através da realização de uma investigação do comportamento hidrológico desta voçoroca após a implantação do projeto, buscou-se fornecer informações que possam constituir um subsdio à avaliação dos efeitos das práticas adotadas A metodologia utilizada compreendeu seis etapas: avaliação das variações da topografia local; monitoramento da precipitação; monitoramento da intercepção das chuvas promovida pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira; avaliação das propriedades fisico-hídricas dos solos em diferentes profundidades; avaliação dos potenciais matriciais e das cargas totais nos solos nas mesmas profundidades, através de gráficos e construção de mapas de equipotenciais; avaliação da relação entre os condicionantes locais e o desempenho das práticas de RAD. Os valores de intercepção pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira revelaram uma proteção eficaz do solo contra o impacto direto das águas pluviais. Os resultados de condutividade hidráulica mostraram uma boa relação com o comportamento das cargas de pressão e totais. Com relação à expanso e contração da zona de saturação, observou-se que a umidade antecedente está condicionando de forma decisiva o processo de expanso. Foi encontrada também ao longo de todas as discussões grande influência da topografia sobre os processos de recuperação, o que indica a importância do planejamento adequado da reconformação do talude. As áreas com menores declives apresentaram uma recuperação proporcionalmente mais rápida, o que se relacionou tanto ao estabelecimento da cobertura vegetal e à incorporação de serrapilheira, quanto à própria dinâmica hidro-erosiva inerente.